t J- If IV i SALf oas joat Olympla .i Yacht Club. Fur- 1 Apply Dr. Large. (285) : KALI New aid Used Fur- .,n !i;trowiiie ri. new Vsiips ner 25c. Soup Plate t i Black 324. ?M Oollchan Grease, . . n 1 . .. . HAW yuaiuy jruer now. F 'ure Co. SALE British India Rugs, Bcmtlful Colors, Llmlt- i .M'iry ifeasonaoiy t-nc- D ' ' in and look them Furniture Co. Black Barrett desk addlns Add? subtracts and Al condition. Apply Overlook St. after "294) Ml E Cocker Spaniel T.npr the blood lines .iv.-r.ised by many of the iteaneLs In the East, ur.-'jnees compel me to this time. Priced half regular vlue Tiiev make wonderful i resents They are I C Hunt. Cloverly Burns Lake. B.C. (293) MAf lllMRV FOR SALE wter lumber more ai.'v use the modern i .tn l...riitn tuna fjfltlnnnl 'rubi' Sawmills manufac-. 6v National Machinery r.panv IJmlted, Vancouver, r tn METAL WnllR MBINO Instaliailons and r SHEET METAL r.SK Furnaces, tanks, .".roughing and stack itourneau & Sons. 6 J West Phone 543. (tf i V mr Troubles to Thorn .w Metal Furnaces, - xr tacks. Air Condltlon- I 'ii-aia Black 884. 253 East Avpnue ' I tti Itf fllOltV Af'T ms, itfl of Title No 3S304-I N.;rlh Half of the South-barter and the South Hal' North-East Quarter of Lot : n ii' Jind Seven HundreO ..fiT.) n105i. Queen District aid Ui contain kindred nnd Sixty (lOOl .re or less :--:: catlsfactory proof of u tbove CertUlcate of Title ni name of Cesar Vrrhev-ieen filed In this office nerr-by given that t shall ".ration of one month from i) the first publication ; ii a Provisional Certificate ; leu of said lt Certificate. n meantime valid ob)ec-1 ide tn me In wrlllne the Land neglatrv omce neri n. C . this 26th day i t 1947. A D Andrew Thompnon. Deputy ' Il'gltrar of Title. (802) MO REGISTRY ACT "rllri.ate .r Ulle N. '" loiirleen (l). Ulm ''nil i-i ti 1 ((!), vei-llm. M M rm f -rlnr ItuiMI. MJP "ICTEap satisfactory proof of 1 ihi above Certificate of Title II IhA inn. nl riKnlAmln II :c npn rtinH in t.hl. office. IPPfihv irlvjin that I Rllftll "xplratlon of one month from iu if the flrt nubllcatlon "'l I iin . th.l.lnt (vrtlfl- "ot Tin, m linn nf mild lost Cer- line 1 (n the meantime valid i made to me In wrltlnR. J,TH HI the Land ReulstrV Of- Prlnrf RunAri nr- this 24th T November, 1047, A D. ANDREW THOMPSON, Di-puty Registrar of Titles (3011 I AMI ItlTIIKTHV ACT . "tunrate of Title No. 23082-t Thousand Seven I lundrrd eitxy.ftve 1705)( Queen arkrtte District, sntd to contain Hundred and Sixty (100) . "REA3 Batlsfaetorv nroof of " "WYB 11 si-sv. . uj , VtTllllCUVf 111 IhA r n tfAlihltV. oeen nied In this oil ice, hereby given that I nhall, "plration of one month from "i uie nrst nuDiicunu" 'Tin , Provisional Certificate In iiPVI of BRld lost Cl.rtincate. i 'w the meantime valid objec-CiSl "de to me In writing. 'Ir. it H tha Land Registry OITlce. fcL RVIfti C. this 25th day ""enil,,r, i947i AD Andrew Thompson, "eputy Registrar of Titles. (302) t Classified Advertising ' THE MARKETS mm ' It t wor(1 Pr '"'"rtl'in. minimum charee. BOe Birth n.ii. Uo of Thahlcs. Death Notice.. I'uneril Notl. u.E.11.'.0tlCM,, ana EnKSEemem Announrrmsnr.. SALE Oiri u.cycie. uuck . WAWITSU-Bolt or pump action : SALf 1285) Biand new 4 -piece i uiie Appiy 433 mn (298) Book of Knowledge, three quarter bed, A-iUi mattre; two uio night table, all .22 rifle, gojd condition. Write particular to Box 295, Dally Newr ram color. Apply 4J3 WORK WANTED East. M5) Apply Post Office Box G38. tft FOR RENT Two-room suite, furnished. Apply No, 2 Bay Apt. tf ROOM AVIf liOARD ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double: $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 022 Fraser Street. (tf) ri:us(N.L ORDER wur Christmas Tree now from B. & W. Transfer. 25c a foot. Phone Red 182. (tf) pYReONAI-t6-year old gfrl will mind children, days or evenings. Phone Red 59. (293) dom from alcohol. Daily News Vegetables Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs 29 WANTED uuooara tsquasn, ID XO Danish Squash, lb m Spanish Onions, 2 lb .23 Vegetable Marrow, lb." 0(5 Citron, lb m Cauliflower, ea .30 to .45 Leeks. 