ttfure Rnnrtt DnfTp J3cms TuesUay, December 10, 19-17 ! MIXED "B" BOWLS LEAGUE SCHEDULE December ill- -Ideal uetfrgenta vs. Triple XX. CY.O. vs Cougars, Islanders vs. B.C Packers. Miss or Hits ' n. Brownwoocs ' End at first third January 4 Cougars s. Triple XXX, ' BC. Packers ts. C.Y.O., Islanders vs. ' Miss or Kits, Ideal Detergents vs. ', Brownwoods i January ll C.Y.O. vs. Ideal Deter-: vents. Triple XXX vs. Miss or Hits. B.C. Packers vs. Brownwoods. Cou-J gars v. Islanders. I January 18 Mtau or Hits vs. B.C Packers, Islanders vs. Brownwood.), Cougars vs. Ideal Detergents. Triple ! XXX VS. C.Y.O. J January 24 Islanders vs. C.Y.O., J Cougars vs. B.C. Packers. Triple XXX vs. Brownwoods, Mian or Mlts vs. De- tergenis. i February t Cougars vs. Brown- woods, Islanders vs. Ideal Deter- gents. Miss or H1U vs. C.T O.. Triple ! XXX vs. B.C. Packers. February 8 Triple XXX vs. Islanders. Miss or Hits vs. Cougars. Ideal BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Green 391 GEORGE L. RORIE PubBc Accountant, Auditor, etc.' Plumbing and Heating ' ; Engineers Phone 174 j t P.O. Box 274 GEORGE MCWHINNEY . PAINTING AND : PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 SUPERIOR DECORATORS PAINTINO, PAPERHANGINO Phone: Blue 952 or Black 245 ten Kitchens Bill Thornton (D18 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST 3 ANNOUNCPS THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF - DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK. V"-" TELPhUNE705 i ARMSTRONG AGENCIES I .. HEAL ESTATE BROKERS INSURANCE ADVISERS Fnone 342 P.O. Box 927 P. N. Kllboru W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER 'AND MESSENGER Ljmber - Coal - Wood - Baggage j Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Oreen 977 t ' Prince Rupert : HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches. SOS 4th Street' Phone 653 PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE GREEN 955 Agent for Pacific-Bottle B.C. Ltd. nnders vs. B.C. Pnckers. February 33 B.C. Pnckers vs. C.Y. O.. Islanders vs. Miss or Hits. Brownwoods vs. Ideal Detergent. Cougars vs. Triple XXX. February 29 Triple XXX vs. Miss or Hits, BC. Packers vs. Brownwoods. Cougars vs. Islanders. C.Y.O. vs. Ideal Detergents March 7 Brownwoods vs. Islanders, Cougars vs. Ideal Detergents. Triple XXX vs. C.Y.O.. B.C. Packers vs. Miss or Hits March H Tcugars vs. BC. rcker, r .. -r. I 1 - WV tergents. Miss or Hits vs. C.Y.O.. B.C. Packers vs Triple XXX, Brownwoods vs. Cougars. March 28 Cougars Detergents vs. BC. Packers. C.Y.O. Brownwoods Baggage Freight Expresj Red 808 Phone Bine 269 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Income Tax Returns Compiled.' Gutter Work Besner Block Phone 387 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H. .J. LUND McKINLEY & ST. CLAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING PHONE RED 240 5 I smith Yelk ins ltd. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 Grandview Hotel ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 412 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs. Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted 'Plants Large selection of Gifts' MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 516 Phone 777 300 3rd Ave. FOR LIFE INSURANCE see our rates first. ROSS RICHARDSON G2a Taylor Street Residence Phone Red 24G Confederation Life Association STEPHEN ERICKS0N Piano Technician TUNINO AND REPAIRS Black 195 411 West 7th Ave. If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS' Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work, JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage. Labelling, Weighing BLUE 992 m moupt mi vnatirr unm m) iM to OOUMBiA OPTICAL CQ.D TWO-WAY TIE IN BOWLING Results r Play In Mixed "H" league With only one more week of play left in the first third, Ideal Detergents and Miss or Hits remain tied at the top of the league, each taking the odd game from B.C. Packers and Cougars respectively. At the- same tIme- Brownwoods moved Detergents vs. Miss or Hits, Islanders vs. c.Y.o. ito within one point of the pace- March 2i-bianders vs. ideal Do (setters oy registering a ciean sweep . over C.Y.O., while Triple XXX lost two to Islanders. Bob vs. Miss or, Woods of Brownwoods took the Hits, Ideal Detergents vs. B.C. Pack- high Single and high three for vvv i i Vi Bronwoons' 1T,p,e,the men with 258 and A. Boas 14 B. Payne 129 Handicap 79 TOTALS B. C. PACKERS P. Conudlna 213 E. Barber 160 W. Olass 11 Win. Cbuw 145 It Panl 113 Low Score 114 Handicap 98 Ideal Detergents 2G Miss or Hits Brownwoods Triple XXX . B. C. Packers Islanders Cougars C.Y.O. 173 100 1C8 185 154 174 79 TOTALS 908 1033 IDEAL DETERC1 ENTS It Sutten 128 170 M. uder 114 214 Ii. Schmidt 100 179 D. Houston 211 200 O. Camptujmolo 143 147 E. Muesallem 160 108 180 IB I' 181 119 192 124 79 976 8C0 1027 1180 ISS 183 139 255 12 84 91 117 181 113 in iat u 98 clamorous"? TOTALS 968 912 104-1 MISS OK HITS M. Youngmaii 130 B. McCnetncy 124 B. Wlndle 188 S. Sehorfl B. Mataort 164 B. Scharfl 115 Low Store 107 TOTALS 826 957 903 COUOARS M. Scharff 73 C. ScharM 107 J. Pavllkto 100 J. Deenphy 118 Low Score 130 177 107 139 168 HI R. Tubb Tubb 247 215 TOTALS 773 947 C. Y. O I. Dumas 229 M. Bruce 178 E. Blaln 131 M. Amadlo 67 J. Bruce 145 A. Pierce 212 Handicap 39 TOTALS UKU I BROWNWOOCS , E. Smith. 229 Geo. Brown 187 D. Woods 192 B. Woods 154 K. Rell 133 J. ReU 138 TOTALS 1013 1172 1148 Standing to dite: VANCOUVER HOOP TEAM COMING rrows Hcre!SH0RT SPORT yy car Tom Dennie vrtio learned to Current developments prevent k in the hills rising up behind the Metlakatla All Stars show-1 Quebec, sped over an 11-mlle ing here January 2 and 3 pr.iiBt twisting through thein in planned. jan hour. 15 minute i and 23 g?- An unexpected request from I nnds to win the first of two trials the Arrows of Vancouver for for a spare bfrth on Canada's dates immediately after New Olympic ski t?am. The medium- Years being the reason. Presi- ,f2ecli 24-vear-oId Dennie, picked dent Art Murray had attempted eartIer a,t M the bnt without success to arrange such fonner auTlnx UtkMni for thf a series while In the south re- ( , barri . b, cently. Ted Milton, coach of the Canadlan trm Sudbury. Out . Arrows, was reluctant at that 648 re- tlme as it was unlikely that h April 4-iea: Detergents vs. Triple; specuveiy, wnue laaies lugn could bring his best team. How-XXX. C.Y.O. vs. Cougars. Islanders threp u'pnt tn Atmp Plprrp nf . ...iv .v.. n t,o Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS ANSWERS 1 I. Say, '"was followed by tin plete silence" 2. pronounce Bill Johnson. 