ncnt .rf In V" Tomor-tlt- Ui Mcei"'fa Centre - - art Ut"' 0:00 P-O- o:nr,r of r. an A l- Or Clvlr :'. 27. M. J 0: i Ladic Aio Bazaar, bv, 1. 8 . annual 12 ano Moose : ,j.v.i Bazaar, Nov Bazaar ; Arm Honi! League tilt) tar C'.v:j centre Nov Deccm- Ha ili FOOD ESFOR FRIDAY 0( TOREK DEUVEKl : Ml Seasonal Fruits for our Shopping m'OTVTOES LIZ Mr. and Mrs Rnhoi-t hit Fowler are shown as they arrived in New York from England on the s.s. Queen Elizabeth. They are enroute home to Canada Mr Fowler is president of the Newspaper Association of Canada CRUDE PRODUCTION Russian oil wells were first dug by hand and petroleum was hoisted in leather bags by rope and pulley. STORES Ltd. AND SATURDAY 10th and 11th , rilONE 18 i i and Vegetables Pleasure gES- -Sweet, Juicy, Medium IKS-Wrapped C'ec Grade Jnta per box $..( 'S- No 1 Okan?gan 1 lbs. 25c TJVED "iUfjt SIlfnlKNT'OF THE FAMOUS PEEK-FREAN BISCUITS TIO. MILK Tall Tins .... 2 for 25c 01 stjAp The Health Soap, .'J for 25c eKed rrow large package 25c ES- lkm, Dillcd Slices, 10-oz jar 32c A- Hrk. 12-nz. fin ' for 49c anpfcll's Reef Noodle . . . 3 tins 44c ili CANADIANS IN ON QUEEN NABOB TEA 89c lb. QUAKER OATS 29c pkt. 2 lbs. 25c 2 doz. 69c lAGE- Medium Size, Firin Heads, lb. 8c BERRIf-'S- For that Tasty Sauce, lb. 4(Jc I0TS- Urge New Hunches 2 for 17c Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert H. B. Porteous, Winnipeg; Miss E. B. Flewia and Miss J. C. Common, Port Simpson; D. Drummond, Reno; D. BJornson, Sunnyside; Miss M. Council and Miss M. Waldron, Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Fay Short, Burns Lake; Mr. and Mrs. F. Kirby, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. O. Den-nlson. North Pacific; Mrs. H. S Davis and J. P. Carr and J. N. Carr. Smlthers; H. Gregory. banospit; Mr. and Mrs Leite, Klncolith; G. N. TrumDour Premier; W. Peltz, J. Pinder, J. Mathlson, K Large, Miss J. Travis, L. Brown, D. Mc-Donough. A. M. Parker, Mrs. D. M. McGeer and A. L. McWil-liams, Vancouver; H. S. Hum, Victoria; Mrs. W. M. Keatley, North Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Flewelllng, Lacombe. Alta.; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hooper, Whltehorse; Mrs. E. Heatonand ! Mrs. N. Martin, Nanaimo. I fWT-K I Mi Itinerary of MISS FLOKA DIXON of the SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION which works in Ethiopia, Nigeria, and the Sudan Thurs.. Oct. 9, at 8 p.m. Pentecostal Church. Fri., Oct. 10, in I.O.D.E. Hall. Sat., Oct. 11, at 8 p.m., Salvation Army Citadel. Sunday. Oct. 12: 11 a.m. First Presbyterian Church; 12:15 p.m. United Church Sunday School; 7:30 7:30 p.m. p.m. First First Baptist Baptist Church. Church.) Local News Items Special! Chenille Housecoats, Star's Sale on coats and $8.75. Star's. (tf) dresses, etc. (240) W. J. Scott, well known young Anglican Church Thanks-businessman, is confined to his giving Dinner Monday. Tickets home with a cold. DINE &t DANCE Good music, good floor, good eats. COMMODORE CAFE every Wednesday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Felsenthal left by air this afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. George Ej;es is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for' a trip to Vancouver. ATTENTION- Cambrai I.O. D.E. Thanksgiving Dance, Civic Centre, October 13. (239) Are you going out for Thanksgiving Dinner? We are serving a full course TURKEY DINNER from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thanksgiving Sunday and Monday at the CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM. For reservations please phone 231. (239) Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McAra are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. James L. Lee returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from a trip to. Vancouver. Norman Hooper, transferred from here to Cranbrook as manager of the Overwaitea Ltd. store, will leave next Monday hv nil- fnr Vife i ...... . . I . i " " Al UJC southern interior. His successor ttJLZT "if!- here, hPrP t Lome Vanetta, arrived a few days ago from Abbotsford. Don't Miss This Missionary Addresses with Lantern Slides and Curios. Miss Flora Dixon Dep. Sec. oJDAN INTERIOR MISSION I.OD.E. Hall. Friday. 3:30 p.m. at Mission Band for children 8:00 p.m. Public Meet ing. Auspices Regular Baptists Prince Rupert. All welcome. Collection in aid S.I.M. (238) A. H. Roberts will leave for Terrace tomorrow io take over the Terrace Bakery from G. M. Mclnnes who has recently been a patient at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Mr. Roberts and his partner, Harry Sites, ex-1 pect to have their new business in full operation by next week, j After a weed's sojourn in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Frank Dibb is now much improved and will, it is expected, be able to leave for home about the end of the week. However, it may be about a month before his normal health Is fully restored. Communication has been received at the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce office from George Ogston, secretary of the Vanderhoof and District Board of Trade, expressing appreciation of hospitality extended to delegates of the Vanderhoof Board at the recent an nual convention of the Asso- j elated Boards ol Trade oi cen tral tral British British Columbia. Columbia. at G. P. Tinker Co., Jone's News Stand, Watts & Nickerson. C. L. Youngman left this afternoon by lair on a business trip to Vancouver. Mr., and Mrs. H. G. Archibald M.P. will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert on a brief trip to Vancouver where Mr. Archibald will confer with C.C.F. party leaders. George Weightman of Nelson Bros. Fisheries, is sailing on the Prince Rupert tonight for Vancouver following a business visit to Port Edward and Prince Ru- tpert. 9 A Joint meeting of Halibut Fishermen, Salmon Trailers, Halibut Fishing Vessel Owners, and the Board of Directors of Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative Association, will be held at the Deep Sea Fishermen's Hall, Friday Oct. 10, 7:30 pjn. This is an important meeting and all members of these organizations are requested to attend. .. 13a 1 r i e ooara' 1 . Deen Sea Fishprmpn's Tlnlnn ' (238) Air Lines Would Put On Display In City ., Tf 1 I L , such sPial events are held in I Prince Rupert next year, Cana dian Pacfiic Airlines is interested in participating by way of displays, activities, etc., says a letter received by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce from L. M. MacLean of Winnipeg, supervisor of sales promotion for the Arlines. Such events would also be given widespread publicity. It is being suggested to the company that the annual Junior Chamber of Commerce Port Day might be an event in which the airlines would be Interested. Classified Advertising Paysl hest Colds To Relieve Misery C Rub on Tested llf VapoRub V LADIES learn BEAUTY CULTURE THE MOLER WAYI Become a luiciuful operator in the profitable profession of hairdresiing and beauty culture. Our new, enlarged schools offer a thorough training under qualified teachers. Monthly payment plan if desired. Write or Call Today! MOLER SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING f Department 1 JO) Wcit Httingt Street VANCOUVER, B. C 'M , "T ' !jjsy GFI A f roduct f Gentrol foods FRIENDS HONOR OCTOBER BRIDE Mrs. G. V. Hanley and Mrs. Arthur Holbrook were Joint hostesses at a delightful shower at the Hanley residence, Alfred Street, Wednesday evening, honoring Miss Jean Krause, whose marriage to Donald Nixon will take place on October 15. Gifts for the bride-to-be were presented in novel fashion when Mrs. Hanley entered the cheerfully decorated living room bearing two newspaper carriers' bags laden with presents, each wrapped in a copy of the Dally News. Miss Krause Is identified with the business office staff of the Daily News. The bride's table was beautifully decorated and centred with a large cake topped by a miniature bride and groom. The evening was spent in court whist, winners of which were Mrs. W. Murdoch, who received first prize, and Mrs. Theodore Richards, who was awarded the consolation trophy. Guests present at the function were Mrs. W. Murdoch, Mrs. J. McGreish, Mrs. Mary Murray, Mrs. J. R. Murray, Mrs. G. R Krause, Mrs. Theodore Rich ards, Mrs. J. Burns, Mrs. J. Yel-loway, Miss Margaret Doiron, Mrs. G, Krause, Mrs. G. Ciccone, Mrs. R. Wood, Mrs. L. D. Fether- Olf. mm BABY POWDER Soothing, cooling Tcndct Age Baby Pow. der it ftvorit with bibiet and rhtir mother Thtt refreshing powder belong ia every nunery and bithroom dut it liberally after baby'i bath and at diaper changing time It give fine aatihaf protec tion, containing Alphazone. an ideal anti acptic and deodorant - uwd t&dutivcly by the manufacturer of "Tender ?3- kr McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED Third Are. and Sixth St. Phone 79 MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES- HEEL THEM ATTEND THEIR THEIR SOLES fv- UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS 4 Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty ' New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! ASK ABOUT CREDIT TERMS Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIM'S 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 Moving, racking, Cratlnr, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 - Fhonei 60 and 68 13rfncc Rupert Dafli? J3cto? Thursday, October 9, 1947 Men, these cool nights you'll be more comfor-table in a pair of yama or flannelette pyjamas. Fall shipments are now in . . . priced at -r." $3.50 REMEMBER GYRO APPLE DAY OCTOBER 18 L1JJ1. 1 1 1 1 I H 1 1 LVj.insmiaiiiriMIBlini issssssssssm . anew t r aitawv SHINGOLEEN Shingolcen beautifies and protects old and new shingles, and years of testing- and constant usage have established its worth and sure capacity to beautify your home . . '. Shingo'leen is made on a two-oil base in many attractive colors and is entirely free from creosote. Sold THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PHONE 101 SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types ol printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens y,, DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK From This Dale WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked S12.00 per ton MINE R UN-Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 Hollywood Cafe TRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AJM. TO 6 AM. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER CHOP SUEY FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 881 P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT iii- - .mm. J . U J.I-l-IP I M " J 1 "J f I 1 1 m.m i i tamiiini i .1 i --- II.- by 255 Third Ave. THIRD AVENUE NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home SO Rooms, Hot and Cold; water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. . Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M TO PARTIES CHOW MEIN JUST ARRIVED See Our Large Selection of DOLLS, WAGONS AND DOLL BUGGIES. A preview of your Christmas selections. If? WfJilllllHWiH 3 V It J 13 i it li p i: It 1