in i and -ll'T" illlL ... . - nnnlMtlia . Ti 1 mOMVt SUIVICE .... Interior ,Jy Topics from Terrace Ti'inoon, the u Oddifellow?, .nc cemetery nt graves o: This is a ,.,.r nil ba il llit , - mane Dy the Odd- 01;. .-.'.ir" Larry Terrace by r- . current on a in m fnr- -.. nv1 from Prince Rupert with Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and went out to Lokelsc Lake for a short Jim Smith, local merchant, returned List Sunday afternoon from a two weeks fishing trip to OoUa Lake. The Misses Ramsay of Prince Rupert are spending a week's holiday here with their sister and brother-rn-hiw, Mr. and Mr3. Jim Camipbell. Eighteen carloads of lumber let. Terrace on Monday den drove In' Word has been received from Terrace your way to the lake? icrve See Your SI.K OUR TWO FLOORS LADIES' WEAR YARD (JOOI)S MEN'S WEAR GROCERIES THE SKEENA MERCANTILE TERRACE (Phil's Cafe Hfc Avenue AND BANQUETS Lumber Manufacturers fed Lumber TERRACE Terrace, Ii.C. lAKFAST - LUNCH DINNER toed Fine Pastries Quick and Courteous Servlco Proprietor, Phil Tetrault ENERAL MOTORS DEALER ft Hulck Cliev. Trucks Oldsmobile G.M.C. Trucks Machine Work. A Specialty race Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE B.C. IE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. rAgents For International Harvester Co. Steaming hot water, summer "nil winter and plenty of it! That's how you , want 1 and that's how you get it with automatic electric water mating! Gmtrolled temperature prevents overheating of boiler intents ... but hot water is always on tap, 2 i hours l. The cost is so little nd the convenience so great, 'O'l'll wonder how you ever Rot along without an automatic Juic witer heater before! lAg, Poles and Piling Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. 1'hllco Radios Willard Batteries M-M-M Wll:d!ld:lil;l:ldU!l muLiJ i "i i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 n FRANCOIS LAKE BASEBALL WINNER BURNS LAKE (Francois Lake baseball team came to Burn Lake on Sunday and played two Barnes. The first resulted 13 to- 4 in favor-of Francois Lake which also won the second game T-tJ. There was quite a large turnout to watch the games which were fast at times. Vancouver of the marriage there of Mlas Frieda James to Newal Wilson Taylor of that city. Miss Jones was Grade II teacher here last year. Her place Is beitis taken, here by Miss Edna Robson who formerly taught school it Uazelton. A party of young people went cut to Findlay Lake on Sunday afternoon for a corn and weiner roast. Arrangements were in the hands of Kay Wllllscroft and Rob2a Lamtoly and all had a glorious time. The Blue Ribbon Shows in town on Tuesday morning fcr a two day etay. Early In the nftrnoon the children of the town were out watching excitedly the setting up of the tents and rides on the ball park and deliberating, what they were going- to apend their money on. The weather was damp but the spirits of the children were high. Dr. Stanley Mills, who spent the week-end in Prince Rupert. Vi called back to Terrace to tteml Mrs. Jagers who was very ill and had to be sent to Prince Rupert General Hospital by car on Monday evening. Mrs. Bert West left on last night's train for a monUi'jholl day Jn Vancouver. Terrace Theatre Showing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Saturday matinee at 2:30 pm. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY August 29 and (30 "MISS 'POLLY" with Zasu Pitts, Slim Summer- vllle, Kathleen Howard, Brenda Forbes, Elyse Knox and Dick Clayton TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO, ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace CABINS Skrena Bridge Tourist Camp (One Mile East of Town) Box 13 Terrace, B.C. ' Tli (Vifc Mlilw A.I.111. S.rirf. far. "Just let me know where you want me to take you pal." Francois Lake News Dr. L. W. Kergin and Miss Dor- only a week old and she was othy stayed here for one night married only a year ago. She on their way to Ootea Lake. R. H. Joyce, maager of Kelly Douglas St Co., Prince Rupert branch, was through the dis trict on business recently. N. Eckland of Palling visited Fred Gardner recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Holtby and Mr. Hubert Ward returned by car to Prince Rupert a few days ago after spending a week at the Beaeh House at the Landing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins and Lynn Tf Prince Rupert stayed for two weeks at Beach House and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Mr. Collins is on the staff of the Prince Rupert Dally News. The Misses Palmira and Mary Astoria arrivsd from Prdnce Ru pert recently by car to stay here for two weeks. Palling ball team played Franr cols Lake here on Sunday afternoon. Both teams were weakened by several of the regular players being absent and the game resulted In 13-2 in favor of Francois Lake. The district Is having gloriously warm sunny weather and. the hay is being put up quickly. A single root of potatoes yleld-ea eleven and a half pounds of good sized potatoes. As these have not nearly reached maturity jet. it gives some Idea of how well the gardens have done. j - ; ',1 1 ' " was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Roberts who moved recently to Tcheslnkut Lake from Colleymount. Charles Rimmer of Prince Rupert caught five lake trout on Tuesday afternoon, the largest weighing 14 pounds. Miss Josephine Keefe is recuperating after an operation for appendicitis in the Prince George Hotpital. She returned