27, who was second vs. B.C. packers, iiss or Hit., vs. - u dashed across the flnlih line only CYn u,,h nd F,Mnnr ' ?Ya 575 and Eieanor Vancouver Senior League and . . Brownwoods , nine, second mmtmiAm ,.. faster than John End of the Second Third 1 Barber of B. C. Packers copping nme off guaranteed his entire April 11 cougars vs. Trtpie xxx. ladies high single with 253. squad he is now ready to ac-?fu,r-i?-I&& xxx too team high pt the local invitation. single wim uvi wnue team nign Secretary Nick Pavlikls has al in last season'.; Canadian enm-country championship. DennI; vs. Brownwoods I April is c YO. vs Ideal Deters- three went to Brownwoods with readv wired the extent " of his old all-round Pohrnsrv Mt rsr Wit. u enl Trlnl V VV v Mlu r.F . J Triple XXX. C.Y.O. vs Cougars. Isl- gars vs. Handera. Business and Professional JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and 'Vt'estern Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTION? TAKEN " Sixth Street ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER TRIPLE XXX A. Matheson 217 B. Uslek 183 Erie Trumbell 214 E. Trumbell 142 S. Dnvlson 174 J. Thornon 263 TOTALS . 1102 ISLANDERS V. Duncun 120 J. Fuater 104 H. Duncan 311 E Duncan .......... 114 148 son, whose tune wa 1:15:3? vey Clifford ct Ottawa wai the only Olympic regular besides Irwin entred In th etrnt and he finished ninth In 1::57. Another Olympic star. John Cllf-1 ford of Ottawa, ilnished clev-. enth in l:25:Ct Weather was near perfect for in 172 sha-to, a as in shall, o as in no. une trial, wnicn wm & ren' accent second syllable 3 De- 139 M4 215, 145 collete 4 A statement exagge- high, u as In fur, o as In no, e rated fancilfully as for effect as In me, accent second syllable.) Pronounce hl-pur-bo-le. l as in 5. Blatant. I next Saturday to help Olympic oineiais maice inis rnmre ior mr other spare position. A twtetlng up-and-down course, which altogether added up to equal distances of uphill, downhill and level going, hid been laid out by firry Pangman, Montreal, chairman of the Olympic skctln committee, and even Dennie and Hiruki took tumbles at a tricky ,-fT turn near th start. Time was fast but could hardly be compared accurately with Olympic times slnee condition rf terrain and weather are seldom duplicated in winter games from one year to another. TO DEVELOP INDIAN MINE WorU T Be Keuimrcl Well Known Property On Development work U expected Bill Irwin of Wlnnlpig, 27-jxcrito commence on the Indian ; perfornur and: Mines In the Porland Canal f guarantee and offering January trember cf the regular Olymvlc District during the latter part t 1 6 and 7 as the only possible team of 10 already picked, ran of April or early In May. Work- " 131 dates. Since there is little doubt the trial as part of hU drill for Ins capital will be Increased. 139 IAJ Ik.t , U ...nn.n,.tn nnn ha .. 1 I , . T , I . , . . 172 tS4 . iit-At fear j winter games ana pwiinra 10 proceea along i 82 68 made, the Rupert-Metlakatla was third In 1:17:77. Irwin's time 1 the lines recommended by Dr. I 182 283 vrlfs has been rjostDoned until mi nn n 4 s.n.- ik. .T T xhrin nn.iin. .n ) 854 933' Psibly the first week in Feb- 3f tn. Canadian cross-country I glneer. His report estimates ; mary. ehamplon, Laurl Houkl. 53-year tonnage In the present work- nitf Finn from Sudbury. ings at 32,000 tons, averaging C.I percent lead. 71 percent Th ,, , , The only other westerner ln.i- ni, ,,. ... . ., i... .1.14 t ounce! gold and 5.7 1. What is uTong 'with this ' to"' tot "nth, "'"" sentence? "Smith's statement ! OFTEN EMPLOYED t5. was followed by a dead silence.' P U the most frequently used 267 9 wht U thP rorrort nra- ibftih 0n tn O'yPmlC te am, lest i , , (. . p,,' 1W r I five ielondt nettmi awav be. ' " . 193 nunciatlon of "chateau"? 16 a. Which one of these words 242 Is misspelled? Decolate, beret, demitasse. 4. What does the word "hyperbole" mean? 5. What Is a word beginning with bl that means "brawling VHKV IV TKURACK STOP AT THE TERRACE HOTEL Tar Convenience and C'iinfrt HOT .t.ND COLO WATER IN ROOMS Central Heatini Spriac-Eilt'd .Mal.rnse 102 - - 219 165 MMnaiaM 133 B H r m 188 221 HV M -HB 148 BHr M H 158 141 W M 1 108 in w M H 126 152 m H 201 162 m m H 39 39 m m m Hl 968 1002 r m Ml m H 258 236 V MVMrr H w w lpis rrrfZ mww-- m y 111 f 1 mumfiom m . HU 7fe 1 PARASITIC WORM . . lm9t j The tapeworm is a class of IBbUbVi parasitic flat-worm generally I sSWrJxi jMBBBBjK long flat bodies' I ItBiiSf tMMBfiMriMMi the a I MSlMBKtKKim I r a 1 D in ron Tin: in automotive smvirr See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER f'lievrnlet ISuIck fll - Pontlae Olthntnbile (i,'J " MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garaoe tehkaci; n.c Jc LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD PoiirIi and Dresned l,nmber Jrd Are. at th St. Lumhcr Manufacturers T K R K A ( II AtenU For International llarvrtter r Firestone Tire & ( i ,., riiilco Kadi Willard llalteries Gifts Galore 9 iXS.XXAX&X 1 .M.J,VV,, y r 1 V V p y v p i y y y y y y y y y y y y v y y y r y y ' y w nu I'ili at McCUTCHEONS eWfttTttf wt x c eiit l'OU HER -Cosmetic Sets, . ,,; Compacts, Stationery, jU-. FOR IIIM Shavinjf Sets, Waller , (; Lighters, Pen and Pencil Sets. I ipp., ( McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. HKATING PADS TRILITES TOASTERS RADIOS I HONK r.u LING THE TAILOR Ve are taking cleaning and prcln( anil steam prrvint while yon ait. 'HONE C4SI 720 Sluth Street INCOME TAX ' ll I 1 V 1 L JLIliU Returns prepared M . m,lJiBBBBjBBHBWMw J ( R. E MORTIMER LjfcMWB I tffih ' 324 2nd Ave. (NearCFPRr 4 '77 S I Q) ! LOVELY GIFTS I - I ;' IIS NXk3E 1 JHHHHHHHHH 11 S S 3 Pride of the Pacific iB , 11 r.ARCIP SHrPtfBMT mT (l k. 1 Jl II Y ill' I II M . , . uww. B H I . ii y Youn n iHHK .1 y U KO N JEWELLERS .J. O. Alexander) G23 Third Ave. Blue Stt .BH k. .1 Ihis advertijement is not publiihtJ or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Eritfih Columbia wr. doctok shoes IIEEl, THEM ATTENII TO THEIR DVEINO SAVE, TIlEllt SOLES MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave A..iV LAMPS COFFEE MAKERS FLASHLIGHTS .tt'TOMATIf I HONS Enclish Carving Sets I hiitku iitiml Rupert Radio. & Electric M) Sloliif raiKinc "n& Sliinnint ami (.mrril Cartas1 slr"' Fur ('Dir. Kit! : Lindsay's CartaJ Cor 2: (I & Storage 677 IM) Scissors Razors Table Knives Bread Knives Pocket Knives Hunting Knives THOMPSON HARDWARE CO, LTD. M CHUNK 101 CITY WINTERIZE ...n Third DtiUht I . i mnf r All iimi ' .it MS. 95? .MtTAOf transfe V 11 fM'" IIIP NOW! Recharge Battery. Tune M,- v-ooimg aysteiii iter" iei)air or iven ate Chains. Cl,nnr?e to W-ntr .r E ,.,-5 -oiTsmvAsn' cation. RUPERT MOTORS J Skl