jp If sf 'M' : 01 A g Prince ttuiicrr Dnlli? J3ctu$ Wednesday. November 12, 1947 Is arrivals J Prince Kupert ? J.McIntyre, Vancouver; E. A., New Westminster: T. S. r r Hairlson, Victoria, J. O. Clarke, Whltehorse; D. M. Brown, J Brantford, Ont.; D. C. Bacham, Port Washington; J. H. Hltch-f coci, Queen Charlotte CICty; M. I P. Haughton, Pacofi; W. Camp-; .bell, North Pacific; K. Munro, TPMrt Essington; D. Secord, I Queen Charlotte City; C. E. Se- Jcqrd. Queen Charlotte City; (Mi-Jnci Mrs... easier, Smlthers: 6.Main, Sunnyside; J. E. Perry, Vancouver; J. L. Qulnn, city, ' F. McLellan, Terrace; R. E. "Brtidin, Nestor Falls, Ont.; Miss ""M. Webster, Toronto; Mrs. D. ' Mc'Rae, New Westminster; G. II .it I SHOPPING HAYS TILL CHKISTMAS BULOVAS GUDENS ELGIN'S and .Many Others to Choose From DRESSER SETS FLATWEAR The Early Shopper Is Never Disappointed On Engraving ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES T .FOR THE LATEST IN JEWELRY f Ufa v MANSON'S JEWELLERS "YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELER" '4:''rc'e'e,-c,is,,ic,c!5ve!C!i,c!,c!ii!e'c,'e(!e!''t'ttn Hotel. . . SURPRISED AT Nesbitt, Prince George; Mr. and 1 couver SASKATCHEWAN Difficult to Understand Why It Should Want to Reduce Old Ase Pensions OTTAWA Hon. Paul Martin! that the province of Saskatche wan should have reduced old age pensions by $5 when the federal government was giving assistance with a view to advancing them to a minimum of $50. Cooperation of the provinces was essential if social legislation was to be extended and improved. LEGION BAZAAR IS SUCCESSFUL Annual fall bazaar of the Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary was the centre or wide interest Monday afternoon and evening, the large attendance making one of the most successful in the history of the Held in the Legion rooms, the guests were received by Mrs. J. S. Black, W. A. president. In the evening there were bingo games and raffles which drew a good crowd. General convener was Mrs. Anges Murray, and the following were in charge of booths: Sewing and fancywork Miss Edith Gandy and Mrs. A. E. Dickens. This booth, featuring work done by Miss Gandy, netted over $50 for the W.A. Raffles Mrs. .Frank Ellison, Mrs. W. Rothwell, Mrs. Charles Anderson. Candy Mrs. John Johansen, Mrs. S. E. Twaites, Home Cooking Mrs. W. J. Lineham, Mrs. Charles Graham. Wool Mrs. William Wallace. Sewing Mrs. G. V. Hanley, Mrs. J. Yalloway. Pourers were Mrs. M. J. Keays and Mrs. Hugh Klllin. Serviteurs were Mrs. Percy Bond, Mrs. N. McGlashan, Mrs. J. Gil-lis and Mrs. W. Bryant, Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. G. Hebb, Mrs. D. McGillivray, Mrs. Wright Davies, Mrs. W. Osborne, Mrs. W. Garlick, Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs. W. Munro, Mrs. R. Nesbitt, Mrs. C. Barker and Mrs. M. Gil christ. Cashier was Mrs. Henry Smith sr. The following were raffle winners: Candy, donated by Mrs. E. Leek, ticket No. 70, won by Mrs. Frank Ellison. Vanity Set, donated by Mrs. Wright Davies, ticket No. 25, Mrs. Margaret Ross. Sweater, donated by Mrs. Florence Miller, ticket No. 50, D. L. Jensen, Centrepiece, donated by Mrs. I I W. Garlick, ticket No. 38, won by Mrs. P. Bond. Table Cloth and Napkin, donated bv Mrs. M. Gilchrist, ticket expressed surprise Monday night j Na 15 won by Mrs w Ricnards. Table Cloth, donated by Mrs. Frank Gomez, ticket No. 24, won by Mrs. Bert Holbrook. Table Cloth, donated by Mrs. J. S. Black, ticket No. 15, won by Mrs. W. Richards. Roses, donated by Mrs. J. Dye, ticket 24, won by Mrs. W. Doll, donated by Miss Edith Mrs. Fortln, Juskatla; D. J. Mulr, , Gandy, won by Pat Forman. Vancouver. , Sheets and pillow cases, won J. C. Howes, Vancouver; K. E. ; by Pat Anderson, ticket No. 1140. Rynes, Vancouver. James Wong, ; Table Cloth, F. L. Beltch, No. Terrace; T. W. Mackay, Van- 211. F.. W. Reich. Butedale. Silverware, Wilfred Taylor, CANADA Did You Pay Income Tax For 1942? If so, read this carefully! IV The Government of Canada will repay the REFUNDABLE SAVINGS PORTION of 1912 Income Tax by March 3ht, 1918. If you are one of those who have refundable savings a cheque will be mailed to you 15 UT Your correct present address is essential 1 Correct addresses are available for most of those entitled to repayment, but a large number of taxpa)ers are constantly moving and others marry and their names change. : Cards on which to report changes of address or name are being Kent to all householders in Canada. These are being distributed at the present time, Additional cards are available rither at jour district Income Tax office or your local Post , t Office. Do nothing if you live at the same address and have the same name as in 1912. Ilfyou are entitled to Refundable Savings on 1942 Income Tax and you have changed your address or name-..COMPLETE AND MAIL YOUR CARD AT ONCE! i , .. 