MRP wntd ber insertion, rhlnlmum charee. 60e. Birth wai.o rarus " . . a . . ' and Engagement Announcements: 12. OF THANKS j. n 1JI n, C " . v l. of tne rriuvc ivui Hr .ial ana Mrs. Memor!a High School, . cVimvn nur ri m- mm Rert Wouden FOR SALE .VU ' UKe new. ruuuc (tf) 5 tube automatic recora .. 1345 8th Ave. E. and engine nwj ..... Oonmrs IZOl 1 -.,1? kiv rnnms wilii au Sixth Ave E. 12350 casn. I unzp Prince Rupert . . n. n iqDI 1 : 7 : r. 1 bedrm and Chester- j . in. 1 1 set: taoies, in iue, oeus, .hn- rtf Hria-erc An- Blae 988 724 Fraser St. (279) SAtE j-room coitagu, iM.Jti.ta nnccattlnn 20 piece set new dishes, ,6 ft slee) tapes ?5c, Lat- r ai Men s .111:1 ' Fur Coat size 14, Coney, L" J ,T 1 t T New Mattresses to- clear Corns and look them over. Ftrrnihiri r.n Rlarlc 321 srqi;;;.' rug one double : ar.o mattress, three TW the following list of machinery for sale sub- Ji prior sale Prices can be and machinery seen illicit 06 YVH11C Ub- Company Limited, 1652 5th Avenue. Vancouver, Ml 3fll ITAclirlnr, Clin vol Drarllnp nnH TlnrlrlinA at- V TRl! At ft C..11I..AM nnm. CrC irni.1UH I I ton Manley Hydrauli (278 SALE- a room house on PUT. Km. O 8th Avenue near McBride; IQnlA 0 ll -n hn kt . . .i - nauunat Aiacninery OLD INDUSTRY 0 kt, . . . . 7 OI t.hft flH Sect Ion (tf) owi; vi mewi in .t-an- SOes back nlmnct Land nmramr "fiinratii uf Title No. 173(101 l,lJ r Prince Ilupert, Map r iv,isiacurv nrooi 01 ji inn ik . . - - . - b name ot Denlamln B. r .been filed In thU office. -H'rauon of one month from ' tne in list i j i of ' made to me : in writing. lit . PrinrA V. v ana registry ui Novemb B.C., this 24th ier, 1047 a n ANnpPur TtiAnfocnM Puty Registrar of Titles. FOR SALE (301) ;'6C ppiy ot dry 111 wood, random ?ngths. SIR KM nnrrl Cor lots $16. BLUE 810 Bert's Transfer 33 Third Ave. (278) WANTED WANTEIJ-Prlgldaire or refrigerator, electric. Apply Box 289 Dally flews. (279) WANTE5'-7iouse,5 or 8 rooms. Phone Black 232. (278) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED By youn? man, will consider anythln?. Phone Red 728 after 5 p.m.. (tf) WOMAN with small girl wants housework for gentleman or family. Live In. Red 807. (273) BABY Sitters, any evening. Apply 1543 2nd Overlook or call Red 902. (282) SwonK WANTED Woman will look after children evenings. Phone Red 493. ROOM AND BOARD METAL AYOItR (281) MIDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Oreen 588. (tf) ROOM AND BOARIi $40 each double; $45 single. Home awaj from home. Tablr meals. Mrs Lawley, C22 Frasr Street, (tf) PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a permanent release from drinking. It is a confidetlal service rendered without cost, by others who have found freedom from alcohol. Box 276 Dally News. tfi PERSONAL Suggested we ap-proach our local high esteemed spinsters or widows to negotiate our leader in matri monial matters. Independent Progressive, Box 288, Daily News. Open for engagements for house-parties and etc. George Ellott and his accordlan. Evenings Royal Hotel, Room 40. (282i A SANDED FLOOk makes a new room! Dark and stained floors can be made as 'good as new by sanding, a quick, ef- flclent Job with nioderrt equipment. Greer and BrldJ den have the latest in floor sanders and guarantee the best service - Phone Red 561: (tf) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. 'Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) TELL Your Troubles to Thorn Sheet Metal. Furnaces, Smokestacks, Air Conditioning Units. Black 884. 253 East First Avenue. 'tf: TENDERS tENDERS will be received by the Massett Co-operative Association for purchase of the following trucks' at Massett, B.C.; closing date Nov. 15, . 