arrivals u I Villi!."" , v;i''f'ouv,rl Vanr.auv- ... nP!, van- ..... ; ii ivii:- ..Afivf r n.v a a nrruiUi u... van it, Vancouver. IHVtv- . .1.1 anri MrS thu a oood lor M UK. I - C...i.lllf B.A BD El.: 733) BAPTIST tar::3 on 'P Ufl;-?3 OA. I. 1 AlSt.U.VlLr. Ai Wc. ' icrrj 620) C avcs. 8t 1 910) I I Blue 827) huh. Hi. i : - i Lutheran ntirih Sixth Avt mip t bl:k 8io u.WI aiiu at 12-30 o.m tea? ot Mr O. L Bin Avenue West. Tiled nv '03 9th Avpniio W . u a.m. Valinn . jarrprr J (Iff n ivaiiv j """"Siiaiu, -i ice,ing. He v '.v u ass. tci MPPt nr Pn Home Lp.nn,.. ".vine IC Ktno Gret Salvation?" Heb. 2-3. r-- viuirrh S'Antrotau fill A . r 'wber 8 1UC Hour 1 h . ,Wbably be shown ! ",n:' U be Local News Items Cash for old cold. Bulger's. William Yardley, registrar ol shipping, who was here during the week as a witness at the Supreme Court Assizes, left Thursday by air on his return to Victoria. 0 Dining out Sunday? Visit the Civic Centre Dining Room between 2 p.m. and 9 pjn. and enjoy our SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER 4n an atmosphere that !? cheerful and ibright. , (to Included among the passengers disembarking at Prince Rupert from the Camosun yesterday were Mrs.1. Pugsley, J. Bur-nell,. Mr. and Mrs. Olsen, J. A Murray, II. II. Church, Mrs. B Walker, ILT. Smith, Miss O Pat- more and Mr and Mrs. R. Tur- Dili. Those rocks! No matter how, the current dashed against i them, they were still unmoved. For a moment, I felt quite grieved that they should be there. Why did they have to block the flow oTlfie water? Did they not know ttiaFthe little stream was anxious to arrive at the end of the journey? RocksT They were like those huge problems I was facing. Had not I been vexed and troubled because of them? Had'not I even questioned Gpd for allowlnj their presence In my life? Did He not kno'w I wanted the waters cfl my life to flow peacefully along over smooth sands to finally join the great ocean of His eternaj love? The music 0t the waters! How I loved to hear it! Every not? was clear on that lovely afternoon. Soon I realized that It was speaking to me and Its mesaige was this: "I know you love my music, but can't you see that the rocks bring out the melody?" I looked nsaln at those rocks. Be fore, they had only grieved me hut thi mp.ram nf the waler3 ,i --- w-- - - Those -problems! Soon I would bt back with them again. The sound of the waterfall would only be a memory but surely Its message would help me. My questionings had vanished now and I could see that God had a purpose In placing them along my river bed. He wanted me to bring forth sweet music along my lournev. The notes of my music were to be patience, kind ness, love, longsufferlng, meeK-ness and gentleness. How clear and clean the water looked as It passed over the rocks! I woud never have no ticed how pure it was If it hadn't been for those defiant boulders. And as 1 communed there, I vealteed that the problems In my life would prove my purity. Had not I testified to holiness on Sunday morning? And God was saying: "Prove my power to sanctify, as you meet your problems." The music of the waters Is only a memory. But It is helping me to surmount the difficulties of every day. The stream Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night, 8:30. (It) E. E. Hvndman returned ves- terday on the Camosun from a short official trip to Ocean Falls. Attention Skiers and otheri Interested! Transportation will be leaving the Post Office at 10 a.m. for Mt. Hays. Bring axes and lunches. (It) Mel Bussey arrived from Van couver yesterday on the Camo sun to spend two week? visiting with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Bussey, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wyss of Negus Mines, Northwest Territories, have left on their return home after a two-weeks visit wiht Mr.ahd Mrs. Bert Lough- Ian. SATURDAY SERMON THE HOCKS OF LIFE (By CAPT. MRS. EARL JARRETT) It was a bright cheery afternoon and I fek a longing to get away from the busy streets of the city to the quiet lanes of the country. Somehow, the incessant rush of the cars, the busy tread of the pass-ers-bv and the noise of the workshops made me feel that it was impossible to commune wun uou. im i did so much want to listen to His voice because I had so many problems. . . . It was a long walk to the outskirts of the city. Soon I had found a restful spot down beside a stream of water. Tha water was flowing rapidly ove! the rocks and soon Its music had drowned out those discordant sounds of my busy life. A stillness came over my soul. For a long while I just sat gazing into th,e wateMy mind, seemed to become vacant my nervous tension disappeared my muscle? relaxed and my spirit was pre- pared to wait upon God! kept faithfully journeying -foi-ward. I, too, am pressing forward in confidence for I know that God will TTelp me over the "Rocks of L'fe." Regular Baptist Services I.O.D.E. Hall (5th Ave. and McBrlde St.) We preach Christ . . . Crucified g I ROWNED "Be ye reconciled to God." II Cor. 5:20. SUNDAY, OCT. 5, 1947 12:15 pjn. Sunday ..School 7:30 pjn-Oospel Service. Subject: -11011X0! TRUSTING!! KXOWING!!!" Speaker: Geo. S. Weatherly (Lord's Supper follows evening service). WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting. FRIDAY 3:30 p.m. Mission Band 7:00 p.m. Junior Young Peoples. (Phone 369 or Green 779) THE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD Mrs J. O. Latham of Ocean Falls, who has been In the city for the last week on jury duty at the fall Assizes, Is sailing on the Camosun tonight to return to her home. LOW RAIL FARES FOR THANKSGIVING DAY MONDAY, OCT. 13 Between all Stations In Canada ONE-WAY FARE AND ONE-THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP (Minimum Far 10e) GOOD GOING: From 12 noon FRI. OCT. 10 to 2 p.m. MON. OCT. U It no train afternoon Oct. 10. tlckt will b good on morning train. RETURNING: Lava destination Oct. H, except f no train, ticket! will b valid until Midnight Oct. 15. Slxepini ai'l rrl"r ' I"''1,', ' uiualtatri. ruUinormalioirom any 'l'1; HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modem, Quiet, Comfortable 711 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 Nell Cameron Is sailing Camosun tonight on a 'holiday1 trip to Vancouver. Mr.' and Mrs. W. E. Saymour left Friday afternoon by air on a three week holiday trip to Vancouver, Calgary and Executive Meeting, Canadian Legion Hall, -ya Monaay, uciODer o, at a SftY PJn Regular monthly meeting Canadian Le gion (with Initiation of new members), Wednesday, t)ctober 8, at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner and younger daughter returned home from Vancouver yesterday on the Camosun. While in the south they ttfok a motor trip through parts of southern Brit ish Columbia, Washington, Idaho and Oregon. They .reported an excellent time and sunny weather accompanied practically every (day of their vacation. U ii Wif sBmm Announcements Cambrai I.OJ3.E. Thanksgiving Dance, Civic Centre, Oct. 13. Orange Tea, Oct. 16. Band Concert, Civic Centre, Friday, October 22. Presbyterian Tea, at home of Mrs. L. W. Kergin, Thursday, October 23! Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 30. Lutheran Ladies' Aid Bazaar, Saturday Nov. 1. Baptist Sale, Nov. 6. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Sale, Nov. 10. Women of the Mooss annual Bazaar, Nov. 12 and 13, Moose Temple. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, Nov. 19. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 20 St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaar, November 22. Salvation Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov. 28th. United Church Bazaar, Decem ber 4. Orange Sale. December 5. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec. 11 Mrs. A. Cnldivii talUnar nn , PhtrilU Tf 1f Vr t ------D w uu...tig V" f U,. ,.,V MJ MA the Camosun tonight on a trip ! this afternoon for a three weeks' to Vancouver. holiday trip to Vancouver. John Murray, manager of Barr & Anderson, Is sailing on the Camosun tonight on a business ttrlp to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Simundson are sailing on the Camosun tonight on a three weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver. Miss Evelyn Alexander sailed! Thursday night on the Prince j RuperC for Vancouver where she has taTcen a position. Walter Morgan ,is sailing on the Coquitlam tonight enroute ti Esquimau where he will take a two-weeks course at Pacific coast naval headquarters. He is a writer with H.M.C.S. Chatham naval reserve division. ConstaTaTe J. N. Hicks of the Ocean Falls detachment of the provincial police is sailing