1 1 k3 4 Prince Hupcit Daiip J3ctos Wednesday, August 27, 1947 - - Classified Advertising - - iClaralfleds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 60c.' Birth Notice 60c; Card ol Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: S3. FOR RfcST FOR SALE SUITE FOR RENT Kitchen set FOR SALE Duplex House and heater for sale. Apply downstairs suite furnished. H. Suite 1, 610 Sixth Ave. West. A. Duhamel, 539 4th Ave. W. (202) Green 604. (204) FOR RENT One large sleeping FOR SAJ-E 4938 Chrysler Royal rocm. Apply 801 Borden St. Sedan. Privately owned. Can (206V be seen at Dan's Service Sta- TTTi ; tlon. McBride Street. (202) FOR RENT Comfortable sleep- ! ing room. Apply 806 Fraser FOR SALE Gramophone. Apply Street. (203) 313 Seventh East. . (201) TOR RENT Sleeping room with kitchen privilege. 221 5th Ave. E. (202) TOR RENT Housekeeping room, nice and clean and warm. 1142 vPark Avenus. Phone Green 224. (201 MOT" WANTED WANTED Two Ironers, top wages. Apply Canadian Pioneer Laundry. (203) HELP WANTED Labourers for construction and demolition work. Apply North West Construction Ltd. Suite 1, Stone Bldg. (202) WANTED Elderly woman to look after 3 children by the day, 1068 Seventh Ave. East. (205) HELP WANTED Steam Press ers top wages. Apply Canadian Pioneer Laundry (201) WANTED Names are being received at the Dally News office of boys or girls desiring delivery routes. (tf) HELP WANTED Ward Maids for Prince Rupert General Hospital. Apply Matron, (tf) HELP WANTED Housekeeper for elderly couple. $60.00 a month with room and board. Phone 264, days; Black 85, evenings, (tf) WANTED WANTED 3 or 4 room apart ment or small house for young married couple. Green 626. WANTED Light delivery truck. Write G. Lundquist, Smlthers, . B.C. (204) WANTED IMMEDIATELY Five good used cars now on sale. Chrysler, Dodge and La-salle. Contact Johnson or Malr. Phone Black 156 or call 171 3rd Ave. East. (tf) SHIP Us Your Scrap Metals, - Top Prices Paid Active Trad-X lng .Company Ltd.. 935 East Cordova St., Vancouver, B.C. (tf) ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD $40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Table meals. Mrs Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf ) MISCELLANEOUS WILL THE BOYS who picked up the Marconi radio chassis beside Noble & Wick's store kindly return same. This radio was ; put put to dry and was not being discarded. Reward for . same. (tf) m. WILL the party who received the watch in payment for taxi fare two months ago on a Friday night please leave -same at Dally News office. (202) SEALED TENDERS will be recelvm EALED TENDERS will be received I by the .Minister of Forests at Victoria, B. C. not later than 11:00 a.m. on -Thursday, the 18th day of September, 197, for the purchase of Licence X42242, to cut 2.J40.00O r.b.m, of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar, on an area adjoining Timber Licence 10340p Pulp Lease 153, vicinity of Cooper Bay, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Island Land District. .Two years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Deputy Minister, Victoria, B. C or District Forester. Prince Rupert, B. C. IN TUB M PKK.MK COI KT OF HRI- T1SII (OU.MIIIA IN PROBATE IX THE MATTER OF THE ".WtMIN. IMTKATION ACT" AMI IN' THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF I'ETER CtltRAN, DECEASED, INTESTATE ' TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His , Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 25th day of August. A.D. 1947, appointed Ad mlnlstrator of the Estate of Peter Curran. late of. Telegraph Creek, Bri tish Columbia, who died on or about the 20th day of December. 1946, at - Grassy Creek, British. Columbia. All X. persons Indebted to the said estate 4r renutred to Day the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and . . . . , ,t - nrnnef Kft r. an nrson navuuc uauuo ' .sald Estate are required to file them - -fh,.wlth me properly verified on or oeiore . "Mh fin nf SeDtember. 