i LORDS iPASSES i lire Amendment in use Uejected Sees Dictatorship o - Former Prime l.uiuii Churchill de- Huuc of Commons t ' we are approach- tt.t to dictatorship In bit: the Labor gov- L Conservative party me Labor govcrn- iw euro me power i o! Lords. Churchill Bi'ir.'-d at Is a sin- jwri.mrnt. a dlc- !t:n.Nins without 'iw - or the peo- W Whit I hate I USED ' anybody's H:vi or Prime Mln- Ht charged the i minister ln-teiarrd it had pcy miseries to Brit-fervativp amendment I designed to kill the I W bl was rejected by 5 to 194 te Bars PPed to 8c !TOThe urice tirs has been Increas local stores. The pd price has gone up $ increase in the price I' ans. IS ("IntercollfRialc I 'n Toronto to Wfaled TO K of Mayor Robert fid that investigations fade '"to the alleged "a8 crops on students Policemen dur- t goal posts" fol- J aays jnter-col-game when Unl-tos 0 defltf JfcWs said that 6-un would 0)Jt Eem etiC dll'toriate. S"' llce Sald he had used whips on 3ER 2338 ''slkt f. iu fmberS2SM o l fln.l ' "IU- br.;" "u last. " as , follows: ;-flp 104 LIGHT SNOW AND jFINE WEATHER With light snow on the ground eastward from Hazelton through the Bulkley and Nechako valleys, beautiful sunny weather has been prevailing for the past couple of days in the central Interior, according to C. A. Ber-ner, divisional superintendent Canadian National Railways, who returned to the city on last night's train from a trip over the territory on regular Inspection duties. TODAY'S STOCKS CoMrtnj n. D JohnatorTOvT) trt. . Vancouver Bralorne 11.00 B. R. Con 05 B. R. X .09 Cariboo Quartz 2.75 Dentonia 18',2 Grull Wihksne 05 Hedley Mascot 1.00 Minto 02'A Pend Oreille 2.30 Pioneer 3.85 Premier Border .05 V Privateer 34 Reeves McDonald 1.10 Reno 13'2 Salmon Gold .25 Sheep Creek r.. 1-03 Taylor Bridge ..." 45 Taku River 66 Congress -03 Pacific Eastern 06 Hedley Amalgamated.. .03 Spud Valley H'.i Central Zeballos OUi SUbak Premier 75 Oils C. & E 2.50 Foothills - 2.C0 Home 4.50 Toronto Authona IHi Aumaque ..,. -33 Beattlc -85 Bevcourt .'. 01 Bobjo 15 Buffalo Canadians 17 Con. Smelters 90.00 Con west '. 1-70 Donalda 1.19 Eldona l5 Elder - 78 Giant Ycllbwknlfc 6.20 God's Lake 1-07 Hardrock 35 Harrlcana -OO'i Heva Gold 30 Hosco t 48 Jacknlfe .-07 Joliet Quebec , -53 Lake Rowan - 17 Lapaska -21 Little Long Lac 1-C8 Lynx lU.i Madscn Red Lake 3.55 McKenzie Red Lake 64 McLeod Cockshutt 1.70 Moneta 45 Negus 2.20 Noranda 50.50 Louvlcourt I-64 Pickle Crow 2.60 Regcourt l6'2 San Antonio 4.75 Senator. Rouyn 65 Sherrltt Gordon 2.99 Steep Rock 2.30 Sturgeon River .19 II.. T 1 a I T . irnmml li'i rrni. nrm.nTnn -. t r. -,.- r-r. r t-t . 1 . 1 , X ,t . 1 .... - V. I- .).. Important To Prince Rupert Vital Mailers Coming Up At Conference of Pacific Northwest Trade Association With such matters of vital interest to this port as conditions In the Orient with respect to future trade development and the changing situation in Alaska coming up for consideration, Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, who Is recovering from illness. E. T. Applewhalte. secretary of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, is opening communication with several constituent Boards to obtain suggestions as to possible delegates. PALESTINE AGREEMENT i Russia and United Stales Said to Have Ironed Out Differences LAKE SUCCESS Soviet Delegate Semen K. Tsarapkin said that Russia was prepared to make concessions In an effort to reach an agreement with United States on enforcement of the proposed partition of Palestine into separate Arab and Jewish countries. An official source said, meanwhile, that Russia had formally Introduced a new proposal at a closed meeting of the "working party." composed of Canadian, Russian. American and Guate malan delegates from the United Nations Assembly's "partition sub-committee." CHELOHSIN STRANDED Union Steamship Co. Coastal Vessel Badly Holed VANCOUVER Union Steamships Ltd. coastal steamer Che-lohsin was badly holed when she went ashore on a rocky Island In Chatham Channel, 160 miles north of Vancouver, during the night. The vessel was later refloated and reached Minstrel Island safely with 26 passengers who were still on board. The vessel Is in no danger. Building Costs ,Are Going Down WASHINGTON, D. C.