IZES RIDES erry-Go-Kound wing to be held Sat., August 23rd base Admission Tickets, Three for $1.00, giving you 100 i (or your choice for Port Day Queen, and a .chance, to win. any of these prizes: cial Events ge Show : ; Boxins Tournament RIDES to every Port Day Ball Ferris Wheel Chair-o-Plane RIDES printe Rupert Dnilp nietos Thursday, August 14, 1947 orthern British Columbia Agricultural Association CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL Civic Centre Grounds, Prince Rupert AUGUST 16th t SEVEN BIG DAYS 23rd of FUN and FESTIVAL First Prize: Westinghousc Electric Refrigerator Value $2o5.00 Second Prize: All Expense Holiday Value $200.00 (Via CP Airlines Rupert, Vancouver, Return and Hotel and IMeals for Ten Days) Third Prize: Philco Radio-Phonograph, Automatic Player Value $135.00 Fourth Prize: Moffatt Handi-Chef Value $ 35.00 Fifth Prize: Toastmastcr, Automatic Electric Toaster Value $ 25.00 and TEN OTHER PRIZES Value $15.00 or more each, including FLOOR LAMPS, WAFFLE IRONS, and PRESTO COOKERS,-Etc. . - Night Coronation Ball - - Reptile Show f Games and Old : : Bingo-Good Prizes and Fun for All : : Hot Dogs : : Pop : : Ice Cream : : Tea Room lisit the Big Top and Midway : New Funfest Features : Special Attractions DAY DANCE Thursday, August EN OF THE DANCING EVERY NIGHT OWNING Coronation Ball, Friday, August 22 ER and HORTICULTURAL SHOW KtfcSttEiS PORT PRINCE RUPERT'S OWN CIVIC CENTRE Km A: 'Ml i: