Mm 41 ir.:Mt I -VALLEY'S 1 v .niiMn YOU USE J AVE I Jivex is miracle-worker around the 1 ,ome, lt linepeeuy,j,uiiin7 ! to'remove stains from white linens anJ t jononj and Jave W toilets biths, basins, 8iriK ma iiniinpiiaruj uhito urn free from ttains. ; spur"" ".- j Ordi-T three bottles today. One for the liiihcn-one tor me jaunury-one (or the bathroom. AI YOUR OEAttR'S m DESERT LAKES Too m.any good waicnes nave Deen m ruined by unquali-(t , lied watchmakers. 1, (; Save yours. It extensive Gobi desert of .j Ai..a contains a number Ikes, fed by surface and fr ;;::id mountain streams. , known ar. perlstyl Pre CALL 535 58S ill Pickles 1 ONE GALLON JAU Pilot Bread, 1 lb. cello 25c F'g Bars, pound 39c Heinz Ketchup, bottle 31c -Johnson's Floor Cleaner gallon tin 75c Good Potatoes TELKWA Cook firm and "hite, 100 lbs. BLUEBERRIES clolce, 20-oz. tins MACARONI 16 tins, each ... JAPLE SYRUP Per Jar ...... MINCEMEAT- 2 lb. Jar 1 ' I U'AWAY NOW ! FOR CHRISTMAS Come In and See Our Selection of Gifts RINGS - LOCKETS CHINA - SILVERWARE Look for Canadian Jewellers Certificate. :rdAve. YUKON JEWELLERS (J. Q. Alexander) a. 151 ue 615 HOW CAN I ? ?,? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can ! remove greasa spots from paper? 1 A. Lay a piece of blotting paper over the spot and press with a warm iron. If it doesn't remove it, cover quickly with chalk, or fuller's earth, and let stand for 24 hours. Repeat, if necessary. Q. How ,can I keep brown sugar from lumping? A, Keep : the brown .sugar in an open Jar in the refrigerator and it will become and, remain soft and free from lumps. Q. How can I get rid of crickets? , A, Put cucumber peelings, cut in thin strips, on the floor at night near their haunts. Q. How can I save sugar when sweetening acid fruits? A. When sweetening acid fruits, such as gooseberries, use one-half teaspoon of soda to a quart of fruit, and stir before sweetening. Less sugar will be required. Q. How can I clean gilt frames? A. Gilt frames can be cleaned by dipping a soft cloth in milk and rubbing it gently over the soiled spots. Repeat several times, if necessary. Q. How can I keep cheese , fresh? i A. When one wishes to keep cheese fresh for a long time, cover it with a thin coating of paraffin. Before serving, remove the paraffin. RIDICULE ROME STRIKE REPORT ROME CP) Rome newspapers, echoing last week's threat by the pio-Communist Socialist leader Pietro Nenni, forecast yesterday u general, country-Wide strike that will include even Italy's public services. As it did with the Nenni announcement, the Italian General Confederation of Labor, the only organization which could call such a strike in Italy, ridiculed the report. ARCHITECTURAL TERMS HOCKEY SCORES In architecture a colonnade is a row of columns: if it completely surrounds a building it National League Chicago 5, Boston 3. You saw it in the Wajljr, .News! SHEAEDOWNS i To Relieve Misery Rub on Tested FREE DE LIVER Y-EVERYW AY -EVERY 29c 9c 53c 42c Liimrs APPLE .IUICE- Clear, 20 oz. tin SODA BISCUITS- I. B. C, 1 lb. pkts., 2 for HORSE RADISH-dyson's, 6 oz. Jar Vegetable Soup 3 TINS XMAS CRACKERS From 50c to $2.19 Dozen ' TREE ORNAMENTS FANCY CANDLES Watch for our Xinas Cakes, and Puddings Glo-Coat, pints Pickled Beets 24 oz. jar Dad's Cookies 1 doz. cello Nabob Coffee PER POUND 10c 35c 10c SHOESTRING BEETS OR CARROTS- 25C 20 oz. 3 TINS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20 oz. tins TAPIOCA Ter pound HALO SHAMPOO 2 bottles THIS AND THAT "It's only a doll, but it gets me a seat all the time!" CANADA FOR PARTITION NEW YORK (P'Justice Minister Ilsley declared yesterday that Canada was voting for the Palestine partition because it is ilie bast of four "unattractive and difficult alternatives, but it does so with "heavy hearts and many misgivings." Addressing the general session of the United Nations, Ilsley said that "no responsible "delegation could do otherwise after listening to the threat of reprisal and all the talk of fire and sword which have been heard from both sides to this controversy." He said it would be "folly" to assume that "there would be any less likelihood of disorder if any of the other alternatives to the Palestine partition were adopt ed." for HEINZ BAKED .BEANS 2(1 i7. tin Aielv HEINZ BABY FOODS PUREX TISSUE PALMOLIVE SOAP 6 TINS 45c) 3 OLLS 29c 4 Potatoes, 10 lbs. 39c No. 1 Honey, 2 lbs. 65c on; mns, 4 lbs. 25c rurnips 6 lbs 25c We now have a complete line of Heinz Daby Fruits KAUS Fancy Pears, 3 lbs. 35c Grapefruit, pink, 3 for 29c Fancy Macs, 3 lbs. 32c QUEBEC TOWN HOTEL BURNS t DUPARQUET, Que. f An early morning fire today gutted the Goldfleld Hotel In this town of some 2000 persons and left one unan dead and another missing. Damage is estimated at $75,000. Santa's Suggestion ASK BAN ON -: MARGARINE British Columbia Federation Or Agriculture Asking That It lie Itetained .VANCOUVER CP) The British Columbia Federation of Agriculture today voiced its fear of relaxation in federal controls of the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine and adopted a resolution asking the federal government to maintain its ban on the importation of the product. Twelve thousand British Columbia farmers and their families are represented by the Federation. The representations of the Federation are being transmitted to the federal authorities by Hon. Frank Putman, provincial minister of YOU TOO CAN BE INDEPENDENT Hare a Business of Your Own Become a auccewful operator in the profitable profeision of hairdrewing and beauty culture. Our new enlarged achools offer a thorough training under qualified teachers. Write or call for free literature to : MOLER SCHOOL OF ; HAIRDRESSING I 303 W. Hastings St. (Dept. 1) , Vancouver B.C. IB ! I I H II trK VISIT - 10c r I- .- WMTIM, i rasnion is 0'" SM i Footwear nrzT-njimw j 1 j STONE BLD.G. II nm. bl t Ml i ingsrtaftaftnftvivtsrtfS'listiSfteS't'a I VfV3 III jo. c m -&r hi ii "Build B. C. Payrolls" mKnW I tm I I 25c Ii 1 wibP I' X PAfSTffl lookoTtiie liinRAi. iUcS . Imp kSS j I j INFANTS IJ I 29c I hi Unsolicited testimonials continually tell us that babies thrive when fed with richly-nourishing, Pacific Milk. Get a handy, vacuum packed can today and prove this fact yourself! "7ncDTor II rA PACIFIC u r I t MILK m I L IV SPECIALS GOOD FRIDAY NOV. 28 TO WEDNESDAY ULCfcMBLK oKU p Irradiated and Vacuum Packed ?L J 7 Si )) prince Htipcrt DaHp Btn$ Thursday, November 27. 1&47 at the VARIETY STORE where you will find your favor ite TOYS and GAMES. The varety and selection ths season is far ahead of pre r ------ -- 51S Third Ave. West 'SUPPERS I MekmeMAij. r- mm r I i i mi ii ti . ChestColds MLm 'mmmmmz, DAY 1 -P ILjfMM NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL YOUR BEST EATING FLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS 11 A.M. TO 8 PM, vious jears. You will not only find gifts for everyone that are useful, but also colorful wrappings ribbons, stickers seals and cards, all at the same store. Save TIME! Save YOUR TEMPER! Save SHOE LEATHER! SHOP AT - - MW -I- Zl7mVlil Naturally, the sentiment that goes with the giving of jewellery is significant " but the . ACTUAL WORTH of the jewellery you buy is equally impqftant .. So. when you invest in jewellery, choose wisely. Your jeweller is a member of an age-old craft that was founded and which has existed upon the principal that LOYALTY to patrons is as essential as the SKILL that creates it ....Yes. you may buy with confidence from your Jeweller. MM i 61 Phone Red 400 PHONE 81 j 6I yourself $'0(fllJJ DAILY DELIVERYiiMkt0U,WAK 1 COWMAN ou v il. tmt&i j PRESCRIPTION oiscrLfta CHEMISTS foJ 27S Ormes Drugs THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS' BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY .BOSTON) Chinese Dishes a Specialty Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties . 608 THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephone 200 LING THE TAILOR tVe are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street r 1 1 .5 4