V 1 G r;f- AbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVb ! n a a B D a D n a a B B B B B B B a a a a a a a a a a a a a i ptfntc Uupcrt Dailp )3ctos Tuesday, July 8, 1947 EFFICIENCY HAS REWARD AUna Hoen of New York Is a very efficient person. If not, she wouldn't be enjoying herself for three grand days" at famed Jasper Park Lodge up the Cana- ii ; dian Rockies. Her original va- 9 iOiBBBBBCrBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl EH ' IdB ill s nil FORMER C.P.R. MAN REVISITS T hardly recognized the waterfront. Changes have certainly been numerous," remarked P. I, Peters, a fornv.T resident of Prince Rupert, shortly after arrival of the Princess Adelaide last evening. Mr. Peters, It will be recalled by many local old 11 . 11 I V .lii., v... ti-j . umcti., was m uie cmpuy m uk r$ lrr' "" " ICP.R. in Prince Ruprrt for years di wecKS wiui relatives in oaiu- more. bui Annas competency Chanced all that and the two weeks at Baltimore will be only ; part of a seven-week holiday. , Back in 1929 a thoughtful and wealthy depositor of the City Bank Farmers' Trust Company, New York, established a trust fund from which each accumu lated $1,000 was to be awarded : to the most efficient employee ! of the firm. Miss Hoen is just Jhat. Selected by the company Itself, she is latest employee to win the award. "j A proviso Is that the money must be used for vacation pur- j ; poses and suggests Europe If possible. Alina, however, wanted I to see Canada's Golden West. A 1 Canadian National Railways pas- -senger agent drew up an itinerary and she boarded the Mon-' treal train at New York June 9. From Montreal she crossed Canada to Vancouver. A quick change there and she was on the steamer for Alaska. Then back again and by rail to Jasperand her only remorse. Even a dream holiday is no perfect. Her short stay at Jas-e Park Lodge ends soon and Miss Hoen is not happy. "I can't see how anything before me can be as nice," she says but realizes that last -minute changes In travel plans are disrupting and will keep to her schedule until July 28, bowing to efficiency. s . On that day. the charming and attractive vice-president's secretary will have to turn her able mind once more to business. Unfortunately for her and, while he has been back since, a considerate time has elapsed since his last visit. Construction and operation of the cellanese pHnt at Port Edward, he feels, will be of first importance In development of city and port. ARE OCCUPYING KING'S COTTAGE JASPER On their second visit to Jasper Park Lodge, the Governor-General and his party are occupying Outlook Cottage which ' commands a magnificent view of the surrounding peaks and in which, during their visit to Jasper while touring the Dominion, stayed Their Majesties, the King and Queen. The Alexander children Rose, Shane and Br:a.i are also familiar with their holiday ground because of their stay here last summer. This time, the children j have a new playmate, curly-haired little Peter Smith, a rriend of the family who accompanied them on the trip. For the vacation the Governor General has marie no day-to-day schedule but for them during the next ten days there will be motoring, walking, swimming in the heated Lodge pool and a variety of other occupations to make their visit an enjoyable one. A skilled golfer and membtr of the Hole-In-One Club, therp is little doubt that Viscountess Alexander will nlay the picturesque 18-hole course and His Excellency, an avid nainter, has planned a trip to the Maligne though, she Is not eligible for . District to capture Its beauty and a second award. 'charm with brush and easel. What's All This Talk of Higher Prices? COMPANION tf&rfgk jFfes, JtS Shavinp Cream (JOtf i Hair Tonic $1.00 jftW'E Creme-Oil Hair V"W WJKW r m iiair oil 750 COLONIAL CLUB SHAVING LOTION After-Shave Talc .... 4 , mlrror M tH. ,, Deodorant (JOd ColonUIClub Lotion broughtto your tkin. How fin your fcfI! Tryil. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY (E. C. Wallace, Manager) Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 71) "l ANGLO-SOVIET AMITY The men who guide the destinies of their respective nations may not always agree with each other, but these two youngsters, children of United Nations ofllcials are in perfect accord as they enjoy a day together at Steeplechase Park, Coney Island, N.Y., amusement centre. The children are Roy Stephens of Devonshire, 'Eng. whose dad Is Renold Stephens of the United Nations documents department, and Eugenia Safonov of Russia, whose father is Dmitri Safonov of the U.N.'s radio division. , Here they partake of hot dogs and soda pop, which they share. Clown Angelo Brienza locks on. Fishing industry on the Pacific Coast is entirely strike-free today. All types of fishing are now fair. The last dispute was that involving some halibut fishing boats which had left for the No. 3 grounds without signing up with the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union. These have since signed up. With a capacity list of 106 round trip tourists, Union steamer Chilcotin, Capt, Alex McLen IDBBGESBSBBBBIBI Everything Is Under Control Though government controls have almost all been removed for some months, we are very proud to announce that our price average throughout our stores has not changed. Some prices have risen a little but, to offset these rises, other prices have gone down. AND BETTER NEWS STILL, ACTUAL QUALITY IS MUCH BETTER THAN BEFORE. - Yes! Things Are Definitely Under Control At Rupert Peoples Store Wallace's Department Store Rupert Men's & Boys' Store CENTRAL HOTEI Weekly and Monthly Rate for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) fHONI II SHIPS AND WATERFRONT nan, arrived in port at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, sailing at 6 p.m. for Ketchikan via Portland Canal whence she is due back here this evening for a brief trip southbound. The Chilco tin's weekly cruise appears to be get ting Increasingly ' popular. Of yesterday's tourists, seventy-nine were American. The smart-looking new mission boat "Messenger III," for service on the west coast of Vancouver Island has been placed in commission by the Shantymen's Christian The freighter Hawaiian, which ' called here to load tugboats built j in Ontario for delivery to Indo-J I China, arrived in Prince Rupert from San Francisco. Had the j vessel sailed from San Francisco J i for Indo-Chlna, without ever I coming here, it would nevertheless, have meant considerable Jj voyaging toward the north. (There was relatively little time lost in making the call here. Two liners of the Canadian Pacific Railway's British Columbia Coast Steamship Service were in port yesterday. The Princess Louise, Capt. P. L. Leslie, arrived at 10 a jn. from Vancouver, sailing at noon for .Skag-way and other Alaska points whence she Is due back here Saturday afternoon southbound. Practically all of a capacity list of passengers were round trip tourists and none disembarked here. Last night at 9 o'clock the Princess Adelaide, Capt. William Hubenet, arrived from Vancou ver, sailing at midnight on her return to Vancouver and way points. There was the customary large list of tourists on the Ade laide and they made the, most of what was left of the day. The United States battleship Iowa, which spent, almost a week at Vancouver, sailed from there yesterday with but little space to spare between the top of her masts and the bottom of the harbor bridge. While in port, it was necessary for her to keep two times daylight saving, In deference to Vancouver, and standard, or official. Classified Advertising Pays! If your bulldlns, house or furniture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers now I H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Street NEW HOME FOR B.C. NEWSPAPER SALMON ARM The Salmon Arm Observer will have a new home. This newspaper has let the contract to Grabler-Webber and Allan. The building wNJ be 172 by 45, one and two floors, 1 concrete tile, with a cement foundation and partial basement. The main floor will contain the newspwer office, and accomodation for a modern store or offioc, with the rear taken up by jab printing. The upper floor can be rented for offices. Fish Popular In Restaurants Here Judging from what local restaurant men say. the enjoyment of fish is pretty general among their patrons. They are Vsh-consclous and eat it fried, baked, boiled, steamed. 4 t Pioneer Japanese Succumbs In South There died recently at Christina Lake, In the Cascade country, 34-year-old Hideo Fukuya, who was born and brought up at the Premier mine. He lived in and around Stewart until he was fifteen, later moving with his family to Vancouver. He was quite an athlete. He died from the effects of heart disease. SENTENCED FOR DRUNK DRIVING In city police court Monday, Robert McFarlane was sentenced to seven days in jail and had his drivers' license revoked for three months when he was found guilty of a charge of driving while intoxicated. RCA VICTOR Leads Again PRESENTING Classified Advertising Pays! kjiBBBBBBB? SjSiJU IbSBKeSsBBBBBBBBBBBSBiBv THE LITTLE MASTER RADIO New Advanced Styling in Plastic Cabinets. Your choice of Ivory or Walnut. Highly selective 5-tube Superhetrodyne Circuit. New Elliptical Speaker and Magic Loop Antenna. Operates on 110 AC or DC. THE BIGGEST LITTLE PERFORMER IX THE LOW PRICE RANGE Ivory Cabinet $35.95 Walnut Cabinet $31.95 "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert" JOHN GURVICH has returned to the CONTRACTING BUSINESS No Job Too Large No Job Too Small EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND CLEARING PHONE 22 For Your 'Eating Pleasure roa Chinese Dishes "TAKE 'oar Hours: 7 A.M. to 1:30 A.M. SIXTH STREET way e (Formerly Boston Cafe) THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND AFTERNOON TEAS Chow Mein Chnn 1- j OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME PHONE 200 I TODAY AND WED. MARK HEIUNGER , L fntm j HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and OH Burners PHONES: Green 488 Red 894 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Oreen 391 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING . Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 271 tf It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and vonrsplr fnliv insured while I do the work.) JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 CALL MATINEE WED. 2:jq EVENING 7:00. 9;02 CAPITOL Business and Professional , J. P. MOLLER ' PHONE BLUE 15S 124 4 th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING " HELEN'S . BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all Its branches. 208 4th Street '. Phone 655 PRINCE RUPERT TlftTTl .P PHI I Unn... i iuu vvijuta X IIP ana PHONE RED 418 GEORGE L. R0RIE rumic iccuuukmib, Auaitar Besner Block - Phone Jfl , BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood Baeju. Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Oreen 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corura ucsiKiis ruuea nana Bulbs Seeds - MODERATE PRICE.T -Prompt attention to mall orit triMFC M17.WC CT A Vfi Eastern and Western Paptn Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKE) Sixth Street KM L. BOLAM Phone Blue 325 720 Sixth Avenue West Painting, Paperhanging vi I Window Cleaning Serving the Fisheries Industry! Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labellinr, lYtirhinjl BLUE ?92 POft PROMPT mi IFFiaiKT UEI COLUMBIA OPTICAL CdlP MBHHKIM03MLU REPAIR AND RECONDITION YOUR HOME THIS SUMMER! GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Phone RED 561 p.o. Box TZl SPECIAL BATHROBES Outstanding Value Maroon, Brown and Navy Blue Small, Medium and Large Reg. $15.00-THIS WEElC $10.50 Acme Clothing 633 3rd Ave. W. STORE Phone SEE US FOR ALL IIEQUIKEMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all jypes of prints wo Everything In high-cliss stationery. Cards for every occasion Fountan Tens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY uESNEH DtiOCK THUD AVENUE