-The cost of buildin? homes in the United States is expected to go down sharply with a more plentiful supply of bulldins materials now fn prospect. MACKENZIE, KING AND EIGHT OF HISi Would Fill CABINET M Tn IS T ERS ARE TO RETIRE Central B.C. OTTAWA, CP Reports are current that eight of the teamem-bers of the federal cabinet will retire when Prime Mlnlster-Mac-kenzle King leaves political life, possibly next August, or Just before the next general election. Reports predict for retirement among the ten lion. J. A. Glen, minister of mines and natural resources; Hon. James A. MacKinnon, minister of trade and commerce, and Hon. Humphrey Mitchell, minister of' labor. rTHfi'iDcad of Two Wars been set for December 1 and 2 in Spokane and the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia is moving towards having as strong a representation as possible at that gathering, Are Commemorated LONDON Oi Two minutei silence commemorating the dead of two world wars was observed by thousands of Britons crowd ing flash-draped Whitehall from Nelson's. Monument to parlla- .Acting .on behalf of. feaRl rtaam,l., Kerr, Jerr.'Terrace. sccretarfrthtf curtaof- rain crowds aUhin stood Child's Skeleton-Clothing Found LOS ANGELES W Parents of Rochelle Gluskoter. six-year-old, whose kidnap - disappearance twenty months ago was never solved, have Identified clothing found with a child's skeleton In nearby Orange County as being that of their youngster J UKRAINE GETS SEAT LAKE SUCCESS India has given up its fight for a seat on the United Nations security council which means that the Ukraine will get the seat. The election of Ukraine is expected to be ratiMed by the General Assembly tomorrow. BUTTER GOING Ur VANCOUVER The, price of butter is expected to advance to 70c here within a few clays. An increase in the COc wholesale price Is anticipated. TRUMAN ON GKEECK WASHINGTON, itLV-Hrcs-ident Truman tcld United Stales Congress that "Greece is free'- because of American aid but her economic plight is "not basically improved" and the military picture is becoming worse. The report was made as of September 30, set up a $100,000,000 fund to help Greece and Turkey combat communistic pressure from inside and outside their border. LABOR GOVT OUT SYDNEY, Australia The federal government's plan to nationalize private banking in Australia Unlay faced the proposed combined opposition of Victoria, West and South Australia. Thomas Luke Hol-loway, Victoria Liberal party leader and probable new government leader, announced that three states would unite in opposition to the plan following Australia Labor's most decisive defeat since 1931 in the state election Saturday. IT0R0NT0 TAXI DRIVER SLAIN Woman May Have Had Hand In Ontario City's Latest Murder Mystery krTOROMTO vPoUKUfctadai': continued Intensive search for the solution of the slaying. Po lice say that a woman was last night a passenger .in the taxi driven by the 32-year-old. driver. She may have had some con-nection.wlth the killer who fired a bullet into the back of Mar-geson's head. iguUetihJ SETTLING STRIKE VANCOUVER With the cities of Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster arjd the Street, Railwaymen's Union asking for intervention and the British Columbia Electric Co. offering no objection, Minister of Labor Gordon Wismer' is taking a hand in the transit strike situation here. Long conferences were held yesterday. There must be "give and take," Mr. Wismer said. REMEMBRANCE DAY OTTAWA Canada's widespread observance of Remembrance Day centred from a ceremony on Parliament Hill here Tuesday morning. LIFE SENTENCE BUCHAREST The Rumanian Peasant party leader, Juliu Maniu, 75, and his deputy have been convicted and sentenced to life Imprisonment for high treason. There is no peacetime capital punishment in Rumania. Maniu. on account of his age, gets solitary confinement instead of hard labor. FASCISM RETURNS MONTREAL Fascism returned to Canada Sunday when the pre-war fuehrer, Adrien Arcand, voiced the old party cry that Jews and Communists were out to conquer the world. The statement was made, at a secret meeting of some 500 hand-picked followers who were assembled to hear the first big speech of Arcand since his release from wartime internment. Minister of Trade and Industry Eyres Speaks For Neglected Hinterland VICTORIA Central British Columbia, from McBrlde to Prince Rupert, traversed from end to end by the Canadian National Railways, offered oppor tunity for people of modest means as well as those of substantial capital, declared Hon. L. II. Eyres, minister of trade and industry, in a "Provincial Affairs" address Monday night. He spoke of the possibilities In that area for pulp, veneer and rayon mills, saw -mills, grist mill? and tanneries. The abundance k)t.,poJnJi4eXvJridJ( te7ecfTaKS'RtVers wSs"aIso re- , ferred to. motionless as Big uen ana ya; wie Mayer vi v, u..., , A d vo c atln? decentralization Park guns signalled U a.m. andMargeson. father of five cn:jfrom the thickly populated and two minutes of silent tribute, jdren. who was. apparently Killed, h for $15 in cab fare money he was fastem corner cf carrying. The body was found Mf shot through the head. Tuesday, and deydopment of the ne A woman may hold the key to ' gected spaces, "The vast ne- glected hinterlands must be allowed to come into their own If British Columbia is to fulfil Its rightful destiny as a part of Canada." Other areas which Mr. Eyres prescribed for populating and development were the country through which the Pacific Great Eastern Railway passed and the Peace River district. FINED $300 ON LIQUOR CHARGE . William Gulbrandson, who arrived in the city from. Vancouver on November 5, will be returning south in police custody If he finds himself unable to dig up $3C0. Magistrate WT D, Vance named tfie figure In police court Monday afternoon when he ffcund Gulbrandson guilty of supplying liquor to an Indian. Gulbrandson came back to this city on November 5 after sojourning at Okala for the last three months on a similar charge, the punishment being Imposed by the same magistrate. He was picked up again on November 8 and the following day was given tne opportunity ot paying $300 or returning Oakala. Local Tides Thursday, November 13, 1947 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER , TAXI irA. rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Rl" I une " $0 235 stand: NIQHT SERVICE Phone ml MM ITTTTTTTIff M STAR j ?Cfy. Tb,rd A"'f Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." i. ' i VOL. XXXVI, No. 264. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1947 . PRICE FIVE CENTS T Are B emg Furth er Stiff ene d ans Reported Successful ' tial Atomic Bomb Test t-Tac London correspondent of the newspaper Aurore ' that certain British military circles with whom close claimed had lnfomatlon making them place credence Paris newspaper report yesterday telling that Russia prfmental atom bomb test June 15 in Siberia. Corre-r. pecheral asserted that these sources regarded the appeared in the .rightist paper l'Intransigeant as prictically certain." Percheral said their attitude con rply with "skepticism In scientific circles in Great ji which military sources were obliged to associate publicly. iploded hrr first test atomic bomb last June in Si-:wk correspondent -of l'Intransigeant reported In hi ,n Prague The report said that the test was on June ru successlul. Experts were now working on reports i. Stalin The bomb Is reported to have been a small ;n! only about 15 pounds, but the explosion was felt i of 15 miles. The correspondent said, however, that a at the moment have not the smallest chance of r ng the bomb on a mass production basis. to High 1:36 20.3 feet 13:22 22.4 feet i Low 7.21 6.3 feet 19:58 2.0 feet CRITICIZES TLAN WASHINGTON Senator Robert Taft predicts that the Marshall Plan will mean higher prices and taxes in the United Stales. A fight in Congress over the plan is Mrs. Cecil Taylor of Vancouver arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning to visit her family here during the illness of her father. George Hill, who Is now in hospital. Dalton's Budget Calls For Cutting Consumer Power in Old Country Profits Tax. Doubled Big Increases in Imposts on Luxury Items LONDON (CP) Chancellor of the Exchequer ;Hugh Dalton, introducing his anti-inflationary crisis i budget in the House of Commons today, announced (that the tax on all profits will be doubled as from I.Tnniinrv 1 nf this vpnr. Thprp will hp nn phrmrrp in CIAI. RELATIONS- Mpmbprs nf tht Canadian Commercial Mis- 1 aftpr.thrir arrival at Lisbon, when thev were euests at a luncheon aslc income tax 01 ,1.0U on eacn $4 and IO0C1 SUD- slon which went abroad to study closer commercial relations i telvpn by the Portuguese foreign minister Smiling in centre of with African and European countries, landed at New York yes- the; group is James MacKinnon, leader of the mission. Roman Catholic Congratulations LONDON Q A Buckingham Palace spokesman said that the King had consented to re celve on Thursday from Bernard Cardinal