a 3 a a a 3 a a a a a 3 l Prince Rupert DaHg jQclus Saturday, October 4, 1947 iat 10 K BOIHJIICl IU. & mianit t At- rtAuim 1 .. H1IIIUII. IEUMK. H0iT6'Aj. n ii n IT ir RUPERT ii u u n PEOPLES STORE ii I III n hi 7 w s r' ri' v 5 ! SJ.7 H S ill l 1 8 0 s H vwi iiAnlilL. A U ! Mimiiiir timiiii'iiiiiriiiii w, a a and the a u 'J ii a Cold too ! a a it Be fair in all weather n a in this smartly i a hooded coal with ii new flare back. See a a a our Fall Coat range. . n . RUPERT a hi U a.-a- PEOPLES a ' a STORE a a a a a a WALLACE'S a a n a n n a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a. a a a a a a a a a a a WHAT'S SAWL06 SCALE EXCEEDS 1946 PRODUCTION Sawlog production In the Prince Rupert forestry district for the first nine months of this year is 67,000,000 board feet or more than 50 per cent greater than for the corresponding period of 1946, according to the monthly summary issued by District Forester J. E. Mathieson. However, pole and piling production so far this year has lagged behind 1946 output by almost 2,000,000 lineal feet. Sawlog production for September was 24,774,973 board feet, bringing the year's scale so far to 177.274.670. Production for the nine-mourn period of 1946 was 110,220,428board feet. Pole and piling cut during September was a mere 97,469 lineal feet, bringing the total so far this yenr to 2,037,142, as compared wlCm$43,430 for the first nine months of 1946. Sawlog production in September was about 1,000,000 board feet greater than in August of this year, while pole and piling production exceeded that of August by 24.000 feet. Production of railroad ties last month was 12,953 as compared with 60,558 In August. Coardwocd production was 230 cords. Here is the September sawlog scale by varieties, in board feet: Fir, 1,364.691. Cedar, -533.884. Spruce. 10,590.882. HemlocF, 6,413.284. Balsam, 667,434. Jackpme. 651,220. Miscellaneous, 223,578. CANBERRA O Poultry-keepers are experimenting with utilization of duck skins in manufacture of ladies' handbags. Duck skin treated for the purpose is- revealed as an attractive material. CAPETOWN Q After 10 years of research on production of oil from coal, and lnvestlgp- Hons of processes overseas li. cehces will be Issued by the gov- ernment for oil-from-coal nro oiancu ui uie union. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER" OF THE ESI ATE OF JOHN VASSILOPOULOS, DECEASED IiULSTATE TAKE NOTICE that ho rtH,.r f His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton made wie ma aay 01 oepiemDRr. AZJ. 1947, I Was SDDotntPri Arimlnlctralir rt ih Estate ol John Vassllopoulos, deceased. nuu mi purvies Having claims Kgainst the snld Estate are hereby required to furnish snme. properly verified to me on or before the 15th dav- of November, A.D. 1947, after which claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. AND all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C . this 27th dav of September. A.D. 1047. GORDON F. IORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. (242) la US NEW FOR FALL? It's YOU! Full cut and longer lengths plus new styling so that even your husband takes notice. Sec all that's new this Fall at Wallaces. At WALLACE'S of course! fy?j Waterfront 3t When Buying FIRE INSURANCE On Your Home or on Your Furniture REMEMBER m W Salmon Fishing Practically Over Tugboats Here For Indo-China Good Fisjiinff At TIell The only salmon fishing now go'ing on in this district, following the closure yesterday, is trolling rn tVia Oiiaan Plioi'lnHo Tclnnrla rind it will ha Hm i first of the year before 111 n M I ;i 1111 I lll the herring but there is no .i wm start since me movement of the fish is controlled by nat ural conditions such as temperature of water, etc. It was February before an exceptionally late run started last winter. Meantime there is some scran fishing and black codding going on andJ four or so draggers are engaged in flatfishing. The last operating canneries in this district were cleaning up during the past week following the cessation iuu ui of maiming canning at ill the wic end Kua ui of . last week. The final canneries t0 close this year were Port Edward. Seal Cove, Cassiar, Bute-dale. Klemlu and Namu which got in on one of the heaviest chum runs in many years. Two towboats, built in East- em Canada and brought west j over the Canadian National Railways because this line was the only one" that has tunnels is commodious enough to let them through, are still at the dry dock here awaiting arrival of a Hawaiian-American Line freighter to take them to Indo-Chlna. Two more simifar craft are to be, 'rived yesterday on the Cassiar movea uiis way. During tne summer two were shirjDed through here. CALL OF WILD GEESE IS IIEAKD The distant call of wild eeese in flight can be heard on many a morning Just now as the annual flight from the far north grows in volume. Often they cannot be seen because of weather conditions. The birds know no boundaries. They may be from Siberia as well as the Yukon or Alaska or Polar regions but all are headed south, guided by the one objective. So they wing their way down in the general direction of California with occasional stops not unlike ;ome human beings who do not like a northern winter and have the price and leisure to enjoy a cnange. COS. Alberni, Captain J. Peterson In command, returned Tuesday from a servicing trip to Cape St. James lighthouse c the southern extremity of the Queen Charlotte Islands. The second Union steamer to arrive In port yesterday was the Camosun under command of Captain Harry McLean. Arriving at 3 pjn. from the south, she sailed again at midnight for Ketchikan whence she will return here this evening southbound. The Camosun was preceded :by the Cassiar, and last night the Catala was In. . The snagboat Esslngton, -..t,ww wiii.uii, un uu - der command of Captain " W F, Rrtt Robertson, returned f , from . Port . Esslngton Tuesday after com pleting one of her regular pa trols of the lower Skeena. Of 43 passengers arriving here yesterday from the Queen Charlotte Islands aboard the steamer Cassiar all but two were men from the logging camps of the Islands. . A new scout and despatch LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Land Recording District of Prince Rupert and situate at the mouth of Large Creek (Denlse Creek) Denlse Arm. near Cloyah Bay. TAKE NOTICE that Highway Construction Company Limited of P.O. Box 171, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, occupation Contractors Intends v cF"ijr lur a lease oi me loilowlng described lands: Commencine at a post planted approximately 300 feet to the Southeast of the mouth of Large Creek at approximately high water mark on Denlse Arm thence r,."w w .-iw irrL. WUUVII WU feet: thence East 82 degrees South ici; vuence tast an degrees North 2800 feet to return to post and containing ninety acres, more or less. For the purpose of digging and producing sand Anri ornvel HIOHWAT CONSTRUCTION wM FAN x LIMITED By Leo Mlcheal 6hannon, Agent. Dated September 15th, 1947. (250) hirrs trolling generally is per- I Ml' I CI I'.fllll II Will I It- certaintly as to when it i boat for the Canadian Fish Co. Ltd. was recently launched at Alberni. It is a 34-foot cabin cruiser and will be known as the Camp Point. The twin engines are connected to dual shafts and twin rudders. Her speed Is about 24 knots. There recently died In hospital at Steward Captain Harold Eng-dal. master of the halibut ves sel Liberty " who for 36 j years had been actively identified with the widow and daughter survive. He had suffered a heart attack. Turning from the mission field to spend a year leisurely cruising the B. C. and Alaskan coasts, the former Rev. Bernlce and A. B. Morsan has boueht a cabin cruiser at Fort Yukon. It called rHeNorth Wind. The craft win be taken over at Haines. Fishing at Tleil Is excellent, according to F. K. Barr who ar after spending a month holiday lng on the Queen Charlotte Isl ands. Using a fly, Mr. Barr landed a 22-pound coho while trying his luck In the Tlell River. The trout fishing was very good too, and surf "casting for coho resulted In fair catches and plenty of sport. Although Mr. Barr has never hunted on the Islands, even during the time he was sta tioned over there with the R.C A.F. during the war. he said he saw plenty of bear, deer and some pheasants. He is having a small log cabin built at Tlell and is already planning next year's fishing trip. Mr. Barr left last night on the Catala enroute to Victoria where he Is now living In retirement. If any of his friends of his air force days of tne first or second World Wars are living in Prince Rupert, he said he would like to hear from them. British Columbia Steamship Co.'s freighter Alaska Prince ar rived In port at 11 o'clock this morning from Haines, Taku and other Alaska ports. The, vessel's southboind cargo Includes ore from the Tulsequah mine for Ta-coma. Advertise In the Daily News LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Land Recording District of Prince RiiDert unrf sttnat t .k mouth of Large Creek (Denlso Creek) uvuuk Ann, near uioyan Bay. TAKE KCiTJr.v. fhot Htohw.. r,, structlon Company Limited. P.O. Box i, W x-ruicc nuperi, British UOI- ymb,a.ccupation contractors intends r?.r 'easi 01 te following aescrioea lanas: Commencing at a Dost Dlanteri nnnrnximnl.lv inn fo a the Southeast of the mouth of Large Creek at approximately high water mailt ui Ajviiux Arm tnence west D2 degrees North 2640 feet: thence East 38 detrrerfl Nnrth 1390. fat KanoA va 52 degrees South 2640 feet; thence wesi aa degrees soutn 1320 feet to return trl . nrtKt. Anri rnntalnln .lnhn - ....J Vlkil.J acres, more or less. For the purpose of digging and producing sand and gravel. munwAI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED By Leo Mlcheal Shannon, Acrnt Dated September 15th, 1947. (250) how Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Radio Dial Crnn I I K 1240 Kllocyclei (Subject to change) SATUltDATf P.M: 4:00 Meet Giselle, Tor. 4;15 Canadian Short Stories 4:30 Here's to Romance 5:00 Music of the Amerloas 5:30 Platter Chatter 5:45 Sporis college 6:00 Remember Time 6:15 Stargazer 6:30 Charlie splvak's Orch. (j;45Recortied Int. 7:00 CBC ivews 7:10-5Actuallty Broadcast 7:30 Paul Page's Orch. 7:45 This week, Wpg. 8:00 Sat. Night Serenade 8:30 Old lime Rhythm 9:00 Saturday Night Dancing Party 9:30 Chamber Music Trio 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Aragon Ball Room 10:30 Jimmy Dorsey 11:00 Weather forecast and I Slen Off SUNDAY A 23.. 8:30 Concert Album 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Songs and Singers 9:30 Harmony Harbour, Hal. 9:59 Time b.&nal 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 The Way of the Spirit 11:00 CiX News 11:03 Capitol Reports Ott. 11:30 Religious Period-Tor. P.M. 12:00 CBs Symphony Orch. 1:30 Church of the Alt '2:00 Music in Nature 2:30 CBC News 2:33 John Fisher Reports 2:45 Weed-end Review 3:30 Weather Forecast 3:35 Vancouver Symphony Orch. 4:30 T.B.A. 5:00 Record Album 5:30 T.B.A. 6:10 The Old Songs 6:30 Familiar Music 7:00 Stage 48 7:10 The Old Songs, Tor. 8:00 Readers Take Over 8:30 Music by Eric Wild '9:00 Cassics for Today 9:30 Vesper i:our 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Canadian Place Names 10:30 Prelude to I-ucnlght tl:00 Weather and sizn off ann. MONDAY AM. 7:30 Musical clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Concert 8:45 Music for Moderns 9:00 BBC News jVAWWV1(mV.ViVJVAWVWWiWWmWj ' I Quali'y Fur Coats I f PRICED TO SUIT ALL HUDGETS I; SEE THEM AT FOWLIE & KUTTLE, THIRD AVENUE Muskrat Coats $219.00 Black Seal Coals . $115.00 Lynx Coals Remember, u's FOWLIE & 328 THIRD AVENUE "Offering 37 years of Experience in Prince JOHN GURVICH HALIFAX FIRE INSURANCE CO. has returned to the No Job Too Large No Job Too Small EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND CLEARING PHONE 32 GREER & BRiDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Phone RED 5G1 9; 15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Slznal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Elevenses 11:15 Rcmlniscerr 11:30 Weatner Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert P.M. 12:00 Recorded Program 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Int. 1:00 The concert Hour 1:30 Afternoon Recital 1:45 Women's News 2:15 Album Commentary 2:30 Songs to Remember 2:45 Don Messer's Islanders 3:00 Varieties in Music 3:15 Mirror for Women SCHOOL FOR DOMESTICS LONDON, O) Tne National Institute of Houseworkers Britain's new organization to train women domestic workers wITI open its first residential training centre this month. Students will 'be given a free six months course with an examination fo? a diploma. Margaret McLeod Optometrist - AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave. Phone Oreen 324 for If your building, house or furniture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your insurance advisers now I H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 21S Sixth Street Mouton Coats $ 95.00 Broadtail Coats $ 85.00 $135.00 RUTTLE ,lUa"ty FU TEL. 522 practical Rupert' CONTRACTING BUSINESS SIXTH STREET P.O. Box 721 Canada's Oldest Fire Insurance Co. Established Since 1809 SUNDAY MIDNITE AND II D m ta m n THE AftNELO AFFA (and wiof an offair ft was!) JOHN HODIAK GEORGE EDnMnrc mrcnnn or MfXm S 1 w sij) Ingrid Bergman Carv Grant Urjav "NOTORIOUS" Winter tain Time to fill that o SUBSTANTIAL STOCKS ARE M ON HANI) RUT TUB SUPPLY WILL SLACKEN SOON. Phone 651 or 652 for Quick Delivery PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. Ii "SERVING THE NORTH SINCE C Coal Lumber Paints - IJuilding SutJ SINGER OOWllfc AltdVilillC i-rec lisumaies All Work Guaranteed i PHONC K(l I 53D 3rd Ave. XV., I'rince Ruprrtf v m'J'" f ii im'iHi COTTAGE CBl ;New Creamed -Pi VALENTKfl yourWI AlX-WEATHUq Limited eofl ,UMBIA3J REX CAFE ; RCPEBt SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE ChonSuey ChowMch SPECUl'l CHINESE DISHES OCR RUPEI Open 8 am to 2 am FIIONE 17S FAMOUS FISH PRODUCTS l'roduccdandl'roccssnl1')' CANADIAN FISH & COLD STOJ PRINC RUPERT Company BRITISH COL NORTHERN AND CENTRAL SPECIAL CONSII)KHAT T0KS WARTIME HOUSING PHONE R. E. (MONTY) MONTADOR ..nil Ul COLLART & McCAFrfciv'