2 bunch 14 WORK WANTED parsnip (unwashed 3 lbs. '. 19 after children evenings. Phone ureen 583. (tf) -Practical en- Beets, 6 lb 25 Ltttuce (head), each ... '20 to 25 Celery, 2 lbs .30 Rlneer thoroughly conversant arllc' lb 49 with all forms of machine ho Cabbage (new), lb 10 practice seeks Phone Blue 825. I OR KENT employment. l293 FOR RENT Two-room furnished suite. 537 8U1 Ave. West. (295) . piece sci new . -.t Suitcases, New' Un-;ro,i RENT Sleeping room for Purnlutre, 6 ft. Steel genUeman. Call between C:00 v Squares $2.25, LeveU, and 8:00 p m. 742 7th Ave. jo Nt-w uurney ttangea gm j50 N'w f ancy isianiceu 5 Siinhtly Used TojcoaU, Logger Boots, Log Si Everything at a r-.:;Die price Come In and over IIC FURNI- FOR RENT One 3-room apartment, unfurnWied or partly furnished, with private bath. Ri 441. 293) White, lb .10 Sugar White, lb ... .u Golden Pellow, lb Fresh Milk nnv 27C No. J Peas..Icy Thone Red 501. (tf) LOST AND rOl'ND FOUND American Scale Rule. Owner pay for this ad and apply to Box 157, Terrace. B.C. (295) FOUND At Three Sisters Cafe, Christmas Parcel. Owner may (tf ) I Mixed Vegetables jf ... Diced Beets, tin SANDED FLOCK makes a Wax Beans, choice ... new room! Dark and stained Mlxfd peaj and CarroU floors can be made as good as Pum Un new by sanding, a quick, ef- Fruit uciem jod witn mouern MM,.ln.MAmfr Hmap nnrl T7rlH. cmu., ....... v . Apples, cooklni. 3 lb aen nave ine in nuui - , sanders and euarantee the "-y best service. .11 Quart -...:...' .19 Pint ia Cream, Vi-Plnt 3 Grade A: Larcw. rarlnnHl Am J1 llsh Halibut, b J3 Salmon, lb .35 Cod lb 25 .?7 Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 57 Flour, 49's, No.l hard wheat.. 2.99 Second Patent 2 35 Flour (24's) 1.59 Tea and (Coffee DsLuxc Quality, lb 1.07 Coffee, lb .59 Juices Tomatoes, 20-cz 15 40 oz .33 gallon S Apples, 20 gz tinr 2 for 2, 40 oz .34 Oranse. 20 oz 1C Blended (orange and grape 1 fruit ) 20 oz ,i: 48 oz 41 Canned Fruits Apricots, 20 oz. .33 'Cherries (fancy) 20 oz .37 Loganberries. 20 oz 42 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Peaches 32 Offers a permanent release f rom Peacres, fancy 40-.44 drinking. It Is a confidetlalj Canned Vegetables service rendered without cost. Dill Pickles, gal 1.73 bv others who have found free-: Cut Green Beans, fey. each 20 Tomatoes (hothouse), 1 lb. .43 Anjou Pears, 3 lbs, Pomegranate, each Pure. lb. lard have same bv paying 'for this sninening ad al the Dallv News 'tf. Soap. face. 2 for . . - Laundry, cake You saw ii ir ihe Da iv New-' Sunlight, cake Sport Letter Box ft;? Sports Editor, Dally News: season, I can. easily understand why visiting teams regularly have no difficulty In defeating pur local representatives. Due to the class of basketball demanded by J. Wilson, A Fan, Spectator, etc, the local teams are naturally outmatched by players who are allowed to play It as it should be. This is no. fault of our local athletes or referees, but rather the fault of the aforementioned critics. As a spectator who appreciates amateur athletics, I heart- Ilv pnrlnrsA lh KpnMmant. py. pressed by Art Murray, Mac-lchecklnS eently n "y- effort gratis I cannot see the Medium, doz. "Z"Z 'j&i rignt of anyne merely Pay'ne a small admission fee to criticize them. pnee again I would like to point out that foolish criticism such as theirs can only result In FOR RENT 2 single sleeping 4; .-Uppers lb. .'. . 717 22 final droPI)lnB out ot a11 worthr 221 5th Avenue East. Phone 'Firrt 0rade lb Red M7. (293 . Mllk"' FOR RENT 3 room suite with' "vkt ted Miik. bath, fully furnished, for 2 I6-02. tins, i for month bednnifle January 15.1 Flour .70 j while players who are unjustly cnucizep, :inis town, is fleaa enough wjthput killing off the basketball ' association. E. R. ROWSON, THE LAST LETTER Sports Editor, Dally News: As a victim In the current basketball confusion may I add some words' In defence of the sport locally. Unlike many of my acquaintances I don't agree to polmi-cal discussion against Monday's columnist or his later disciples. As the anonymous criticisms to date illustrate lack of basketball background they Interest me only Insofar as they show misunderstanding and tend to Injure the sport locally. The writings at least signify an Interest In the game and, fortun ately, none of the anonymous ' contributors represent anyone but themselves. I recommend,,, at least, a cursory study of rule lnterpretaUon and evolution, In considering the present controversy It helps to realize ' that game conduct Initiated the rules that some feel are being so flagrantly violated. Some time, some how, similar incidents must have occurred. In fact. Civic Centre-bred fans and players ain't seen nohtln' yet." Drop In at Art Murray's some evening 29 and hear experiences of the past 3 lbs 32 recalled. Grapefruit. Texas (white), Rupert basketball differs 4 for 35 intle from other leagues of com- (pink), 3 for 29.paratlve calibre but Is at pres- Leoions, doz. 43ent In a rebirth and suffering Oranges (Navel) 40-.63jthe consequent pains of lnex- Dates. pitted, lb 29 perience and rabid enthusiasm. .31 This has produced most of the .15 gaihe Interludes to date but has i Cranberries, lb 53 also been responsible for ! success of the game on PRINCE RUPERT JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Auction December 18-19-20 CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM TUNE ... CFPR Thursday and Friday, 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. NET PROCEEDS DIVIDED EQUALLY AMONG Civic Centre Salvation Army Xraas Cheer Fund ICC HID OENEItOUSLY FOR YOt'R FAVORITE LOCAL TALENT LOADS OF FUN ON ' THE AIR CALL "RADIO Al'CTION" BID FOR BORDEN STREET SHOOL CHOIR .. . r Ktl-t IT -VXTf VI O IrlUKbUA i iNiuni vjiiL.ii TFI FIMIONKS OPKN HALF IIOUK AHEAD OF BROADCASTS ' ' ' nd call "RADIO AUCTION" (o make bids jsl 1 itk up (he Phone and request transportation Free Transportation to Civic Centre for aHPerformers ,N IN TUB FUN T F LE PI I ON 12 "HDIO AtjtTr0Nw ANplHD 1 JOIN the the .... .291 court and in the stands. ... .33' While the referees and coaches .17" bear Uie bulk of the responsl-.08 -.25 bllity the co-operation of both .09 players and spectators Is essen- tlal for the rapid maturity of: the sport. Experience will reach our new referees that the rule book offers certain elastic powers that After seeing practically every''11 the takrest ot the sport. Evt game of basketball played this.denJe can be noted ,n the Pr fesslonal leagues where the spectators "own" the sport. Amateur ball will eventually follow suit. Fewer minor Infrac tion whistjes will speed the play1 and facilitate officials' control. This will result In less player re derstandlng and a finer appre ciation for the play is Inevitable At present the fans are as much a victim of the keen rivalry as the teams. Boos and Jeers are as frequent as cheers. Such conduct at times Is ruled unsporting but most players are more philosophical than "Spectator. even consent to extending this' privilege to the columns of the , press, with much more respect to signed comments. i Followers of the sport have must be judiciously Interpreted. J little to fear. Playing facilities Rules are constantly changing are excellent. Both the Basket ball and Referees' Associations are competent bodies. Sadistic tendencies Jn players and coaches are negligible. Referees continue as willing and increasingly competent .and It is hoped a point In playing calibre will be proved before the year Is out. Last but not least, spectators are sentment and fewer unwise and turning out In Increasing num-unjust decisions. Competent bers. In short, no resignations handling will win the respect of have been tendered, the players and tempers will bej Lets hope the "storm in a tea-more easily controlled. ! cup" has subsided for, as George la time the coaches can im- Howe "a remarked, "more pub-part the science of