5 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE Taxation Division Ottawa i A Hon. James J. MiCann Minhlrr of Rational Ketenut z Ti litf s - , under charge of Mrs. Percy ling and could appreciate con- Bond, Mrs. Frank Gomez, Mrs. I genial company. He loved to W. Murdoch, Mrs. M. Gilchrist, laueh. So lone, aeo it was. that and Mrs. Dan Parent The hot dog stand was directed by Mrs. Fred Barber and Mrs. Hugh Killin. Charles Anderson and Larry Wahace operated ti-.e wheels. no one today recalls his name, Now and then he would Invent turbed. a Joke and roar In louder mirth than anyone else. Perhaps times were different. Anyway, It often happened. The late John Houston, here in advance of the railway, would sit working in front of his office window, like as not mailing copies of his paper, -The Empire. Noon hour would creep on. Lunch time! It was Houston's style then to perhaps heave a sigh, stretch a bit, push a black ticket 1121. ' Bath towels, Lee Gordon, ticket 1005. Five sacks of coal, donated by Phllpott Evitt Mis. S. Leaper ticket 527. EYES TIRED7 Two Drops Quick Relief MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY EYES TIRED? Soothe and refresh them in seconds with two drops oi safe, qenllo Murine In each eye. You qet QUICK RELIEF. Instantly your eyes feel re freshed. Murine's skilful blend of 7 In- s gredients cleanses and soothes eyes that are tired from overwork or exposure to sun, wind and dust MURINE FOR YOUR EYES LING THE TAILOR tVe are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing . while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMF . Sacked J12.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose t $11.00 per ton N6 rebate lor quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 4 worried him. There was usually a cigar box with loose change In' It somewhere on that littered table. It was rarely if ever dls- The old man had a spacious way with him. Try a Dally News Classified Ad ML u NEW NANAIMO WHARF Pictured here is an artist's sketch of the Canadian Pacific Railway's new land-sea terminal at Nanaltno; as It will look when' the big Job'is completed. Work is already in progress on the terminal. The cost is estimat ed at $$1,750,000. Dredging has already commenced on the site in Nanaimo harbor which Is known as Cameron Island. Ships running between Vancouver and Nanaimo will dock at two piers, as shown in the sketch, and there will be direct handling of passengers, automobiles and freight. The project will completely replace the present docking facilities at Nanaimo. The con- centration of three services ship, rail and bus-at one point Is a unique departure in terminal construction. Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections ; Among Prince Rupert's earl- slouch hat back over grizzled iest barbers was a ponderous, hajr anci see wnat the Premier !slow moving, corpulent German with a formidable moustache and permanent good humor. He was married and liked being In the evening the bingo was .that way. He enjoyed good eat- or the Knox Hotels or perhaps a next door cafe had to offer. He would Just walk. out Keeping PREMIER KING GIVEN HONOR LOUVAIN C? -Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King received the degree of doctor of laws from the University of Louvaln in a hall dating from 1317 and said in an address of thanks that he had never been prouder to be a Canadian, j "No man ever living has re-1 doors or windows locked never ceived so much honor in such a short time as I have since I have been in Belgium," Mr. King said following a three-day visit. Belgian speakers praised Canada and the Prime Minister said he realized the honorary degree as a tribute to the Canadian people "who had gladly shared in the battle for liberty." Yes! we have Overseas Cartons in 6-pound anrl i Hp -Fuuna size at 10c and 15c each respective! Electric ...u.i ! inn-King your pare Christmas mailing. You can get these ; as any other requirements from Heaters for jie Cold Weal AHVIN FAN-FORCEI) F.VEHHOT CIHCTLVriNG BEAUTY ItADIANT He Comfortable lie Wise Buy Now Inm i RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRI Phone 611 313 Third A?f. W. I MONTREAL 'CP Plans for j were discussed at information cf a school to supply ! ol the Quebec bria uniform training to all types of Canadian Institute t: sanitary inspectors in Quebec ' Inspectors. ,-f73p. The market for British Columbians fishery products is the food gtorc around the corner from your home, New York's hustling Fulton Market, or almost any part of the worhh These sales outlets arc serviced by our representatives whose experience and marketing knowledge contribute greatly to the wide distribution of 15. G. fishery products. The responsibility to our valued customers, whether at home or abroad, is to continue to supply them with qtiulity fish at prices which will encourage maximum distribution and consumption. (I British Columbia Packers limited , itncouvcr? B. G I