1947. FARGO, 3 tons, 196" W.B., stake-body, 1947 Model, used two months, condition as new. EnuiDDed with 2 speed rear axle, reinforced frame, plat form 7' 10"xl7 6". Platform may be purchased with truck or seDarately. FARGO, 22 ton, staice-Doay, 1942 Model, completely overhauled, 1st class condition, good tires. Equipped with reinforced frame, two speed rear axle, platform 61 6"xl6' with truck onlV. Submit tenders to the Mas-set Co-operative Association, co Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Assn., P.O. Box 2G4, Prince Rupert, B.C. TTit.act nr nnv tender not necessarily accepted. Additional information may be had from named. oithpr of tne aDove (tf) GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT , (Section 20) Notice of Application for a Club NOTICE Is hereby given that on Licence 0,P tith Avenue West, PHnce Rupe rt. mulsh Colunibta. British Columbia, to entitle eacn STSSb Um "a reasinable quantity ih0Pl8for oersonal Jonsumpt on VSr and entitling i from a , ven-Sf Sub liquor to purchase and & sell by thu gtath. Uquor prcmi3 ... -- --- ..aovernment P? ,r Trt- and the regulations TKrdary of October, REX BOWLING CLUB LIMITED. MANILA BASTION Spain first foftified to guard Manila. EARLY" A A GUNS As early as 19M the United States and Germany had the antl aircraft suns. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver 1 Sunday ss Camosun, 2 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Coqultlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala, midnight. From Vancouver-Sunday ss Coquitlam, 4 p.m Monday ss- Princess Adelaide. p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10:00 a.m. Friday ss Camosun, 9 a.m. Friday ss Catala, a.m. For Alaska-Friday ss Camosun, 2 p.m. Wednesday--ss Prince Rupert, 12 midnight. From Alaska-Sunday ss Camosun, 9 a.m. FOR KENT FOR RENT 2 rooms and kit-cherl. 3?6 9th Ave. West. (279) FOR RENT Apartment and furniture for sale, lamp and a crib. Apply upstairs 223 11th St. by Section Two bridge. (273) J, Announcing CHOCOLATE FLAVORED DAIRY DRINK i Containing not less-than bulterfat I CHILDREN Like it 1 1 V 1 Order from your Wagon, Grocer or Dairy at popular prices. VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 MINE CARS I I and CAGES I k 'HOIST, SKIPS I AERIAL TRAMWAYS I WESTERN BRIDGE steel Fabricators tiD VANCOUVER, B.C SINGER Immeiliaie delivery of new treadle ami electric sewing machines in Prince Rupert and district. SINGER f 'Sewing Machine Co. Phone 8S4 Prince Rupert New Machinery REDUCED PRICES! NEW 600 lb. Capacity Piatiorm Type Scales mounted on steei Wheels $30.00 each NEW Midland Metal Cutting Bandsaw. Quick-change 8-speed Gear Box, Tilting, Type Gravity' Feed, Brazing Attachment, complete with all accessories .... $1050.00 Factory price apprpx. suuuu.uu NEW' Wisconsin vAlr-Cooled AB and' AK Gas Engines Reduced prices. NEW Gladden Busy Bee Gas Engines, AB and BB Reduced Prices. NEW Hauck Kerosene Blow Torches 4 Pint Size, complete with cleaning rods $15.00 each reduced Prices also on ngnt w Plants. Chain Blocks, Army Gas Cans, Air Compres snrs. Etc. When you need equipment, the Dlace to call Is DIETRICH-COLLINS EQUIP MENT LTD. ' 890 S.W. Marine Drive Vancouver, B.C. rss spur and cornflowers (centaurea cyanus) will be on the list al most anywhere. Larkspur, in- deed, should be sown in the fall whenever possible. ' Plants from fall sowing get started much earlier In the t spring, and they flower almost as soon as Indoor plants, besides being larger and more vigorous. The list of subjects may safely include all annuals which .usually self-sow In the neigh borhood, and any other varieties which are hardy, and have small hard seeds, with which you are jrAtamNT 'NOTERO NATURE SOWS FLOWER SEED IN FALL; WHY NOT YOU? NATURE SOWS Whenever nature 1 willing to take a chance for the produces sake of earlier plants. Large; annual flowers In our gardens from self-sown seed, she demonstrates that annuals can be grown from seed sown in the fall. The list of annuals which can self-seed may vary in different sections of the country, but it is probable that annual -lark- soft seeds, even of hardy vari eties, may decay in the wet ground, but the hard seeds Willi; t small seed with dry sand to help scatter" It, and do not sow much deeper thari y6u would In the spring. Many gardeners cover the row with a shallow layer of sand after sowing. In a seed bed, or cold! frame, after the ground has frozen a light mulch of leaves may be placed over Che bed to keep the frost in. This mulch should be removed before the seeds sprout in the spring. Aftmrals which are usually lie safe and protected from be-LsuccessfuI from fall sowing in-lng washed out of the soli by I dude alyssum, snapdragons, ca- rams, or Injury m.some other ealia, calendula, calllopsis, can-' way. A seed bed surrounded by a! wooden curb Is an excellent place to sow fall annuals. A cold frame will do as well; and many sow seeds in the open garden, where experience has shown drainage 13 good. If seeds are ) Te&cfa v Do yon like canned M M generous in sizeT Then Pylft,7Wi f ltrnml. Your grocer lj I CANNED FOODS I V 4F 171 Real Gold Orange Juice, 2 tins - 25c LIDO LIQUID SPICES Mixed, FLOOR WAX - tins Pint 2f Quart ."