USE SLASHES SIGN RELIEF PROPRIATIONS 5KIN r" ,N ' The House CIC3 IT. J Heron i a. .auvci appropriate- today made an m the emergency -ram and slashed 000 to $230,000,000 nlted States Army : the government occupied areas, nice sent to the oil) providing for (or France, Italy recommended lor iEO FOR 110 MURDER aRINES, Ont. :p Chambers. 3D r -UoWi early today :r siJ weeks ago to--.'car old Marian was lured away by che street and was ain intended that he is to a factory a fireman, smoth-Crcw her body in-re The body was c Sherifl." Cham-a. he mounted the ...r, do It " ut n i. a n I m v II U M I . - I M I NKER CRASH .V vur.K : Death toll in i wo tankers yes-m ao. Dutch West eight today with reported missing. urred when the xcr Tucuplta was i the Argentine ill h ra (119 ltT ege Head Finds d rn ..rd for truth ,1 rn world und Its re- by piopaianda deduce people to sup- y or a government. Itc:hennst.)n. prln-'SSOw University, .said u'lon ceremony It he .said. "i.s not ucd parties wjll re- 'he end of February '"illcst before the nrov- '4 ''uislature reconvenes. '"Pai-HUon of intended legls- "1 I hohi,-,,! .U.,I..1a n,.,l wston nt 'il COntlniiP n until thn J. TUPPER JINNIPEGO. Oh -William Tupper. 85, former -""dill Gnvpriinr r,f Mnnl. ' and bearer of one of the distinguished names in "iness of several months, FAST JOB tCW nirlA.. . . . . . o minute. POSED AS MAN AND WIFE; ARE UNDER ARREST SANTA UOSA Cai.- Two for-mer college women. Thclma I Walter and Marietta Cook, have ibeen arrested for posing as man i and wife. They lived on a ranch ' as "Mr. and Mrs. Warren." One j taught school,, the other ran j the ranch. It appears that a few years ago, while attending the j University of California, "they ! fell in love and decided on mar riage because they could not figure out any other way to live." The truth became known when an agent for the Federal Bur eau or investigation caned at produce a draft record. The wo r.rn are charged with making a false marriage affidavit and No condition i conspiring to violate laws pro- ire than a moiling masqueraaing. McGILL TO STAGE WINTER CARNIVAL Canadian. itl.S. Sports Trams Will Compete In Laurentians and Montreal untruths that MONTREAL O McOIll Uni-( ous game but that i - )!- sparing in telling verslty. playing host next Feb- :id make It difficult ruary to the intercollegiate ski i discover it." j championships. Is planning1 a ii present difficulties' mammoth winter carnival that; much material short- i will have its locale both in Mon- j ' divisions and oppo-'treal and the Laufentian moun-j h the strain of war tains. I fd into the body of j McGlll's first winter carnival in some measure I will be staged February 19 to ountrv. ' 1 and a busy program has been j I think, that there prepared for the Canadian and sunners. sit in i.rniv i n a 'dose . No. 293 straw-floored SAN FRANCISCO, 0 An ar stands at Molson Stadium, speed-skating races will be held between Canadian and American competitors, m,. u-in he fleurc skating premier names his cabinet pprformanCcs as well and a car- l nival queen will De crowm-u. Bands and bonfires again will lend color o the festival and 'ASSES AWAY AWAY u. p u compieiru, o.ujcfu"", , boxing and squash events will be staged in the McGill gymnasium, to be followed, by a dance. The cross-country and ski Jumping events of the college championships will be Maged rvbruarv 21 and after the Jump ing the McGill hockey team will an American team. An- bitrator's award yesterday boost ed U.S. longshoremen's, pay eight cents an hour to $1.65 for straight time and $2.47 for LOCAL TIDES Wednesday, December 17, 1947 High Low 4:39 16:02 10:15 22:45 , tl tine viini v 18.1 feet 18.8 feet 9.8 feet 5.4 feet BLIND LEARN TO SHOOT O VINO DEAN, Eng., 0 An electronic tube attached to a rifle enables blind persons of St. Dunstan's to use their new 15 yard shooting range. The marks man is guided througn head- PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1947 c ammuntefj disappear from the streets as a strong armored p: di:- c ;ntlnnent moves Into Bltonto, Italy. The Reds had captured hu town and called It the First Socialist Republic in Italy. The leaders of the Communist Insurgents are now in jail after the police had moved in and "recaptured it." Commons Moves lo Extend Far PQSSE TRAILS Control Powers for Three Months OTTAWA, O The House of Commons last night adopted a resolution