Reminiscences By W.J. and Reflections of Christmas! Av-n and glitter, signs t-low Show windows itudy in good taste 'v in illumination. block, banishing and shadow! Dut been Yule seasons mi:e Rupert when el- was limited Indeed, ness deepened, when id candles served and nroad In the evening ving a flashlight, and amine v THEH THING ' ' CAN I'OS-t V DO WILL K K It PROVE SO COSTLY ... AS TO Your Regular CUSTOMERS to Forget You Tin: DAILY NEWS Vnur Own Newspaper" 1 rMrTi? iipin'i the taking of cautious footsteps. Or else . . . For a stranger to find his way , readily around Prince Rupert,, takes a bit of doing, More signs, i placed where they can be easily seen, would not be unwelcome. This is not a checkerboard town site, although considering the ups and downs and roundabout ways as seen on the map, the city was well planned. Tourists, up-town. and wanting to return to the steamer, say they can see the harbor but are puzzled j to discover "how to get down to it." j . . I Go back to the beginning of I things at Prince Rupert, and I somehow, although conditions were new indeed and there was but little family life, the occasion of Christmas rarely, if ever, lacked 'all the trimmings. There were always ways and means, and people who knew what to do and how to do It. And though, In the clearing of the townslte, thousands of Christmas trees had been cut down, there were plenty more where they came from. Slowly, yet surely, the Skeena Highway is becoming accepted as a fact. This time a year ago. there was some uncertainty as to how far one might venture to motor. There were more rows of question marks. But today, mid-December, one gets out his car and moves on. Just taking it as a matter of course which is the right way. DICTIONARY NEEDED MIDDLESBOROUOH, Eng.. V A court adjourned a charge for three days until definition of a word used In the case was clarified by reference to the Ox ford Standard dictionary. You saw it in tne Dally News! Huttcr and Egg Man! SHIPS and WATERFRONT Pooling their gratuities and savings, a group of R.C.A F. vet- j pqne nva nlonnlni n t-m tV-in ea ' WWtld ttlL 111 1 lg (UlVUAdti the 94-foot vessel Squamlsh and use the craft to carry on fishing, Including tuna and fish packing. Eight veterans are interested. The ultimate cost of the Squamish will not be less than $150,000 It Is said. White whales, as small as 20 feet long, are found in Hudson Bay. They come far inshore, now and then .in pursuit of fish and it is not an uncommon sight to see them stranded. When that) happens, hundreds are killed by people ilvlng ashore who go out u-1tH qvac TVio litHo u-hnlec nrpl .found useful as food.' Some arej. MUk HlUlil lAigCI ttltl sized porpoise. THEATRE-MINDED In the 18th century Italy led all other European countries in theatrical inventiveness. GOOD FCR EXERCISE The Pentagon building in' Washington. D.C.. has 16,i miles of corridors. V I r l i240 kilocycle (Subject to,change; TUESDAY P.M-; I 4:0O Hart House Glee Club The work of putting the fin- hiwv uhw. an L f..i,J 4:30 30 Especially Especially For For Y equipment of the new C.P.R. steamer Prince George in ship shape style Is going steadily along at Victoria. There Is a lot to do. A great deal of it Is of a skilled and experienced class of service. By the lime the new coast liner sails for Prince Ru pert and the north next summer she will represent the last word in ship cpnstructlon plying the coast. Announcement was recently made by Stewart Bates, deputy minister of fisheries, that two field workers of the federal Fisheries Prices Support Board are being assigned to British Columbia to commence studies on the adequacy of fishermen's incomes, market trends and methods of distribution to consumers. You 4;45 Life lr the Open 5:00 Music In a Mellow Mood 5:30 Platter Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Dinah Shore 8:30 Inside Story 6:45 According tq,Reeord 6:50 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Broadway 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30-rKeeord Album 9:QP-,Tuesday Evsnlng Recital Wpg. 9:15 Points of View 9:3(- Design for listening NBC tffrOO-CBC News 10: ID B. C. News 10:15 Neighbourly News 10:30 Pacifle pianororte 11:00 Weather and Sign Off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:3(7 Musical Clock 8:00-CBC News 8:15-Mornlng Song 8:30 Musie for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert ):00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9 : 30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45-Scandinavlan Melodies 11:00 Gospel Songs 11:15 Reminiscences 11:30 Weather Fuieccst 11:31 Message Per.od 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert PJW. 00 Mid -day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:39 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Int. J.:00 Tne Concert Hour 1:30 Recital, Quebec 1:45 Commentary "And His Mother" 2 :0C Feature Concert 2:15 Family Favourites I 2:30 Men and Music By Chic Yoi r i rtr-; ' TOYS OF BETTER GRADE, VARIETY THIS CHRISTMAS For the children, this Christmas should be the most exciting In years. Not since before the war hai there been such an array of toyf in the stores of this city. Why. the metal watchspring cars and trucks, that British manufac turers make so well, are back again after too long an absence British-made mechanical trains also have returned to delight Father as well as Junior. And the supply of electric trains is greater this Christmas. Aerial ladder fire