Wednesday. November 12, 1947 'OVER T&5E I f f "Here's something you might ii'thinkTabout," said the Old Timer this morning. "I got it from a ,I"ffiend of mine, a manufacturer,' -whose men have been on strike and have now gone back to work at higher wages "He said he was very much-afraid the men had priced themselves right out of jobs. 'We have always paid higher wages than competitors in East' erri Canada,' he told me, 'but lately we have been losing contract after con WAMtQJ tract because our labor costs, put us right out of competi' tion. Now they are up still higher, and "if we can keep half the men working I'll figure that we, and they, are lucky. We have never made a big profit, because we had to figure closely to get the work at all. Now we won't be able, to get much of it." "Now that," said the Old Timer, i looks to me like a case where a little partnership in industry would bring -about better results. I know the employer in that case informed his men what the actual position was, but it didn't seem to have much bearing on their attitude. . "It seems to me both labor, and management, should try to get a little closer, together than that. I have no cure-all for the conditions of industrial warfare we are experiencing, but if good soKd union men would cultivate a greater sense of responsibility within their unions, and management would be a little more frank in explaining its problems to the unions, something better "than the present conditions might evolve.'' fllie vifui 0 ttie OU Timer art presented ivaUy in thii ncwsNster under the Nnjpr- COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ! hip,o the Britiih Columbia Federation of Trade and Industry, . F-17 i CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY PM. 4:00 Edmund hocfcrldge 4:15 Stock Quotations :ma Int. 4:30 Especially for you 4:45 Maggie Muggins 5:C0 T.B.A. 5:15 Top Bands 5!30 Rosa Linda 5:45 King Edward Hotel Trio 6:00 Supper Serenade 0:15 T.B.A. 6:30 Education Week Talk .6:45 According to the Record 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Distinguished Artist Series 8;C0 Citizens' Forum 8:45 Mamzelle 9:00 Recital Time 9:15 Midweek Review 9:30 Grandstand Seat 10:00 03CNews' 10:10 B C. News 10:15 Aragon Ballroom 10:30 Music for Listening 11:00 Weatner and Sign Off Ann. THURSDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00-CBC News 8:15 MorrUng Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9 00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Gateway to Gardening 10:40 Recorded 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 CBR Presents 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 1 1:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert P.M. 12:00 Recorded Program 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Thursday's Recital 1'.45 Commentary and A Life of My ' wu 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 SheLa Presents 3:00 Varieties in Music 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Art Van Damme Quartette 3:30 Report irom the General Assembly CBC. WOULD GWE SCHOOL COSTS TO PROVINCE One of the few municipal! ties in the province benefitting from changes in the basis of school taxation through recent amendments to the Municipal Act. Prince Rupert will, nevertheless, Join iess fortunate communities in a cam pa Urn for further adjustments which would place education easts wholly on the provincial gcv- ri-NK in to Station CH'lt neilnesilay, litli for a half hour of I'oIKh Nutionul ,Mule Inaufuratliis the Initrd Tollttli KHIrt 'un. o( Canada tuiupalgii. " iinsiruiiress. ivir.s. uucuey uiue City Council Monday night ,s oivin .nstrIIf.finn m th re authorized Mayor ArnoW tol. f , .,i i. iae pan in a aeisgauon wnicn ,n fnlk ri.inMnr nnrt SPir!na,,n t i 1 .., " : "f mii uicci. me piuviiruj.ii caam- exercises ct on wovemoer 25 with a petition presented by the Union of B. C. Municipalities asking t'.iat the provincial government as sume the entire education cast. lAIderman Arthur piased before the U. B. C. M. annual convention last September, bases Its application on .grounds that taxation of land and improvements for school purposes, has placed an exces sive . burden on -.v.w. pit,)itji property owners. uvirer. Terrace Women's Institute Busy TERRACE The Women's Institute has entered a bowling team in the Civic Centre League, members of the team being Mrs Bar, Mrs. DeKergommeaux, Mrs. Keefer, Mrs. Olsen and Mrs. McAllister. The team is playing each Wednesday evening. Mrs. H. Phillips is representing the institute on the local branch of the National