for a three-months' extension of wartime control powers which are due to expire December 31. and turned to another measure to continue the authority of the government food purchasing boards. The Senate also approved the control resolutions after hearing Senator Halg's charge that the government's control policy was a "police administration" and that the sooner controls were abolished "the sooner Canada will get back on an even keel." ATTITUDE CF SOUTH CHANGING; NORTH'S IMPORTANCE ADMITTED Melchior Protests Beer Restrictions VICTORIA Laurltz Melchior, famous opera singer. Is sued an ultimatum, "no beer, noi concert,'' when he learned on! arrival here that there are no ! beer parlors in Victoria. He was j mollified, however, when told j that beer and ale could be pur- j chased at government liquor j stores. i The man who has sung "Trls- j tan" more than 200 times expressed the opinion that Brit-) ish Columbia liquor regulations! are bad. "In countries where conditions are more lenient, drunkenness is rare," he said. "All I want is a beer before dinner and one In the evening after the concert." Melchior said that he loved hunting and visited Canada every year. SEMITIC LANGUAGE The Syrlc language belongs to the Semitic family of languages of which Hebrew is the chief and is a branch" f Aramaic JAIL FUGITIVE THROUGH SNOW PENTIUTON, P Across, bleak snow-covered hills, a police posse today closed In on Russel Spears, a jail escapee, blocking old cattle trails and roadways to prevent him from reaching the international border. Sought Since November 14 when he escaped from jail here. Spears shot and wounded Police Constable Robert Mercer on Sunday, shooting his way from a trapper's cabin. in the overall economic picture of British Columbia lsolated district. i was J. D. McRae, local young business man, who re- turned to the city by air yesterday afternoon atei'!A. j attending last week s provincial QppjJf CLAKroDALL RADIO AIDS WERE, FAULTY SEATTLE, 0 Henry H. Wolfe, second mate and navigator of the Army transport Clarksdale Victory, testified at a Coast Guard hearing that faulty operation of the radio direction finder and fathometer had prevented obtaining accurate bearings before the vessel grounded on Hlppa Island three weeks ago. Forty-nine of the crew of 53 were lost in the wreck. 'QUAKE IN LOS ANGELES and slalom races, with skiers orabie progress. Hfi .rn n ha nctn1t1 n 1 nppfed to compete. dozen universities ex- ""jui -.. ... vw ivv 1 1 to but iv. v r 1 t'l 'hi Tin irnirnrnmtnt nnH I Cnnn nf thp rnmiVal Will Shift following a LONGSHOREMEN PMMhtiity of other cabinet to Montreal at night and while INCREASE ' observers today said it spectators, pectat supplied with box 'Id in Liberal convention in Vancouver. Particularly at the conven-l tlon was this feeling evident, remarked Mr. McRae. Resolu-' tlon after resolution H. G. Perry, Prince George and Prince Rupert newspaper publisher was chairman of the resolutions com- I mlttee) carried the keynote or. decentralization and province-1 j wide consideration In dealing I with such matters as lmmlgra-! tlon, highway construction. ! power development, land settle- ment, Pacific Great Eastern ex-' tension, etc. All along the line, i there was admission that more ! attention must be paid to out- side districts and that no longer 1 could Vancouver be a law unto ! Itself. 1 Speaking of the convention o..A short i., ih. .,iri(io trnitPd stales teams that will onH fairi parthmioWp u-ns. Ilself- Mr McRae expressed Thrr.J that the Liberal party . ,i mmwi,. frit Wp pnrw tnHnv hPc " an old saying that j Skating, tobogganing and; wcre no immediate reports ' i-sualty In nny war Is sleighing on the slopes of Mount j damage. apparently nowadays ; Royal will set the proceedings victim which takes In motion February itf. with Wlin Postmaster-General "ecover. 