in I; in- 8 Prince Rupert Dally rMus Thursday, November 27, 1947 SHIPS AND WATERFRONT may oe regarded as a co incident that the SS Denall that stood by the SS Clarks-dale Victory, breaking up off IJippa Island, west coast of the (ueen Charlotte Islands has a Interesting connection with that part of the north coast. Years ago, another vessel, also called the Denali foundered near Zay-as in Chatham Sound. She carried supplies, and other goods and' was a complete wreck. have past weeks following the death of Mr. Krook's father, the late Michael Krook, left by air this afternoon on their return to their home in Seattle. Try a Classified Aa in The News M i Pick if out a i a a a 4 a u NOW! Lay Away PJan-If You Prefer PEOPLES STORE A Small Deposit Will Hold It l Rupert jj Peoples Store OFFICERS ARE MOVED Itrunton of Terrace and Lashmar of Prince Uupert Promoted and Transferred Two well-known provincial po lice officers of this district have been promoted from the rank of corporal to sergeant and given transfers. Thev are Cd1. Thomas D. Brunton, "who is being moved from Terrace to take charge of Smithers detachment in succes sion to Sgt. John Henry, who Is ; moving to Burnaby, and Cpl. A. T. Lashmar, also a sergeant now. who is bslng transferred to Vancouver lsiana, 10 ... . . .luounenay, "Jlltake over .he dutrtct detach- been here for the two ment there. ABE THE BOATMAN ! In his youth. Abraham Lincoln j worked on a flatboat for $10 a month and saved part of the sum i regularly. ; IIBBBBIIItl3OIIBOnBB0nDBBOOBQDBnonnilDBDC BBBBBBaflBBaBBBBBBDariidUanBBQBBaB IBBBBBBBBBBBflflBBBBBBnBBDBBBBBBBBBBBBB a - 1 The Men's and Boys' Store 3 Major Gifts for Minors LI tl 3 m :t n ii u u n i u u ti u a ti ii a j u u rj a a n ii A 11 11 CALLING ALL AGE BOYS! SUITS COATS SWEATERS JACKETS PARKAS PAJAMAS-. SHIRTS RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBann Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 4 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST B B B fl n B fl D n i oi , . r. , ''"'j' I u iLI&BM -bbbW ja an w Si PERISHABLE FOODS OUT mH mam TWO-HEADED CALF IS THRIVING Marvin Koch and his daughter Anna, are shown with the two-headed calf born on the farm, near Easton, Pa. of which Koch is co-owner. The calf, only a few days old, is eating well and drinks about five quarts of milk a day. using both of its mouths at different times. The animal has but two ears and a single skull, but is equipped with four eyes, two mouths and two noses. Veterinarians believe It will survive. j EYE, Suffolk, Eng., fl, Eye, Britain's smallest borough, Is to have Mary Short as the next mayor. I CHECKLEY, Eng., 0; The jnave roof of the 11th-century I church here has been damaged i by the death watch beetle. ; L1DLINGTON, Eng., 0 A! H) wooden leg was attached to a B i chicken after one of Its Injured B I legs had been amputated, n a : RYE, Sussex, Eng., KJi The o ancient custom of throwing hot I coppers to the children was ob-a served on the town's mayor - niaKing aay. Three Ballings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA' SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3t pjn- Coqultlam, Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. Sunday, 2 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN, WRANOELL and PETERSBURG Fridays, 2 p.m. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. m QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS . October 17 and 31 November 14 and 28 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS October 19 November 2, 16 and 30 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. phone 568 'XMAS EYESIGHT CONTRIBUTIONS Cannot be Accepted for Air IT. Smith Delivery to United Kingdom ' H. OJelton WINNIPEG - Trans-Canada!"' SheaJ,d7" Air Lines officers revealed to-! axe J10'' day they had regretfully ad-!?' EI Montador i-iroi iur.t- i uoe Lavi2ne , vA.iijr ujr x it w uccunie 5ed British transDortation svs- Mansons Jewellers $1.00 S.1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 .30 urn iiicii agendo auuu uuii- , ada that it will be inadvisable No Name -50 to accept perishable food for "rownwooos lw shinmont. to tho TTnit Rupert Tobacco Store $1.00 "I wv v, WiUVVU A lilk ' "loom during December. .w.ju.uu 0 i Between three and four hun-' J- Scott - dred parcels are now arriving , Watts & Nicktrson $1.00 A Friend 50' $1.00 D tern will find it increasingly dlf- Margaret Johnson $1.00 ni apparent that the overburden- A. II. Silversides .50 J .11 . . ' tT 'V. T T J r AatA jj-j"; delivery of an increased num- niber of parcels In time to pre- I vent food spoilage. jjl Meanwhile the airline's dally 2 'flights across the Atlantic will H continue to carry food parcels njbut without perishables until surface transport difficulties a j are cleared. Trans-Canada is n j immediately investigating al-Jjlternate methods of delivery B i looking towards a resumption uof fresh food shipments. It 13 n pointed out bacon, ham and cooked foods are still accept-B able. Hi n B Briefs from Britain B , 'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTl xiik iianuy jvian n.vv Anonymous 0 Total To Date $G7.95 ' DRESS FOR WEATHER It isn't smart to pretend to Ignore the weather. Dress for the day, according to climate, say doctors. TRY has J t i Ii UP miss tuts CCIENCE proved there re ned for ha1th. If th enough, of them in a child's food, terious things can happen such as stunted growth, soft bones, poor teeth, faulty nerves, loss of appetite, defective eyesight. Ovaltine supplements the diet with elements frequently deficient in ordinary foods. Three servings of w V I w j V V V V V y V V y M f wvaiune lurnisn a significant portion g of a child's daily requirements of y Vitamins A. Hi. C. D. Rihnflavin in, i w and Niacin and Minerals Calcium) Phosphorus and Iron. In addition it provides the basic fond suhranrifwrnmrl., j to build muscle, nerve aud body itlls high-energy foods for vitality and I endurance. It thus acts as an insurance . against food deficiencies that retard I normal growth. ' C It I 1 .... ou u your inua eats poorly, is thin, underpar, perhaps nervous, why not try delicious Ovaltine for normal growth and better appetite. OVALTINE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL One Photo and Twelve Christmas Cards for Price and Appointment call at Chandler & CowlmII 4th Street, Prince Rupert a ! ARE WORKING ON i SWIMMING . POOL Draft Plan For It and Howling Alley to He Presented Authorization for the drawing up of a sketch of a proposed bowling alley and swimming pool to be operated by the Civic Centre was granted toy a meeting of the Civic Centre executive last night for presentation at the annual meeting of the Civic Centre Association early in the new year. The proposed swimming pool and bowling alley will be placed Lessons in English 1 Labor Day." 2. What Is the correct , nunciation.of ":routine?" pro- 3. Which one of these words Is misspelled? Allen, equestrlen, denizen. 4. What does the word "intrusion" mean? 5. What Is a word beginning with be that means "to cause to lose one's bearings?" Answers 1. Say, "I saw her about Day." 2. Pronounce oo as in root, c as in me, second syllable. 3. Equestrian. 4. The act of thrustlnit in without Invitation. "Even in his own home he was not safe from instruslon." 