2 prince Ruitcrf Dt.ni rectus DO. Tuesday, December 16, 1947 in independent dally newppsper eevotec to the upuuliamg ol Prince Rupert Ind nil communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BtTREAU OP CIRCULATION? CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION nATEfc ?lty Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 85c; Per Year, 17.00; Bj Mall. Per Month. 40c; Per Year. 4.00. Big Four Collapse COLLAPSE of the Big Four foreign ministers' THE conference, which adjourned yesterday without even setting a date for reassembling, was not unexpected but it was nonetheless disappoint ing. Weeks ago when it opened, it was gloomily forecast even in these columns that, owing to the uncompromising attitude of Russia, it would probably end like this. Much happier, of course, would everyone have been if the pessimistic prognostications had failed to materialize. With no Austrian peace treaty in sight, much less a prospect for a settlement of the future of Germany, it is indeed a confused and dismal outlook. The penetration and consolidation of the Russians for political and economic position will go on. The western nations will keep on aiding on an eii'crgency basis the nations which are starving and bankrupt. Armies will have to be maintained to keep order. This, because the conference, unfortunately, has ended as we expected but not as we had hoped. Some of the new model cars have scarcely enough ground clearance to pass over a pedestrian. THANKS, UNION STEAMSHIPS ARE HAPPY to commend and congratulate WE our old friends, the Union Steamships, at Man is a highly adaptable creature. The longer skirts have been in style only a short time, and already an optician has reported a male client with x-ray eyes. BASKETBALL DISPUTE CONSIDERABLE AGITATION has developed in v. local basketball circles during the past week by discussion in the press and elsewhere of recent incidents of playing floor misdemeanours and the adequacy or otherwise of penalizing those responsible. Not h'aving been there ourselves we are not in a position to judge of the seriousness of the offences. Without implying any blameworthiness on the part of any one, it does seem to us, however, that there appears no good reason for continued ac-rinioniousdiscussion. If players are careful and clean, if game officials are capable and decisive and, if the' governing body, in this case the Prince Rupert Basketball Association, keeps due control, there should be little difficulty in keeping play within bounds and the game interesting and wholesome and attractive. There is a difference between competitive interest and acrimny. The latter should not be permitted to continue. Hotel. . . arrivals J. A. Northcott, city; E. Rosell, Port Edward; II. B. Thorsterns-Eon, New Westminster; R. W. Wilson, Vancouver; O. W. Phll-lipson, Vancouver. N. O. Griffin, Regina; R. J. Kirk, Reglna; Mrs. S. II. Grist, Victoria; Mrs. L. STURDY .VEHICLE! A bicycle is capable of 10 tlmeff Its own weight Train Schedule For the Easi Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. TANGANYIKA DEVELOPMENT DAR ES SALEM, Tanganyika 0j The British colonial resources department has allocat- Sheppard, Sandsplt; J. J. Sie-1 ea fww to uie development mens. Altona. f Manitoba: Mr. w iUUU ianuanjiica. me and Mrs. J. Chapman, Shawat-Jans. roads are expected to help boost the output fo coal and rubber industries. Pure chocolate is about 50 per cent oil or pure fat content. , SEES AVIATION NEEDS HERE- Grant MacConachle, president of Canadian Pacific Airlines, urges Prince Rupert to work for airport and range station. letterbox FATE OF PENSIONF.lt Editor, Dally News: I would like you to publish a letter In your paper about the fate of a friend of mine who passed away recently an eld age pensioner by the name of Samuel Beaton. I would like the public to know the finish they gave a hard-working honest man after he had spent all his years with the railroad company keeping the bridges safe for huswrn live. Now, when he paises on and you go to find out when they are going to put him away to his the decision they have made to cancel the "wen-earned rest, they ask you: . i i i a i L.n .u l"Do Do vou you think thluk he he has has eot got anv any aDoruve scnenuie 01 coastal service curtailment which they had threatened last week to put into effect a schedule which Prince Rupert, not being dependent upon the company, could have put up with but which would have worked real hardship on such coastal points as Stewart, Alice Arm, Port Simpson and Bella Coola to say nothing of what was going to happen to the Queen Charlotte Islands. It was with reluctance that we felt constrained to protest vigorously last week when the curtailed service proposal was made. So it is with double pleasure that we now express our appreciation and satisfaction at the company's decision to carry on the steady-going service as a result of which they have built up their good name and goodwill these many years. Since