13rfnrc Rupert HMHp. J3ctojf Thursday, October 9, 1S47 RECREATIONAL CLINIC INSTRUCTS MANY ON DRAMA AND HOBBY WORK Leaders of the Department of Education travelling 'recreation clinic opened their two-day stand, at Prince Rupert last night by stressing the varied recreation opportunities offered by branches of the depaltment to an audience of eighty-five which laterdiv';led into groups to receive more detailed Instructions. Teachers, group leaders, church and P.-T.A. members and hobby and little theatre enthusiasts heard Lome Brown, assistant director of physical education and recreation, and Calvin' Large, assistant director, department of university extension, outline the work of their branches. Following the general session they divided into two groups, one of which was led by Miss Jean Travis, handicrafts in- striiotrpss rtpnnrtmpnt. nf lini PHONE 654 25c PER DOZ. PAID for EMPTIES Please have them ready iwhen the driver calls. ThUl advertisement i nnt nnhllchcH r.r dleBiwed i uy ineuquoruontrol Board or lYcrumenioi cruisn Columbia. rCondie ment is merely a source of "mail-order" courses, pointing the current he sald- ason' versity extension who outlined the possibilities an dopportuni-ties for developing the handicraft arts on a community basis. H. S. Hum, director of community and school drama. Department of Education, was the centre of attraction on the part of members of the little theatre movement, .explaining problems of production, casting and other dramatic matters. appreciation others. i A little-known service was the ! -Timber! SHORT SPORT Christy Mathewson, immortal pitcher of the New York Giants, died at Saranac Lake, N.Y., 22 ears ago. Baseball mourned one of the greatest hurlers In its history. Mathewson had been ill many months from The New York Yankees won their sixth straight world championship, eight years ago yesterday, as they took advantage of a ninth inning collapse of raraea witn questions Dy group "icnsiuii iuan nurury ai.u uic!agalnst many enemles and members whose enthusiasm phonograph record loan library : therefore burns, abrasions, cuts , jais injure open In the general session, Lome Work of the department, he the way to infection, say health Brown, who was introduced by . concluded, is not confined to experts. Don Forward, described the pur- j supplementing school instruc-pose.df the clinic as an attempt , tion, but takes a strong interest on the part of specialists to .in furthering adult education. "brinsr assistance and advice to places where it is needed." CIVIC CENTRE CONGRATULATED He congratulated the citizens of Prince Rupert on their fine Civic Centre, and the variety and efficiency of its recreational prpgrams. M.ajor address of the general session was delivered by Calvin Large, who stressed the univer sal nature of the services of- fields offadult and juvenile rec reauon;ana instruction. HeTattacked what he termed theibODUlar misconception that the .'university extension depart- BOfflED BIER Second session of the clinic will be held tonight when general forums and demonstrations TOWER OF TONGUES The Tower of Babel, at the Chaldean rtty of Ur in lower Mesopotamia, has completely disappeared. 7 ' V.4'?M ' VTHTTTtlTTT rt I 1111 -' n't. rr r r ' i m f i DASWOOD, il V, . h!JL O.nvloitS V Larry McPhail And Durocher ( -cOlNQ YOU'LLBE,tl; GiBYE ?)rAA.CW ft b VOU LCOK J -U . r i I N LATE FOR WORK O L OEAR wi2u A F, -1 PETRIFIEDt i I Executive Speculation Attends Finale of Most 4 Dramatic World Series By HUGH FULLERTON in the game. Biggest thrill Cookie getto's pinch hit to win the third game and spoil Bill Bevin's no-hltter. Best hit-Joe DIMagglo's Saturday home run. Best fielding Glonfriddo's catch off Dl-Maggio Sunday. Best pitcher-Hugh Casey. Best all-around player Joe DiMagglo. Best feature The weather. i Two Yankee teams baseball kept them at the Civic Centre which are available to individu-! and exposure to extreme cold or i ! and ana football lootoan juTZZiea attracted moTt more until until a a late into hnur Hour, als and ana community community erouDS. groups. ;heat tv, the skin and 1 than 154,000 spectators Sunday The World Series game drew 74,000 here and the football club more than 80,000 at