3! 5' T I- 13 lr 4 Prfncc Uupcrr Daily rectos iiaturdar October 4, 1947 Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: ao per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notice 60c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: ti. HELP WANTED WANTED Names are being received at the Daily News of fice of boys or girls desiring delivery routes. (tf) WANTED WANTED Pupils for Spanish and Hawaiin guitars. Phone Blue 967. (238) WORK WANTED MIDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Green 588. (tf) f OK litNT FO RRENT 3 rooms, partly furnished. 616 6th Ave. West. Phone Green 698. (233) FOR RENT One large light housekeeping room, furnished complete, and one sleeping room. 801 Borden St. (234) FOR RENT Housekeepng room. 960 1st Ave. West. Phone Red 807. (235) FOR RENT Comfortable room. 427, 5th Ave. E. Phone Blue 967. (234) FOR RENT Furnished sleepln? room with kitchen conveniences. Apply 221 5th Ave. E. (234) FOR RENT Comfortable room. 427 5th Ave. E. Phone Blue 967. (237) FOR RENT One room furnished cabin. Seal Cove. Phone Blue 825. (225) ROOM AND JOARD ROOM AND BOARIi$40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf) METAL WORK WHY" put up with a smoky furnace or leaking eavestrough. Call Black 884. New Installations. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. (tf) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, t anks, eaves-troughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West, Phone 543. (tf ) LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's yellow gold "Pierce" wrist watch between Section 2 and city centre. Please phone Black 196. Reward. (234) LOST 3 keys on ring. Finder please leave same at Daily News. (233 JLOST Bunch of keys on leather case. Finder please return to the Dally News, (236) LOST The boat "Ochwe's" register on Friday night. Finder please return to Dally News. (235) LOST A black and white dog in . downtown area; part toy terrier. Finder kindly call Blue 287. . (236) FOUND Ring near the Sunrise Grocery. Owner apply at the Dally News and pay for the ad. (tf) FOUND Wallet containing considerable amount of money, Owner may obtain same by identifying and paying for this advertisement. Dally News of fice, (tf) MACMNEKT TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac tured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) AGENTS WANTED To Sell Our Line of Hand-Painted Wall Plaques, beautifully done in colors. Ideal Xmas Gifts. Big Commissions. Write for Sample. Veterans Sales Agency, 730 Helmecken St., (233) Vancouver, B.C. FOR SALE FOR SALE 1935 Chev.. 5 good tires, body in good shape. Apply 1345 8th East. (233) FOR SALE Large supply of dry scrap wood, random lengths $6 per cord. 3 cord lex's $16.00. Call Blue 810, Bert's Transfer. 3oT 3rd Ave. (235) FOR SALE 3x12 Cedar planks $20; 2x8, 2x6, 3x10, DD Fir and Flooring. Phone Green 698. (234) CHENILLE SPKKADS, $4.89 Manufacturers' clearance first quality for double and single beds in beautiful two-toned colors, worth double the price, Money refunded if not satis fied. Sent C.O.D. plus postage in Canada. Handicraft Distrl (butors, 254 Sherbrooke St. W. Montreal 18, Que. FOR SALE One used, 1942, 3,4 yard Koering Shovel, First class shape, $16,000, f.o.b.. Van. couver. Other shovels available. Apply Clarence Dixon, Arrow Bus Lines Ltd., Phone 459, Box 1398. (237) FOR SALE Bakery and Confectionery. Due to my health and other matters beyond my control, I offer to sell my Bakery. Good local and outside trade. Real snap. This will not last long once seen and price asked. Box 159 Terrace, B.C. (236) FOR SALE Furnished house. Apply 517 7th W. Owner leaving town. (234) FOR SALE W. W. Greener, 32" barrel 10-gauge shotgun. 