1947, Ian- Jng Whlch distribution will be made "' r-uurd onlv to such claims of "...,.1. i .hall hfivn been notified. rn-r-tm at Prlnra KUDert. B. C. tills 26th day of August. A.D. l4., nnhEHT P JOHNSTON, OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR TELEGRAPH CHEtli, u. v FOR SALE 2x4, 2x6, shiplap, flooring and dimensions. Phone Green 698. (tf) FOR SALE 27-foot boat. East-hope engine in first class shape. Moored at Yacht Club. Price $300. (216) CHENILLE SPREADS, $4.89 Manufacturers' clearance first quality for double and single beds in beautiful two-toned colors, worth double the prloe. Money refunded tr not satisfied. Sent COD. plus postage In Canada Handicraft Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke St. V Montreal 18, Que. FOR SALE Brand new three-room house with modern bathroom, modern design, water view and good ground, Immediate occupancy. Priced for quick sale, $3,200. Collart & McCaffery. (tf) FOR SALE rrew & Used Furniture and Hardware. Slightly used wool blanketes 1;4.50, Bicycles, Mirrors 50c, Cushions for boats and Chesterfields $2, office chairs, single beds complete $20, new desks, small size wood and coal stoves, scatter rugs $$1.25, used vacuum cleaner $$12, new hot plates $350, new unpalnted chest of drawers, new compasses from $1. Other useful articles, at reduced prices. B. C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE One 15 It. Sailboat Class "Super Rag." Complete with sails, rrlce $175. Phone ' Black 829. (203) FOR SALE A washing machine $130.00 Apply 511, 7th Ave. E. (205) FOR SALE 8 ft. skiff for In board motor. Apply 981 7th Ave. East after 5 p.m. (201) MACHINERY ro SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) METAL WORK DONT Walt for Winter. Now is the time to have that eaves-trough fixed and rurnace Installed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd.. Black 884 (tf ) PLUMBING Installations and repairs of all types. Sheet Metal work, Furnaces, tanks, " eaves-troughing and stack work. Letourneau, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST Black dog, answers to name of "Skip." Nearly blind, Please phone Green 626. (tf) LOST Brown shopping bag with bathing suits, two ration books etc. Phone' Green 616. (201) FINAL HASEKALL STANDINGS (End League Schedule) W L Pet. Savoy 12 4 .750 Moose 9 8 .529 W. &c N 4 13 .235 Steamer Service from , PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight (All Times Pacific Standard) For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCK RUFERT Years Ago In SPORF August 27, 1922 By winning the final Intermediate Baseball game by a score of 12-7 over Gil's nine, the Grotto team won the Colt Cup and the Reach medals. Sherman pitched the first three innings for Gil's and was then replaced by Montgomery. E. Warren pitched good ball for seven Innings for Grotto and was then relieved at his own request by Roy. Teams: Gil's S. Bazett-Jones, lb; James Mitchell, rf; W. Mitchell, 2b; G. Mitchell, ss; B. Mc-Danlels, 3b; W. Lambie, cf; Sherman, p; Montgomery, p; Hamilton, c. Grotto S. Haud-enschild, lb; B. Barrle. 2b; R. Gilmour, ss; V. Maxwell, 3b; T. Halverson. If; E. Clapp, If; G. Walls, rf; Sid Butters, cf; E. Warren, p; A. Roy. p; George Hills, c. To represent Prince Rupert in J the baseball series with Ocean' Falls at Ocean Falls the following have been selected: H. Curtis, c; C. Eady, p; H. Frlzzell, lb; H. Menzles, 2b: W. G. Anderson, ss; James Farquhar. 3b: H. B. Scott, lb: Dr. Douglas, cf; O. P. Smith, rf. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY P.M. " 4:00 Edmund llockridge 4:15 Stock Quotations una Int. 4:30 Rambling Cowboy 4:45 Just Imagine 5:00 String Time 5-30 (Rendezvous Rhythm 5:45 King Edward Hotel Trio 6:00 The Choristers 6:30 Music by Rene 6:45 Interlude 6:50 Fish Arrivals and Int. 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Why No National Library 7:30 Ross Pratt 8:00 The Nation's Business 8:15 "Labor and Business" 8:30 Come to the Fair 9:00 Ernest Adams 9:15 Midweek Review 9:30 Omedy Theatre 10:00 03C News 10:10 BC. News 10:15 Just for you 10:30 Showcase Blue Book NBC 11:00 Weather and Sign Off Ann. THURSDAY AAL 7:30 Musical Crock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Concert 8:45 Music for Moderns 9 00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Little Concert 9:45 Morning Melodies 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Tapestry Musicale 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 CBR Presents 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Easy Listening P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast "And in this corner ... a fool there was." 12:25 Program Resume . 12:30 CBC News 12:40 Recorded Interlude 12:45 Ethel and Albert 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Thtrsday's Recital 1:45 Comnrentary and A Life of My Own 2:00 Feature Concert 2:15 Family Favorites 2:30 Sheila Presents 3 : 00 Cowboy Troubador 3:15 Serenade to Ameilca NBC 3:30 Serenade Train Schedule (Pacific Standard Time) For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday-8 pjn. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday-10:45 p.m. Household Helps DUST MOPS STEEL WOOL DRYING RACKS GALVANIZED WARE a earance TENNIS RACQUETS AND BALLS TENNIS RACQUETS to clear at HALF PRICE CAMPBELL'S TENNIS BALLS regular 50c, to clear 2.cr each FLOOR WAX ENAMEL WARE CLOTHES PINS ALUMINUM WARE SATIN-GLO PRODUCTS THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. phone mi 255 Third Ave. Sale Phone 311 McBride Street For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP B W E Y CHOW 7:00 aon. to 11:00 p.m. M EI N EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news items, to ensure publication, should be- in the office by 10 ajn. Contributors are asked to bear this in mind. Items of social and personal interest are always welcome. J Classified Advertising Pays! Day Has Say "This la one time I'm broadcasting without music," says Dennis Day, radio singing star. "I'm telling: the world about Adam the hat that's a hit coast to coast. Adam's right In key with me!" Stop In today! Choose your Adam a better word for hat, a better buy for you! V 1 A V' do -fOi yko Mars an Adam hat! $6.50 to $8.00 RUPERT MEN'S and BOYS' STORE Northern B. CGolf Championship Set SMJTHERS The Northern British Columbia Golf Championship will be played at Smlthers this year in September and a larger attendance from various points is expected to be oh hand for this annual event. In addition to the championship play, various other competitions will be run off. such as long-drlvlnK. pitch-and-putt. Good prizes are lined up for all events. The golf course at Smlthers is in excellent condition, which should make for good scores in thla popular event. Baseball Scores National League Pittsburgh 16. Brooklyn 3. rhinon fi Npw York 7. (Sac- nostooned on account! cf rain). American League Boston 1-9. Detroit 12-1. New York 3. St. Louis 4. Washington 4, Chicago 3. Fastball Schedule Wednesday High School vs. Navy. Thursday High School vs. Gordon tz Anderson. FridayCo-op vs. C.NH.A. Saturday Navy v. General Motors. Ladies' Fastball August 28- Play-cifs start. First Avenue and Sixth Street ! Aug. 25 - Sept 2 ...EVERYTHING NEW... Canada's FINEST Midway GEORGE HILL &. SONS LTD. Agents for Slater Shoes h 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We specialize in rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service for .all makes of cars and trucks. Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 5CG Prince Rupert, B.C. Dry Lumber We have just received a substantial shipment of KILN-DRIED Finishing Lumber Get Yours While It Lasts PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED PHONES G51 AND G52 Coal Lumber Hardware Paints I RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings- of , . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BHOKICKS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIl'AIENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Roz 48 Phone Green 075 Remember . . . The THREE SISTERS ONCE AGAIN OPEN FHT? Announcement . . . itClYJIL . - WAV BUSINESS Same Place, Same Jim Moron, J SERVICE AROUND THE ClOCi THOM SHEET METAL Trill '-'U.l ERIC RPCT'RR M,. - - Specializing in Marine and General Shut Mtti Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat lanlu Furnaces Gutter Work Mi usi rirsi iwow nay) PWmuI P.O. Box 1219 PRDIClJ CAFE REOPENS Completely Renovated and Under New Miml WE SPECIALIZE IN SEA FOODS - SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN D1S Take-out Ordris Given Special Attutia JOHN COMER, Proprietor FILMS Superpan Press Films Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mall Order Service Chandler and Cowsill 210 4th St. BOX 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. &4W HOI Carl 2x8,1 I'hone 37 11 FRASE12TJ Prtoa 7An Ounce of Prevent is worth a Pound old' T.TKR A RKtl.I.F.n PHYSICIAN. OUR SERVKH ISTS CAN EXAMINE YOUR CAR FOR SYMPI ILLNESS . . . AND RECOMMEND TREAWOT VENT MECHANICAL BREAKDOWNS many years of experience, ana will be Plea3et 1 advise you aoout ine conaiura jj jvj v- Bob Parker IJmtt "THE HOME OP FRIENDLY SERVI Trill K ' l-r.ril.Mninrrl. Heiler. "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert JOHN GURVICH 1 has returned to the Nn Jnh Too CONTRACTING 111 EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND t PHONE 32 El1 For Your Eating Pjeas' '' Broadwa) Chinese Dishes re Cafe) (Formerly Uoston THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKINO TOP SERVICE rim v . ..wet 'H "TAKE-OUT" OBlE,lS Hours; 7 A.M. to 1:30 AM