to night to return to Ocean Falls after spending the last -week In the city on duty at the Assizes J. M. Black, resident mining engineer, is sailing on the Camosun" tonight, on a fctislness trip to Vancouver and Victoria fol lowing his summer work of sur-veyTHglhe jninlng properties In the Portland Canal region. D. G. Stenstrom, engineer consultant for the Celanese Corporation of America In connection with the Port Edward cellulose pulp mill project, is due in th? city on th'e Coquitlam tomorrow afte"rnoon" from Vancouver, ac companied by company officials. i 1 1 OJSLY 82 MORE DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS WE SUGGEST LAMPS From Our Varied Stock j RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC Phone 644 313 3rd Ave. W. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Bacon are leaving on the Camosun tonight on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Jerry Woodslde, who is a petty officer TirUhatham Naval Reserve division, left by air today for Vancouver, enroute to Esquimau where he will take a two-week Training course. Leslie Smith of Vapcouver, who !Ias"Tjeen acting agent for Union Steamships here while i Mr A'!- A SMART SUIT IS AN ASSET TO EVERY LADY'S WARDRORE. For walking, for working, for leisure or fdr stepping out to tea you will be envied, and at ease in one of our style-plus suits. When you arc selecting a SUIT, a COAT or a DRESS from our specialized and extensive stock . . . take advantage of Our Personalized BUDGET PLAN. Terms to Suit Every Budget. No Interest No Carrying Charges. I'hone Green 071 P. II. LINZEY 211 1th Street Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED Complete Stock of Lien's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 621 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 agent agent ftank Frank Skinner Skinner was was on on holidays, holidays, is is sailing sailing on on the the Camosun Camosun tonight tonight to to return return to to Vancou Vancouver. ver. Advertise in the Dally News 1 niiWkkkkTm BABY POWDER Sooching, cooling Temler Age Biby Pow dcr h favorite with babict and their mothers Thi refrething powder belong ia every nursery end bathroom duit it liber-Ily after baby's bath and at diaper changfng time . It gives fine antiha( protection, containing Alphaione, an Meal ami aeptic and deodorant - used cictusively by the manufacturers ol Render Age" McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED Third Ave. and Sixth St. Fhone 79 UPHOLSTERING FUKNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Qlven Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 rs m 11 a i sw & in r WM INCMANIM5J rf- IINTIBNAII ONA1 Iprfncc tUipctt Daflg jQctost Saturday, October 4, 1947 $4.00 and $4.75 ..Li. jn.H. m j.i.i.i' fit?) r i this week we'd suggest you see the new M1GO arrivals . . . shirts that are the last word in well-dressed comfort new collar styles include the Casualaire and the Cricket, materials are plain chambrays and striped broadcloths. if- ' 'if- T.' SHINGOLEEN Shinsoleen beautifies and protects old and new shingles, and years of testing and constant usage have established its worth and sure capacity to beautify your home . . . Shinsoleen is made on a two-oil base in many attractive colors and is entirely free from creosote. Sold by THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PHONE 101 'twice o row many time have you tried to give her something "Nf " different for that special occasion well. have you ever thought of Sterling- It's so inexpensive. We have mode it possible for you to purchase o single place setting, of these pieces as low os $14.55 so, to-morrow, see these omaiing sets for yourself. "Me-To-You" A new, convenient way to purchase Sterling Silver a single place setting at o time. i it 14. SS Enchantrtlt BULGER'S LTD. 5 255 Third Ave. SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies consult us for your needs in all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked $12.00 per ton MINE R UN-Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 THIRD AVENUE NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M Hollywood Cate PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A-M. TO 6 AJVI. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD, AVENUE WEST JL 'mfrrMifr 11 1 4 ' 3n 1 5; 1 t Vi 1 1