n :9 Idtintt Rtuicrt Dally Btiun Thursday, November 27, 1947 'SUPERIOR FOOD STORES Ltd.! We invite you to come in our store and shop at your leisure for values. FREE, DELIVERY E V 7) PHONE IS EGGS Our Own Superior Quality, Grade "A" Larjje, New Laid doz. oi)e PEACHES Evaporated . . Mb. cello bajr 25c BAKED HEANS Heinz, 20-oz. tins, 2 tins 19c MAKSHMELLOWS Lowney's, Mb. cello bar Mc COCOA Cowan's Perfection .... Mb. tin 27c PEAS Choice Quality, Seive 2, 2 tins 43c per pkt. 29c We have just received a new shipment of Huntley-l'almer and Peek-Freen BISCUITS per lb. o.'jc FrShiFruits and Vegetables in Season ONIONS No. 1 Okanajjan 4 lbs 25c Gir&PEFRUIT Florida Pinks .... 4 for 39c POTATOES No. 1 Terrace Gems, l()0-lb. sack $3.(59 ORANGES New Crop, Navels, Large Size doz. f9c APPLES Fancy Macintosh 3 lbs. 32c PEARS Fancy Table, Anjou 3 lbs. 34c QUIETLY WEDDED TUESDAY NIGHT Miss Mary Catherine McNeill liecomes Bride of Thomas Harold Cassidy At a quiet ceremony Tuesday i night in St Andrew's Anglican i Cathedral Miss Mary Catherine McNeill and Thomas Harold Cassidy were united in marriage by Rev. Basil S. Prockter., Both bride and groom hail originally from Nova Scotia. The 'groom is a war veteran. Following the ceremony the occasion was duly celebrated with a reception, at the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. D. McOilliv- ray who had been the attendants at the marriage. A handsome wedding cake was duly cut by the bride. Mr and Alto. Cassidy will reside at 1208 Second Avenue. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS r. What is wrong with this sentence? "Let us proceed on with the work." What is the correct pronunciation of "Ovid" Roman poet)? 3. Which one of these words k misspelled? Fallbillty. congeniality, credibility. 4. What does the word "laconic" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with AD that means "to recom- ! mend publicly"? Answers 1. ON is redundant, as PRO- 1 ( EED means to move onward. '. However, "Let us proceed on our Journey" is correct. 2. Pronounce the 0 as in OF. not as In OLD. 3. Fallibility. 4. Sparing ox' words; short and forceful. ; "His sense was strong and his style laconic." Wei wood. 5. Ad- ROY3TON, Eng.. a An 80- iier driving licence "in her own vocate. year old woman justice of the interests and those of the pub- peace was asked to surrender lie." Try a Daily News Classified Ad. U ,. v T s ' ' ' ' , . f "I knew it wouldn't work you and your television set In the carf OV yOUr prOleCllOn. . . Public Safety and Financial ResponsKy Amendments to the Motor Vehicle Act have been passed. Tonight, over a Province-wide network, the Honourable Gordon S. Wismer, K.C., will give an outline of an important legislative step being taken to reduce the death and damage toll oil British Columbia highways. ...New provisions to the Motor Vehicle Act, known as the Public Safety and Financial responsibility Amendments, will go into effect March 1st, 1948. Why this legislation was passed, and how it affects you, will be outlined in this radio address. In addition, several srptpm ff ' . i I " "III kW JUUilJI IV.U III 1Mb lltTT U I J I J V Jnform the public of the various aspects of the law. It is in your own interest to learn the provisions of this important new "safety-responsibility" law. USE ISMBBM Bulkley Valley ,:s ON THE AIR TONIGHT The HON. GORDON S. WISMER, K.C "Death and Damage on the Highway' CBR at 9.45 P.M. also on CFJC and CJAT COAL OR Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal i "Tolir dealer can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES relkwa, B.C. LIMITED HU Give a DRESSING GOWN for Christmas $12.75 Reduced from $15.95 SCARVES Silk and Wool AT BIG REDUCTION LEATHER BELTS Finest made TIES Boxed tor Xmas ACME CLOTHING STORE THE CHOICE OF 1 3 Si if v V V V V V V I 9 t y w v V V X V Ml Amateur Night Enthusiasm Keen Enthusiasm by the young people of Prince Rupert for the Kinsmen Amateur Night is evident by the number of applications being received from those who desire to compete, according to a report submitted by Armlne Boas to the club's execu tlve at a meeting held last night In the Civic Centre. Sixty applications are now In the hands of the entertainment committee. From the Information presented on the forms It Is evident that the contest will not lack variety or talent. The contestants, competing for cash prizes, will be Judged on a popularity basis by three well-known citizens of Prince Rupert. ERA OF FLOODS The reign of Emperor Ken Lung of China from 1735-1798 was marked by 116 major floods. Classified Advertising Pays! flafifitf Brides A BIum Rivvr Diamond, the most beautiful of rings whate ef the price you pay. Blue River, encircling her fineer to be "Lovelv for i:r.: Guarantee of Ftrftoion. Free Insurance aoinstlosL TT: awleSS DIAMONDS IS . WEDDING RINGS D,AMO w widdwo bands PPArnrAi ricTc I IN XV.IIV.VL. JH I O . . . . are always acceptable I S FOR 1ILM I'ower anil Carpenter Tools, FIshlnR Tackle, Sporting; Goods. IS FOR IIER Lamps, Dishes, JJ Pressure Cookers. F.lrctrlr ! Irons, Toasters, Pyrex Ware. Mixers, A FOR THE YOUNGSTERS-Icc Skates, Skis and equipment, Sleighs, Roller Skates, Wagons, Bicycles and Kiddie Cars. "SHOP EARLY" . . ! . !l n H A K a H K MLADJ CFPR 7 7 ftBs Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY P.M. 4:30 Ecpeclally For You 4:45 Timothy and the Rabbits 5:00 Alan and Me, Tor. 6:30 Hawaiian Melodies 5:45 Platter Parade 0:00 People Ask 6:15 Freddy Martin's Orch. 6:30 Musical 6:45 According Variety to the Record 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Eventide 8:00 The Nation's Business 8:15 Sports Review j 8:30 Winnipeg Concert Orch. 9:00 The Royal Wedding 10:00 CBC New 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Sportsman's Oulde 10:30 Music in the Night 11.31 Message Period 11:33- Recorded Interlude 11:45 -Ethel and Albert 1:00 The Concert Houi ":o-Mld.day Melodies - PJlI. !2:15-CBCNews !o-Sv,rog,raniResun J0.55-Muslcal tntp,,. tl:00-.W(.;.th. ... T e ann Bin. - .Ort ... Ml U .uv-niLernnn to...... "Willi 1.4-Needle Pointer, 2:00-Natlonai ri .ib Don Messer and t.i.. varieties m Music -3-apouightStar 3:20 Klrotnh.. ...... 3:3uDlvertimento 3:45-BBC News FRIDAY AJA. 7:30 Musical clock 8:00-CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00-BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30-Morntng concert 9:59-Tlme Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45--Scandinavian MelocJ 11:00 Let's Play 11:15- -Reminiscences DRESS UP FOR XMAS! life TAILORED I N I mi i if V) SUITS . ORDER YOUR Suit or Topcoal ritOM OUK WIDE SELECT10I OF FINE FAI1KICS iVfl VK WILL CUAItANTEE DELIVEKY FOR XMAi FOIt SIKN AND WOMEi November 28 is the deadline MORGAN MENS WEAH THE CUSTOM MA'NSJ MAKE A DATE To see our new selection of BLOUSES JERSEY AND COKIU'ROY Housecoats REGENT SIREN KNITTING WOOL Rose Marx Brassieres - lMeTieS HANDKERCHIEFS IRISH LINEN AND LUNCHEON SETS IDEAL GIFTS FOR THIS CHRISTMAS U0Sa-Lee Ladies INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Bee R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) IHCKS FRASERHgg Phone Black V 1 633 Third Avenue West PHONE il,"D If McKrlilo H I'lu.iie 311 coWm Si s PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEVV3CIRcU