0 SESSION II FEBRUARY T - With a new , from a lamp honf res croviciins ngnii and the McGiii band supplying Is Making Recovery "competition will move to St.1 MONTREAL Hon. Ernest Ber-Margarefs. trend. Postmaster General of in the Laurentlans. i downhill Canada, continues to make fav- February 20. for the Of I would continue a uimt'u anu i powerful factor in coalition j government under the. Premier-Designate B. I. Johnston, who was the choice of the conven tion as leader. FLOODED AS DAM BREAKS MISSION CITY. W A break In the Caunall Lake dam, nine miles north of here, today isolated homes and rendered lumber mills In the vicinity Inactive. The 15-foot break was caused by heavy weekend rains; which overflowed the water reservoir. Several sections of newly laid pipe supplying Mission City with water from the lake were swept away. Roads were virtually Impassible. Although children might have to wade to their classrooms for the next few days, no homes were in danger of being swept away. PRICE FIVE CENTS NOT REDUCING SERVICE NOW Official Statement From Union Steamship Co. Protests Did It VANCOUVER, An official of the Union Steamship Co. said last night that, despite Increased operating costs making operations more difficult, the company would not reduce service during the winter months to coastal points as had been intended earlier. The decision followed protests from Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Bella Coola and Stewart Boards of Trade that the proposed cut would be "in imical to the progress and best j leading to the conference break interests or uritisn Columbia." down. i The weekly services now will be ; The' eollanse of the Bis Four Continued "until further notice" rnnfp,Pn(.p vL.hrh nrrnrrprt 11. and calls as at present A telegram received late yesterday by the President of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce from Reg T. Rose, executive secretary of the Vancouver Board of Trade, said: "Union Steamships, following representations, have decided to maintain the weekly service for thp nrpKPnt. 11 Thle tt-ac nnrif Impressed by the greatly increased recognition i ice JSJV4 m.s ln a telegram received by the ..... ....j ,,.i,:u ,o un;nr nnlnl Utt Vn.-i.n,.rn. ovwi Vi L.mifVi i. . . . '. ... i chamber of Commerce this G FOUR CONFERENCE BREAKS DOWN UNIFICATION OF WEST GERMANY AS SEPARATE STATE NOW SEEN United States, Great Britain and France Are Going Into Session At Once LONDON (CP) High diplomatic informants said today that Secretary of State George Marshall will begin with Foreign Minister Bidault of France tonight the first of a series of western power talks on unification of western Germany. Marshall set his staff pf German advisers to work drafting pro posals which he might advance to Bidault for a merger of the French zone with the British and American zones now that four-power organization of all Germany has been ruled out for the immediate future- at least by a breakdown of the Big Four talks. Foreign Secretary Ernest Bev-in Is expected to report to the cabinet tomorrow on all factors night, leaves Europe more firmly and formally divided plan at any time since the war ended. There was no arrangement for a future meeting. Britain, United States and France blamed the Soviet Union for the breakdown. Russia charged that the western powers formed a "common front" and attempted "to heap everything on the head of the Soviet Union." Foreign Commissar V. M. Molo Z "?" McBean. to left, by planqr.- thl managing director of Union , morning, planning a briet stop Steamships Ltd. j at Berlin enroute to Moscow. The community or Massettj At Frankfurt American obser-had also Joined in the vigorous i vers predicted that western Ger-protest against the proposed cut-J manv "'d gin to take shape ting down of service to the'as an interim state, union or Queen Charlotte Islands and 1 confederation almost Immediate sent a telegram to the master General at Ottawa with whom the Prince Rupert Cham-iber of Commerce had already communicated by air mall. Representations against the proposed curtailment in service were also made by W. D. Smith, M.L.A. for Atlin and J. D. McRae, of Prince Rupert who called upon the Union Steamships Co. in Vancouver last week. Better Gifts From States Are Allowed OTTAWA An order-in-council amending the new Import regulations provides that residents of the United States desiring to send gifts to Canadian friends :: TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courtesy S. D, Joha-.ton Co. Ltd. OOChOOOOOOOhWChW6MOO0WO Vancouver Bralorne 10.00 B. R. Con 04 (j B. R. X .08 Cariboo Quartz 2.70 Dcntonla 17 'a Hedley Mascot SO Mlnto 02 i Pend Orlelle 2.05 Pioneer 3.50 Premier Border 044 Reeves McDonald 1.10 Reno , .12 Salmon Gold ., 21 Sheep Creek 1.15 Taylor Bridge 50 Taku River 68 Vananda 20 Congress 03 Pacific Eastern 05 Hedley Amalgamated .. .03 Central Zeballos Ol'i Silbak Premier 50 Oils