representations made from this end possibly had something to do with the company's very commendable decision to change its plan, we are all the more anxious that the change will be found to be justified. Increased cost of operation, we realize, present difficulties of operation and the consideration of the company in maintaining the present service uninterrupted is, therefore, the more appreciated. money?" It looks to me that they are not satisfied with making money out of you whe you are alive but they also want to make a profit out of you when you die. If that U our true democratic Christian system, then It Is a poor one- taking our comrade and friend away In the early hours of the morning and never even lettlnj his friends know when they may pay their last respects. Local Road Recognized Included For First Time In J Provincial Highway Report j For the first time the Terrace- Prince Rupert secUon of the j northern transprovlnclal highway is Included in the regulai j road report of the Bltlsh Col-1 umbia Oovenment Travel Bureau covering the highways of the ; entire province. This results from representations of the' Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and the Prince Rupert Public RelaUons Council. The highway thus will receive further i valuable publicity and Its existence is officially recognized, j Ilere Is what the December road report says of the local j highway: "Terrace - Prince Rupert 815 ( miles, gravel surface. I Terrace-Tyee 69.5 miles, road runs close to CNR. tracks for long stretches. Gravel loose and although good after grading, fre , quently unravals and forms pot holes, before available grading equipment can get over It again "From Tjee for 13 miles, road 20 feet wide, good. i "Next 9 miles to Prince Rupert, road is winding, 16 feet, wide, drive carefully. "If snow comes gradually and can be handled with equipment available this road may be kept open, If heavy snow occurs, road will be closed." DEPARTURE OF POPULAR NURSE i On Monday evening Miller Bay Hospital said farewell to Ml; Beryl Willicroft who sailed on the Princess Louise for Vaniou- ver where she will visit friends for a few days before going East. She will also visit in ths Okan- j agan Valley. A small dinner party wat given for Miss Wil'.is-woft on Friday evening at the" Civic Centre. Miss WUI1sroXt is in ex-sergean; of tha RCAF and wa tatIoned at Rockcliffe and Trenton during the war. She is a native of Jamaica B.W.I, but spent same years in Chateau -guay, P.Q. In the Julius Richardson Memorial Hospital. She was in the service throughout the en- iney wm ooosi wna-. mey ao Ure war perlodi AIter eleven for the '"over seventies" by glv- mfinlh.i at Miller Rbv H-Knitm ing a Christmas dinner but that mlssed by her frlend, i? a long, time to wait for It- she was a popular nurse who one meal out of bout 1100. Then had a genulne toterest ln her they bury you like a dog when paUentS- ou cume lo me unisn oi me colirse. Of course, they may give you a prayer and that helps you cn the way even if they do put you away quickly. "Not a drum was heard, "Not a funeral note, "As oyer the ramparts hurried. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 8 p.m. CHRISTMAS DAY WILL BE OUR HOLIDAY BUT PLAN NOW TO DINE WITH US BOXING DAY AND NEW YEAR'S DAY Phone in Reservations CALL 231 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM TELESCOPE rKOLi BRITAIN CANBERRA O The Com-' monwealth obser vatorjy at ' Mount Stromlo here is to obtain a 74-inch telescope from Britain to study stars visible ' only they in the southern hemisphere. The only similar telescope south "There were very tew at the .of the equator Is th Radcliffe scene to review. telescope ln South Africa "At the place where our comrade was buried." Thank you for your .space. ROBERT KYDD Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Coquitlam. 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala. midnight. From Vancouver-Sunday ss Coquitlam, 4 p.m Monday ss Princess Adelaide p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10:00 a.m. ; Friday ss Camosun, 9 a.m. Friday ss Catala. a.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 12 midnight. From Alaska And jYOII ... SAME PRICE! for the "Little Giant" Portable Saw and Tie Mill equipped with Pre-lubricated, Permanently Eralrd, Heavy Duty, Self Aligning Ball Hearings Special 2-716" steel alloy mandrel and "Dodge" 20"x9" Split Steel balanced drive pulley. Mounted on 42"x84" re-lnforced 4"xl0" fir Husk. Has counter balanced variable belt feed with easy action operating lever. Complete with machine belts and Splitter. Carriage now available In 3 sizes and each has quick acting Set Works with Re-ceder. Six pawls on ratchet gives close adjustment lor cut, and head blocks can be quickly spaced along 'set works shaft for lumber or ties. Log knees 42" and equipped with cast steel dogs and levers. Price of different size carriagesready lor your Saw and Power, and each with Ball Bearirng husk described above. 