( CHOCOLATE SYRUP MACARONI- lTS W Franco-American, NABOB COFFEE 20-oz. tins lof Jars N BLUE RIBBON BAKING POWDER 16-oz. Uns- 20? R-oz. tins 15? Third Avenue West lody Likes SOUP! LIBEY'3 Vegetable Soup, per tin 9c AYLMEltPca Soup, per till 9c CAMPBELL'S Vegetarian Vegetable Beef, Beef Noodle, Asparagus Sotlp 2 tins 25c HEINZ Pea Soup and Vegetable Soup 2 tins 25c GREEN BEANS . WAX BEANS per tin clams. DICED BEETS 1-f Exchange Grapefruit Juice, per tin Fort Garry, Malkin's Best, I t Malkin's Black Label, Salada firown and Yellow Labelrper lb. 86c STUFFED OLIVES 6 oz. Jars 16-oz. Jars SPAGHETTI Van Camp's, . 20-oz. tins !"( HEINZ "57" SAUCE, per bottle Rupert Butchers SALE CONTINUES THROUGH TO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 NEW ROYAL HOTEL ! A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms-, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 17 whole or minced :l() 11c 25? COWAN'S COCOA, per tin ? 1HEAT SPECIALS 2 DAYS ONLY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL BOILING FOWL, per lb. 32c 3 -4-pound average Fresh-Killed Frying: Chickens FRESH PORK FRESH VEAL lej Roasts, lb. :W? Fillet Roasts, lb. 45? Shoulder Roasts, lb. .'W? Sirloin Roasts, lb 10? PHONE 21 RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS Box 548 (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Phone Green 075 5 Rough and Dressed Lumber Prfnrc ftnperf Dalfp Bftajj Thursday, November 27. 1947 those grown Indoors and recel' c little or no check from tram planting. Train Schedule For the East . , Monday. Wednesday, Frlday-8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday-10:45 pjn. dytuft, centaurla, cyanus, clar- The Capitol of Washington was ! Kfa, cosmos, escnscnonzia, cup., designed by an English archl- orlba, gypsophua, larxspur, m-pin. nicolfana, petunia, annual phlox, annual popples and sweet peas, Conditions in the spring are usually fine for transplantrns Ewcm in rows, which can be and plants may be moved from marked, It Is easy to check re- the seed bed to the border about suits and protect the seedlings ne time one would be sowing when, they appear. seed In the spring. The fall Sow the seed thirtlv. mrxlhe sown Dl'ants are not Soft like tect. ENGLISH DESIGNER LITTLE, COATS RATON UNDERWEAR Vest and panties Small, Medium, Large and Outsizes BLACK SLIPS ISLACK NYLON NIGHT GOWNS A N Margaret Mcleod Optometrist AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave. Phone Green 324 lor Terrace 1 ) TransfersTaxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Lumber Manufacturers TERRACE Logs,- Poles and Piling Agents For International Harvester Co: Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. l'hilco Radios Willard Batteries COZY AND FLATTERING WOOL HOUSE ETTE MANSELL UPSTAIRS IN STONE BLDG. "WALK UP AND SAVE" LOVELY i a r f l-VL7 I SI PERFECT BEAUTY IS EVERY" WOMAN'S DESIRE j . . . AND WHEN WE SET YOUR HAIR THAT DESIRE IS REALIZED. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT. PHONE 655 Helen's Beauty Salon 206 Fourth Street DE LUXE WALL TINT This Improved Kalsomlne is an ideal finish for plaster walls, and excellent for decorating Gyprock, Beaver Board, Masonlte, and all heavy wall board. Beautiful artistic effects can be obtained by dappling with one or more tints. Made in ten attractive colors. FIVE-POUND PACKAGE 75? THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PHONE 101 255 Third Ave. To Avoid Inconvenience ... We strongly recommend that our customers fill their coal bins as soon as possible,, or at least order well in advance as there wilt- he, unquestionably, a shortage of supply this winter. "CALL US OVER THE COALS it is going to be a burning question." FOOTHILLS LUMP EGG -r NUT TELKWA LUMP PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LIMITED Call 651 or 652 Coal Lumber Paints Building Supplies NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH! COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER