i- r. 34 1 ft 1H i a in.i. i i il.l' JZ1 c Urr1 prince Uuucrt Daily Jctus Thursday, October 9, 1947 For Thanksgiving Day W Horc' punipUi" at its t flavor, attractive color. fe"3?! Mr f T Vc Royal City" brand pgSpi , in your pumpkin pi" ( . I ) pfiYALClTY 1 CANNED FOODS The Experts Say " ' By KAY REX Canadian Press Staff Writer ABOUT BREAD Faced with rising bakery prices, many a Canadian housewife may be turning back to the bread-board these days. And if she is, a few-words on flour may be in order. While Canada Approved white flour may be handled in much the same way as regular bread flour, for best results attention should be paid to amounts of flour used and resulting consistency. When combining the flour with the sponge, add only enough flour to make a dough firm enough to handle but rot too stiff. Consistency of the dough Is more important tc keep in mind than exact volume or weight of flour used. Little difference exists hi the temperature required for th rising of the sponge made from all-purpose and Canada Approved flour. In the case of the all purpose flour ,a good spongi will result at a temperature ol 65 degrees Fahrenheit. To obtain a similar sponge from Canada Approved flour, axtempera-ture of 69 to 70 degrees Fah renheit will be found more sat isfactory. A baking temperature ranging between 375 and 400 degree Fahrenheit is best for both Canada. Approved bread ant bread made from all-purpost flour. A temperature hlghei than 100. degrees used In bakinv Canada Approved bread gives e crust considerably darker that' that of the all-purpose control. If a temperature lower than 375 degrees is used, the bread requires longer baking, and u consequently drying out of the loaf will be evident, partial larly in the case of Canada Approved bread. WHITE BREAD Canada Ap proved Vitamin Bl white flour is ricommended for home bread-making, if available. The length of time required for 'rising may vary slightly from, the time when all-purpose flour Is used and the temperature of about 80 degrees is recommended during the rising period. The finger test is recommended rather than the "until double in bulk" formula. The dough is pressed lightly with the finger and if risen sufficiently, the de- pression remains. If the dough springs back quite quickly, leav -Ing no depression, it hasn't risen long enough. Baking time is the same for bread made with Can ada Approved flour but the loaves will brown more quickly i The tapping test rather than the usii coior lesi snouia De aepenaea on to tell when the bread is , baked. When1 loaves are tapped r with the finger they give a hoi . low sound when done. Ingredients: Two cakes com pressed yeast, or one envelop1 . NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that .classified and transient advertising Is payable In advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Daily News are asked to assjst the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified adver Using., V of fast rising dry yeast; four cups liquid (water, milk, or potato water); three tablespoons sugar; two tablespoons salt; 12 cups sifted all-purpose flour (approximately); three tablespoons fat, melted. Mixing: Scald iquld then cool to lukewarm. Use one-half cup of lukewarm liquid to dissolve yeast; dissolve sugar and salt in remaining liquid and add yeast mixture. Add three cups flour, beat well and add melted but not hot fat, blending thoroughly. Gradually stir in enpugh of the remaining flour to make a dough that doesn't cling to the bcwl and can be asily handled. Follow the usual method for kneedlng. This makes four loaves .approximate ly IVz pounds each. Timely Recipe OLIVE SANDWICHES Olive sandwiches are a very special tribute to the lunch box toters? Wriethlr iiti to school or jffice theye going, savory ripe Dllve and chees sandwiches always make a hit. Peppy Olive Sandwiches 2-3 cup coarsely chopped ripe oliyes 1 cup grated Canadian cheese 5 tablespoons tomato catsup ',4 teaspoon prepared" mustard Mayonnaise Butter Bread Combine olives, cheese, catsup, mustard and sufficient mayon-.lalse to give spreading consistency. Blend and spread on buttered slices of bread. Makes about 4 to 5 sandwiches. See Our C MORE PACKIS BECOME IEE Companies Keopen'itnts In Montreal Farri Hlame Both Sides VANCOUVER 0 Mess days became a certalniyday for thousands of Vancof householders and restaur patrons after two of three j'pendent packing plants cloi Before ;the noon deadline, pets took I up their posts beforoe plants 1 ; of Gainers Limited aiFletchers ! iLimited. A third iependent plant. Pacific MeaCo., win close voluntarily Friday. Meat supplies in ticlty may run out entirely byie middle of next week. 1 At Winnipeg fivedependent plants were closed )the strike yesterday and the tl of workers now Idle througUt Canada as a result of the st.e is 13,000. In Montreal ttv. packing companies reopenedielr plants today but only a tt trickle of employees returned, jobs at a 5c per hour incrse despite police protection, fembers of striking United Palng House Workers of Amea unions looked on from pici lines. The United Packers i America Union termed the 'opening of the plants as a breh of agreement. ! They blame potn cipanies and unions for failingio get together. The rarme)-are faced with heavy losses !ri stock as winter approaches. Steamship filings for YanronTei Monday ss Prlnss Adelaide 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Cluotin, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss race Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala5:30 pan. Saturday ss Caiosun, 9:15 pjn. " Vancouver Sunday ssChilcdn, 4 pm. Monday ss Prirwss Aaeialdc pjn. 1! Wednesday is Pmce Rupert, J0:00 ajn. Friday ss Camoun, 3 pjn, Friday ss Catalaa.m. For Alaska- Friday ss Camoan, 12 midnight. Wednesday ss Pmce Rupert, 12 midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss Price Rupert, ' p.rn. Saturday ss Caiiosun, 7 pjn. THE WEATHER Forecait Prince Rupert, Qneen Charlottes and North Oast Clouay, frequently overcast, Showers today and Friday. Vinds southerly (20 m.p.h.). little change in temperature. laws tonight and highs Friday At Port Hardy 45 ana 5G, Missett 43 and 58, Prince Rupert 4i and 61. . 7 . EASY LESSON ' Delnor Frozen Foods s -"JySI Make Better Meals .... Z& NjX ,."' , ; I COLD WEATHER .MEANS Electric Heaters ' AUVIN FORCED DRAFT HEATER MAJESTIC CIRCULATING STAND CANADIAN BEAUTY RADIANT TYl'E POPULAR HEATERS AT POPULAR PRICES AT RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Some 50 couples were in attendance last Saturday evening when the Prince Rupert Gyro Club held an enjoyable supper dance in the Knights of Columbus Hall. The affair was in Progress from 9:30 p.m.. until was master 01 ceremonies ana chairman of the general committee which also consisted of Robert McKay Jr. and Allan Armstrong. Classified Advertising Pays! TO HALT POSSIBLE POLIO SUREAD- Helicopter hovers over the city dumps in Buffalo, N.Y.. and sprays D.D.T. powder over the area. The Buffalo and Erie county chapter of the Infantile paralysis Foundation chartered the copter for the project to "eliminate the fly, believed to be the carrier of poliomyelitis." The total number of resident cases of polio in Eire County has risen to 22, compared with a total of eight last year. Farmers organizams are pro- q Supper Dance testing vigorously the tie-up.' 3 rr . 