Calmont 44 C. & E. : 3.05 Home 4.80- Toronto Athona 10 Aumaque .24 Seattle 96 Bevcourt .50 Bobjo 15 Buffalo Canadian 18 Consol. Smelters 92.00 Conwest Donalda Eldona Elder Giant Yellowknlfe .91 .89 .87 .67 5.95 God's Lake .78 Hardrock ... .32 Harrlcana 08 Heva 22 Hosco 43 Jacknofe ' .06Vi Jollet Quebec 40 Lake Rowan 15 Lapaska 11 Little Long Lac 1.50 Lynx 08 . Madsen Red Lake 3.00 McKenzle Red Lake 58 MacLeod Cockshutt 1.45 Moneta 35 Negus 2.10 Noranda 46.75 Louvlcourt 1.40 Pickle Crow 2.28 Regcourt 03 San Antonio 4.00 Senator Rouyn 64 Sherrltt Gordon 2.85 Steep Rock 2.05 Sturgeon River 30 ly as a result of the collapse of the London talks. may send anything having a' value up to $25. The value, pre-1 SHIP DISTRESSED viously, had not been beyond $5. Apple Trees Grovvn From Local Seeds Sent To England Apples do well 1n England, according to word received by W. P. Holes, orderly at the General Hospital In Prince Rupert, who recently heard from the Old Country. Previous to the First Great War, Mr. Holes sent a box of apples to friends overseas. The seeds In these apples were planted and, in course of time, up came new apple trees which bore fine fruit. NEAR ALEUTIANS SEATTLE, ff. The U.S. Army tanker El Caney, enroute from JEWS CLAIM VICTORY IN ARAB FIGHT JERUSALEM, 0 Hagana headquarters at Tel Aviv reported today that a Hagana force had surrounded a uniformed and "heavily armed" band of Arabs at Yarkona, five miles' north of Petah Tiqva, and that a pitched battle had taken place. A spokesman for the Jewish defence forces said the Arab band was believed to be a scouting party from the Arab village of Tularm. Hagana said that the "larger' part" of the band was destroyed. It was reported here that the Arab League has decided to put regular Arab forces Into Palestine to 'fight against Zionism" and" Ihatfan lhitlal-fundrof $4,- i 000,000 will be raised to finance the liberation of Palestine. COAST SEAMEN ACCEPT BOOST VANCOUVER, o More than 500 seamen employed by Canadian Pacific Railway and Cana dian National Railways coastal .vessels have voted to accept a flat $15.75 monthly pay boost with an additional 15-cent hourly overtime Increase and one day off In six, a union official reported today. Another 300 seamen employed by Union Steamship Co. are still voting on the proposal. Yokohama to Seattle In ballast, Lp lnvestlgated. uiuaj lauiucu an kj w o saving her rudder had been carried away and her propellor damaged 500 miles south of Attu THE WEATHER Rain and southwesterly gales accompanied still another storm as It beat against the British Columbia coast this morning. Snow was falling over the northern Interior at forecast time while the remainder of the province was blanketed by clouds. Precipitation Is expected to spread inland today as the storm moves Inland with only slight Improvement foreseen in the wake of the disturbance. Forecast Prince Rupert. Queen Char (25 m.p.h) today and north west (25 m.p.h) tomorrow. Nor mal temperatures. Lows tonight UNIONS CHARGE B.C. DEPUTY VANCOUVER -Executive officers of the Vancouver Labor Council (C.I.O.) today charged James Thompson, provincial Deputy Minister of Labor, with, "discrimination against C.C.L. unions' and were told by Labor l Minister Wismer that the alleged Instances of malpractice would The council alleged that Mr. Thompson took no action against American Federation of Labor- The navy salvage tug Bolster i spo"sr!d "Jurisdictional raids- was ordered out from Adak and a tug was also ordered out from Midway. The tanker is believed to carry a crew of 40. on C.C.L. memberships. Calgary Stampede Netted $119,448 CALGARY A total surplus of $119,448 was realized from the annual stampede and exhibition In 1947, reported E. D. Adams, chairman of the finance committee. The stampede revealed the highest income In its history but expenditures also were higher than In previous years. SNOW COVERS CARIBOO TOWN LILLOOET 0 Snow shovels were In demand here. 115 miles lottes and. North Coast Over- j north of Vancouver after a heavy cast. Rain today and showers week-end fall of snow disrupted Wednesday. Winds southerly I power and communications lines. blocked highways and caused householders to worry. Thirty-three Inches fell at ana nigns weanesaay: rorr, nearDy Mission Mountain in a Hardy 38 and 45. Massett 37 and storm reachlm? blizzard 1 45, Prince Rupert 38 and 45. 1 tlon: l