I (71 7 I or Children iirilling o Kectiive )nc of Our Lovelv Mirror. Hrush nnt! 'mh Sets. ooks FOR ALL AGES Lfrsi i i tion . . . lid' Williams .m mEVMAN" (Costaln) t.t WEST SIDE" (H1Uon 'i .Mil- aamui (Keyes) s OF DESTINY" (Bourne) .pitni i) IW.STIN (Fcuchtwanger) -pni- ' Of roXES (Shellabareen Tl i . UiKKESTOX CIIKONICI.E" (Brace) I "til "ii. uiikai (Duncani UUt tUSHOrS MANTLE" (Tumbull) ,Tll) viXO.N CHARM' (Wakeman) -Kill Hi TllE HAWK" (ODell) atrst General IVMi i s. A." fKl K (II Mll'' III nv DESTINY' 3k-' iLst of books for children of all ages. Hundreds of Titles in our Selection come nift. (Ounthert (Llebman) (du Nouy) I C to wrr tr n a C:XXXXtr.XXX:XXXXXXXXXXXKXXXtXXXK SUMMIT ICE CREAM FOR YOt'Il PARTY II ' (iooil, FRESH MADE and Delicious VALENTIN DAIRY I'lione C57 lfi Ji7Wmi 141 EVE ONE'S TASTE A ise Shoppers I Check . . 8! A Happy Toy . . . and an inspiration to any 8 is child ... a tuneful little $5 I'iano will he' a most wel- 8 'N'DREDS MORE IDEAL ITEMS TO jj :MPLETE YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST ,s Third West RKD -I0()J M I P()UT T,; KAI)U) Al.CTION, DEC 18, 19 AND 20" OTEL A QUIET, rLEASANT PIJICE TO LIVE fMPLETELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VBKMKN Local News Items . . . Any Xmas Donations for Mll-J Principal A. M. Huwt ot Bcoth i J. . ,!SP t?1 chlldren can be Memorial High School and Mrs. left at 349 Taxi lor free delivery, j Hurst arp sailing Friday on the (299) J catala to spend the Christmas C. A. Berner, C.N.R. divisional j holidays at Vancouver, superintendent, left on int. pvp- 5 jning's train for a trip to the in- g I terior as far as Jasper Park on I official inspection duties. ' r, Plenty of tasty, fresh doughnuts for everybody. That is our baking objective NOW! Orders taken for dances and parties-no order too large or too small. Prompt attention given out of town orders. Three Sisters Cafe, 353 Third Avenue West, Prince Rupert. Phone 306. (299) Ouests at yesterday's weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club wf re Jack Carson and Robert Crulckshank. President C. G. Ham was In the chair and there was a fair attendance of members. Next week the club will be having Its annual Christmas Tree luncheon. Notice to Ladies' League Bowlers All bowling will be cancelled for Christmas week 1 commencing December 22 and 2 New Year's week commencing 1 with December 29. Bowling will begin again the week commencing with January 6, 1948. See schedule in Daily News and Bowling Alley. (2951 N OTIC E All oil companies will be closed from December 25th to 28th inclusive. Imperial Oil Limited, llritlsh American Oil Company, Home Oil Distributors, Standard Oil of B.C. (298) On '(CI 'CiVl 'i ' Mrs. I. M. Carriss of the nursing staff at Miller Bay hospital is sailing on the Catala Friday to spend the Christmas holidays at Vancouver. A Joint meeting of Vessel-Owners and members of the Deep Sea Fishermens Union, will be held in the Deep Sea Fishermens Hall. Thursday Dec-' ember 18th, 7:30 p.m. This Is an Important meeting and all those interested in the Halibut fishing industry should attend. (It) Mrs. M. Campbell of the Prince Rupert Hotel staff is sayinj tonlgnt on the Prince Rupert to spend the Christmas holidays with friends In These Ideas fa I JWMl ITER STILL! COME IN AND LOOK :"UNO. YOU'LL FIND WONDERFUL ' W SURPRISES FOR EVERY MEM-!: OF THE FAMILY . . . FOR YOUR Hi! ENDS. In the Family Pack itxxxxxxxxxxx y y y y v V y y y y y y v v v y v X, y y y y y v v n y y y y y y y y y y Eliiobeth Arden'l Flower Mist is to perfume as the mist is to rain, and to Christmas, as tinsel to the tree. These five famous Flower Mists are fragrant guides to giving . . . and will lift her spirits tree-top high! Blue Crott Flawtr Mill ... 1.75 l 5.50 wilh atamiier . . . 2.50 gifuwroppad .... 2.00, 2.75 NtiHt Orchid, June Garanium and Carnation ... 1.50 and 2.50 Ift You . . . 2.50 Ormes mm CELEBRATING Slugging Joe DiMaggio of the New York Yankees Is shown with his son, Joe, Jr., six, at their New York hotel as they staged a two-man celebration of big Joe's selection as the most valuable player of the American League. Some time ago little Joe predicted that pop would win the Bruce Henderson of Barr and I coveted Judge Landls trophy. Anderson Co., which Is ceasing What could pop do? He Just operations In the city, Is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. He plans to continue on to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Main of Sunnyside are sailing on the Prince Rupert tonight for Van couver for the Christmas holidays. Jack Carson is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he will spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season visiting with his mother, Mrs. J. H. Carson. couldn't let Junior down. V y y y y y y y y v il V y y y y y y y v I y y y y y v w V y y y y y y ' y y y y y y y y y y I y y y y v y Timely Recipe Green Pea Timbale 1 10!-j ounce can condensed green pea soup 1 la cups miik 3 eggs Combine the soup and milk. Then add the eggs, slightly beaten. Turn into a buttered ring fold or custard cups and bake in a moderately slow oven (325 - 350 degrees F) until firm. Serve plain or with a creamed vegetable sauce. Especially suitable for Conscience gets a lot of credit that belongs to cold feet. "MIXES IN THE BEST CIRCLES" A Sparkling KuII-Flavorcd Product of the North Star Bottling Works your gui.ovA 15-Jewei Watches from . , !--50 UP 1, 2 and 3-Strand Pcdrls from 3.75 up Musical .Jewel and Powder Boxes . ..... 8.75 Cigaret Cases and Compacts L00 up Earrings and Pins from LOO up Father Edward Green O.M.I., ' 1, T . t . f 1 - one ui me young mail pnesis who recently arrived here from the Old Country, Is leaving next Monday night for Burns Lake where he will assist Father John Callihy O.M.I., the parish priest, during the Christmas season. Father Gerard Clenaghan O. M.I., will leave next Sunday on the Coquitlam for Stewart where he will minister to the parish during the Christmas season. IPSWICH, England Oj Alex Kemp, 18, married and a father, was bound over for 12 months for stealing a piece of coal valued at 6d. (10 cents). FUNERAL NOTICE McCORMICK In the city Wednesday, December 17, 1947. Georgina, aged 61 years, beloved wife of Mr. Peter J. Mccormick of 734 6th Ave. West. Rev. Father Carroll will hold Requiem High Mass at the Church of the Annunciation at 10 a.m. Friday, December 19. Remains will be forwarded by C.N. Railways to Vancouver Friday evening for Interment there. B.C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. Announcen.'enta All advertisements in tbls column will be charged (or a full month at 25 cents a word. S.O.N. business meeting, Friday, Dec. 19, 8 p.m. St. Peter's Y.P.A. Xmas Concert, Dec. 19 and 20, St. Peter's Hall. S.O.N. Christmas Dance, Mrs. Black and five-piece orchestra. Everyone welcome. Tickets at door. Civic Centre, Dec. 26, 9:30 till 2:00. S.O.N. Christmas Tree, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 30. 2 to 5. Refreshments and entertainment. Booth P.T.A. Jan. 21. Bosun Inn, 909 First Avenue West, Black 959. Fine food, ta-males, chili, barbeque fried chicken. Caterers large or small parties. Open all night. Orders i to take out. ' JELLO. Pkg. CP.OSSE - BLACKWELL'S ORIGINAL DATE AND NUT BREAD. 22C RAISINS Lb. JEWEL SHORTENING. Lb. NABOB TEA. Lb. 19c 32c $1 Remember We now carry a complete line of quality meats at reasonable prices. Poulsen Grocery & itleat Market (C. HOEKSTRA, Manager. Meat Department) Next to Postal Station U Sixth Avenue at Bridge Place your orders for free delivery any time. PHONE RED 141 afters 1 doz. Pts. $1.50 plus deposit ALE ORDER FROM YOUR GROCER HEADQUARTERS No Change in Our Prices on Diamond Rings Even Though There Will be a Shortage Owing to the Import Ban. Still Priced from $30.00 and up WF ST1I L OFFER YOU A THREE TO FIVE-DAY SERVICE ON WATCH REPAIRS COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE - JEWELLERY REPAIRS AND ENGRAVING ANSON'S rS -d.Opl-etrists M JeWf Sincere, Friendly Service MEMBER OP THE-CANADIAN JEWELLERS ASSOCIATION If y y gau-gy a v v v v r for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MEATS AND GROCERIES LEAN PORK SAUSAGE. Lb. POUK CHOPS. Lb. ROAST BEEF. Choice, tender. Lb. MEATY SPARE IMRS. Lb. SWIFTS PREMIUM BACON. Sliced, lb. PORK AND BEANS. Tin, 1 lb. 43c 47c 38c 35c 65c 20c 10c y a y k 1 y gtfiice JXuvttt paite J3eU)j Thursday, December 18, 1047 iwmrn Here's Comfort FOR HIS LEISURE HOURS . . . a pair of FINE SLIPPERS Make your selection from our complete stock ENGLISH FELTS, per pair $2.25 SOFT SOLE EVEKETS, per pair $-.93 and $3.50 HAM) SOLE EVEKETS- per pair $3.75 and $5.23 ROM EOS, both Zipper and Elastic styles per pair $4.50, $1.74 and $G.OO 4 PRACTICAL GIFTS . . . are always acceptable Fpn HIM Power and Carpenter Tools, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Goods. FOR HER Lamps, Dishes, Pressure Cookers, Electric Irons, Toasters, Mixers, Pyrex Ware. FOR THE YOUNGSTERS Ice Skates, Skis and equipment, Sleighs, Roller Skates, Wagons, Bicycles and Kiddie Cars. "SHOP EARLY" MtUrlde St., riiune 311 Si" a lVV.V.VMW.V.VW.V.SW.SV.V.W.V.,AT ;I We have a good selection of j FURNITURE j: made in our shop, such as 1 j. CABINETS BOOK CASES TABLES : .MAGAZINE RACKS DRYING RACKS . J ROCKING HORSES DOLL CRADLES in three sizes Ij I; Friday and Saturday, December 1!) and 20 Our display rooms in the Brooksbank Building on ! Third Avenue will be open all day Friday and Saturday, Dec. 19 and 20 'I Your last chance to purchase these locally-made $ furnishings and toys before Christmas N "If it is made of wood, we can build It to order" j! . j; FREE DELIVERY PHONE BLUE 610 CHRISTMAS GIFT Suggestions Elizabeth Ar.den Evening In Paris Adrienne" Max Factor Yardlcy Peggy Sage Cutex Tangce Bachelor WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OP OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GIFT SETS. Wc will hold any article till Christmas. No deposit required Ormes Drugs THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS' fXXXXXXXXX,'SXXXKKXX'-lXX'SXXXXXXXXXitXXXXXX!l y y y y y y y y A GIFT OF FISH Your friends will appreciate as a Christmas Gift a ten-pound carton of our Famous B.B. Brand of j ASSORTED SMOKED FISH J Shipped Express Prepaid in B.C.. ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN OR ONTARIO for $3.75 i Send your orders to the Jj Bacon Fisheries PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For Prince Rupert Seafood Products PLEASE PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY I' ii Pi lf SI