CIAL XMAS I0AY fakeo Pi)0 A Christmas will be offerel tc Canadian Na- r3 Canadian Pacific - according toR. H. of the Cana- Association. Rail on sale at the anoensine Apply Marine ni Repairs, (281 1 Sixth Ave E. 52350 cash. ,C3 , .Avenue Oreen 290. (281) ALE Lady s Drana new . tt n ! f 4 TUTfll" '-IHYL.' lint 14 tirt (S cast price $42.50, jt$37:0 Black 905. 283 XE Modern Simmon bci mattress nearly thci sr drawers, vanity night table: quart sealers. H Bias 252 ( 288) Lady i bicycle, good Phone Green 24. (283) rale House with four i a:: ; bath. Apply 218 Ve- Evenings. (230) it v wmf.pnnrrn cumin it l. 1 ;hair. very attrac-Mi i Unney. Suite No. . "V. T"l 1 1- (282) III Pfirtunrtft IftlifiirA MB shape Phone Green 990-. (281) SALE One 2-roorn fur- -4 ab: ; on Prudhomme . 12 ft. skiff With bu.:i his year. One 3 Sc " Atwater outboard : 194"! model. All for Phone Black 285 between ifcm (tft II i r -new unu usi'U r ur- c, mini whtr i .rrirKPrv :u pie;e set new dishes, al H.4S Cups and Sauc- V fimtn DImIa OCn Mail? .ir.!1 Fitmif nfA n nnrl '? New and Used Hard- fi steel tapes 75c. Lat- M'c ouuares iruni si.i.). i usea micnen 1 tl irAMa O..IU cootl quality, 1 Coat size 14, Coney, 115 New anH ITenH Ttnol- StTi Mattresses to clear uiiie ana iook tnem over. 'ornuure CO. UlacK 3J4.. niifitf of THIe n. toiirlopn (Hi. Hloik IV t.t I.-! . ... tatlsfactory proof of, A above Certificate of Title i 1 Trio .a r, l ii I .ern filed In thla office. nerebv ilven that I shall. 'Plratlon of one month frofn tr.e first publication a Pmi.i,ni r...t in. '. ii urn m Hin innr . r tn&ae to m In wrlt.tnir. St IK v . . . . n viia unn ItlPIlRTrV , ""lien, oc , this zn 'C'fmbc: 1047. A.D. ANDHEW THOMPSON, "puty Registrar ot Titles. (301) TENDERS Ml, l CLC1 V III UY kaett Co-operative As-l01 for purchase of the lne trucks at Massett, closing date Nov. 15, -""Ji MOClel. USCC1 10"ths, condition as new. ran .n. - iui a speea rear Enforced frame, pktt-10"xir 6". Platform 2'A ton ntnlfB.hriflv. - - w.r "uci, completely over- a i-i . .... " ciass conauion, Equipped with re- P'atform 6' 6"xlG' with ftnlw .It Ia-j . .. n-. . . ... vHviiitive Association. -: nupert Fishermen s tlve Assn., P.O. Box "ice Rupert. B.C. or any tender not accented. Afldl- 1 "formation may be had PRINCE GEORGE TO CONVENTION Percy Declines Leadership Nomination Strong Delegation Is doing; PRINCE GEORG7 A full dele gation representing; the Fort r.invip tare ana one-iiau wujge Dinner ana rrince CI .1 . .1 ho tr.:.a to rrtuin ivbv- ucuisc losai L,ioerar Association '.!-.' tin to midnight will be proceeding to Vancouver ... taniiarvT. mo. Tunciar me ena or Wis week to at- . ..:( inn v neiween auiena ine nrnv nmi T,ihAroi mn- !' rr - - - - r-tnada ana ticKew vention next weeK when the JOOO ' trip from Satur-20, 1947, up to January 1, 1948, all classes of ac- Daily News! principal business will be to elect a new leader succeeding Premier John Hart. H. O. Perry, newly elected president of the district association, will lead the delegation. When the question of leader- Classifwd Advertising - - -r 2c jw word per tnncrtton. minimum charge, 60c. Birth Notice, fon SALE Cabin cruiser speed I OK SENT FOR RENT One three room apartment unfurnished. Phone Red 441. FOR RENT Warm, comfortable room; reasonable. 806 Fraser Street. (290) FOR RENT 4 room furnished flat with bath and toilet. Phone 422. (281) FOR RENT 5 rooms and bath-room, and Monarch range. Apply 1036 First Ave. West. (282) WANTED Large tricycle for 3-year old. Phone Green 196. (283) WANTED TO RENT Three or four room furnished apartment by reliable party. Phone Daily News. tfi WANTED TO RENT Small furnished apartment or house. Phone Blue 240. (284) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED By young man, will consider anything. Phone Red 728 after 5 p.m.. (tf) BABY Sitters, any evening. Apply 1543 2nd Overlook or call Red 902. (282) WORK WANTED- Woman will look after children evenings. Phone Red 495. (281) MTDDLE-agcd woman will look IF WISDOM'S WAY we wisely seek, five things we observe with care: of whom we speak, to whom we speak, and how, when and here. Independent-Progressive, Box 283 .Daily News. (It) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a permanent release from drinking. It is a confidetlal service rendered without cost, by others who have found freedom from alcohol. Box 276 Daily News. (tf) SANDED FLOOlt makes n new room! Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient job with modern equipment. Greer and Brld- den have the latest In floor sanders and guarantee the best service. Phone Red 501. (tf) Open for engagements for house-parties and etc. Oeorge Ellott and his accordlan. Evenings Royal Hotel, Room 40. (282) FOUND FOUNDOn 12:30 bus, child's double-barrelled gun. Owner call at the Daily News and pay for the advertisement. (tf) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, ivivestrouehlnfr. and stack umrk. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) TELL Your Troubles to Thorn sheet Metal, Furnaces, smokestacks. Air Condition lne Units. Black 884. 253 East 'uier of the above 1 Avenue. (tf) (tf) First 'Alp came up at the annual Lu'tihg i,i ihr two aftociation: here at the-end of last week, the name of Mr. Perry was nrODosed. Mr. Perry, however, emphatically declined the proposal, Intimating that he was giving hH unqualified support tb the candi- .j i . ... uaiure oi Attorney General O (1 tin . i ant subjects, prepared by Mr. Perry, were unanimously approved by the meeting and will be submitted to the resolutions committee at the convention. Subjects covered In the resolu- Hons include northern transpro-vincial highway, completion of the Pacific Great' Eastern Railway into the Peace River, uni- iormity or assessment, costs of education (limiting the rate to point system. Mr. Perry was elected presl- FIRST NICKEL COIN . The Swiss were the first use nickel for coins. to 1.AM1 iti:rimitv ACT fie: Certificate of Title No. 25304-1 to the North Half of the South- Eat Quarter and the South Half of the North-East Quarter of Lot One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-five (1765). Queen Charlotte District, said to contain One Hundred and Sixty (160) ncres. more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Cesar Verhey-den has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby Riven that I shall, t the expiration of one month from I.AMl ItKilSTKV tfT He: Certificate of Title No. 23082-1 to the North-West Quarter of Lot Charlotte District, aald to contain One Hundred and Sixty (ISO) acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of IMMIGRANTS ARE LANDED Thousand and Half People Reach Canada on Liner Aquitanla HALIFAX Two hundred lm- . .amcr as ne unaerstooa that, migrants, 75 displaced persons, no northern man was actually 25 orphans and 50 brides of Can-n the contest. ,He anticipated adian servicemen were among that the Prince Georg deleza-ithe 1532 persons who entered tlnn would also-accord its united Canada yesterday when the liner support to Mr. WLsmer. 'Aquitanla docked at Halifax. Of nesoiutions on several import-1 these, some 1300 will travel west- ward to various points across the Dominion on four Canadian National Railways boat trains. The trains will reach Montreal Wednesday night. 'Included among the 200 Immigrants are the wives and children of men who emigrated to Ontario recently under the auspices of the Ontario government. The remainder have been select ed ior settlement hv reDrsen five mills), land breaking and Natives of th province. The 75 clearing, decentralization of In- j displaced persons who have come dustry ad alternative voting .to Canada under the snonsor- ships of relatives are bound for various points across the Domin dent of the Fort George District I ion. Of those who will travel on Liberal Association and Jack, the C.N.R. boat trains, 138 win Paschal of the Prince George lo-'so to Quebec, 630 to Ontario, cal association. Hubert King Is 393 to Western Canada, and 107 secretary or both associations, to points in the United States. In addition to civilian pas sengers the trains carry 15$ military personnel representing the British and Canadian armies, the R-A.F.. the Royal Navy and the Polish Army. OMINFfA'S DELEGATION the date of the first publication have one of the smallest ridings nrrcoi. issue a rroTisionai uenincate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me Iri writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 25th day Of November. 1947. A D. Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrar of Titles. (302) Will Have One of Largest (roups From North at Liberal Convention FRASER LAKE Omineca may the province in the matter of voting strength but it Is planning to send what may be the largsst delegation from any of the northern constituencies to the forthcoming Liberal convention in Vancouver when a leader will be elected to succeed Premier John Hart. As for thi? leadership, the an" S. Qnunedre Oeca delegation has been In- structed to suDport Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and forests. iX he if in the field. low of the above certificate of Title otherwise It.ts expected support issued In the name of Cesar Verhey- ... . ' ,,. ., den has been filed In this office. Will go to H?Ti. GS, Wismer. ; notice Js. herebr given that I.shall,; The delegates, leaving for 'Vah-! nb tur cAiiHVtuu. ui- uiiv iiiuiiiu , i with the date or the rtr-t m .bifr. ccuvep toy rail this week-end., are after children evenings. Phone i hereof, issue a Provisional certificate Mr. and Mrs. m!;M Connelly, 0r" Of) ( lgJFrSS2T Fraser Lake; J. A. Brown. Burns ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARIj S40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Tablf meals. Mrs Lawley, 622 Frar Street, (tf) PERSONAL uon oe maae to me in writing. laKe; u. . MUlvanv. f rancoi." DATED at the Land Registry Office. 1lk(?. witiinrn Bipkl AaKe- wunani ttiCKl., Orasv ura?sy Prince Rupert. B.C., this 25th day of November. 1947. ad. .Plains: C. P. Bussin?er. Telkwa- rnRtie,. Z- Patterson. Vanderhoof and (302) .Raloh Telford. Fraser Lake. Ladies' Bowling , December 7 Islanders vs, Ideal Detergents, Miss or Hits vs. Fish Dock, B. C. Packers vs. Triple X, Brownwoods vs. Cougars. December 14 Cougars ys. Miss or Hits. Ideal Detergents vs. B.C. BASKETBALL SCHEDULES (Senior) , - Dec. 2- Co-on vs Brownwoods Dec. 6 Savoy vs. Brownwoods -'Dec. 9 Co-op vs. Savoy Dec. 16 Brownwoods vs Savoy Dec. 20 Savoy vs Co-op Dec. 23 Co-op vs Brownwoods (Intermediate) Nov. 29 Morgans vs Mer-' chants. Dec. 2 Merchants vs Fashion Dec. 6 Bo-Me-Hl vs Morgans Dec. 9 Morgans vs Fashion Dec. 16 Bo-Me-Hl vs Fashion Dec. 20 Merchants vs Morgans Dec. 23 Fashion vs Merchants 17TH CENTURY DEGREES The first degrees in divinity at Harvard College were trrant- in 1692. QUALITY FIRST In These Style-Right COMMANDO CORD TOP COATS Lafest, Smart Gabardine Shades SWEATERS By Regent Knit, Fainer Tony Day are big favorites. BAR-II RANGE :HICKOK BELTS, TIE BARS rJ" 'KEY CHAINS lyike. Ideal Christinas tiills TOOKE AND CURKIE DISTINCTIVE TIES CP. RETURNS TO GOV'T WHARF The provincial government wharf at the foot of McBride Street was used last night toy Canadian Pacific British Columbia Coast Steamships for the first time since before the war when the Princess Louise docked at 8 o'clock from Vancouver. The Louise will be on-the run usually taken by the Princess Adelaide which Is -undergoing overhaul. Canadian Pacific steamers have docked at the C.N.R. wharf since 1939 when the Navy took over the section of the government wharf used by them before the war. Since thu war the wharf and warehouse have been under going a series of repairs. TERRACE TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Rough and Dressed Lumber Lumber Manufacturers TERRACE Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co, I'hilco Radios Wiilard Batteries ACME CLOTHING STORE C33 Third Avenue West PHONE 350 9 t I v I i Logs, Poles ( and Piling j JJ 5 Ltd. P y fti s w , . j m m l Prfnrc Hnprrf Daflp rectus Tuesday December 1947 Margaret KMeod Optometrist - AT SANSON'S Jewellers 522 Third Ave. Phone Green 324 for SINGER Sewing Machine Co. Phone 864 Prince Rupert for "Cinderella" "The Pied Piper" "The Littlest Angel" "Tarzan of the Apes" "Rip Van Winkle" "Alice In Wonderland" "Songs of Safety" "Superman's Xmas Adventure" For Teen-agers AVe Suggest "William Tell Overture" NBC Symphony "Danny Kaye" Danny Kaye "H.M.S. Pinafore" Light Opera "Nut Cracler Suite" LOVELY 4 LADY PERFECT BEAUTY IS EVERY WOMAN'S DESIRE . . . AND. WHEN WE SET YOUR HAffi THAT DESIRE IS REALISED. CALL FOR AN APPOINT MENT. PHONE 655 K Helen's Beauty Salon 206 Fourth Street WWmTOmWT'KWIKt,lltllC't'?lKlt,ti" Suggested ALBUMS Christmas GIVE YOUR CHILDREN RECORDS m oft OiF $ Freddy Martin "Brahms Hungarian Dances," Erice Morinl Polkas Rhumbas Congas Square Dances Visit our Record Department and Hear Your Choice SINGER Immediate delivery of new treadle and electric sewing machines in Prince Rupert and district. From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked 312.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT TLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM TESUT STEVE VRKLAKN OPEN A.M. TO 2 A.M. TRY Rex Cafe FOR TASTY -MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mcin CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUE, OFPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL ii Mb ij GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS unjmaiyijuuruijLjLririjvwAai unJWW1Jxr.j-.J-uJ-u-u--i s J Ji.n.r rjjjjn m i.r .nhim-." Repairs Construction Alterations Phone RED 561 P.O. Box 721 ;i4 ft HI n M A m n it n A K K A A H K ft n , t.i mi ji