i r t X t I I r i i I w Iprfnrc Rupm Daflp rectos Thursday, August 14, 1947 I Canning Corner! When a quick dessert is called for, there Is nothing better than 'canned fruit. Served plain with cake or cockles. It Is always satisfying. On the other hand If something a little more elaborate -f is needed, canned fruit forms the base cf delicious pies, puddings and sauces. So if one has the storage mace, the home economists of the Consumer Section, Dominion Department cf Agriculture, suggest "canning what you can." Following are their directions for canning one of the favorite fruitr peaches. Being a sweet fruit, peaches need only a thin or md?ratelv thin syrup. Thin syrup is wde in Jhe proportion ! " oi l cuo su?ar to i cups water yield, 2VS. cuds syrup); moderately thin syrup, 1 cup sugar to lVz cups water (yield, 2 cups syrup). Hot Pack JPeaches Blanch peaches 15 to 60 seconds in hot water to loosen skins. Cold dip., Cut in half, remove skins and pit. Drop peaches into brine '1 teaspoon salt to 1 quart Drain, leave in halves and water) as thev are prepared, to prevent discoloration. Drain, Leave peaches in halves or slice and drop into hot syrup, bring to boil and simmer 3 minutes. Pack hot (placing peach halves cupe down) in clean, hot sealers. Cover with the hot syrup leaving Vi inch headjpace. Adjust rubber rings and tops. Process in 'th boiling water bath 15 minutes for ptntsa nd quarts, or in an oven with an automatic heat cemtrol for 25 minutes, at 275 degrees F . for pints and quarts. Cold Tack Peaches . Blanch peaches 15 to 60 sec ond- in hot water to loosen GOODNESS "These Shreddies sure taste good, Mummy!" That's what young folks think of these delicious spoon-size morsels. And mothers know that Shreddies help build strong, healthv bodi es too. TtimV 1 r I . ma ae irom wnoie wheat, , anu ,au tne otner good parts of Nature's best food, fie sure to have Shreddies for breakfast tomorrow. They're ' J - -J - . . with the precious wheat eer erra - li After school treat Out of school and into the box of Shreddies. Handy to carry in the pocket crunchy Shreddies are great for afttr-noon appetites. skins. Cold dip. Cut in half and remove skin and pit. Drop the peaches In brine (1 teaspoon salt to 1 quart water) as they are prepared, to prevent discoloration. pack cups down, or slice and pac kin clean hot sealers leaving 4 inch headspace. Adjust rubber rlnfss and tops. Process in the boiling water bath 20 minutes for pints and 25 minutes for quarts. The oven is not recommended for Cold Pack Peaches. In Ethiopia, butter is used as a hair dressing. The Experts Say " VEGETABLE COSTUMES It's the fashion this season to own a vegetable garden and when it comes to meals, home economists know exactly what the well-dressed vegetable should wear. Just because French dressing is easy and palatable, there's no leason why tomato dressing, mayonnaise, or Thousand Island dressing, cannot be used occasionally on a plain lettuce salad. Croutons those small cubes of bread which haye been well dried and browned in the oven mike an interesting addition to texture and flavor of a lettuce cr mixed green salad. Cooked vegetables also often are improved if fussed up a bit. Butter is the all-round favorite, but during rationing bacon fit became a desirable substitute and it's use should be continued. It adds flavor to vegetables such as marrow or green beans. Horseradish, mustard, nutmeg, and paprika, added to cress :auce, give it new piquancy. A teaspoon of honey added to melted butter brings out the SbrtJJies us rrghttre trtJi murk twntj in Canait hj THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD . NIAOABA AllS, CANADA Seasonable GET ACQUAINTED WITH SQUASH -MAY BE SERVED IN MANY WAYS If the squash family had a reunion picnic such as many clans have each summer there would be a large attendance. It would include all edible varieties of gourds, vegetable marrows and pumpkins as well as all shapes and sizes of other green and yellow varieties. Squashes are also classified as "summer and winter" squashes according to whether they are early maturing and used when under ripe r late maturing which may be stored for winter use. Many people are unfamiliar with summer squashes or have eaten vegetable marrow when it was watery and tasteless and, therefore do not try any of the many delightful ways in which this vegetable may be served. Summer squashes differ a good deal in shape and color but the I flavor and texture is about the same. mall summer squash of the patty pan, or zuchinnl, yellow sweet flavor of tender young carrots or baby beets. Here is a sauce which may be used on lettuce or vegetable salad and is especially good with cold meat: Cucumber Sour Cream Dressing: Two six-inch cucumbers (approximately Hi cups chopped) one-half cup sour cream; one-half teaspoon salt; two tablespoons vinegar; few drops spicy meat sauce. Pare cucumber, chop and draiif, whip cream, add season ings and cucumber. Blend well. Yield: approximately 2', cups. BEAN DELICACIES Beans may be deliciously good, tender, slightly crisp cool green, or a bright clear yellow, If properly cooked. Young crisp beans will snap when broken. Withered, rusty colored, or spotted beans, I can never be turned into a good dinner dish. I Many a housewife has her I own ideas on how beans should j be cooked, but generally the "French cut" thin lengthwise slices are preferred by epicures. But no matter how beans are cut they are best cooked in about one inch of salted water until tender crisp. French and cross cut beans require less time than wlien snapped cr whole. At this time of year gardens usually are yielding a heavy crop of beans. Should the family tire of them served the same way every day, home economists suggest a number of variations. A few chopped chives, or green onion tops, added Just before removing from the fire, will bring out theflavor. One tablespoon of mustard to one cup of white sauce gives a zest which adds to the flavor of either green or butter beans. More Displaced Persons Coming FRANKFURT, ? Eight hundred displaced persons from camps in the British and United States zones of Germany left Bremerhaven for Canada Monday on the 18,000-ton United States steamer General M. B. Stewart, according to Dena, the German news service In the American zone. SINKS, Ik BATHS TILES, TRIPLE ACTION p ERFEY THC JMHJSBNOiO WMK SAVIK DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Aretis 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist II, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing Box 78 Prince Rupert, B.O. Ideas for Housekeepers crook neck types, no not require peeling but as they develop the skin becomes hard and should be removed. Heme economists offer the fol lowing recipes which are well worth trying. Squash and t'epper (Casserole Peel and cut marrow ar .squash into half-U?h slices. Cut green pepper into thin rings. Arrange in layers in a greased casserow, sprinkling each layer with salt, pepper and a little onion salt. Top with bread crumbs, dot with ; butter or other fat, oover and bake In a moderate oven, 350 rierrees F., about 35 minutes. Remove cover and continue bak- ln? abcut 10 minutes longer or until crumbs are brown and vegetables tender. Stuffed Vegetable iMarrow Cut a small marrow, in half lengthwise and remove seeds. Place marrow halves on a greased baking sheet and fill with tHe following mixture. 2 cups soft stale bread crumbs 1 1 small onion, chopped ' teaspoon salt ''o teaspoon popper Vt teaspoon poultry seasoning 2 tablespoons chopped parsley j MARRY AT 17 IT'S NATURAL LONDON, (CP) Seventeen is the natural age to marry, Dr. i. Macallster Brew, 34-year old woman physician, told London) youth group leaders' but today it is not the thing." 'Our Victorian great-great grandparents married early and had fine bundles of children, and they were happy," the doctor said. "The best age, physlclogl-cally, for girls to have babies is fbetween 19 and 21." SLOW BUTfiUME A camel walks at about the rate of two and one-half miles an hour. 2 tablespoons melted fat Bake for' one hour in a moder ate oven, 350 degrees P. Six servings. Squash Casserole 3 sliced summer squash Zuchinni or other small varieties 2 tablespoons flour. 1 teaspoon salt Pepper Arrange sliced summer squash and sliced onions in alternate layers, sprinkling each layer with flour, salt and pepper. Cov er and bake at 350 degrees F., until tender, about' 30 minutes. Six servings. BUYS ahd WHYS r tjgg A wttlfy tdftrtiiing inJ information writ far todif't wemtn ' The cold winds of winter may eem far off Just now but you'll be startled at the way the weeks slip by, and how soon the days begin to grow short and cool. That's why now is the time to plan your winter clothes budget. It you'll be wanting furs, fabrics, or fine clothes, then open a Savings Account now at the BANK OF MONT. REAL! It's simplicity itself -and such a gooi Idea! For money in a, B of M Savings Account not only tarns interest but is available whenever you want it. So open your Winter Wear Account tomorrow . . . any member of the B of M's stafl will be glad to assist you! MANY HAPPY RETURNS of this mid-summer day to little Sue who's celebrating her fifth birthday with a party! There's the excitement of preparation" around the house and in the garden and in the midst of it the man from the store . . . bringing lots of the family " Fresh Up", 7-Up! Cheerful 7-Up is just right for children's parties . . . bubbly and gay and thirst-rmtnrhins! It's the family favourite with every one from Small Sue to Big Sill . . . and no wpndesr! It's the famous "FRESH UP" drink ... a delicious treat at any time! S3 fist mm 1 SH SALAl t&tYEKS Alii: TUE THING , . , they're the good thing for summertime evenings when any number of guests drop 'round at mealtime. Serve your salad suppers buffet stvle in the earden or the living room . . . to mate your salad 'dressing with MAZOLA . . . lik.e this 1 and be sure delicious FRENCH Place in a DRESSING . . . tightly covertd Jar and shake well ... 1 cup Mazola, H cup cider vinegar, 1 leaep. salt, 1 tcasp. sugar. 1 teasp. dry mustard, H t'easp. paprika, dair cayenne and a few drops Wwcrstcrshlre Sair;e. Shake each time before nerving wl jour guetts will all agree your salad dressing is delicious n, -de the MAZOLA way! YOUR WELL-STOCKED CUfBOAUl) ... of CF.RTO-made Jams and Jellies is the envy of your friend . . . its the prie supply of your neigh Lorhood! Completely delicious your Jams and Jtlliea take less tune and work to mako. . . and 'u tt fifty perwpt llOBE hen you make them with CERTO, the twnvus fruit pectin! With CERTO, the b.oiluif tiiuc so tbort that you lose very little of the precious iuice in steam and the natural taste and colour of. jour J"rUit is retained. There's no guesswork to Jarq-'n-jelly-making.lf you follow exactly the tesUd recipei U tt tfookUt under Jhe Jfchel of -ery CERTO bottlel NEW ENGLISH CHINA Cups and Saucers $1.00 to $15.00 FOR THE LATEST IN JEWELRY MANSON'S "YOUlt FKIENDLY JEWELElt" ARRIVED! . . . the BENDIX Automatic Home Laundry "The Housewife's Dream" ALTHOUGH FIRST SHIPMENT IS SOLD, FURTHER MACHINES ARE EXPECTED WITHIN THREE WEEKS PLACE YOUR WAME ON OUR WAITINO LIST - - ..... : MHBri THIS NEW jP 3 4 WONDERFUU NE W BLEND HERE Improved Chases Sanborn thrills Coffee lovers ! Chase & Sanborn CoTee has been a big favorite with Canadians for many years. Jlut now the makurs of Chase & Sanborn have created an even finer new blend. It's even richer, mellower, and more deeply satisfying than the coffee which has made Chase & -Sanborn a Dominion wide success! Order Chase & Sanborn today. You'll love ill You'll call it the finest coffee you ever tasted! V SINGER Electric Sewing Machines For Kent Reasonable Rates JPhone 864 Prince Rupert 4 J Singer Sewing Machine Co. 4 Af)ii Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL We Berve You Notliln Hut the Uest . Kl'hClAL KK.1) HltAMI Htt.f CHOICEST VE(HrrAHI.E8 AND FRUITS COMrLLTE LINK OF (iKOCERIES DKL1CATKSSF.N Cholcrst Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West SAVOY HOTEL Carl. Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Iloz 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Rrroverrd Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE ULUE H1H FAMOUS RUPERT FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed bt CANADIAN FISH & COLD ! PRINCE RUPERT Company Litnilrd cl For tjie Ladies . COSMETICS COMBS AND MANY OTHER BEAUTY --.. u... ...-. CURLERS BOBBY r HAIR N AIDS AT