. . ITV L. f II II IS CKII kll I f Itt MAI l . . -vt CABRV TEA . tu ayFood Market (KOSS INGRAM) TO SAVE YOU MONEY each M0 aNdiu:ans- un -n" iscriTS I.B.C., (' :TiU1S . o. .:. packet : interior ..in V 1 fc tUIUIii IUCE No. 1 Quality, 2-pound Cello Bag -lUe1 HUNT'S CATSUP Finest Quality, 13-oz. Bottle :U? SALAD DRESSING Miracle Whip, 8-oz, Jar lHr 16-oz. .7 JELLY POWDERS Mello-Jel, each ! I Itf JAVEX BLEACH Regular Bottles, 1! for . 2."5 DELICIOUS APPLES Fancy, il pounds :i."f IRWAY FOOD MARKET Il "TTI IlllnVW XMTHTni win inunrj i U mnrjiv . . . 4ir I SU IT FOR FREE DELIVERY WE PUT NEW LIFE IN OLD FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS New Upholstery Materials . - 1- tt t i i v J t. iinn i iiKiiifinv iipii iirrii iiiiii itrriivi' n-u ...., K-ovi n rrrm iu.ui: NIK ItU.MS I 0 V I M ' Prompt Attention L U V I II J to Outside Orders Tree LITES IU BIJLE LITES OUTDOOR LITES TELE SERIES LITES REFLECTORS AND ACCESSORIES AT UPF.RT RADIO & ELECTRIC Rox 1321 RPQTIflMQ MR YMA? Show your appreciation of the "little woman" this Christmas by Riving her a fine fur neckpiece. Beautifully matched, plump pelts in squirrel, kolinsky, mink, marten, fisher, silver and red fox. Prices from .-.".."( lor 2-skin set. Also practical gifts of moccasin slippers for the whole family. Prices from .SI. !'" What better Rift for Christmas than a fur coat? All styles and varieties. Prices from .."(). budget terms-No Interest-No Carrying Charges. Fowlie & Ruttle YOUR FRIENDLY FUR STORE" !lird Avenue Shoes 0'VP Mill o PHONE Give HIM the Gift he wants . . comfy, good-looking SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS SONS LIMITED 621 Third Avenue pm an J Dealers tOP Mill-iv- .,..... . , ,. . u' riTllS lo i runjts snip an juui nn - JACK I. LOUIS 20' West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. PRnVTOT' tJETTTPNS ft Commissions Our Prices Arc INct to iou Vqi-,' r i n . o c nousing ruTviiuacio it,. ; something; in. i-ini- lUfkBID JI U (283) "Wxju. --m.mmm- "s anil . wumtwp iraniin uniiL. ur new home and futrniturc. Do not dc-Providinjr yourself with, full protection. - I'iciii 10 meet an your iiv-.uo. No Delay! See Us at Once! G.HELGERSON LTD. n "0 or visit our office 216 Sixth Street Local News Items . . . Children's realistic toy guns, 8 varieties. Low priced. Star Store, 819 3rd West. (279) Bishop Anthony Jordan O.M. I., vicar-apostolic or Prince Rupert vicariate, lelt on last evening's train for a brief trip to Terrace on ecclesiastical busi ness. He will be returning to the city tonight. Regular Meeting of Int. Un ion of Operating Engineers, Local 510 will be held in the Car- I penters Hall, Friday Nov. 28 at j8 p. m. (278) i Customeis Patronize those who advertise. Let Dally News I AD columns help your Busl- ness Mrs. G. R. Krause. (tf) Mrs. P. Laporte and her two sons, Philip and John, left on last evening's train for Edmon ton after having spent several months in Prince RuDert at the home of Mrs. Laporte's daughter, Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, former resident mining engineer here and now practising as a consulting mining engineer in Vancou ver, has been a patient in the ; Vancouver General Hospital. I D, C. McRae, pioneer Prince Rupert business man, now living in retirement at Duncan, Vancouver Island, 13 at present in Vancouver, a patient at the -Vancouver General Hospital, after having been unwell of late. i Don Forward reported at yesterday's weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club on attending the lecent installation of a new Gyro club at Holly-burn, West Vancouver. Guests at yesterday's luncheon were Peter Husoy and Len Griffiths. Presi dent C. G. Ham was in the chair and there was a fair attendance of members. Hotel. . . - arrivals Prince Rupert W. Cummings, Edmonton; Mrs. J. McLeod, Terrace; Mrs. J. Glenn, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. F. Hollands, Terrace: E. L. Bar-tie. Victoria: K. McCollough, Prince George; P. Budlong, Prince George: G. McMann, Prince George; W. Aklns, Ketchikan; R. H. Browne. Ketchikan; C. Barnes, Ketchikan. You saw it in the Dally News! Announcements All advertisements :n this column will be charged for a lull month at 25 cents a word. Another Rotary ticket will do three things give you a chance to win a car, give you ticket to Grand Rotary Dance, help the hospital children's ward. Get one today. (289) Catholic card party at the (School Hall, Nov. 27, 8 P.M. CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov. 28th. Sonja Tea, Home Cooking, Fancy Work. Lutheran Recreation Rooms, 2:30-5:30. Nov. 29. Plays, Presbyterian cnurcn, Dec. 3. United Church Bazaar, December 4. Orange Sale, December 5. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Doc. 11 Moose Christmas Tree Salur day December 13. WITH v Moving:, Tacking Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones CO and 68 Valhalla Whist Thursday, Nov. 27, 8 p.m. Refreshments. (277) Father O. DeKayer O.M.I., Roman Catholic priest on Ban- ine Lake, arrived in the city on Tuesday night's train. He is here on ecclesiastical business and will reurn to the Interior tomor row night. C Sonja 29. Tea Sale, November (278) Mr. and Mrs, G. Osterberg and their two sons plan to sail on the Catala Saturday for Van couver where they will take up future residence. Mr. Osterb,erg has been an employee of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co operative. C.C.F. Bazaar Friday, 2:30 p.m. Civic Centre, Common Lounge. Tea, Home cooking Candy and sewing. (It) SALVATION ARMY TEA AND SALE Two Hundred Ladies Attend Affair ot Home League Over two hundred ladies call ed Tuesday afternoon at the Salavatlon Army Home League's tea and sale In the Oddfellows' Hall and the affair was a complete success. The hall was taste fully decorated in blue, red and I white colors and the tables were adorned attractively with fall flowers. The guests were reclved by Mrs. (Captain) Earl Jarrett, wife of the commandant. Mrs. J. Wllkie and Mrs. J. Chambers presided at the tea tables and serviteurs were Mrs. Ray Scherk, Mrs. C. Leavltt and the Misses Mary Calder, Veronica Clarke and Joan Ryan. Acting as cashier was Mrs. C. Carlson Mrs. F. B. Gamblln was lncharge of table arrangements and Mrs. R. Swanson, Mrs. M. Feldseth- and Mrs. F. Tlmms were in charge of the kitchen. In charge of candy sale was Mrs. C. K. Ytreberg with Mrs. J. A. Wilson and Mrs. William Tlmms presiding at the home cooking table and Mrs. M. Waks-dale and Mrs. Garton in charge ' ot fancy work. The sale was declared open by Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby In exercises which were in charge of Mrs. Jarrett with Mrs. Patterson presiding at the piano. cttlS AMD l"MA0S,,j jsA BenJeJ by Experfs for - pSHa 8"" in in5 nW. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE WH-247 Discovers Home Skin Remedy This clean stainless antiseptic known all over Canada as Moone's Emerald Oil. Is such a fine healing agent that Eczema, Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, Itching Toes and Feet, and other Inflammatory skin eruptions arc often relieved In a lew days. Moone's Emerald Oil is pleasant to use and tt Is so antiseptic and penetrating that many old stubborn cases of long standing have yielded to Its Influence. Moone's Emerald OH Is sold by Ormes Drugs and druggists everywhere to help rid you of stubborn pimples and unsightly skin troubles satlsnicuon or money uuti. Send Personalized CHRISTMAS GREETINGS made from your own KODAK SNAPSHOTS Come In and see samples WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing STEAMSHIP BOOKINGS TO GREAT BRITAIN NORWAY - SWEDEN CONTINENT ALL LINES REPRESENTED Also Trans-Canada Airlines Passports and Visas Secured For Information See E. C. TKI'MM IX, City Ticket Agent 528 3rd. Ave . Prince Rupert or any agent A Product of Cnrol Food V V y v V r s r B 5 w y y y y 1 I mm Fata SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS I1ULOVAS GRUENS ELGIN'S and DRESSER SETS FLATWEAR Many Others to Choose From The Early Shopper Never Disappointed On Engraving ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES FOR THE LATEST IN JEWELRY MANSOKS JEWELLERS . "YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELER" SI M H X 'A K H M H K A A ft K A A A A A A A A A A . A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IMntt .Eupett Dailu 13cU)St Thursday, November 27, 1947 LUGGAGE We think you'll agree that our Fall showing is the smartest you've seen in years.. It's built to stand plenty of wear, too. The range includes mahogany rawhide, . solid pigskin and twecd-cdvered sets.. Make your selection for gift or presentaton now. i LiiJjwnnnJiTJii1! A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Suggestions! LANE CEDAR CHESTS Tennessee cedar throughout .'.with exterior of burl walnut The Ideal Gift. Got to be seen to be appreciated. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert U.J.JLJ.J.i.J.iJ.J.J.J.iiJ.iJ.XXi.iXJ.iii.i4.44i444it4i4V , IP-FULLNESS and longer skirts are keynotes in the new dress styles. Cloth coats are treated with full swing backs for graceful lines . .' . Furs arc more lavish, more luxurious than ever. Sweet Sixteen has ail these styles, so visit us, and you too can be trim, smart and glamorous for the Christmas season. Our BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges, will assist one and all to become a part of the new Fashion World. Announcing the opening of our new CARPENTER SHOP with the very latest in WOODWORKING MACHINERY We will build your kitchen cupboards right in the shop ready for installation. Also Floor Sanding with the very;' latest machine. For appointment call Gunnar Selvig Phone Blue 610 P.O. Box 651 it's made of wood, we can do it A n