(1 .IKE LIFE fe fir . cum interested Es Campaign Indicates votprans. It seems, fiS"Snn launched s" t, loftpra are ar- :s. u-o,rtprs at 3 8 ... -hn.it 100 weekly. 2! doe not mean that .are bacK in ui"iv"- , rested. nc ihm 1 1 nn px rnorc wn date n answered, and men have his total wuic ,.. 2815 skilled tradesmen, 1. the higher peacetime -. nnctmpnt and !ie(j o acceptaDuuy. BP crk J0 'AHFADMHi IIN 06NUINI ASrillN IS MARKED THIS WAY . BuiJ B C Payrolls" 111 1 :m YkZtl "HAOlAtlO J -c; a-d flavor youll Irted "aclfic Milk ! ' v:ur cooking and for ; (urmula Vacuum c n e a o s sea:ed-m- -V.C-; another should ask your iCIFICMIL f atfi an Vacuum Pacifcd Thi PHONE 843 prince rupert' YEARS AGO October 9. 1912 Alex Stowell, who had been on the staff of the Bank of1 Montreal, resigned and accepted a position with the Mack I Realty Co. Mr. Stowell came to' Prlnrp Runprf. from o,t i r... itvm 411LUU I. and was a non-commissioned: vaaauw. v xjai i vjicy runes. Warren Kissick, one of the pioneer real estate men of the city, associated with the firm of Pattullo and Radford, returned on the Prince George from an extended visit to his former home In Nova Scotia. Miss Jessie Unwin, for some time on the staff of the City Hall in the office of Clerk Woods, after being on vacation for some weeks, returned from Vancouver on the Prince George. October 9, 1922 The Vancouver Sun editorially attacked the appointment of Fred Dawson as a director of the Canadian National Railways. "Prince Rupert's population is 5,00 and Vancouver's is 250,000," it stated. "C.N.R. revenue is 50 times greater at Vancouver and Vancouver pays 100 times, more in taxes to make good C. N. R. deficits. The chances are that Don t owiryc TO CIRCUM is itt APPLE JUICE 3 TINS 29c DICED BEETS 2s 23c RICE CRISP1ES 2 PKTS- 29 c HEILSON'S COCOA Ub. tin OOp GRAPEFRUIT JUICE oz. tin 2 F0R 63c J We any ability Mr. Dawson may Alaskan bush pilot and have will be offset by his allegi- prrector' E- B- Joiner, plans ance and obligations to Prince oroln 801116 prospecting in - a. t i flAit Tl n J At. Rupert." BUSPPILOT PRDPECTING jcithern B. C. as well as in the ikon, before winter closes in. e " returned - recently w " from the A k AAASW viil VI W4A ilOllvl AAl(,il f urged that the government im-outn a denverlng a new rtnco n tnv nf nno rant a rtsvimrOlane there. Hf is nflUT rpflim. jvuv. u VA . v A V C pvUlU on American fish entering Can'nE by air to his home in Candle ada ui reprisal for a tax of td cents a pound which the Amel can government had impc? on Canadian fish entering ie U.S. i Mayor H. B. Rocheste.and City Treasuref W. D. Vanrwere at Kamloops attending v an" nual convention of th0nlon of B.C. Municipalities. cirinpeiihnTivn cKDES AS RhMB -'EEL WORKERS WENT ON 4S-HOTTR RTnTK-wA .t . ...... "-, ... . . , swEiai new ui a mass meeung held by Rje. Italy, . steel , workers who went out on a nation-wide 48-hour strike recently as part of f alleged Communist plan to overthrow the government of Premier Alcide de Gasperi. (Alaska by way of Central! British Columbia, and will devote part of the time to looking around and seeing what may develop. He says times continue active in the north. Moustaches Are Popular Again OTTAWA Moustaches, In military circles, are returning. Soldiers, stationed in various STOCKHOLM tn theipart of Canada, are blossoming world championship jiots held ' out with hirsute adornment of here, Sweden won sliMd1111 ' various shapes sizes and colors, and 'six team vlctoi- Norway Moustaches were customary and Switzerland tq tivc gold in Great War I. Some, it is said, Tr.Prt9i irirpnttnfltoad three are even claiming affiliation victories, Finland f. and Italy s with the famous one. . 1 Club" overseas. Like Prom CHECK -44- EGGS Cart'oncd) "A" LARGE D0Z' CANNED TOMATOES 2 F0R 55c AYLMER PEAS Size No. 5 2 TINS 33C rAIRHAVEN SARDINES 2 s 19c HONEY 4-lb. tin $1.38 ?' lbcria 8-lb. tin $2.65 r Lessons in English Words often misused: Do not say, "My son-in-laws attended the meeting." Say, "My sons-in-law (or daughters-in-law) attended the meeting." Often mispronounced: Quintuplet. Pronounce kwln-tu-pet, i as in in, u as in unite, e as in let, and accent first sylable. Often mlsspeUed: Fuel; lie. Feud; eu. Synonymous: Ingenious inventive, clever, adroit, resourceful. Word study: "Use a word three times and It is yours." Let us Increase our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. Today's word: Analogous; corresponding to something else in certain aspects. "There is something in the exercise of the mind analogous to that of the body." FORMED IN 1908 The Bov Scout movement had "Handlebar its beginning in the British Isles in 1S08. PUBLICIZING P.R. HIGHWAY In its, campaign for publicizing of the existence of the trans-provincial highway with its coast terminus at Prince Rupert, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has received assurance of full publicity from the Governmiit Travel Bureau a"t Victoria and the Motor Dealers' Association of Vancouver. Writing to "the Chamber, both bodies have made suggestions as to quarters which might be contacted in order to further disseminate the information that the road is open and being used. The Government Travel Bureau says that it has from time to time advised customs offices and automobile associations and in other ways has endeavoured to assist in the movement of automobile traffic in this direction. Organizations in Washington, Oregon and California which should be got in touch with are suggested. Advertise in the Daily News LI OR CITED that death follow alcoho The I found IAP CAUSE is Jury Wants Supplier . Maggie Cecil Causht Blaig liquor as a cause of the rlarj that resulted in the deatl For: Easvard on October 1 Maggie Cecil, a native womi x coroner's jury recommend that 'every effort be made determine thes.rce of sui and theoffender dealt with :rely." The ry, convened by Coroner M. SteDhens. found , Cecil came to her "accidental drowning the consumption of beverages." year old woman was id in Poroolse Harbor at 6 o'tk on. the afternoon of Octobel after having fallen betweei wharf and the seiner SchushK II some time after 4:20 p. The Hence of three native wltnesstndlcated that the de ceased 1 been drinking in her cabin a ort Edward, and later on the lushona II. Jury lembers were E. E. Hyndm; foreman, George B. Yule, M; In O. Kullande'r, E. W. Parkhod Victor Grant, and F. A. E ALllTOMIC EXHIBIT LONDC w-r-An atomic en- iergy exiition explaining the implicates of nuclear fission and iluskting both its destructive anttonstructive properties will staij a tour in November. The exqition will cover some 26 tow; ( 1 iT-ris NCFLIES 1 INWR sj GAIBA6E m mm TH GENTLE BLEACH . 12rfiifc Rupert Daflp J3cta3 Thursday October a, 1947 ftJVC Aim WMYC ry ,rw Aexf I A wttlily tdytrliiinj and information srm'ce hr today'i woman BB MONTREAL, Oct. 9th. Tastiest way I know to make sure your youngsters are getting ample milk In their diets is to give them, come dessert-time, luscious puddings and blanc manges made of BENSON'S CORN STARCH! This fine-quality corn starch makes custards and puddings your children will love. Yours for the asking Is BENSON'S Recipe Sheet B.F.... Vanilla Blanc Uange Velvety Baked Custard Floating Island. Simply write to me, Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q, qnd I'll gladly mail your free copy to yon poft-haste! THERE'S FRESH EXCITEML.iT in Cctocert crisp days . . . wondtrfui weather for the " big came" of Tali football! And for a verv soecial after-the-game-p.ntr treat... bake the perfect fav"S party cake with SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR! I f fc n. . i . . . i .J . i rm i ,f tmitt "v I rouow me lesieu recipes on me avvAi uunn package and you'll have cake' to more-than- COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS come Thanksgiving Time . . . among Jhem that morale-. lU? boosting Sav- of yours at the BANK OF MONTREAL! If you indulge in feminine thrift at the B of M as I do you'll know what I mean when I say it's like visiting an old friend!' You've discovered the joy of a Savings Account at the B of M...the friendly, courteous personnel . . . that oh-so-comfy money-in-the-bank feeling! For money in a Savings Account at the B of M is raonry saved for a rainy day or tc help you toward that wclcomo winter outfit. Food Prices Either ; Just as Quickly as Our Costs Decline, (jar Prices Will Go Down Too h THESE ITEMS FOR REAL VALUES FRESH PRODUCE CARROTS 4 POUNDS 23C SPANISH ONIONS 3 P0UNDS 23c CELERY 2 P0UNDS 21c CABBAGE 2 P0UNDS 13c Fresh, Green, Interior.' TOKAY GRAPES 2 P0UNDS 29c BUNCH CARROTS POUND g TOMATOES Hot house lbs 43J APPLES Fancy Macs Box $3.69 PRICES EFFECTIVE ONE WEEK OVERWAITEA LTD. RUPERT'S MOST MODEiRN FOOD STORE MELLO JEL JELLY POWDER He PKT- FIG BARS Plain lb- Icd47c lb TOMATO JUICE 20-oz. g TINS QC FANCY KETA SALMON ' 18c ls 34c LW1 please your public! Just imagine layers of feather-light cake, moist and even-crumbed . . . perfection, that's what! So-o-o ... at the top of your party shopping list ... put SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR and you'll be a proud and popular hostess! HERE'S A SAVOURY DISM fit for a king ... or your husband! Frankly, your husband will think you're wonderful when you serve him HEINZ Condensed Soups in any one of the fifty-seven delicious ways there aro of serving them! And did you know that added milk or water gives yon twenty ounces of HEINZ Soup for the price of ten! This means four scrumptious servings ... the flavour highlight of many a meal! For your free copy of "57 Ways to Use Hein-Condensed Soups" simply write to me, Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. CLIMB ABOARD ... the passenger stairway to the T.C.A. " North Star " Is wheeled into position beside the huge skyliner and you climb aboard! Look around you at the soft colours the smart appointments. In the rear of the plane a Powder Room a cozy Cocktail Lounge... the Galley where, hot complimentary meals are served the Steward's Desk. The Stewardess makes you comfortable in a cloud-soft, adjustable seat... the - luur xiuna-iwj kc i..0u.vj ....... i -- - at the place and suddenly you're airborne climbing cloudward over the airport in a TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES "North Star" bound tor Great Britain and Ireland! Plan now to take the swift, comfortable, oh-so-convenient "North Star" way to England... it costs so much less than you might think. THANKSGIVING TI.ME is Family Time... when cousins, uncles and aunts gather 'round for family fun and turkey! It's time to stock up with 7-Up ... for delicious 7-Up is the family "Fresh Up "! 7-Up has a blithe and merry goodness ... a fresh, clean-tasting flavour that is the essence o cheerfulness. Make this year's family reunion a never-to-be-forgotten one . . . with good cheer and 7-Up always on nana: r.cep your uty uiuj supply chilled just-iliiht in the ice-box. P33S it around as a between-meal treat... sip and smile with 7-Up! You'll find it at any store displaying the colourful 7-Up signs! ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS. iff 9 rANCES OVER WHICH YOUR GROCER HAS NO CONTROL, YOU ARE NOW PAYI NG MORE FOR A GREAT MANY EVERY-DAY STAPLE GROCERIES. - WE DON'T NEED TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH MORE THESE FOOD? COST TODAY. THESE HIGH PRICES BOTHER US AS MUCH AS THEY BOTHER YOU. , MYSORE COFFEE 50c PRUNE PLUMS Aylmer 2 TINS gQC TOMATO SOUP Campbell's TINS QJC OVERWAITEA BEST TEA $1.00 lb- WE DELIVER It u. I' 'A 1 Ml