474. Taxi Stand, see L. Keller, (tf ) PROPERTIES here are still low- check these: 4 room house and bath, garage, 2 lots all fenced The first $2250 takes it. 8 room house -seml-furnlshed: ' new foundations, fireplace, owner leaving must sell $3,000. Best Bet 8 room house with view; 3 improved lots on Ambrose; new wiring and plumbing; basement; $4,500 terms or $4,200 cash. 3 room house In good residential area $1,000. For inspection of these, see Armstrong Agencies (Ph: 342). (234) FOR SALE New and used furniture for household and offices; also hardware; used musical instruments: 5-tce. kit chen suite $12.50; McClary's electric range $15; slightly used radios, electric, battery andj portable, from $20; slightly URprf mpn'j! rain .. unafe 1 w V-Ut, coats, etc.; new small slzei coal and wood ranges $30; new i unpalnted furniture, chests, book cases, desks, medicine chests from $2.75; new tumblers 5c. Everything reduced. B.C. Furniture Co., Black 321. FOR SALE Family home, very central, -very good garden. Two bedrooms downstairs. Owners leaving town, For good buy call' at Collart & McCaffery Ltd. (237) FOR SALE We have two ex ceptional businesses for sale. 1. $15,000 and terms will handle well - equipped boatbuilding establishment, Ideally located. 2. $1,400 is all that is asked for a complete coffee bar doing a large volume of business. Choice location. See Armstrong Agencies 307 3rd Ave. (238) FOR QUICK SALETenders will be received up to noon ot Thursday, October 9th, for the purchase of one Savage 303 rifle, Model 99. This gun may be seen at the Government Agent's office, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted., Terms: Strictly cash. G. F, Forbes, Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of J. J. I. Lacelle (Harry I.) Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (233) FOR SALE APPROXIMATELY 40 RESTAURANT RANGES ONE-OVEN, TWO-OVEN, THREE-OVEN AND FOUR-OVEN. ALSO BAKERS' OVENS. ALL WAR ASSETS SURPLUS. Inquire at Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating FOP. SALE FOR SALEChesteriicU suit,:' bedroom suite, dinette set, 6 chairs; rug, trilights, end tables. All like new. Phone Black 929. (It) FOR SALE Drapes, davenport, chesterfielcT chair and occasional chair. Phone Green 801. (It) FOR SALE Wine bed Chester field and chair. 118 9th Ave. West. Phone Blue 729. (232) FOR SALE 1947 three-ton dump truck, fish plated, 8.23 tires. Apply Central Hotel, Room 47. (It) FOR SALE Tenaers -will be received .by the undersigned up to noon cf Tuesday, October 21st, for the purchase of Lot 1, Block 31, Section 5, City ol Prince Rupert, and two-roomed shack and out-biUldlngs situated thereon, together with furniture and personal effects contained therein. Premises may be viewed by arrangement. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: Strictly cash, O. F. Forbes, Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Rosarlo Robardo, Court House, Prince Rupert B.C. (233) SWAP WILL Trade three joining city lots with small building, reasonably good, for used car or light truck. P.O. Box 1153, Station "B." (234) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINA- tlons.Prepare NOW for Winter examinations. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301' End-erton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. PERSONAL "KLEEREX" clears up skin ail mentsEczema, Itch, Pimples, Psoriasis, etc. quickly, effectively. 50c, $1.00. All -druggists, or write Kleerex Mfg. Co., Winnipeg. (It) Try a Classified Ad In The News Classlflec. Advertising Paysl PORTABLE SAWMILLS "Little Giant" saw and tie mills in stock for immediate delivery. Heavy - duty husk with variable belt feed, 2-716" mandrel. Has approved saw guide, splitter and 20" drive pulley. Choice of 3 size carriages and all have quick-acting set works with 6 pawls and 48-ft. track mounted on 4"x6" iir ways in 16-ft. sections. Mill has wide range of capacities up to 29,000 ft. pT day, and efficient operation at any output. PLANERS 4-sided all-steel, high-speed, all ball bearing 6"xl6" general purpose planer fully equipped with hih-speed knives and belts, countershaft, slotted steel side heads for $1,780.00. Shimer heads for matching and shiplap supplies at small additional cost if required. A modern high-speed low-priced planer that turns out excellent material. Write for illustrated circular. We sell sawdust and shavins exhausters, edgers lath mills, steel belt lacing and belt lacers, truck winches and power units. Your enquiry will receive prompt attention. MACHINERY DEPOT LIMITED 1029-39 Tenth Ave. West Phone W2992 Calgary, Alta (04) TWO DIVORCES ARE GRANTED Two divorces were granted 'nMTrKrTIMlT Assize III I J I III W Court Friday by .Mr. Jus- tice J. O. Wilson, completing the j docket of 10 divorce actions. The j following marriages were dissolved: Alvera Mina Robinson from Jeffrey Robinson, whom she married in Vancouver in March, 1945. Custody and maintenance of $25 a month for one child of the marriage was awarded to the petitioner. T. W. Brown acted for petitioner. Anne Morrison of Smithcrs from Gordon C. Morrison, whom sne married at Sioux Lookout, Ontario, In" 1937. Custody of a child of the marriage and $60 for Its maintenance were also awarded to the petitioner. T. W. Brown acted for petitioner. TO ASSIST IN TICKET SALES Members of Prince Rupert Bethel. Job's Daughters, have decided to assist in the sale of tickets to the Rotary Club dance in December, at which an automobile will be awarded as a door prize, a meeting of the organization agreed last night. The decision was made following a request from the Rotary Club for such assistance. ' Mrs. Alex Mitchell, guardian of the Prince Rupert chapter, received notice of her appointment as Supreme Junior Custodian of the supreme council of the interna::onal order of Job's Daughters. The appoint ment Is one of considerable promlnenle in the order and Is unique in that such " appoint ments have rarely been mads In western Canada. Present at the meeting which was held in tue f.Iaasnlc Temple were about 75 parents and friends of the members, and 25 members. NOTICE As required by the Income War Tax Act, this will advise our shareholder customers (members only) as referred to in the said Act, as amended, that, In accord ance with the terms and condl tlons and within the times and limitations-contained in the said Act as amended, it U our inten tion to pay a dividend in pro- I of the revenues of the 1943 taxa - I turn year, or out of. such other) "" int " I funds as may be permitted byisang- the said Act. and we herctov hold Dancing was enjoyed to the ! out the prospect of the'payment : of a patronage dividend to you I OCCordlnclv I -.. U '" I" riM p. I ivi H.IM i I CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCLVnON. M235) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE i r juor.rn juu 1SMA Al,l, ". n fRRY I. LACELLE OR LAS-CELLES, DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order ot His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, Local Judge of the Supreme Court cf British Columbia, I was on the 18th day of September. A.D. 1047, ftp-appointed Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Jules Ismael Lacelle. or Harry I. Lacelle or Lascelles. late of Port Clements. British Columbia. who died on or about the 28th day of June. 1947. at Port Clements. British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said estate aro required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 31st day of October. 1947. faUlng which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have hern notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C . this 19th day ot September, A D. 1947. GORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. (234) PRETTY AND Margaret Siiuundson 1 Hrlile of Alastair Ross The home of Mr. and Mrs John Simundscn was the scene i of a very pretty wedding Wed- j nesday evenln? when their, daughter. Margaret Lillian, ex-' changed vows with Alastair Hugh Ross, .on of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ross of Jasper and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kll-I jln 0( this city. Entering the room on the arm of her father, who gave her In marriage, the bride was charming in a long white brocaded satin gown, fasbloned with long sleeves and sweetheart neckline. Her full length veil was held in place with, a pearl-studded coronet and she carried a shower bouquet of red roses. Her only Jewellry was a string of pearls, gift of the groom. Attending the bride was Miss Eileen Foster, who chose an Ice blue nylon gown with matching chapel veil and carried a shower bouquet of pink carnations. Attending He" groom was Rupert Gcodlad. Rev. R. A. Wilson performed the cetemony which took iplace In front of . the- flower- banked fireplace in the presence of members of the family. The rooms throughput were decorated with summer flowers. Following the wedding, a re ception was held In the Valhalla Hall when 125 guests wern received by the bridal party. Capt. Norman McKay propos ed the toast to the bride and the groom suitably responded. A toast to the bridesmaid was pro posed by Rupert Goodlad. For the occasion, the bride's mother chose a white figured jersey dress with black accessor ies and wore a corsage of yellow gladlolll. The groom's moth- l.Ul, I . , . I dress with matching accessor-1 lea ana a corsage w wniie carnations. The bride's table was set with a cream lace cloth, silver candles and flanked with pink dahlias. The three-tiered wedding cake was made by the bride's brother, Anton Slmundson, and decorated by Mrs. Andrew lm?50n - , . ms,c ' Andy Mc?a"2hton- Numerous congratulatory tele- iKrains were received ana rcaa oy Runert Goodlad. Delicious refreshments were served to the guests toy Mrs. Bruce Slmundson, Mrs. Aber-crombie. Miss Myrtle Taylor. Mrs. E. Grlndstand, Mrs. Alfred Slmundson, Mrs. Seymour and Mrs. Arnold Assman: Caterer was Mrs. Johnson. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ross and daughter Margaret of Jasper and Mrs. Arnold Asnnan of Prince George. Mr. and Mrs. Alastair Ross will reside in Prince Rupert. HOME APPEAL TAGGERS OUT A dozen canvassers were on downtown streets today tagging for the Salvation Army Home Fron appeal which Is approach ing us oDjecuve. The canvass Is under direction of Capt. Earl Jarrett, local commander and headquarters is at the Citadel on Fraser Street. SONS OF NORWAY MEETING-SOCIAL The Sons of Norway held their regular meeting last Thursday with a very good attendance of members. Business was of a routine nature. There followed a social evening. Mrs. BJorn Selvlg entertained wllh a Yimnber of well-rendered piano selections. Delicious refresh ments were served by the committee, and later dancing was enjoyed to the music of Chris Fossum. APTLY NAMED Salmon was named "salmo""fiy the Romans who took it from the Latin word meaning "to leap." Wonder BRAS NEW SHIPMENT Satin and Nylon 'sizes from 32 to 41 small, medium and large cups All Wool ENGLISH SKIRTS in Plaids and Stripes sizes from 12 to 20 ALPINE SKIRTS sizes from 1Z to II Judy Hond BLOUSES Lace and Embroidery Trim, Short and Long Sleeves Annette MANSELL STONE BUILDING "Walk Upstairs and Save" W.SV..V.W.W.'.",V. -.V 1 -.-......-.."-.-.' A date with the one you like best . , , and along with you, to add to your enjoyment . . ; Winchester cigarettes, to give you smoking satisfaction; Winchester CIGARETTES i. FOR PROMPT SERVICE See Your GENERA I Chevrolet Bulck ' "UL oidsmobile 'l .. u,M r . ,ne Work A Sptc Terrace Machine Shnn -L B.C., mil's Cafe Lakelse A.nue Tft --II BREAKFAST -TajncJP AND BANQUETS Toct v VnH Mn rifM.i.1.. . . , .....i-muih quick anicoj run teirault LITTLE, HAUGLAMD & Lumber Manufacturers Roach and Dressed Lumber TERRACE Agents For International Hanntir Co. .vuc iiic IlUDDtf CJ, l'bilco Radios Wlllard Batteries DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 33 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlarcers and a complete line of photojraphio supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. Floor TERR Tranclci tlllMIU Ci. WE MOT , fctr.VlU TO as p.o. box m . I ST AKKll TOW DOLLS, WAG-, lit BIGGIES. A im Christmas selectitffl. Sandi i . Pi invn nii tuimiaseu w- ,u sanuinjr equipmuu. "' the most modern type "u kind of sandinff. ror incuwo- r iimi 11. l - Phone BLUE 610 For Your Eating Pleasure"' Br Jf m& n - . Cafe (Formerly Boston 9 ..nr,n mnn THE Ul- iw" FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE FM ,,- r I . -4 Ti.ij macnint . . -1 nil JL n ..vr FOB a AFTEKN ft in Chinese Dishes Choir Mem j( OUT" OKI' "TAKE - Hours: 7 AJ.I. to 1:30 AW. Box 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 108 .THEY ADS- (233) -rnv'nim CLASSIFIED