E)N happen The fit- I : MB5i word. The ne but Alba- i.-id his o play-si fork of While ! v does -. reach access. ..tit- Rusty . wasn't r.iraffe. v .t to Grant, and .13 the 1: : 3 the nt( ; many tttuncements H"' column 1 OHS 1 H full !rj August rp:::;: -, Tea and ei 8; a and fczu;:i i and 2. lie Nmv s t. 'in Mi :: annual "no )3. Moose I Jj i- - oo All vlllorv n V Bazaar, Nov. jArm (liimt- League an f. f'v Centre Nov. c 0- 'tnber S. NATIVE HELD FOR DEATH AT OCEAN FALLS An Indian youth Is being held by the provincial police at Ocean Falls following the disappear ance there last night of anowier man from a small boat allegedly during an altercation during which the native Is said to have pushed the other overboard. Dragging for the body of tht missing man was begun a shcrl time after he disappeared but it Is understood that the body has not yet been recovered. Held by the police Is Stanley Shaw, an Indian, who Is In custody of the police on an Intoxi cation charge laid under the Indian Act. The name of the man who went overboard and whose body has not yet been found, was Steve Rachanskl, an employee of Pacific Mills. Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert Jack Venutl, Nanalmo; Bill Stephenson, Nanalmo; C. H. Mc-Klnnell, Inverness; C. Malcolm, Inverness; J. Nlcholson, Prince i f1r.nm.. t- r " , uvuibci u. it. nowniree, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Sutton, Manor, Pennsylvania; W. R. BucknaU, Vancouver; W. Wilson, Burns Lake; N. Sherwood. Ter race; J. E. Merryfleld, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Crumley, Oswego, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Sas-sonvllle, Elkhorn, Manitoba; Rev. and Mrs. Meyer, Sioux city, Iowa; E. P. Volkman. Mllwaukw. Wlscopsm; Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Los Angeles; Mrs. J. Weatherhead, tamonton; B. Babbitt, Nanalmo; O. Smith, Nanalmo; H. Glover. Nanalmo; Ken Best. Nanalmo: N. L a n n a r k, Nanalmo; H, L Coleman. Keewatln Aihorfa- a Fowlle, Sandisplt; Mr and Mrs! u. Atojott, Butedale: G, A, Marr, Terrace) A. T. KUngelhaets, Ket- Judy fsn'l Joking 'I'm playing this straight," says Judy llolliday. Ilroadway comedy star. "I like the way a man's face looks tinder an Adam Hat." There's your cuel Wear an Adam, and watch the Kirls Ret serious. Conic in today and choose from our new models in Adam a better word for hat, a better buy for you. nc wars " Adam hat! $6.50 to $8.00 RUPERT MEN'S and BOYS' STORE L ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED IN IVS.A 0U.1A,; hd white rubber SOLES ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF your pet saddles Ircnnial saddle oxfords lead a busy rapus and off . . . blithe little shoes, I perfect companions to your j'l skirls and sweaters . . . $7.95 AT Local News It Walter Landon returned on the Prince Rupert this afternoon from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. C. P. Busslnger arrived In the city this afternoon on the Prince Rupert enroute back lo her V.me at Telkwa after a visit tc Vancouver. Dr. and Mrs. Jens Munthe, who left here early In the summer to visit In Norway, are not expected back for another month or so, possibly not until late In autumn. At tomorrow's regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club P. II. Linzey will give a report on a district conference In Seattle which he attended some weeks ago as delegate from the local club. Mr; and Mrs, J. R. Drvsdale ahd daughter, Joan, of Premier, who were in the city yesterday aboard the Coquitiarn bound south, will spend the noxt three months in Vancouver, Mr. Drys-daie being on sick leave. Copies of trie . recent special Industrial Development Issue of the Prince Rupert Dally News are still available at the office but the supply is limited ana those who desire to send fchpm out are advised to obtain same at once. (tf) chlkan; E..Nlven, Vancouver; W. K. McCualg, Vancouver; H. P. Hitchlnson, Washington; Mrs. L. Taylor, Caspaco; Mrs, R. House, Caspaco; D. M. Boyle, Medford, Ontario; J. W. Crumley, Oswego, California. J AflD SAVES WATER ..SAVES SOAP ...SAVES CLOTHES ...SAVES YOU ems Roy Van der Sluys has been out of town for a while enjoying a fishing trip to Ootsa Lake. Ernest Unwln, who has been visiting at Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands, returned to the city by air this morning. Mrs. Edward Anderson and three children returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this afternoon after spending a holiday at Kamloops. C. W. Nash of the Highway Construction Co. arrived in the city by air this morning from Vancouver, being here on busi ness. A recent arrival in Prince Ru pert was Jack Rciblnison from Two Mile, near Hazelton. Tins Is his first trip to Prince Rupert In 22 years and he notices many changes here and there. Col. Keith Dixon, local agent for the Department of Transport, and Capt. Joseph Peterson of the lighthouse tender Alberni left by plane this afternoon for Vancouver. A. Fowlle, In charge of th'; Sandspit air field for the Department of Transport, returned to the Queen Charlotte Islands by air this afternoon following a brief visit to the city. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Norrineton. pioneer residents of Prince Ru pert and Terrace, are away on a motoring trip that will carry them as far as the Okanagan. They have already seen agood deal of the province and look forward to being back home by Labor Day. PACIFIC COAST SALMON PACK Canned salmon pacic on the B. C. coast up to the week ending August 16 was was 541,258 cases, more than 100,000 cases greater than for the corresponding period of 1046, according to the latest weekly bulletin Issued by the acting Chief Supervisor of Fisheries, Vancouver. Largest portion of the pack- 350,773 cases was produced in District Two, surrounding Prince CAMBRIDGE, Eng., W Taxi-cabs are being fitted with radio telephones so that the service stations can direct them to fares. WIGAN, Lancashire, Eng., Oi Joseph Brogan, 81, has retired after 72 years employment in coal mines. LONDON, 0 Rev. J. E. Broad-bent, threatened refusal to baptize children whose parents showed no obvious Interest In the Christian religion. EXETER, Eng., 0, Bad telephone connection was caused by a dead rabbit entangled In overhead wires apparently dropped by a hawk. LONDON, 0' Charles Cran? was fined $20 for, giving pigeons poisoned food because they dis-turned his sleep; and damaged his garden. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED TO BUY Fair-sized house In vicinity of school. Cash. Phone Green 620. (202) FOR SALE Oil Heater, Phone Red 597, or call at 817 Ninth West. (2061 v luroMATCAuy ) If yes.. and bendix JpVA ' J EVEN TURNS ITSELF C iOw &T .O 1 OFF.. WITH 'NO 'ONE. BENDIX automatic ome Laundry L H yolirt,elf the wondwful. work-free Bendix years! There' no q)Plion ibout the Bendix. Ifi IwMhin (hot ha made hundreds of thousands of been promf in ust. Se our demonstration-you'll "omen" lttdiB of leisure on washdays for nine see Bendix washday miracles glorel Come in nowl MaSm.Jk Rupert. The Naas and Skeena river areas produced 151,220 casfis. Here Is a breakdown of the types of salmon that make up this season's pack. The quantities are In 48-pound cases: sock-eye, 252,695; springs, 5,635; steel-heads, 1,832; bluebacks, 4,524; echo, 58611; pinks, 132,958; chums, 86,000. Briefs From Britain SHEER NESS, Eng., 0) Post man F. S. Green claims to frave walied 300.000 miles during hlJ 50 years of delivering letters. LONDON, IP) The Colonial Office, housed In Downing Street since 1875, Is moving to new quarters. LONDON, ) Phone calls in Britain during 1946 totalled LONDON, O) Cadet David Montgomery, son" of Britain's Chief of Imperial General. Staff, graduated from Officer Cadet Training Unit. Stop HAY FEVER Hay Fcvct needn't dame vou wirti Its tncczinj and wheezing, its blowing and gasping. Its sore, streaming, itching irritation cf eves and ears. lust do what thmi. unds have done to get fast; safe relief tate Tempi-ton's RAZ-MAH, You'll sleep better. nrk better, feel better, 50c, $1 at druggists everywhere. JMS ISoiv Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meat Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) f HONE. 51 HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty w Upholstery 'Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Nei:t to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 Prfnc'e Hup'ett Dade Kclus 3 Wednesday, August 27, 1947 wearing a Stetson value and satisfaction, too, In the smart, faithful colors, the fine, enduring fabrics and the craftsmanship that says at a glance . . . It's a STETSON ijiS.OO to .$15.00 m m m A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CHESTERFIELD SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, BEDS, BEDSPRINGS, SPRING -FILLED AND FELT MATTRESSES B.C. Products made by Simmons and Restmorc, the leading Bedding and Furniture manufacturers of Canada SEE OUR WINDOWS THONE 77o 308 Third Ave. West PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. WILL INSURE YOUR HOME AND YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE 213 Fourth Street phone GREEN 01" NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 231 P.O. Box Its MAC SHOE HOSPITAL IVE DOCTOR SHOES- HEEL THEM ATTEND THEIR DYEING-SAVE THEIR SOLES Box 774 Second Avenue Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AM. TO 6 AM. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST Radios at their best STKOMBEUG CARLSON MARCONI REPAIRS AND SERVICE at RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC Dependable Radio Servicing:. Overhauls a Specialty. THONE Oi l PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS