4 ' 1 I IS: 1 i L ii If I SEX LIFE OFGERMS BOTf in ISrfnrc Bupcrt Daflp I3cfog Trrarscfcry, October' 16, 1947 By HOWARD W. BLAKESLEE Associated Piess science Editor Mew haven, conn. ap By producing bacteria with digestive troubles, Yale University micro-biologists have found some of the first reliable evidence of sex life among germs. The studies wa made by Dr. Edward L. Tatum, professor of micro-biology, and Joshla Led-erberg of the department of botany and micro-biology. These bacteria, cscherchia coll, are single cells of tissue. Each cell is shaped like a rod. Scien- J tlsts have supposed there was no sex life in simple organisms and that sex begins higher up! tjje scale. I But the Yale evidence indicates that under some circum- .' stances, such as trying to cope with nutritional troubles, two of these coli cells may unite. In that union two rods may fuse. That' fusing may be like the union in human reproduction, wftere children come from the (delivered free) PHONE 654 25c PER DOZ. PAID for EMPTIES Please have them ready when the driver calls. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. , WW"- t fusion of two single cells, one from the father, the other from the mother. The coli germs got their di fgestive troubles from exposure to X-rays, ultra-violet or sun-fan light oil wartime mustard gases. Any of these exposures caused mutations, which are hereditary changes. After such a mutation the eerm lost its ! ability to make either one of the vitimlms it needed or a pro-tein acid necessary for growth. ! The bacterium so altered became the parent of a new strain, all deficient in the same man-ner. This parent didn't have any sex. It reproduced simply by dividing into two rods, and those two into four, and so on. j Next, some coli germs that had different digestive troubles were introduced Into the colony. Thereup sex made its appearance. The coll bacteria that came from this sexual fusion no long- er had the digestive trouble. In heritance, from both parent i rods, had given them the abili-I ties of both and one of these was the nutritional ability that I had-been missing from one part ner. J Altogether, the Yale experimenters produced about 40 different kinds of hereditary deficiencies and experimented with the unions that would restore the lost abilities. With so many different hereditary traits, they reduced the possibility that anything except a primitive type of sexual fusion could account for the restorations. In this sex life the germs fol low a principle that is supposed to account for the origin of all sex namely that the contributions of two' parents produce a better animal than those from one. hockey Scores National League Chicago 2, Detroit 4. Train Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday-8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday-10:45 pxa. 1 O Before having that next REPAIR JOB done, drive in and have one of our experts give you a detailed ESTIMATE. We are Fully Equipped for Automobile Repairs Dealers In Studebaker Commercial and Hudson Cars Tires and Tubes Repaired Grease Servicing SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY SERVICE Junction Second and 'Third Avenues Green 217 GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and' Rubbers AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third: Avenue", Next Commodore Cafe p.O1. B6x" 737" PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO J October 16, 1922 The council of the' Board of Trade decided to. endorse a proposal by A. Eckley that a steamer be put into service between Prince Rupert, Stewart and intermediary points for p'asseneers ' and freight. He had in mind the' purchase of a former United ; States Navy submarine chaser. F. L. Buckley, head of the I'MasSett Timber Co., who arriv ed in the city from California, Said that logging on the islands would start on November 15 and that ISO' men' would' be employed at the mill at Massetf Inlet. Between 700 and' 800 men would be employed in logging by spring, he, said. Police Commissioner S. D. Macdoriald' took exception to statements made in the south that Prince Rupert was "wide open." Morality conditions in the city we're cleaner than in! many other cities; takinz dodu- lation into account, he said, at a meeting of the police commis sion. The first shipment of salmon from Prince Rupert to a foreign port had been brought to the city from the cannery at Namu. The salmon was to be shipped aboard the steamer Crown of Galicla to Liverpool. It consisted of 5,000 cases and had been especially prepared for exDort. Shipping men predicted that it would be the beginning of an important branch of trade that would make Prince Rupert an important port within four or five years. H. F. McRae, D. H. Morrison, George Bryant and W. S. Fisher had a- harrowing experience when the launch' Shawatlans, in which they had- started out on a hunting trip, left' her propel ler near Digby Island. Anchoring the launch, they set out in a skiff to row back to the city. However, rough seas forced them ashcre on Wc!f Island where they camped for the night. They were rescued by W. E. Williams and A. M. Manson who went out to seek them. Advertise m the Daily News ii! with a Garbage System--" (Continued from Page One) fact that, while there are about' 2.200 telephones in the city, there are only 1,366 garbage collection point's, including business establishments. A breakdown of the number of garbage accounts as of Aui?. ust 30 is as follows: j Small business pick-ups (averaging 70 cents a month) 93. Other business pick-ups (averaging $4 a month) 107. Domestic pick-ups (averaging 35 cents a month) 1,186, date with the one you like best . . . and along with you, to add to your enjoyment . . . Winchester cigarettes, to fine you smoking satisfaction. hester CIGARETTES I Keep Warmer! .V.', COLEMAN OIL HEATER See them now, w.ith their beautiful styling and the famous Coleman furnace-type heating unit. There Is a right size for your home, no matter how ! large or how small. Come In and let us give you complete information l" about these famous heaters. J 1! 1 McBride St. Phone 311 KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VKKLAKN The report states that there are 2,230' known p6lble residential collection points anil 230 commercial places" antt, :it theSe collections were made, even at present rates, it would increase revenue from its anticipated' level 0' 410,897 to $10,266, whicn vvoud at least equal expendi tures. Key to the change in the financial picture is a recommenda J tion that collection rates be j boosted from 35 cent's to 60 cents a month for residents, with small consideratfons for apart-; mettt houses where cans are located closely together. Increases in business rates would place cafe and large food stores on a $8.50- monthly rate. This alteration would run as high ar $15 monthly for large Industrial plants, down to $2' monthly for barber shops. In both domestic and business collections, extra charges would be made for more than a speci fied quantity of garbage. Revenue which would be realized from complete collection at the new rate would total $28,-C33 annually, while expenditures are estimated at $26.0CO. This would alter the current deficit into a revenue of $2,000 annually. 1 TREAT YOURSELF TO TODAYS FINEST r SHAVE AT OUR EXPENSE- J LwP S S M wL&Emr S r 1 -On This Cimited Trial Offer jffjL . ; j I ONE I Try the world's finest shaves at Gillette's expense.' Dealers now offer one . .. ' . . - rV.11-.... T 1. f 1 nv r - -. uuitucumcoiaacirre wun every at parage ol 5 , two blades free with every SQf package oNO'. Guaranteed to give you the best shaves of your life or your money back. So Look Sharpl Feel Sharp! Be Sharp! Use Gillette Blue Blades with the sharpest edges ever honed. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL 1. .V, BADMINTON at your CIVIC CENTRE PLAY COMMENCES SUNDAY,- OCTOBER 19 Your Cfvic Centre .'Membership entitles you to play badminton at no extra cost at these times: ADULT MEMBERS Experienced Players-Thursday Evening commencing 7 p.m. 7 courts. Sunday Afternoon commencing 2 pjn. 7 courts. Novice Players Thursday Afternoon commencing 2 pjn. 3 courts (Auditorium). Saturday Afternoon commencing 2 p.m. 4 courts (Gymnasium). TEEN 'AGE MEMBERS Wednesday Evening commencing 7 p.m. 3 courts (Auditorium). ThurJday Afternoon 3:30 to 5:30 pjn-4 courts (Gymnasium). Saturday Afternoon commencing 2 p.m. 3 courts (Auditorium). Players will supply their own rackets and shuttles. Running- Shoes or Standard Gym Shoes Only will be allowed on floors. SHUTTLES MAY BE OBTAINED AT CIVIC CENTRE For Your Eating Pleasure . . B roa DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors. Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing 1 Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. dw Cafe (Formerly Hoston Cafe) THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE ay BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS. DINNERS AND AFTERNOON TEAS Chinese Dishes Chow Mein Chop Sney "TAKE OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME Hours: 7 A.M. to :30 A.M PHONE 200 TERRACE TransfersTaxi Storage WE MEET ALL THAIN8-8ERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DI8TRICT (IL Smith) P.O; Box 167 Terrace 2 IN 1 wai treated to give you a fast, brilliant thine by coiMjining a cleaning action and the polishing action of a war paste. 2 W 1 saves time; gives a brighter,- longer-lasting shine. And the air-tight container h ttptcLlly easy open. S 1 . 1 MakeilteOHl SHOEfJ Shine one shoe with 2 w 1 he other with the polish yo JjJ SEE FOR YOURSELF .xtl'MlfjMl,,!!, THESPARKLE IN A 2" I SHINE BLACK, BROWN, TAN, 0XB100D PASTE nut I'hone Green 917 I'- H. LINZEY mown iij ZlHtbS: Prince Rupert Realty Cc Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! 303 Cabs I would like to take this opportunist, announce to my many friends and patrmJ that I have left 12:) Taxi and will beoptril injr 30.? Cabs from the 3 Sisters Cafe, 11 continued patronage will he sincerely cialed. FRED JBNSEX 303 cm "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert JOHN GURVICH has returned to the - CONTRACTING BUS No Job Too Large - NoJobTooSiA EXCAVATING. HAULING, LAND PHONE 32 PHONE 1IC COAL nail; SIXTH STKSI LUMBER JUST RECEIVED a larpc shipment of Dimession. Shinlan. Flooring. Vcc Joint, . Dried Fir Finish, Shinies, ami a inent of Moulding. Sole Afjent for H.C. CEMENT CO. Al RFPT McCAFFERY UD. SVW ' 1 COMPLETE LINE OF HUILWNG 1 riioNE Ormes Pi'Wgs The Pioneer Drugs1 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISE PHONE HI REMEMBER CMEMBER... pell'"' GYRO APPLE DAY OtTW nrrOltfR"18 eil