1 . I 1" 1 1 A L f . . unjoyaDie nair Better Picture For Air Lines Office Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce is to provide the Georela Street office of Cana dian Pacific Airlines In Vancou ver with a large air view of Prince Rupert to replace an ancient panorama of the city ..... . . - . ,, (Till UI.U 1 a.m. and serving ol aencious taken irom Acropous mu wiucu rofrechmpnts was one of the is now displayed there and to features. Andy McNaughton : wmch local people visiung van Drovlded fine piano music lor 1 couver have taken exception. Rupert Bound to Be Peace Outlet Despite the opposition and knocking of Vancouver and Edmonton, the Pacific Coast railway outlet for the Peace River country is bound to come to Prince Rupert and those cities know it, says D. Barr of St. Thomas, Ontario, who is a visitor In the city. Those cities do not like the nrnsnect for they know they will lose business. Mr. uarr as long been Interested in Ve Peace River country, hav- staked coal property on Noon River in the Hudson Holregion In 1911 He arrive,,, f-K. Mfv nni Tiipsdav ,wi 1 wv , by l In the course of a Paciflast tour and Is sailing ton on the Prlnce Ru pert forncouver He a caller ahp nfflce of j T. ApplewhalVsecretary 0f the Prince Commerce, KUP Chamber of 13c orning. Mrs. Arthur Ky has arrlv. ed in the city l, Qlendale, California, to visit ner par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. V0rce Hill. Her father, pioneer? (jeaier, is quite ill. Many uncivilized ra adept at ventriloquism. or r Sk J IX -gi- lri3 j P" are Lczem :zema in Trouble; Make ud iour mlnti today thi vnu are eolnc to Elve your ski f - t 3 a real chance to get wen. uoj to Ormes Drugs or any good drug store and get an original bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil It lasts many days because it Is highly concentrated. The very first application will give you relief the itching of Eczema Is quickly stopped eruptions dry up and scale off in a verv lew days, ine same is the dancing and Jack Lindsay i On a recent visit to Vancouver, tfue jjf Itchlng Toes and Feet. the president of the local Cham- ( Barber's Itch Salt Rheum, sklr. ber of Commerce called at the ! troubles. Airlines office and made ar- Remember that Moone's Em- of the offending picture with a nQt sUln or ,eave a greasy more suitable and up-to-date residue. Complete satisfaction or one. money back. Appetizing f use. .5 ) ! r " ; : ! Vv. I m 1 1 f . . I iVtiW V Haver pT NC-; . r & SiA CO1' X L : g I MAXWELL HOUit tOrrtb nmlW ONCE AGAInT ' f mm SUamer uican c h, Ws 1 X A VALUE WE ARE x PRW Service J Thi lovely silver ff WEST VIEW . plate carries an LmS u "-yEXQUISITU'j llB (Powell River) aX'K feill VANCOUVER reinforced at the tLI (sSLVlMrU(M Thursday at 11:15 pjn. oointtof wear. nSSTMW1MV M III 1 To KETCHIKAN "-I jm Wednesday Midnight ro " " ' "rm VpMl ilm ,AU Pacific Standard) .t-v According PIS' I U V it CiE- fC8u,ali"" eIfIA For reservations call or write rk VJV- a HR!?H City or Depot Ticket Offices. I 0W WP Come in about these fi Yes, Flcischmann's arth.n.. x cast ncips you bake fluff.er. t,-;. Clover Leaf rons. fta WOrks fast twain it'. f..ii ovcs you extra steps. IF YOU BAKE AT HO Ml warn ricouuiuum owc i icsil X C3SL tnt Yra -1. with the laminar yciiow laoel that has been Ctnada' favorite for over 70 years. Order some today! Always fresh . at your grotsi Spanish Senoritas themselves would envy you the lace trimmed side-sweeping pcplum that decks this moire frock. lum is a perky bow t lit-' iL. -I 1J-. inn arp i ne n h?n nttKano cap sleeves. Mlc in our shop inspect our interesting dispirit FALL COATS and StITS rv .i mtnprq. n. IV la lEirnfl tn ttlit (Tf wur I'nonaiizca uuuLii inn.. v budeetNo Interest No Carrying Charjes. a A Phone Grce 917 P. II. LINZE1 Prince Rupert Realty Co Preset Your Home l'OW Against Fire Losses To xorrow May BeTooLate! Keep Jvtrner7 COLEMAN OIL HIATE ,T. n'. rh-.lr beautiful siyumaau - Kpe thpnl ill UHi " .v.. - famous Colcmn furnace-type heating unit There Is1 large or how no mat: V right size for your home, kali. . . (nfn,,(i- hd let us give you comv ious heaters. rhone 311 ii McIJride mcisnae St. ov. ,. T For Voir Eating Pleasure f Roadway Cafe n?nrmnrlv Boston Cafe) TIO BEST FOOD F1ICST COOKING I OOP SERVICE lllfl DINNEKS ;-J I. m ri,mv Mein Lm' AKE-OUT" OBDt Hourr'T A.M. to 1:30 Al. AND CENTRAL NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIAN 8