Film Board which is being formed with the co-operation of jeveral local Interested organizations. A dress forms class has been formed with Mrs. Keefer Sr. as FRANCOIS LAKE Jake Martens Is selling his farm to Mr. Johnson of Leduc, BroBksbank Alberta. He has recently moved will be acting mayor dufln her lnto the Forestry cottage here absence. The resolution, a of numerous etich motions at the landing with his four children. Mrs. Langmead's mother and father have arrived from Manitoba by car. They are staying In the Robert Jeffrey cottage. The public works road crew broke un camn and retnrnpri tn r r " - I Taxation of land has reanlwd thelr nomes but have Bne out Its "limit" and the normal op- agaln to work at Clemretta. eratlons of municipal smvrn- ment are being starved by the'1 Mrs- Lougneed- wno has been financial drain eaued bv ih"ol j ln hosPital wln r trouble, is costs the resolution declares. ! home agaln' To finance ,chcil costs it su--pfsts that the nrovinMi wm, .1 The November meeting o(. the ernment imoose Women's Institute was held at ! a sales tax of two me 01 Mrs- uaroia Neaves ! par cent on all commodities "?me on niday afternoon with seven exce-t "essential ford" u. , rr wjiirh the government has f'T'- AnothTf la'g? parcel fr O-lared itself opposed. I !ne London HosPltal wa col- Maximum tnvnttnr, - tj 1 rcu' UJC l'"lullllas Vs . vvv viii AU11U and property would b five mills for .school purposes. At present. Prince Ruoert allots 20 mills, or about 30 per cent of its total taxation for schools. nowever, under changes In ents for the Sambrooke family Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rushton and Dorralne have come back irom California. This time they are planning on remaining per- Wired by the Cameron Educa- der.s brother. uiiai reDon, ine cuv oenented ! !!a"?P, lt re"lves sf hMl 1 The snow has thawed and ir-zn xnr; K;ena '.Kiver canneries while the rural school population 1 small. In rnrmlrw with more rain wetter than ever. communities, however, towns! r-Hi cuif.j everything ,and villages were forced to as- the bodies of two bull moose surrfe rural education costs that ing in a coring. He found substantially increased tajca- their horns were locked toSeth-tion. er so they had undoubtedly dlec Mayor Arnold reminded the fighting. aldermen that "in the depres- sion it was school costs that I Marcel Oirardet returned on brcke us." Mayor Arnold Is a the Prlnceas Adelaide Monday member of the executive of the; evening from Vancouver where U. B. .C. M. " jhe spent a week receiving med- ,lcal treatment at Shaughnessy Advertise in the Daily News! Military hospital. LIKE POLAND'S ARE STILL UNHEALED The people of Poland arc making valiant clTorls to recover from their war won nils. Hut food, materials, farm animals, clothing, medical supplies are pitifully inadequate . . . especially the nourishing foods needed hy more than 3,000,000 children, over half of Ihcin orphans. These innocent vvur victims are in desperate need of help from more fortunate people like Canadians. That is why YOU are heing asked to help in furnishing $1,300,000 for litis IMMEDIATE purpose. All money will he spent in Cunada for relief sup. plies, to he distributed in Poland tinder the supervision of Canadian citi.ens or under such oilier safeguards as will ensure their reaching only those in need. Won't YOU help in this compassionate task? Send your coulrihtilion TODAY to Uniled Polish Hclief Fund of Canuda, 36 Adelaide Slreet East, Toronto, Ont., or to any hranch of the Hunk of Montreal. You will receive un ollicial receipt for Income Tax exemption. MISERY KNOWS HO POLITICS 2 eftevo&4 REMEMBRANCE AT TERRACE Large Attendance at Service Yesterday With Parade Preceding TERRACE The Oddfellows Hall was filled to capacity for the Rembrance Day services on Tuesday morning. Preceding the services there was a large parade In town led by Parade Marshal Sgt. Major Moore followed by Jack Barman and Sgt. Calder, standard bearers. Behind these came Piper "Scotty" Adams. Drummer Sam KIrkaldy and Bugler Lawrence Klrkaldy. The Terrace Legion branch, in charge of Captain C. T. Norrtngton, was followed by men from Mix Brothers who were led by James De Boer. Winding up the parade were the Terrace Scouts and Cubs with Assistant Scoutmaster W. Chesher in charge. The -arade marched past the "anadlan Lesion Hall where Colonel B. W. Minard stood to take the salute after which, led by the standard bearers, they entered the Oddfellows' Hall. The services opened with "O Canada" followed by a short ad dress by A. Attree who conducted