m the 1 1 fHCE mm 1 -.21 started started off vv :rning. a pax! sun Jar J A "What's the there is just one This business of I all that sort Sy. ; the ads the i running, tell-r-.:n and women iLv one and only the things they t: . to work and x t. every day. c vcrnment, but u-n.-e, and it is in Canada or in '!. world. r .-! i jn a tough v. and here in iv. .ire in a lucky pot every . almost every vk:i standard of i.'h But when .. v. ii.it it might a . ij every one k ai j turned in v.-;rk tint we're :r.- is simply no s a;, this country . u!d earn the the world if aU r and did each s work that we :. is the answer' i n .il.caj of us. J nothing can in dr pffifntfj ; :r, th ifwuor i i j Federation cf F-22 W C AN I 7 ' I ME ASHLEY 1 K y the hands wi . or softened ii . i,,hed every j.i moistened Another treatment cff '".ivp is to rub "h ouuermllk. .a 1 ri'move paint unncs'1 uraune two or vun equal parts of n turpentine, then m: in soapsuds. I retain the vivid olors of new . n cooking them? n ot soda in the will help. TO KNOW i-fts say that ccr- tosetner, ao utdn't be eaten ill effects. !E HABANERA described as "a m of the llaban-vuna dance, which nd attractive, al-"f from vulgarity ." m m Optometrist - AT - MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave, phone Green 324 for NO Local News Items . . . Basketball tonight, 9:30 p.m. Brownwoods vs. Savoy. ,it) Mrs, O. A. Hunter sailed this afternoon on the Coqultlam for a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. Women of the Moose Christmas party on. Wednesday, 17. Bring two presents, Secret pal (and Christmas present. Sign 1 your name to both. (291) i Fred Brown, Vancouver Insurance man, after a brief business visit to the city, sailed by the Princess Louise last night on his return south. Basketball Executive Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m., Civic Centre. All coachea and managers re quested to attend. Important. (294) J. J. Siemens, Manltba co operative leadtr who arrived in the city Monday evening on the Princess Louise and later addressed a meeting In the I.O.D.E., leit this afternoon by air for Vancouver. Walter D. Longwlll will arrive In the city at the end of this week from Vancouver, where he Is attending technical school, to spend the Christmas and New Vear holiday season with his parents. , MOOSE WHIST- PARTY DANCE The weekly social event of card playing and dancing under the auspices of the Loyal Order of Moose was held Saturday night In the Moose Temple In card playing, which took up the early part of the evening, the winners for the women were Mrs. A. Dumas and Mrs. L Keller, and for the men, Joe Slag-gard and L. Weathcrby Dancing to music provided by Stcven'a orchestra was followed by the serving of refreshments and ' distribution of prizes to the wln-, ners at cards. nnmi Nona: ROGFHSON Born to Mr and Mrs. J. W. Rogerson tn the Prince Rupert Genera) Hos pital. on Monday. December 15, a baby girl. Announceri'ents All Kdvcrtlwmrifs in UjU column will be rhargrd for full month it 25 cent word. SON. business meeting to take out. w3 AnnounclI,E CHOCOLATE 1LAVOKLD DAIKV DRINK Containin not less tha i "5- MX U butlerfat CHILDREN LIKL : it V c George Eales returned Monday afternoon from a short business trip to Vancouver. Chamber of Commerce membersmeeting regarding future disposition of American port in stallations, City Council Cham ber, Wednesday, 8 p.m. (293 1 Brigadier Plow To College At Kingston VANCOUVER To attend the Canadian Defence College, Brigadier E. c. Plow, officer commanding the British Columbia Defence Area, left here recently for Kingston, Ontario. (2) Order from your Wagon, Grocer or Dairy at popular prices. VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 X HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE PLETELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN AIR PASSENGERS From Vancouver (Monday) J. D. McRae, George Eales, Mr. and Mrs. Rothwell. To Vancouver R. W. Wilson, J. J. Siemens, Capt. Falres, F. Brown. Fri-i day, Dec. 19. 8 p.m. St. Peter's Y.P.A. Xmas Concert, Dec. 19 and 20. St. Peter's Hall. SOU. Christmas Dance, Mrs. Black and five-piece orchestra. Everyone welcome. Tickets at door. Civic Centre, Dec. 26. 9:30 till 2:00. SO.N. Christmas Tree. Odd fellows' Hall. Dec. 30. 2 to 5. Refreshments and entertain-' mcnt. I Bosun Inn, 909 First Avenue; West, Black 959. Fine food, ta-J males, chill, barbeque fried j chicken. Caterers large or small I ken wen vUr...w, . . , , 0rderS H. r m - si II flMfl f - I " - w on vhy Ice cream TOO LATE TOO CLASSIFY T v V y y Y y y v v PUBLIC I'QUEENIE'-BAGK- POLICE TAKE HEW APPROACH TO "LOST DOG" "Queenle" Is becoming a bit !of a problem around police ' headquarters. The fact that she i Is around there at all Is a prob-jlem. "Queenle" Is the female police dog which was released to her owner last week after spending 14 days "In stir." The boys In the city police office were so sure that they had got rid of "Queenle" when they turned her over to her owner S last week that they did not bother to take his name and address. I Neither did they take the jname of the lady who had brought "Queenle" there orig inally. "Queenle," the lady said, was making her home at the lady's place and she was not wel come. Would the police do some thing about it. When, as a result of a story In the Dally News, "Queenle1 was finally claimed by her own er, a fisherman, the matter was FOR SALE Two ,mdnths old presumably solved. White Enamel Range. Airflow Yesterday, however, the Pot Burner with fan. 709 j was re-opened. The lady. Under joint auspice PRINCE RUFERT CHAMBER C? COMMERCE PHlNUJi still Claude St. After 0 p.m. ' (295) : unknown, brought "Queenle HPRs&s:2i.-K:t:' .WW' ySissi RUPERT JUNICH CIIAM3ER OF COMMERCE PRINCE RUPERT CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17, 8 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBER Called tn consider a proposa! by Mr. K. Meek with reference to the eventual disposition of the American-built waterfront installations. In the Family Pack v y 1$ y v y y if v y y y y v y y y y y y y y v y y y y y y & y back. The police .reluctantly , accepted the dog. Constable Oeorge Redhead, af ter a considerable period of thought, solved the problem In his own way. He opened the street door, then went back and unlocked the dungeon. Then he praised considerable din, calcul ated to strike terror Into Qucenle's" heart. It did. "Queenle" streaked out of the police station like a whip- up Fulton Street. "I hope," said Constable Red head wistfully, "that "Queenle' has enough sense to go honv and stay there." RECOMMENDS THERMOMETER Says Water Temperature Determines Fish Haunts TORONTO, O' The flsher- It isn't a bottle it's a thermometer. Frank R. Steel, who has fished from Nova Scotia to California and holds the world's- re- it y t y y y y y y y iy , ' if :; y y y y y V 300 BRIDES BALLOT FOR ELIZABETH'S DRESSES Lady Read- ; V ins Is shown conducting the ballot of 300 brldcsfor the 20 wed- , y ding gift dresses which Princess Elizabeth is giving away. The ballot took place at the Women's Voluntary Services headquarters ln Tothill St. Westminster. London. All applicants had to be 21 years of age and had to be married on Nov. 19, 20 or 21. 1 y I y Ideal Gifts FOR Latest Fiction Latest General . . . "INSIDE u. s. A." "PEACE OF MIND" "HUMAN DESTINY" MIXES IN THE BEST CIRCLES" 111 ?m DRY Gin IB-Jewel Watches from 12- ui 1, 2 and 3-Strand Rearls from ...... 3.75 up Musical Jewel and Powder Roxes 8.75 Cigaret Cases and Compacts ....... L00 up Earringfi and Pins from 1-00 i nvvv.n vniT A THREE TO FIVE-DAY HERE BY AIR FROM ENGLAND Mr. and Mrs. Kothwell Make Trip in Little Over Two Days After stepping aboard a Trans-f'anada Airlines overseas plane at Prestwlck, Scotland, at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, Mr. on1 Mrs Willlnm TT Rnthwpll. pet. She was last seen heading ;of Morecambe Lancashire, Eng.. I reached their i Prince Rupert noon. destination at Monday after- Mr. Rothwell Is a cousin of William Rothwell of this city. The two cousins have not met since the local Mr. Rothwell was overseas during the first World War. The newcomers plan to settle In Prince Rupert, which, so far, they like flne. It Is warmer than It wis in England, Mr. Rothwell says, and no wetter. Mr. Roth- man who has been going out well was. a storekeeper at More-wlth rod, line, hook, sinker, bait, cambe. stringer and solunar table has At present they are guests of been forgetting something. And. Mr. and Mrs. Rothwell, Sher- brooke Avenue. of picking, determines whether , Tr . t tea Is green or black, pW case fc has saimon ever caught, just! rnmp nut. ulth a nnOK HalL Po.lln. ,HV, o Thormnmetpr" get-Up. That IS, may'.lch haven't been in produc-.g (George J. McLeodi-which i "on sin early ln the war' can i revolutionize game fishing. j 1 V lAAntriri & P. Steel's study gives details on the water temperature likings of four favored Canadian fish: bass, muskellunge, pike and pickerel. And he says they scoot for the proper spots, shifting as the temperature varies with the wind and weather. Here are the feeding temperatures he says they like: Bass (largemouth 65 - 73; Bass (smallmouthi 60-70; muskie and pike 60-80: pickerel 55-70. But, to make It not too cut-and-dried he goes into other angles such as water depth and type of bottom where they convene. It's a fair bet next season's best dressed anglers will add a stream thermometer to their PROCESSING MAIN FACTOR Processing and not the time GOT A HEAD COID? "HOUSE DIVIDEI)" THE MONEYMAN" "EAST SIDE, WEST SIDE" "CAME A CAVALIER" "DRUMS OF DESTINY" I'KOl'D DESTINY" "PRINCE OF FOXES "THE GARHRESTON CHRONICLE' "GUS THE GREAT" "THE BISHOP'S MANTLE" If "flsh-flnders Relieve StuHy arose tRSii breathing passages- and relieves sneezy, sniffly head cold distress. Follow directions ln package. (Williams (Costaln) (Hilton (Keyes) (Bourne) (Feuchtwanger) . (Shellabarger) (Brace) (Duncan) (Turnbull) "THE SAXON CHARM" (Wakeman) "HILL OF THE HAWK" (ODell) ... (Gunthcr) ... (Liebman) ... (du Nouy) Books For Children . . . Complete list of books for children of all ages. Hundreds of Titles in our Selection rts. S !.."() plus deposit HEH ALE - . - r-i i n.iil! . r 1... innrn i."lif V1ITI? flfllrFlt. A Sparkling, Full-Flavored Product ot the iNoriii siar nounng imria - I doz. I v VKK5 VA-TRO-NOL Ckfnc'e .Rupert Dalle J3cujj Tuesday, December 16, 1947 THIS I Glljrisintas GLOVES - - for utility and dress-up occasions. We have them in pigtex, capes, pigskins and chamois. The range includes both lined and unlined in a variety of trims and shades. $2.00 to $8,00 SOCKS - - - the every-popular gift. Selection Is easy from a variety greater, than since pre-war days. Shop NOW for best selection. 75c to $2.75 give him a sift that will be useful the year 'round. A mm GIFT BOXES AT NO EXTRA COST n I Boks ii 2'y ALL AGES J I ai; A A A a A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ii A A A A t S f WV' v, s !ex!'C'e'ltlS'S'lelt''w:!'!1!e'!';e':'e!tts!e!t'!ete,' XiXXKXtXXXXXXXXt LOVA HEADQUARTERS No Change in Our Prices on Diamond Rings Even Though There Will be a Shortage Owing to the Import Ban. Still Priced from $30.00 and up V SERVICE ON WATCH REPAIRS COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE - JEWELLERY REPAIRS AND ENGRAVING ' manson's Jewtia12r;zrsts MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN JEWELLERS ASSOCIATION A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A . . . are always acceptable FOR HIM Power and Carpenter Tools, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Goods. ilrL,Jklkrl FOR HER Lamps, Dishes, Pressure Cookers, Electric Irons, Toasters, Mixers, Pyrex Ware. W. FOR THE YOUNGSTERS Ice Skates, Skis, and equipment, Sleighs, Roller Skates, Wagons, Bicycles and Kiddie Cars. "SHOP EARLY" Mc Brlde ,St, I'hone 311 mi If you want your kitchen remodelled, we build your CUPBOARDS in our shop, ready for installation. Or if you want your FLOOR SANDED Call BLUE 610 We also have a good selection of furniture made in our shop, such as Cabinets, Rook-Cases, Tables, Magazine Racks, Drying Racks, Rocking Horses and Doll Cradles in three sizes. SEE OUR DISPLAY ROOM IN BROOKSU.VNK BLDG., THIRD Ave. Open 2-5 P.M. THIS WEEK g r. n i K K ft a r. .mm hi li m nm -m m m CHRISTMAS GIFT Suggestions Elizabeth Arden Adrienne Yardley Cutcx Bachelor Evening In Paris Max Factor Peggy Sage Tangee WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GIFT SETS. Wc will hold any article till Christmas. No deposit required Ormes Drugs THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS' h V V V A few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol in v each nostril work fast right where ' trouble isl Va-tro-nol opens up y cold - congested y"rsv tP. I PRACTICAL GIFTS KKKXXXXXVXiSWXVXK'WVSXVCtXXXXXXiXVVt a 1 lv.v.v.v;w....... ............ ....pra-.aias .... .... . . . .s mmm rfv A A GIFT OF FISH... Your friends will appreciate as a Christmas .Gift a ten-pound carton of our Famous B.B. Brand of ASSORTED SMOKED FISH Shipped Express Prepaid in B.C, ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN OR ONTARIO for .$3.75 Send your orders to the Bacon Fisheries PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For Prince Rupert Seaftod Products y dt nop tt spi? vnrm nnnr.T?R farly H K A R H K A H & A K g A H K A A A A A A A A A A A A . A A I VI rri A A A A A A A A s A A A A J i A A A A A A A A ii