trucks, which delighted boys' hearts as far seTlous-minded youngsters and older boys. Stores are now of fering microscope sets, complete with microscope, test tubes, slides and instructions for experiments. There also are en grossing chemical sets, electric power outfits, steam engine! kits, Junior' drafting sets and fretwork kits. For the construction men and . engineers of the future, there are tractor sets comprising bulldozers, carry-alls and dump trucks; also power shovels and cranes. Then, too, construction sets of wood are here to please Good news for the girls! Dolls the building urge. of all kinds, better quality and better dressed, are in greater supply. Children's sewing machines for maklng'dolly's clothes are on display, too. Growing In popularity and variety are. sets of plastic doll 2:45 Don Messer's Islanders 3:00 Varieties In Music 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:30 Sketches In Melody -"Si --SI - S4 --SH "IS furniture, so complete, in .detail that each piece might -well be a collector's item. There are- sets for the bedroom, kitchen, dining room and bathroom, as well as nlavDens. hleh chairs and doll prams made from this new fav- orite of science. TABLES AND CHAIRS Children's metal chairs and5 table sets, built to stand rough jj usage, are catching the eyes of I V small girls, while little people jy generally are thrilling over y wagons, tricycles, klddycars and ; doll prams. jJ For those of musical leanings, !g the toymakers have produced violins that play and are perfect y in every detail. Only eight inches j w long! And there are tiny grand i jjj pianos to delight the boys and ,glrls who play them. i Thp VflHptv ftf rpflHfnor an1 back as 1915, are making a color- nalhtln .-v, Mt J fha i tul re-appearance Now they an anJ the ,ustratkjM more m piasuc as wen as menu. lntrIgulng than before. EDUCATIONAL GIFTS ' Choosing gifts for children of Santa CTaus has been busy oi, ial1 a?es should easl" thls Just the right gifts for the mcr j Christmas. SLIPPEE GIFTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY- From oldsters to (Toungsters everyone loves slippers . . . It's a practical gift yet a luxury of comfort, too. lllc Walked In Hi Sleep. j d00' : tee jskss-r: n. EARUE.3 THIS MORNING lPApeo AND EVEN HAVE OONIJATULATlONSS-fy: C, v , zM. m OVJ feii 1 She Married An Angel! "I IT . . . "n-r, . rriTCTlV!,ll I I 1 1 1 M t TUAT VVW tT Ji,, I I - r2IHEV I BE STANDING ' STODO J ,3i y r VOUI? vYj4, -1 FOOT 1 V. N the TS Vn- i'' ' f S iSi Hyc Bread, Please! inss I ass the mi- T.niiiiiMiii.ii,'!: 1 1 r amimm . m m v , tm9 if SOAT rDAGVVOoV) (VES? 4 jMB B 1 MIND) A V v.. J ( WOUSE THINKS j 1 JBt? Nl I i, HE'S f MARTEf? pzSrZy V ! llf fRF AV: i I than i am. -v kiiJy "mJs iB rfc I dtkL WORLD'S COFFEE POT Brazil is the world's greatest; coffee producer. ! Your Engine Needs Expert Care . The Popular S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails For VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Hook Early for Xmas For Information call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. y c V y y y y y y y y y y y Fashion Footwear STONE HI SINGER ; Immediate delivery of new treadle and electric sewing machines in Prince Kuprrt and district. SINGER Scwinjr Machine Co. Phone 864 Prince Rupert TILI)ING liiii niUNG IT TO us FOR COSIPLETE SATISFACTION Dan's Service Station McBride St. Green 605 Ideal, Constant Heat That is what you get with the new 1) U O - T II E R M Air-Condition Unit This handsome automatic OIL FURNACE is perfect for all needs . , . popularly priced. SHENTON'S SHEET METAL WORKS TOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE, " MEALS U AM. TO ff't-Kt Agents for McClary Furnaces Phone 33 BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY BOSTON) Chinese Dishes a Specialty Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephone 200 1 1 printr Rupert DaHp JftctoJ Tuesday, December 16, 1947 Smitn Suggests! GIFTS that have ..i way with Men! COMES THE YULETinE SEASON AND MOST S MEN ARE GIFT PROBLEMS- WELL, THERE S NO J LONGER ANY NEED TO WORRY YOUR PRETT) UK All ... . WE'VE A STORE FULL f OF GIFT SUG- ,5 GESTIONS THAT'LL PLEASE HIM ! 1. ; IhDM n a f I i MORGANS MENS WEAR "TAILORED IN THE CUSTOM MANNER" PEPLUM PRETTY Is the lush lace cutaway of this rich-looking, sequin- trimmed crepe dress. With the emphasis on high styling and distinction ... it boasts a sauve V-neckline. The skirt is front-fluted. Our new shipment of dresses is especially interesting but so is the array of COATS, ' SUITS and BLOUSES we have for your approval. When shopping at Sweet Sixteen use our convenient BUDGET FLAN. No Interest No Carrying Charges. V WE PUT NEW LIFE IN OLD FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS New Upholstery, Materials Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered 330 Second Avenue (Next to CFPR) BLUE 8IS ASK ABOUT CREDIT TERMS LOVIN'S Prompt Attention to Outside Orders Do ion Have FIRE PROTECTION We handle Fire Extinguishers for any need . . . GAS OIL ELECTRICAL or GENERAL FIRES AH types all siies KIDDE LUX C02 EXTINGUISHERS PYRENE FO AMITE Ideal for Home, Office, Boat, etc. Call us for Information regarding your fire protection requirements. COMPLETE FACILITIES FOR RECHARGING ON HAND PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Coal Ruildinjr Supplies Paint Hardware PHONES 651 - 652 Thone Green 917 P. II. LINZEY 211 4th Street Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late!