Cleveland. , The two big questions remaining in the wake of the 1947 World Series revolve about that old Damon and Pythias combln- 7 o r - Stsm JSSSS8!Sk' v mm --jsa asm I W rJ rr- j I I V- If m. Br i . " r . w w w i - I y II li I II I I 'Viwi II Aa . ItWt ation, Larry MacPhall and Le Durocher Will MacPhail's resignation as president of the Yankees, dramatically announced by Old MacGenius himself in the clubhouse at the end of yesterday's game, stick, or will he remain with the club in an advisory capacity. What's to become of Leonine ; ttfcw i uuri, .w Larry Mac- Uo now that hls suspension as Phail, a man with keen instinct manager of Brooklyn Dodgers for drama, couldn't have picked is supposed to be at an end? a better time to announce his The Durocher question con-retirement from baseball-he ' tinued a puzzle- U haS beCn a had just seen the club he built, I ' the Dodgers, lose the final game of the World Series to the club he bought, the Yankees. It was Brothers Under the Skin The Shah of Persia visited Eng- out that it has a number oftn !n?n?a ?!ldIng t0lthe first $2,000,000 World Series land during the reign of Queen field workers. He cited Miss 'inthe rQ,fQ"th,f r0aIg,ht fme in history; it drew the biggest Victoria, and was received with Travis and Mr. Hum as .ex J""3 ? uvL" crowds e.v " " Prided great pomp and circumstance. amples p of field workers in action, "r , "! " " v;'in" f" about as many thrills as any At a great dinner given iur straight, series victory for . .. .... game a ,. nt ,h nalae of th, Duke Mr. Large offered to arrange trie Yanks on-the-spot course on whatever subject the community desired. The course would last two weeks and be led by an expert in the chosen line. At least one such i course would be available during Mr. Large dwelt particularly on the excellent assistance the department offers to drama groups and mentioned the special summer school courses which is held annually at Vancouver. Other services offered are adult education, discussion group work, such as citizens' forum, parents' study, music modern art and i Hockey's big bomber, Charlie Conacher, announced his retirement from hockey six years i game was. rather anti-climactic, of Sutherland all guests were so Larry provided a novel touch told to come in all the uniforms of his own. You might not like and with all the decorations to Larry (a lot of people in the which they were entitled. game don't) but you have to ad- "Who Is that genUeman down ago today. One of the greatest mlt that everything he ngnt-w mgers in h.h.Ij. msiury, and member of the famous Toronto Maple Leafs "kid line," Conacher scored 225 goals with his bullet-like shot during his career. of men's and women's physical education activities will be led by Jerry Mathison, provincial supervisor of men, and Mrs. Hilda Keatley, provincial supervisor of women. SKIN IS ARMOR healthy skin is armor did in at the other end of the table'" baseball made news. i asked the Shah, noting Brown- They've been calling the 1947 mg's modest appearance, classic a "pitchers' series" be- "That," negligently replies cause every time you looked tne host, "Is Browning, the poet." around there was a new pitcher "Brins him uo here- and let him sit with me," requested th' Lava. I Shah. When the startled Browning had been comfortably seateu .next to the guest cf honor, the Persian monarch leaned over and remarked with great affa bility, "Mr. Browning, I am gratified to "have you near me." Mr. drowning discreetly asked why. "Because," replied the Shah with a proud flourish, "I too, am a poet!" Robert Browning cam? attire? by virtue of the degree fmm Orford In a scarlet cloak. But the glittering display of other guests with their ribbons, badges, buckles, and swords so outshone the simple poet that hp was placed at the very foot of the great dinner table. Tab fe A VX1T Of ONE Of THE VtiHLUS By Chic Young TSD- WELLANcPE YOU lTSr A MAN WITH A TOOTHPICK 2 iTVL-r FP4 IN HIS- tMTll ITU P 'mm vymu TWT1 ' VW WMw vou eat i " , : 56sT I HAVE A STACK (vy,WATfcS r . V0U BLUEBERRY -oiE I'M GOUMS TO ) 71 LETTERS FOR J r-J ,T CAN'T CANCELLED ) AND LICK ST.-.MPS THE STORE, -) Mi- MAIL, c M? V BE DONE -1 ALL THE y 3y TOO' ' PAswooD- $m I BUT i have Vt-K it simplv stamps Zr-J S 5.'' b,c:s GREAT m.tter of widespread speculation in baseball circles ever since Commissioner A. B. Chandler suspended the fiery Dodger pilot at the beginning of the 1947 season for "conduct detrimental to baseball." This action followed name-calling back and forth between the two former Dodger pals, Durocher and MacPhall, after the famous spring training camp "rhubarb." Some insiders insisted that Branch Rickey, who succeeded MacPhail as president of the Dodgers, would announce his decision regarding Durocher's status at the conclusion of the series. When no word was forthcoming from Rickey, it was said the Dodger boss was waiting to hear from the commissioner's office. It was recalled that Walter Mul-bry, secretary to Chandler, had said last week that "Durocher's suspension will be lifted the minute the World Series ends." However, Chandler, when asked about Durocher as he visited the Dodger dressing, room after yesterday's game, said 'No ROYAL DANDY Silk stockings are said to have been worn first by King Henry II of France in 1547. 1 Fmine cars! I I and CAGES I j k HOIST, SKIPS I ; AERIAL TRAMWAYS 1 Autumn sunshine . . . crisp clear sky . . . you're first to the stubble field, setter at heel tensed for your signal. Work forward now, gun at the ready, watching for the set . . . the flush, the rocketing flight and brilliant plumage that marks your quarry on the wing. For good sportsmen, glorious B.C. offers plentiful game in season. Pheasants, grouse, ducks and geese are all here in number and variety and the continent's finest big game animals await the skilled hunter. For your own fullest enjoyment, consider the other fellow . . . follow the rules . . . then, for an afternoon, a weekend or a week, take your gun and . . . GET OUTDOORS IN B.C WHOLESOME RECREATION THE WHOLE YEAR 'ROUND StcJU' capilano)brewery LIMITED CHEAT II It E IX I JV f. " f ; 1 SI 7. 4Tlo S WESTERN BRIDGE iSlttL FABRICATORS LTD VANCOUVER. B.C IOTORISTS Here is a service that you have been waiting for . . . TIRE VULCANIZING We have just installed Prince Kupert's first tire vulcanizing machine and offer you a prompt and efficient tire vulcanizing service. ALF STEIN ERT, who Is in charge of our tire department, will be pleased to explain this new service, and advise you about any of your tire problems. Prompt attention given to out-of-town orders. Bob Parker Limited "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" P.O. Box 38 Prince Rupert, H.C. REMEMBER OYKO APPLE DAY OCTOBER 18 DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 178 Prince Rupert, B.C. , TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (U. Smith) P.O. Box 187 Terrace V.. i iwHWfci ) Junction Second and Third Avenues r cr m irvrrvr , Dri,.. r- 1 1 1.01 We are Fully Equipped for Autcmobil, , . Dealers in Studebaker Commercial 7 Tlr. nn.l T..h. !..:. uus," nincmnn asita o nw... a a n m t m jrw mj Bin Chrysler I'arts and s.i . "c specialize m rebulWL-r Marine and Industrial Engines Complete Automotive Re-Jr cor an makpi! r ... . uau on us lor your (JIIUYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES Out-of-town ordc.i given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 5GC Prince Rupert b.C KUrLK I MAKINL RE (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . It r r aftv ask & rwn mm TRY FOR QUICK SALES OH CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsetfs Waterlrcnii 303 Cabs i muuiu invi: iu idivi- inn uuuur urn nnnounro in mv main irienns ann na va(iw i i i r : i v nnti 11 in rui 11 inj; 303 Cabs from the 3 Sisters Caff. IIMlllllllt'll 11.11 I 111 ilL'IT Hill DlllLLll IT ciated. FKEI) JENSEN "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert JOHN GURVICH has returned to the CONTRACTING a v mm rm r w n rn i uu Vo Job J oo Large nu- mm t ir i rrilin f I 1 III HIP lAVnflf mirtVrtllNI, HA lll llt l. LHlUVi PHONE 32 LUMBER iitct liMnriVKI) a Iar;c shipment Dimession, Shiplap, MoorinR, Dried Fir Finish, Shinnies, ana a ... mcnt of Moulding. SoIcAKcnt for H.u ..rn rn t irrcnv mi i mn rm i n i i ' COMPLETE LINE OK nil PHONE 116 COAL mm noBn jtsbkw m m The Pioneer Drugg' PRESCRIPTION PHONE 81 REMEMBER ... f nrX0B r!Vlfl A I'l JjIj