the service. With him on the platform were Rev. K. Hills, Rev. J. McAllister, Rev. V. G. Graham, and B. Barr as pianist. Two minutes silence was observed in memory of fallen comrades and then the "Last Post" was sund- ed by Bugler L. Klrkaldy and a lament played by "Scotty" Ad ams on the bagpipes. The hymns "O God, Our Help ln Ages Past" and "Onward, h-ir'ar, .uowie's" wresuns and Rev. J. McAllister read the lesson. The Armistice Day address, de i I STARTS to work Vg& Three Sailings Per Week fo VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3i Coqultlam Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. Sunday, 2 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN, WKANGELIj and PETERSBURG Fridays, 2 p.m. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUKKN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS October 17 and 31 November 14 "and 28 Mldntght. . FOR SOUTH ISLANDS October 19 November 2, 16 and 30 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince hupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5W Send Personalized CHRISTMAS GREETINGS made from your own KODAK SNAPSHOTS Come ln and see samples WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 PHASER STREET Prince Rupert livered by Kev. V. O, Graham, stressed that the foundry .11 nf the word "righteousness1 as laid down ln the word of God was the foundation of "peace' Failure to obey these principles of ilghteousness In God resulted ln strife. Rev. R. Hills led the congregation in prayer and the services closed with the .National TERRACE Mrs. T. Brunton entertained jl the tea .hour on Tuesday afternoon. Guests Included Mesdam.s apencer, Klrkaldy, Campbell, A. Brooks Simpson, Baker, Mc- Guineas and Haugland and Miss D. Riley. Armistice Day was fine and sunny after weeks uf rain and ' U1111.1K11U ncuiuci uiiu many ui the sportsmen spent, the holiday In the woods hunting. WINTER SANCTUARY KINGSVILLE, Ont., 0 Several thousand Canada geese have arrived at the Jack Miner bird sanctuary here. Many of them still wear bands placed on their legs by the late Jack Miner Fgetting up! AT NIGHT? How miserable you feet when your deep is disturbed. Tired, ache, listless all day long. Why not tike Gin Pills an old reliable remedy for relieving kidney trouble? Com- pounded to help soothe and tone ! up the kidneys Gin Villi art told en a ulhjattion-or-montj'back basis. Rtgvlar tltt, 40 filli Economy tilt, 10 PiHf P I I I 1 I 1.1 M (In th. U.S.A. lklerGlrPilll) I I I m mono I AGDIDIIll rr Amas zrzs1 "" Elaborate LINGERIES EVENING BLOUSES Up-to-the minute FORMALS Newest Designs- QU1LTED HOUSE SWISS COATS EMBROIDERED BRUNCH COATS ANNETTE MANSELL Upstairs STONE BLOCK ' LITTLE, HAUGUND & KERR U Lumber IInnnfn4... Itnugh and Dressed Lumber ui. Hirers TEttKACE Agents For Firestone Tire & tuhtl,r . Wlllard Ilattri ries nd pi " ; Phil's Cafe Lakelse Avonue ...-JWatt,I BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DlNNi AND BANQUETS Serve: Tasty Food Fine Pastries Quick and Courteous 8r Proprietor, Phil Tetrault terrace" PsTnger Transfer&Taxi 0. machines in Prince 1 Storage 4 and district. WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT ! SINGER IN THE ,. ! (ii. smith) DISTRICT 4 C,..;n Machine M I P.O. BoxlC7 Terrace 4 Pho"e 864 Prt" . . ( ChrLslmqs Suggestions CIIKS'l I Kl ILLI) SlIITKK 'various designs) CKDAll CHESTS IIKDKOO.M SUITES DINETTTC SUITES TABLE LASH'S FLOOK LAMPS END TABLES ii. ii cv Li v y n fczst UN A I A. MacKenzie Furniiur i w? MMITEH "A GOOD PLACE TO BUT LAY AWAY MAGAZINE TABLES (walnut) COFFEE TABLES (walnut) LIVING ROOM DESKS (solid mahojaur' LIVING ROOM TABLES (Duncan Phyfe) COFFEE TABLES (Duncan Phjfe) MIRRORS Numerous desisni reflf:t!;. beauty and taste ORIENTAL CARl'ETS WILTON CARPETS AXSIINSTEK CAKI'LTS. MAIL ORDERS HAVE IMMEDIATE ATTENT10S Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Bil vec WINTRY DA ARE AHEAb May we stron"lv advise ) to see that y uir ca is sew for that cMd driving ahe lipnrinuartl ivtutvc: uo for chains, chain repairs, arl freeze, etc. I 80B PARKER I' Prince Kupfrt, BC The Home cl PIcndl,j RUPERT MARINE REAL J (J. CLAUSEN & I . . .. , We Take LUtlngs or . . , rtA IIROKERS IN HOATS, MARINE AND HS"' TRY j RUPERT MARINE REALTY I TOH QUICK SALES I OB , (Just EaJt of upseii, Gr Uox 518 .--1 Hollywood Caie UP-TO-UATI. km""' . r FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every aumiaj rn CHINESE DISHES A SI'ECW''' WE cateiTtopa kt CHOP SUEV ' 7. iTTnoNB 135 FOR OUTSIDE OIU' -gT 735 THIRD AVENUBW itii'I I 'lniin i I Mi n ,rcir roi NORTHETIN ANP C.ENTRA'u RITI5H