the game to Ucity than Louis-Walcott and their players who with expert- a mow siruc. ence will master the art of ANOUS MACPHEE. (This will be the last letter Phee, Cameron and the rest. . A,so ln due course the spec- on this subject. The discussion In ylew of the fact that these tatrs will realize they too can- i, dosed as far as the Dally boys are giving their time and not run tne game. A better un- News is concerned unless the Basketball Association would like to make a statement. Ed. . World Record Dolly . Varden Trout Caught The Rod and Gun Club of Prince Rupert has a new mark Time will dull the -appetite for to aim at. From Idaho comes their team's victory and I per- advice that a 294-pound Dolly sonally feel they pay for the Varden trout has been caught privilege of shouyng Invectives, by C. R. Worst In Lake Pend ' It wouldn't hurt to get paid for Oreille. This Is listed a world receiving It though. However. I record. the year round, get the Gillette Tech Razor Gift Set. Money can buy nothing finer or more practical. Solve your man-gift problem now with this inexpensive Gillette gift set. Other Gillette Gift sets at 1.32, 52.50, UJ7 and S6.00 3 hz: JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue 2 Whal to (lim the Man .who Smokes 0 WE'VE ALL KINDS OF SMOKERS' OlFTS. WHETHER PIPE, CIGAR OR CIGARETTE IS HIS CHOICE, PLEASE HIM WITH OUR FINE QUALITY BRANDS . . . AND SMOKING NECESSITIES. LIGHTERS RAZORS MEN'S SUNDRIES GROTTO CIGAR STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCONISTS lhlrd Avenue West Se:- "Bert or Bud" Phine 372 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zavelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 j FRASER STREET jj Prince Rupert J Jf TltY i Rex Cafe FOR TASTY MEALS open" Cho,) Sucy " Ciunv mln A A.MA TO S, -AAI CHINESIglUESj OUR SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL . ' . I Prfttfc nuprrf Daflp ftrtos Tuesday, December l"o, 1947 STYLES OF TOMORKOW . . . TODAY ANNE Like a Grecian Godd 0: ess YOU'LL BE WHEN YOU SWEEP MAJESTICALLY INTO THE BALLROOM IN OUR DRAPED DINNER GOWN. FLUID FOLDS OF HEAVY WHITE CUEPE, THE BODICE IS ADORNED WITH NUGGETS OF MOLTEN GOLD. Our EVENING BLOUSES Are Thrilling! YOU MUST SEE ,THEM I : ; A j speSau W All-metal Gillette Tech "3r X vJ-'s Raior and 3 packages jgfc. XZgDf1 Gillette Blue Blades 5 j v. V! all in durable trans- 3, ' parent box. .. only 98C 5 j itir i a r - r. i. .'11 j i i ! 9 For a gift he'll use every day and cherish Send Your Orders to Prince Rupert Roofing Mail Order House ASPHALT AND DUROBESTOS SHINGLES !Hi TTE mansell; UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING NEW SHIPMENT HAS ARRIVED Tiles, Fells, Roll RooHng Papers, Shingles, Wallboards, Masoalte, Flexboard, I.usterlite ASBESTOS PRODUCTS OF ALL KINDS: Mats, Sheets, Pipe Covering, Brick, Packing, Brake Lining PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. 208 Fourth Street GURViCH & SON M CONTRACTORS Phone Blue 389 11 BUVS THIS 0SH01 , ml!li - I Gillette kfj flP : 1 r Pi. ( Wmmr seat covers defroster fans I 111 111 VV El31iJ SPARK I'LUGS ROAD LIGHTS 1 VP - Myjak O LOCKING GAS CAPS Numerous Other Items I V2 aSR Bob Parker Ltd. nfMmKK fF EVER- The Home of Friendly Service" I POPULAR I Thone 83 P.O. Box 38 Prince Ruptrt Land Clearing and llasement Foundations Rock Work Our Specialty TRUCKS - CARS TO HIRE Phone 32 or Red 511 (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take I.I.stln!rs of . . . Sixth Street RUPERT MARINE REALT I Rfl A TS FCiR SATF OR CHARTER 1 BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY ' RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsetfs, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green 07A LUMBER JUST RECEIVED a larec shipment of Fir 1 Dimcssion, Shiplap, Flooring, Vee Joint, Kiln-Dried Fir Finish, Shingles, and a large assortment of Moulding. Sole Agent for B.C. CEMENT CO. ALBERT & McCAFFERY ITD, COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE 11C COAL PBQ3E 111