5. Bewilder. Advertise rn the Dally News' Phone 843 before the association member ship for acceptance or rejection. The sketch win dc made by Percy Underhill, Vancouver architect, who designed the Civic Centro building. The meeting, under chairmanship of Civic Centre president T. N. Youngs, also considered several matters submitted by the Basketball Association, arriving at amicable solution of the Construction Concern Has Been Reorganized Announcement Is made of the resignation of James Hutchi son, president 6f the Northwest lungsiuu uecomes managing j director of the company. He re turned to the city a few days; ago from Prince George where he had been on business In connection with the reorganization of company affairs. THE 100 R.C FIRM SOCK EYE SALMON Royal Line. ''s. Per tin .NEILSQN'S COCOA Per Mb. tin .K AM , For lunches, t?-oz. tin JilNSO or OXYDOI- Large. One per customer AYLMER CARROTS Choice Shoestring. 20 oz. THE V. H. BROCKVIUE Lb. CRYING? CROSS? CROTCHETY? Is 'this your child? "Worms" a very possible reason. Dr. McKenzie's Ded Shot Worm Candy. Write for our free treatise on worms. COMSTOCK CO. ONTARIO TEA We Deliver PRICES EFFECTIVE ONE WEEK CHEESE MANITOBA Medium. Borden's or Carnation. Per Case. CANNED TOMATOES Royal City, 2'Vs AERO LIQUID WAX No Rub. Pint tin PALTON'S PUDDINGS Contain Sugar DATE AND NUT BREAD- Crosse & Ulackwell's. Per tin HOLLAND RUSKS Christie's. Per pkt KICK No. 1 Round drain FIO BARS 45 I BC SODAS i-ib. Pkt. Plain and Salted 2-lb. PkU -I." SHREDDED WHEAT tins 2Pkts 25c Nabisco im rkts. 35c 29c 36c 35c 25c CANNED MILK $5.95 2 (ns Finest Quality. Per lb. J. .. Ju NOTICE Pkls " lbs. Plain 55c 26c 19c 25c 20c 39c iced 170 Swifts Meat for Babies 2 tins 31c GRAPEFRUIT Pink Seedless TURNIPS Interior CARROTS Hulk PEARS Anjou Fancy 3 4 for lbs. lbs. 31c 25c 25c 27c ON AND AFTER DECEMBER 1, ALL VESSELS OF THIS COMPANY WILL DOCK AT THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT WHARF, FOOT OF McRRIDE STREET. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDINO SAILINGS AND RATES APPLY AT OFFICE. THIRD AVENUE,OR PHONE JU. f W Wn r j CROSBY im UAULFIELD FITZGERALD Ageless Gift of Distinction learned for by every woman from 1G to 60. BILL Tt v OH 1MI Ul UOtUtl CART0OS--m l Shows ?;M J;( SXTUEDAY. 8 r... n-i. r -"sJBffl rur uins ror your Leading Lad' Heautlful furs are the What Is wrong with this 'construction Co.. because of 111-1 U LJ'LL- SCUBY- OvUD- F U'S sentence? "I saw her around health. Mel Strickland has also S 322 Tlllltlt AVfvitp im ... r . 'uit.n -i iil resigned as accouniani. neu u, , K.?i?s?i SALE OF LOTS m .t i ... II, LUM JUST RECEIVE!! o l ,.s iv , . r ; snipment of Fi Dimcssion, Sluplap, Flooring, Vcc Joint k Dried Fir Finish, Shingles, ment of iMouhlmg. Sole Agent for IJ.C. CEMENT CO, ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF HFILDINQ suPPLIeI PHONE 116 COAL PHONE ! ine lonowing cuy-owned v.uur.; .01 t-: ;2fc. lor sale by PUBLIC AUCTION at the Council Chamber, City Hall, on Friday DccmA am. 1917, at 10:00 a.m. Lot 26, 27 and 28 7 47 Block 9 19 34 oviana 'yidiiu n I Swifts Meats for Juniors 2 tins 41c g BflflWflBflWflKllMHHflBHBflBBflBBflflMHH VISIT Section 1 1 1 $1900.00 850.00 1750.00 Aiimmum Terms: One-third of purclm p::r. payable. iojii. umuncc payaDie m equal reRUia: i:;-u..t.c:.i- ot a period not exceeding two years, with mterc at 5 annum "on the unpaid balance. Provided anyone who is uable u ,itt:::d ilv. aacti in person .may submit a sealed tender u ee il I hour of auction and treated as one bid H D. TRAIN, Z78) ctf-cd I JI w my NOW 0PK AT 206 SIXTH STREET (BETWEEN SECOND ANL1 THIRD THOUSANDS OF TOYS OUTSTANDING VALUES I McRae's Toylani GREER & BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR Repairs Construction Phone RED 561 BRIDDEN Alteration: P.O.Box Thinking of . . . CAMERAS For Christmas Wc have just received a hlpn J "f Kodaks and llrownies. Pr'd $3.40 to $61.50 McCUTCHEON PHARMACY W (E. C. Wallace, .Manager) p0O.T9 Third Avenue at Slxtii Street NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA 3