RDEN ..rt Horticultural ( AUH-'" Society catalogue oi flowers the list presented to n club by J. J. Payne des several species mat m w h sausivinn giun.' nther members of the tTS (J. rayne) or wniie nut, ivwn. available in both Q0lOle lvu,u 'k variety Ever?reen 111 V - n , If Prn re 1 or nvvn wivwo irlnr Dnps well . hut Vipavv or soil not suitable, comes pis. yu'F'w ......Jin fnl'ncrp Alycsum or Aiyssum ntnis. veuow Dios- mriiJUav Will bloom same season if oia seed This applies to . . r - If id auoreiia as wen auo nduces stronger iimn cj wowera nexi grev green foliage. Will or Evergreen rnuox called Moss Pink or , - i i n, Wimnial nnmp Ph!nY and Phlox amoena. of b!:om in May-June. ICI til V UU1 J Li J OUi 1 . Sfa Pinks or Armeria everg.een plants of nft-4 trrnwlh hpnrlnir t nfnt nr rnsn flna'prc kinds have longer stalks Jhtmsui'ablc for cnUlng. in almost any soil. i r r r- -1 J . 1 m. u many ui niese irum unl3 nne has a grecn- a cc!d frame it Is slmp- ut them from cuttings minn Thp HnrtliMiU. tv mav h:ivp a salp nf cors Mr Balaftno has e..i irern seca oui iney iarted from "corms". iir.i oecwrn piamea emone several vpars has never lifted them a tcck vail. IK A nAntnliii T T and must be lifted for storage Suitable for bcddlni If irrowth Is in warm greenhouse, uwul potted plants. Not kind of flower for the i,.,. i. la- vnnnn! trrnwn hv . . n " " ' wrf Must have a south Available! hit i.ri ii rw i : RED AND WHITE rv rr a i n i- j ri I AKfi AEQUO E cWHINNEY Company -niUiiiUVJ ill bating, n-l . Lawns. Etc. 4th Ave. r 0 rear of pioneer Laundry) "9 P.O. Box 142G s R. I. P. We regret the death of Bobby Houston and Stan Orvlk when the Prince Rupert halibut craft "Lorna II." blew up while refueling at the Home Oil dock. Han Knutsen, John Wick son of Ole Wick, Barney Berg and Elnar Magnusson had fortunate and narrow escapes from death In this regrettable accident. Both boys were among our readers and have often read of s'mltar tragic accidents, which appear lust as I tragic to the staff every time we have to pen a few poor words of sympathy to loved ones. How empty words seem In times, such as these. ern exposure. Western Fisheries Dahlias Seed or tubers. Many varieties and colors. All grow well here If given a rich soil and n, sunny position In the garden. Oallardla Perennial, 2-3 feet high, bright shades of yellow, orange and crimson, good cutting flower, blooms freely. Gladiolus Seed or Corms. Corms must be lifted for winter storage. Spikes of bloom unriv ailed Tor colors and beauty. Do best In sunny spot In well- drained, fairly rich soil. Peonies Beautiful flowers In June, decorative foliage, require rich, deeply-dug, moist soil Montbretlas 'Seed or Corms, Culture similar to gladioli. Iris, Japanese and Siberian Varieties Unlike bearded Iris. they require a cool, moist root- run which has been deeply cult! vated. Hollyhocks Perennial 6-10 ft high, single and double varieties m many colors. Like a sunny position sheltered from rough winds, and a rich soil. Cut down flower stalk In the fall and limit number ot shooti that appear .In i the spring to one or two. Mignonette Annual, insignificant but very fragrant spikes of bloof. A "lime" lover. Does best in semi-shade. Schizanthus or Butterfly FlowerAnnual, suitable for beddlnp. window boxes c potted plants. Covered with small orchld-like flowers, comes In many colors, remains ornamental for months. Astilbe or Herbaceous Splrea Decorative foliage, feathery plumes In shades of talmon, lilac. cerise, red and whltt. Likes very J. wet soil and, grows especially well here with little fussing over it. A native, white splrea grows along the highway and railroad tracks. 2-3 feet hiph. Hemerocallis or. Day Lily Another Ideal perennial for the amateur Prince Rupert gardener. Requires little attention, likes moist, shady position. Blooms are yellow, orange and bronze, during July-August 2-3 feet high. Lilies of the Valley Produce sweetly-scented sprays of white bells In profusion, II given a cool, moist root-run In a sllshtly shaded spot. Local News Items... Ello's Furniture Store will re open for business Monday, July Prince Rupert. (162) Mr. and Mrs. John Christen-sen left on last night's train on their way to spend a visit In Denmark which they have not seen In a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeJong and family, who have been on a trip to Holland, recently land ed on the east coast and are now crossing the country en route to Vancouver where they are due this week. Early next Miss A. D. Engelcke, public health nurse from MacKay, Alberta, after spending a week here visiting with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. II, Engelcke, left at the end of the week for Vancouver and Granite Falls, Washington, In the course of a holiday trip to the coast. gion war services In Edinburgh during the war and who is one of the founders of the Canada Club In that city, will address Canadian Legion members at the conclusion of the rfgular monthly meeting Wednesday night. Mrs. Smith will glee an account of war services activi ties of the Canadian Lesion in the Scottish capital. AIR PASSENGERS Outbound passengers yester day afternoon by Canadian Pac ific Airlines plane were W. La-plerre, E. Bernard, L. Crelghton and C. G. A. Jonnson for Sand- spit and Miss Jack, O. Heltieland, Miss B. Smith, J. J. Galbralth and Miss C. Chapman for Vancouver Arriving by plane Sunday afternoon were Flight Captain and Mrs. J. Black and two children, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gordon, Mrs Hipp, P. Strettor.. M. Brelmo and Capt. C. D. Brewster from Van couver. On Saturday arrivals from Sandsplt wre T C. Wilson, Miss Young and Mrs. Morris, FURS Sister Mary Lawrence and Sis ter Augustlna of St. Joseph's Academy sailed on the Coqult- lam this afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. ' Lawrence Eddy, who recently completed his high school term here, sailed on the Coqultlam this afternoon to Join his parents, Lieut. - Commander and Mrs. F. N. Eddy, In Victoria. William Bussey, well known Prince Rupert halJut skipper. received word recently of the week they are expected back ineath 'hJ? motl'1er' Mary WILL ADDRESS LEGION MEET Mrs. Florence Smith, who served as secretary and later as manager of the Canadian Le Bussey at ConceDtion Bay, New foundland, at the age of 86. Mrs. Curth Carlson and little daughter, Pat, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a month's holiday visit to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Ax Annual Picnic, Digby i Island, sponsored by Can K5Tadian Legion, Sunday 'afeJuly 13th. Boats leave 1 1t. of McBrlde 10 a.m. to 2 pm J Sports, Refreshments. Tickets on sale r.ow. uw Flight Captain James Black, reserve pilot for Canadian Pacific Airlines here, arrived In the city by air Sunday afternoon from Vancouver, bringing his wife and family who are taking up rest dence here. Barney Turbltt appeared in city police court Monday on two charges of supplying liquor to Indians and- was remanded without plea until Saturday. Ha was released on $300 ball. A. B. Brown is acting as defence coun sel. NOTICE ALL GARMENTS ordered from Modern Tailors before April 30, will be direct from 20TH CENTURY TAILORS PRINCE GEORGE, H.C. GEORGE QUAN Opening - Wed. July 9th Bill Scuby BUYERS SELLERS I 2 2 THIRD AVENUE SOMETHING THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT HAVE LONG WAITED FOR the Sensational Lawrolamb Coat Guaranteed Against Wind, Rain or Snow From $129.12 Other Opening Bargains! MUSKRATS, SQUIRRELS, SEALS, CONEYS AND FINE SELECTION OF NECKPIECES i ! We Remodel, Repair, Clean, Glaze (158) 5 r.v. VaV Near Flood After Water Main Break Residents of Fourth Avenue East were without water for several hours from midafternoon to late last evening following the breaking of a main at the corner of Cotton. There was a great gush of water which broke through the surface of the street and flooded at least one basment before the torrent was stopped by the turning off of the supply Into the main. Several waterworks men were employed digging up the street and replacing the broken pipe. 20 Announcements All aavcrrBeinrmB ra tnu corumn wUl be ehargeo lor a full month tt 3S word. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct 30. (166) Baptist Sale, Nov. 6. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. Orange Sale, December 5. Plenty of Sugar On Thursday Next Plenty of sugar has become available since Thursday, according to the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. On that date, seven coupons become valid, Five of these coupons Y6, Y7, Y8, Y9 and Y10 comprise the second Instalment of canning sugar. Coupons , S54 and S55 will also be good on that date. One more coupon, S56, will become valid on Thursday, July 17. G. E. Butchart of Smlthers is sailing by the Coqultlam this afternoon on a trip to Vancou ver. HAY FEVER Relief hsu been won q. P-kly, safely by tbounndt who once luffered from tore, itrcamine, irritated eyes, itchy ears, and who sneezed and wheezed, couibed, choked, spluttered every year. Now they sleep, work, feel normal -thanks to Tempi-ton's RAZ-M All. You needn't suffer Hay Fever misery. Take RAZ-MAM and i-t the relid you long (or. SOc.ll at druggists. R-19 "SALAM (Mm TEA DRESSES BRIGHT ! NEAT! AIRY! For Summer For Afternoon ROSA LADIES' m Prints, Crepes . Linens, Jerseys - LEE WEAR 345 THIRD AVENJE WESV SHINGOLEEN Shingoleen beautifies and preserves new and old shingles and jives a lasting: protection against ever - changing weather conditions. We have it in one and five-gallon cans and several different colors. ASK FOR A COLOR CARD THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third Avenue PHONE 101 For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CUOP SUEY CHOW ME1N 7:00 am to 11:00 pm. FILMS Superpan Press Films Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies rrompt Mall Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box M FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS DRESS SHOES ' RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 824 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 f Prince Rupett Dalit? &tn$ Tuesday, July 8, 1947 Phone 21 Third Ave. West Ormes Terrace Club SPORT j JACKETS O Attractive Tweeds and Plain Color Polo Cloth-tailored by Fashion Craft. Smart, practical and reasonably priced, these jackets are sky-high in t, quality and value. Priced y from I $20 - $40 0 I I I 1 B H Hsfl flllLllllIll nJf M 1 1 We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN O Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Here Is A BIG CHANCE To Get Your Furs Now! Some selling at Half Price. Come in and convince yourself of the REAL BARGAINS GOLDBLOOM'S "The Old Reliable" (Everything has to be sold, Including furniture). Drugs The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service ) .... ... i nl 1 HO I tOX ljuo corner uu f,c. uu im PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DELCO HEAT OIL BURNERS for your furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS now in stock Large Stock of numbing Supplies Why not have a Typewriter You Can Own One On Easy Payments We sell the latest Smith Corona fitted in a handy carrying case. This case cai be removed and used as a week-end bas J' Dther conveniences are: STANDARD KEYBOARD FLOATING CUSHIONED SHIFT TOUCH SELECTOR BUCK SPACER AUTOMATIC RIBBON REVERSE Prices run from $70 to 95 on terms f 'in