2 head blocks on IC-ft. Carriage $760.00 3 head blocks on IC-ft Carriage 8GO.O0 3 head blocks on 20-ft. 2 sections 8' and 12' 880.00 Track ways consist of 3 sec-Uons 16' long 4"x6" fir, cross braced and re-lnforced with through bolts. Easily assembled and Vee track mounted. Shipping weight about 4000 lbs. IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT AND NO SALES TAX Machinery Depot LIMIT K I) 1029-39 Tenth Ave. CALGARY, ALBERTA PHONE W2992 West est 1 (2B51 at Civic Centre WEDNESDAY Sports A.M. 9:00-Booth School Physical Education Class. PM. 1:00 Booth School Physical Education Class. 4:00 High School Juvenile Girls Basketball. 5:00 High School Junior Boys Basketball. Basketball Practices 6:00 Gyro Juniors. 7:00 Merchants. 8:00 Fashion Shoe Store. 9:00 Co-op. Special Events ! 1:00 Gyro Club Luncheon. , 7:00 Kinsmen Club MeeUng. j 8:00 Booth Memorial Drama Club Plays. 8 :00- Basketball Assocla tion MeeUng. 8:00 Citizens' Forum. HERO'S RUBBER BOOTS RECOVERED Leonard Smith who dived into the Icy water of the harbor from the ramp at the Fishwmen's floats shortly before noon Saturday to rescue three year old "Rusty" Rougeau. lost his rubber boots while in the water. Without pausing to shed his cloUilng or boots, Leonard hit the water dose behind little 'Rusty" and then discovered the weight of his water filled gum boots was hnm-( perlng his efforts to swim so he promptly kicked off hampering footwear. When the Kinsmen heard of Leonard" loss they Immediately decided to fit the boy hero out with a new pair of rubbers but, on contacting Mrs. Smith, they learned that Patrick Rougeau, brother of "Rusty." and some chums had recovered the boots) at low tide with the aid of a pike-pole. EASTERN CANADA SHOULD BE SEEN Dour Frizrell Impressed With Ancient Quebec More British Columbians should see Eastern Canada said Douglas Frlzzell, speaking yesterday of his recent trip to attend a convention. He drove a car for several tliisand miles. The convention was held In Quebec City and to anyone who has never been In that vener- able town he recommends a t,tay. There is no other centre just like it in America, and the novelty and strangeness form the basic attractions. Doug put up at the Chateau Frontenac, the great C.P.R hotel built on historic cliffs of the ancient capital and from where there are captivating views of the city, the St. Lawrence and the countryside. GENEROUS GESTURE LONDON. Kt The House of Commons decided, to present the University of Caen, destroyed during the war by British bombs, with 231 volumes of historic French documents dating back to the 14th century, from Iti own library EYE OPERATION IN WESTMINSTER OhYe,,SheD The operation on the right v ue eve of five-year-old Lynn Orlf-'v -vihv ... ... . . u inns, aaugnier oi m. ami Mrs. y ii it juijr iu utc eye wua LUUMll uy r 1 the sharp point of a sciwurs If 26-YEAR THIRST WICK. Scotland h - Fisherman Jame Sheer, 77, and Alex- ander Stephens. 65, "dead-heat- J ed" for first place at the bar when the first public house here In ?fi vpar vi nivnivl ft? "uN AMI Len Griffiths of Prince Rupert's k RNi'ii iook piace last rnaay auemoon c ' "k rin In the Royal Columbian IlMpt- i i'mi: Ul, tal, New Westminster. The sur geon was Dr. A. W. Bowls. There Z ( M K f'OUM 1S. KOI'T io u v-v jJviLiriit untune ui UJC y I'lKIH'Hy sight being saved. Whwi Mr. Griffiths and the chlkl. flyin v from Prince Rupert, arrived In mm .. fc4 j . a . . . " in n lib,. Vancouver a special car was ". miki-m,,, waiting at the airport. Th In- ilium. t u(1Ulv . . . .1. . . r lit Bill tVllh At 1 1 K WM FURS Hint Clarified Adverting Pays' ? 1 WN. FOB lOfol DELIVERY OF MAIL i wm rr. j mw BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY I $ ' shop E EARLY mm ?. s M Be sure to allow EXTRA TIME MWyfMtjfgjyyASjA for out-of-town delivery I CCittXti I """pert ) ? riwe b.c 1 I ci- ei'liniuiT I r I! tlllll AtTTIOS No DELIVERY I U .;,.Mm tnKiftimAd uai ... your Postal Employee B ? Vk J CANADA POST OFFICE I U j j JjjJIIJijJIIJ - lu mTM . .aITA h-1 mmmmmml r AWi s. HB: ri fMFT STATIONERY- KKIKF CASKS WAKLKIS I'ARKKIt r,l PENS - WATERMAN'S TAPEKITK PEN and PENCIL SETS C.AlNSHOROUfiH and CONT.RKSS PLAYINd CARDS IN DOURLE SETS All Leather merchandise purchased in our store will be Gold Stamped with Name FREE of charge. ? XMAS CARDS in Hosed Atisortnienls and for any jj member of the family. (JUT WRAPPINGS SEALS RIHRON I DIBB PRINTING COMPANY UPSNER 0JOCK. 3RD STREET PHONE 2.11 Moke your Christmas gifts as lovely oi beout you cn . . . . I . for even a little gift may have w in truth, BE beauty if it i. an Elizabeth Arden &M Dost.ng and Hond-O-Tonik ond Soap, Bath Mil Powder, Bath Salts ... enchant.ng combinations in wonderful scents. A. Hond-O-Tonlk and Jun. Ctranlum $oP 2.25 B. Ard.na Dusting Powd.r ond Vtlv Both Mil... 2.50 , t Jnf C. Ard.no Dusting Powd.r, Bath Salt., Geranium Soap . . . 5.25 4' D. Cleansing Cream, Velva Cream, lip Pencil... 5.75 Vela Balh Mit. Ard.na Bath 0,1, Geranium Soap . . 3.50 ORMES DRUGS