Griffin, official congratulations of the Roman Catholic Church In England and Wales on the Impending marriage of Princess Elizabeth. The monarch has relaxed the terms of the Ecclesiastical Act which barred the use of a Roman Catholic title In addressing the King. RUSSIA IS IN DEFAULT LONDON, 0i Russia was attain rinrt.lv In Hpfnnlt. nn na.V suDDlles aereement. lt .was Teamed ufar'- Russia promptly paid half of the $7,120,000 instalment but gave no reason for not paying the other half. This is the second time that Russia has paid only half of the Instalment due. Under the agreement made In 1941 all sums fell due within five years of delivery of THE WEATHER . Synopsis The weather disturbance which was in the Gulf of Alaska 'yesterday has moved eastward more rapidly than expected and lay east of the Queen Charlotte Islands this morning. Skies will be overcast throughout the major portion of British Columbia today with rain over the south coast and snow in the central and northern interior. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Char lottes and North Coast Over- . sidles now costing 392,000,000, a year will .be maintained. Taxes on syrups, wines and beers are Increased.' There will be an Interest rate of three per cent on Income and other tax arrears. - Only one-half of commercial advertising will. In future, be allowed as legitimate expense. Tobacco tax is also increased. Cigarettes currently cost 67c-per package and tobacco Is corre spondingly dear. Mr. Dalton also announced big increases in the purchase tax, and luxury articles, already paying 100 per cent purchase tax, in future will cost 125 per cent. The chancellor said the gov-crnmet had finished the flrst'32 weeks of its current year with an "unprecedented surplus" of t253.000.000 ($1,012,000,000). "We are within 5,000,000 already of the surplus I estimated for the ment No. 1 under the 1941 civil luLyear" he Sald The emergency budget Is rle- ?isneoto, drain. pf I somer.of tte- -consumer purchasing power In the fight against inflation. "SMOKY" SMITH IS VISITOR HERE 1'anibus Soldier and V.C. Winner in Prince Rupert On Business A surprise guest who was duly honored at the Canadian Legion Remembrance Day smoking concert last night was Private Brn-est A. (Smoky) Smith of New Westminster, who won the Victoria Cross while serving on the Savio River in Italy in 1944. "Smoky's" exploit, which led to the wiping out of a German tank unit, was one of the out stahdlng deeds of valor of the Canadian Army In World War II. .jr: "Smoky" in an Interview with the Dally News, paid tribute to the Germans as "tough" fight- casi ioaay. nam lonigni. iouayjjng men but added: "One Cam with showers Thursday. Wlnaadlan was worth ten of them." southerly (20 m.p.h.) today; westerly (25 m.p.h.) Thursday. Little change In temperature. Lows tonight and highs ThursdayAt Port Hardy, 40 and 47; Massett, 40 and 47; Prince Rupert, 40 and 47. Northern B. C Snow today. Cloudy with snow flurries on Thursday. Wind southerly (15 m.p.h.) today light Thursday. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs ThursdayAt Quesnel, 30 and 37; Prince George, 28 and 35; Sfnlth-ers, 28 and 35; Telegraph Creek, 28 and 34, FLAG FOR U.N. Here is the proposed flag for the United Nations which displays the official emblenj of the U.N. at the centre ot a background of light blue. The general assembly's legal committee at Its 43rd meeting agreed to recommend official 'adoption of the flag. Accompanied by J6e Mclntyre, Smith arrived by plane yesterday afternoon from the south. Engaged In the real estate business and Interested In a local deal, they expect to leave tomorrow on their return south. It Is Smith's, first visit . to" Prince Rupert. DIRECT BRITONS r INTO JOBS NOW LONDON KB A new order' has been issued giving the : government authority to register persons now without occupation or employed In certain types of non-essential jobs men between the ages . of 18 and 51 and women between 18 and 41. Non-essen- tial jobs include workers Ih I football pools and night clubs: PARTY ENDS FATALLY MISSION CITY Jack Hamilton, 47, night watchman at a shingle mill, was today found beaten to death. In front of, his home five miles north of Mission City. Police are searching for an Indian half-breed and a white woman who were reported to have been at a drunken party Saturday with Hamilton and his wife. Mrs. Hamilton said she left the party when It became "too rough," i