ft ! Pfltirr ttnprrr Dnflt? f-?rui3 Thursday. December 18, 1647 LEAGUE OFFERS "FULL SUPPORT" TO REFEREES The Prince Rupert Basketball Association executive last night passed a motion of confidence lh the .Referees' Association, offering the referees "fullest backing in their decisions" and suv-portlng a disciplinary policy designed to raise and maintain a high level of sportsmanship on the basketball floor. The motion was in answer to a letter from the Referees' Association which contained a recommendation which they felt "would provide sufficient back-Jr.t to moke our decisions absolute and final. ' The recommendation' suggested that "any player in any league HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in 'all Its branches. 200 4th Street Phone 655 STB 1 PRINCE RUPERT POTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE GREEN 955 Agent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd. - TONES NEWS STAND i"" , 4 t Eastern ati Western Papers :r.-t" , Magazine! SUBSCRIPTION? TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 'H. J. LUND McKINLEY & ST. CLAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING "PHONE RED 240 SMITH' & ELKINS "LTD. i Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ' GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND -PAPERHANGING Am ; 141 4th East Phone Black 489 : " Superior i: r ., DECORATORS j, .. PAINTING :; PAPERHANGING Phbne: Blue 952 nr ntaotf si V ten Hitchens Bill Thornton : . (D18) DR. P. j. CHENEY , , -s DENTIST ' ' ANNOUNCFS THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 ARMSTRONG AGENCIES REAL ESTATE BROKERS INSURANCE ADVISERS Phone 342 P.O. Box 927 P. N. Kllboru W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Oreen 877 Prince Rupert eree or umpire from a game because of any reason other than five personal fou;s, be required ' to have permission from the Bas- i ketball Association before being j allowed to play In any sub- j sequent game." ' s "It Is our feeling," the letter stated, "that, if this action is taken, the referees will have managers. The executive was unanimous In supporting the Porter: "D'd you miss your train, sir?" Irate traveler: "No, I didn't like its looks, so I chased it out who. has been banished by a ref- of the station." Rusmess and Professional If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER BOAT CONSTRUCTION Baggage - Freight - Express " i Phone Blue 269 - 322 Sixth St. . Fine Workmanship Estimates - rOW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P Trawler Green 39! GEORGE L RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income fax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 Night Calls Green 882 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. Specializing In Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 Grandview Hotel ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 412 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Gifts MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 51 6 Phone 777 300 3rd Ave. FOR LIFE INSURANCE see our rates first. ROSS RICHARDSON 628 Taylor Street Residence Phone Red 246 Confederation Life Association STEPHEN ERICKSON Piano Technician TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 195 411 West 7th Ave. Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Welshing BLUE 992 m mow ft mi trnam taena Mil mm tM to COLUMBIA OPTICAL Ca IP ciatlon executive last night un Hi The current condition of local basketball publicity was figuratively pinned to the floor and MrtMnnl Avamfniitlnn hi sufficient backing to mak their mmbers of tne Basketball Asso- riecislons absolute and final. The Referees' Association is earnestly Today HOOP EXECUTIVE CASTS CRITICAL EYE AT "DEROGATORY" PUBLICITY der leadership of the league pre- endeavouring to give the best L1lent Art Murray wno invited possibly refereeing in all games. Lplnlons of the members 'in and to do tha requires the f uU I strong ianguage." support of players, coaches and j obviously feeline strongly .on the matter, President Murray took advantage of his own invitation and proceeded to castigate arA rooliArl n m nt Inn t n trlP 1 atory write-ups let us know who they are," he declared. "If a person wants to criticize us publicly, he should at least be willing to back up his opinions with his name. "I would also lL-.e to see a stop to those ridiculous letters to the press that are continuously knocking basketball in Prince Rupert." Publicity given to basketball should be aimed at strengthen ing the association and improv ing the play, Mr. Murray said, and not directed at breaktne down public confidence and interest. Upshot of the discussion was the appointment of Bill Long as official basketball association publicity agent. LEAGUE CLOSES DECEMBER 23 League Basketball In Prince Rup?rt will b ca'ied off on December 23 for the Christmas holidays and will not be resumed until January 10, the association executive decided last night. Your Engine Needs Expert Care . imiNG IT TO L'S FOR COMPLETE SATISFACTION Dan's Service Station McIJride St. Green 605 Moving, Packinr Crating, Shipping and General Cartaie and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones CO and C8 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Set R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) LING THE TAILOR tVe are taking cleaning and pressing arid'steam'presslnf i while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street HIGH SCHOOL HOOPSTERS MAY GO "SENIOR" Opportunity for Transfer From Intermediate League Placed Before Players by Executive Changes involving the team structures of the Senior and Fate of the Port Edward ap- iVVVHU wv v n- , . i ... . Hwrvv'rrrrTr-irinptlon.,i and 'jpeeeri flinch nw. ia. Sport SHOrt SPORT The pre.stlg? and popularity tee Louis has attained in the ...st decade 'hrough his Impec-;.ibl' dem?anor and mcdest words, may be urriermlned by his in the Intermediate league last year which played sportsman- lllrA hill with Syd Woodside and his current Intermediate colleagues on their stand that admission of another team to that league would spread the playing out a little thin. FOKMAN - LAVlCNi: A HE ELKVATEII A possible solution to the assocbtlon members who write . Tnrmpdlatp haskpthall Iaeuej nrnhlpm rievelanrd from a dls The suburbanites had a team filled by Port Edward. TL-. I . . i . . . title defence. UU first error was immediately following the bell endlns the fight with Jersey Joe Vvalcott. Louli headed for the ropes a? Jf the ring wsw joins' to explode any second and he wanted to be amonir those absent. If he was befuddled, but he probably wasn't, there would have been some excuse for it, He must have known it would be a close decision and, if It went against him, the least he could ito wouid be In congratulate the r Iuwever. they did sympathize , k . , . . winner and new champion. He said he was disgusted with him-elf. which is understandable. But that dcesnt alter the fact he should have remained In the ling until the verdict was announced. He didn't sayjr an thing in his dressing room belittling Walcott. possibly because In belittling an opponent who "unauthorized" press releases m9V pmprp(. fr0m a rennpst duI rninn ronrprnini? the elevation ! had mven him such a battle and the authors or "ridiculous to' the Basketball Association of Jim Forman and Re Lavlgne, would make the ;hamnlon hlru-letters to the press which are j executive last night by a Port the High School's top players, "H look even worse. He Just be-continuously knocking basket- Edward team for admission into into senior circles. Jittlcd his own performance! And baU in Prince Rupert." tne intermediate league. Utah School manager Alex ,f h- needed any help In doing President Murray asked for, nlii Mid that he believed that 'ht there wr everal thtruiand the whole team would be win-1 spectators ready to volunteer. effect that "any member of the .td T! r;tUiul dita to move Into the senior Louis' ttaltmenU since then k""--. ""i4i.. .1, tn-v, cv, i -icaKuc dui mat me urasium "t " u-ujuv um hi mar to the press regarding basket ball be dealt with as soon as pos- sible by the executive if the ter proves to contain unfavorable publicity for basketball." In the discussion that followed, the members expressed in- uld have to be made by the jirtrr however. Mabe hr'i beta present intermediate league top-notchers, toward an inviu- PIaers themselves with ap-"bed to i.k nut Id a chme of A. M. Hurst.-j 'o fires Walcott tlon by the executive to move Proval Principal la aaMc to a up into the rarified air of the Senior League. Air. must urimiru uiui ui-j v.uun uriicumwr ui uie Rule III uld withhold his opinion until rxt meeting. If the Rainmakers decide to nrT "B" H.-v.- ....... .... uuu duui hc umn it n, will .r-c leave hn..vr , creastne aouDt as w ine wisaom "lu,c ujh, h. rtiH of the. motion and it was later a gap m me intermema e ranKs hp ,n favor Qf which could be filled by the Port withdrawn when it was pointed ,ayers ah(fad lQo out that the constitution of the Edward applicants and, pres- ,ckly association made provision for umably. everybody would be Jf Hlgh Schoo, doM moye lntQ disciplinary action in cases happy, the gn,or secttolli lt mlgnt a where hasketball's prestige Is Otherwise, Intermediate repetition of last year's league damaged by an association mem-. League representatives claim, pattern. Last season the stud-ber. admission of another team Into enls traiUferred to the Senior Root of the troble. according their league would over crowd League and ended by becoming to President Murray, was the the schedule to such an extent tne champions. However, this ttuicuii uiiu noonny eiie as ms next opponent, thus proving he fears no man, he says the nex! opponent doesnt necessarily have to be Walcott and mentions light heavyweight champion Gut Lesnevlrh as a possibility. Thats sheer hooey. It's a shame to see Louis a party to lt. So many thought that Walcott really won, that if Louis appearance m tne newspaper of WUU1" year's high school players are were to meet anyone else he 'derojatory write-ups" by per- chance to play more than once considerably younger than last would be accused of dodging sons who apparently claimed to every three weeks. year ; tne rightful challenaer. Louis be "experts" and yet who kept Nobody at the meeting, which The transfer would give the should have too much pride for their names out of print. was held In the Civic Centre Senior League four teams and that This isn't the Louis v "We want to be sure that the . ladies' lounge, had any objec- open up a gap in the Intermed- have come to know In the last persons wno maice mese aerog- lion 10 aamiiunp rori'bawara. jaie League wnicn could men De 30 years. The Louis we knew asked no questions about any I :i ONLY it 201 J Pa MORE PER CA5E lllll TYPEB m aSial (rwa Pride of the Pacific EQUAL IN QUALITY TO ANY IMPORTED ALES Order Early for the Holiday Season! COAST BREWERIES LTD. Vincouver New Weitmlntr Jl Victoria m.s aavemsement is not published or displayed by the" Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia exponent, belittled no opponent, ' dodged ho opponent. May bo he j Fhould hire himself a good pub- We fMaHrtna mnn n u. .iu jln the past, Just keep his mouth rhut. 1 MITCHAM. Surrev. EncrlnnH n. , -Handbells, formerly used to sound all clear after a "gas raid' during the war, have been 'sold to the Missionary Society for use in a Northern Rhodesia school. 8TOP AT Tit. Wnifnr(,ndCi M COLD W IN ROOMS Central i Sprini-FHWd "cauni Mittr FOIl Tim HF.ST IN AUTOMOTIVE StllVICE See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER . rt t - a - All ..."u,ck.. t.TrcV, """""""lie (1M c Trufk MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop I Ga TI'KRAM', U. (:. iaje LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTol l.umlicr .Manufacturers lA..U . .1 ""vm - Min, Aeents For Inlrrnalioml Harvester (o. Firestone Tire & Uubber to ltd I'lillro Radios Wlllanl Rattrrlrs t 1 . Why gvl Ctmtih? WP Dl IT kJCUS I irr . ivi hi-tt Lire IN OLD FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FITRNITUKB REPAIRS New t'phoMrry Malerlali Truck and Auto CuOiiom llrpairrd and Crtourri 110 Second Avenue (Nest to CITK) BLl'E M ASK ABOUT H I M ' C rrcmpt CKUMT TFKMS L U I I II J to Outv AttnU hidf On! CilLEIl) Scissors Razors Oy.vf.jO'J Table Knives Bread Knivn Pocket Knives Hunting Knive English Carving Sets THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD PHONE 101 ZSS Third A" GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alteratior Phone KED rGl WK DOCTOIt 8IIOF.S HI'IX TIIK.M ATTEND TO TIIEIIt II Y EI NO SAVE THEIR SOI.ES MAG SHOE HOSPITAL Cox 774 Second Ave P.O. Box . WINTERIZE 01 TBI1 rr.i l'ICK KEI.MP.IC M (all 1.V - V M" CITY TRANSF! First Avc;:uf Mc! NOW Recharge Battery, Tune Motor. Che Repair or Replace Those Worn 3 Chains) tins; Chance to Winter Grade Lub cation USE 1)0 IT NO IV AM' RUPERT MOTORS LTD Bulkley Valley ! COAL AND SAVE oit Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of & Your dealer can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES r.iL... LIMIT! i ciiv.wa, D.v