home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Dickens, Sid Junior and Lorraine cf Prince Rupert are staying for two weeks. Mrs. A. Murray and rmall Jo Anne arrived on Saturday. Miss Monica Hcltby. who is staying at the Beach House for her holidays, played the organ for the church service here on Sunday morning. Her brother Gwyri oalM far a few minutes on Saturday on his way by car from Vancouver to Prince Rupert. Mrs. G. D. Benson cf Hazelton paid her son, Robert, a short visit last week. Bob is assistant forest ranger here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and two mall children Wave arrived from Pincher Creek, Alberta. Mrs. ' ' Gordon's mother, Mrs. Dionne, came with them. They are staying in the cottage on the Calder favm. Light Plant For Francois Lake Hall FRANCOIS LAKE On Sundav The district was shocked to mornin2 memibers of the Fran- learn of the death of Mrs. LenlC0is Lake Farmers' Institute, Sayer (Irene Roberts) at thc(meeting at the hall, decided to hospital. Her baby daughter Is purchase an electric light plant -M-M-M-M rn for the hall. The hall and grounds were cleaned up and stalls rrad in readiness for the fair. Lunch was sarved and there was a decided festive air as there wee three toirtbdav cakes te help celebrate the birthdays of three members Nell Kelly, Fred. Gardner r(nd Hugh Neave. g MHiHlliilill:Jilllq;l The highest railway in the United State is 1U?D feet above ea level at the continental divide in Colorado. Fishermen Harpoon And Shoot "Big Whale A party of fishermen of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, recently harpooned and shot a whale weighing a ton and a half after an hour's battle. With harpoon driven deep into Its back, the whale kept on going for about four miles and then, began to weaken. In two 34-Joot boats, the fishermen kept up and put 11 303 bullet and seven loads of shot into the mammal's head. Then it was towed home and cut up. Good Luck Needed In Sockeye Fishing "An experienced fisherman with a first-class outfit in a sea full of sockeye can starve to death If luck's against him' Cbmmented Capt. W. P. McMul- lln, skipper tit the B.C. Packers' vessel Texada. Boats out since four in the-mornlng, fishing all day with good gear and everything handled by experienced fishermen have been known to catch only a few dozen sockeye. Kicked "Cow" But It Was Bear Instead FRANCOIS LAKE Dale Dun das had quite an experience on Friday morning when he went out in the fog to find the cows oil the Deeder Ranch. He heard a cowbell and saw what he thought was a cow lying behind a stump, so he gave her a good kick. He was aghast to see her rise up . on her hind legs and grunt, for he realized that it was a sleeping bear he had kicked. He retreated in haste. He thinks the bear had been .sleeping near the cows for company. From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked $12.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity Three Sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 pm. Coquitlam. Fridays, 5 p.m. Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 pm. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 8 pjn. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS August 8 and 22 September 6 and 19 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS August 10 and 24 September 8 and 21 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN BLONDIE I -tt HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 1 -Br-- affinal She's the Skeptical Type! 1 Ptfnrc Kupctt.Dailp J3etos Wednesday, August 27, 1947 HANDSOMELY HOODED . . . That's what you'll be in this prepossessing satin ensemble with double breasted, shoulder-yoked coat. . . . invites!' yo ti "to view. The NEW, The SMART, The INTERESTING. i ... it's bur new fall stock nqwipn dispjay. ' You'll feel",riht" right in the style parade with one of .our new head-turning creations. U6e Our Convenient BUDGET PLAN No Interest r No Carrying Charges 5 An Announcement oj Interest Miss Margaret McLeod, optometrist of .Vancouver, announces the opening of her permanent office at Manson's X ft ft ft ft ft ft, ft ft' ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Jewelers. Miss McLeod graduated from the Ontario College of Optometry, In 1943 and after an association with apromi-nent Toronto optometrical group she returned to her home province. Miss McLeod has since been associated with Dr. Harry Perrln, optometrist in Vancouver. She is well trained, in the? practise of Optometry and has had considerable experience; She Is of a family prominent in optometry In B.C. many years. Her father. Mr. Murdock McLeod, has an extensive practise throughout B.C. and her brother, Clyde, is a promlnen optometrist In Pentlcton, B.C. Miss McLeod has installed the most modern equipment for the examination . of eyes. ana a conscientious service win pe given. e1 TEMPORARY OFFICE, ROOM 10 STONE ISLOCK For the "Your Latest in Jewelry- Rotary Club Thursdays 1 p.m. MANSON'S HAS THE WELCOME MAT OUT FOR ITS PATRON-FRIENDS, Friendly Jeweler" Our Foods Are Prepared by a New White Chef Who Specializes in Canadian Dishes Open 7 ajn to 12 p.m. Weekdays Sundays, 8 am. to 12" pm. COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE SODAS - ICE CREAM - SUNDAES GEO. DYRHAVN Prop.- W. T. COOPER Manager Official Appointment ft ft ft SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens D1BB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK : TIURD 'AVENUE ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. By Chic Young - i i V