3uy Christmas S This appeal sponsored by eals - &. -iff V- KINSMEN CLUB OF PRINCE RUPERT Reminiscence's By w.J. and Reflections The late John Houston was the epahdirrg ftiinds that which is first man ever to stake a claim at so absolutely false. No one Prince Rupert but the last thing hears of him, today and rightly he thought of was prospecting ' so. The youngsters would have He had quite different matters in hone of It, and their parents felt mind, What old John never, never dreamed of was the coming of a time when, with Prince Rupert a sizeable city, dozens of citizens would be staking claims right in town. Hang it, man, hadn't they seen gold and silver right underneath their rubbers? What were they waiting for? A year or so ago an Odd mortal won free newspaper spade when he kept telling children that Santa Clans does not exist. He strengthened his -arguments, mainly for the consideration of matureness, by emphasizfng that it Is harmful to Impress on k-kD CFPR 1240 kilocycles (Subject to change) -- SATURDAY P.M. '3:30 NfiC Symphony 'Orch. 4:30 Here's to Romance 5:00 Music of the Americas 5:30 Platter 'Chatler 5:45 Sports 'college 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Elevenses 11:15 Remlnlscen 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert P.M. 12:00 Recorded Program 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Int. 1:00 The Coheert Hour 1:30 AfterhoOn Recital 1 :45 Commentary and Club Clinic 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Songs to Sernember 2:45 Don Messer's Islanders 3:60 Varieties In Music 3; 15 Mirror for Women 3:3d Dlvertmento the same way. Santa Claus! Gen 6:00 CBC News ncur..: 'C:05 Recorded. fc:15 Musette .Time 8:30 Comedy On Parade 6:45 According to Record 7:00 Song Festival 7:30 Organ Music 7 : 45 This "week, Wpg. 8:00 Sat. Night Serenade 8:30 Old lime Rhythm 9:00 Saturday Night Dancing Party 9:30 Chamber Music Trio 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Dance Orch. 10:30 Harry James 11:00 Weather forecast and Sign Off SUNDAIt--AM. '8 r'jO Concert Album 9:00 BBC News and 9il5 Sohgiand Slngerg . :loHTrmony "Harbour, Hal '9:59 Time fa.gnal 10:6o B.C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 The Way of the Spirit 11:00 CEO News 11:03 Capitol Reports Ott. 11:30 Religious Period-Tor. PM. 12:00 CBS Symphony Orch. l:30-Church of the Alt 2:00 Musical Program 2:30 CBC- News 2:33 John Fisher Reports 2:45 Weed-end Review 3:00 Music for Sunday 3:30 Wealher Forecast 3:35 T.B.A. 4:30 English Favorites 5:00 Record Album 5:30 Music In Three Quarter Time 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Songs 6:30 Familiar Music 7:00-Stage 48 S:'dO Readers Take 6er 8:30 Music by Eric Wild 9:00 Casslcs for -Today 9:30 Vesper our 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Canadian Place Names 10:30 Prelude to I:icnlght 11 :00 Weather and slsn off ann. MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8.15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert . 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10: 15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time erosity! Kindness and laughter! A little nonsense now and then! Perhaps if we had had more of it, and less solemnity and deadly Serious attitude tdday's world would not be in the mess that it is. Eastern Canada Is full of persons whose ideas of the coast are grotesque. And it Is doubtless triie enough that In British-Columbia can be found many whose kn'Owle'dge o'f the older provinces dan 'invite criticism. And this, when there "was he'ver a time that the art of publicity Had attained, in so many different ways such a pinnacle of skill and resources or when travel was more comfortable. The war sent the sons and daughters of Canada overseasand to the ends of the earth. They were removed from countless ruts, and old home scenes with a vengeance. But to tens of thousands more, much of i their native land remains an un-j known country or practically ! SO. Civic P.M. at Centre TODAY SPOUTS P.M. 2:00 Adult Badminton MONDAY A.M. 9f00 Booth School Physical Education Class. P.M. 1:00 Booth School Physical Education Class 2:30 King Edward Schdol Physical Education 'Class. 4:00 High School Junior Girls Basketball 5:00 High School JuVenlle Boys Basketball Practise 6:00 BO-Me-Hl Girls Basketball Practise. 7:00JPeoples Store -Basketball Practise. 8:00 Rup-Rec Ladies Keep Fit Class. 8:00 Morgan's Basketbadd Practise. 9:00 Savoys Basketball Practise. SPECIAL EVENTS P.M. 8:00 Band Practise. 8:00 Junior Chamber Public Speaking Group. USEFUL OIL Tung oil, used In paint for bat tleships, also goes Into brake lin ings and fabric waterproofing. YOUR NEWSPAPER . s i the most efficient medium through, "which advertisers sell their goods. Take advantage of it) 3,006 subscribers: oVer 10,000 readers. THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE PvUPERT Third Ave. Phones 98 - 86 Admiration will be yours when jour hair is set by our experts. Soft, lovely curls . . , to delight and tlatler you. PHONE 655 , Helens Beauty Salon 206 Fourth Street D jt?rfftf i iiiiytit bill 1 tj faclns Saturday, November 22, 19$7 . - , EASTERN STAR DANCE ENJOYED Moonlight Waltzes and Novelties Featured Moonlight waltzes and novelty dances were featured at th: dance held Friday night in the Civic Centre auditorium under ifwnsorshlp Of the Eastern Star lodge. A large crowd attended the function, dancing to music by the Four Dukes orchestra.' TVm hall was riprorated in Rlvett, Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star chapter. A popular sidelight was ' the singing by Mrs. Ralph Smith of the songs "Alide Blue 'Gown" and. "When Apples Grow on Lilac Trees." She was accompanied by i Andy McNaughton at the piano. Master of ceremonies was Aiex Mitchell. George Dawes was in charge of the door. Buffet refreshments were served during the evening. The committee in charge .consisted of Mrs. George Peters, convener: Mrs. F. M. Kemnton. Mrs. Rob- Christmas style, with Christmas ert GOrdon, Mrs. A. D. Ritchie, trees and lights forecasting the Mrs. Dan Parent, Mrs. L. Alex-arrival of the Yule season. Th ander, Mrs. B. Cowgill and Mrs. guests were received by Mrs. Alt A. J. DomlnatO. I vSnw if A S faWSmWd' 813 E. Hastings St., N.VME Vancouver, H.C. rn-M Phone Green 917 ADDUESS.. The Po$L flakes Money Many In ter forcsl-wortcrs arc farmer ju'ring I lie summer . . . and tlicec men have found the P.M. "One Man" Power Chain Saw to lie a year-'round tiioney-maker ... Mlinp, bucking and limbing in ihe vood . . . cutting cordwood, fence jkisIs, rontriiction timliers on tli'e farm. It Costs Nothing to Investigate the moncymnhing ftofsibililirn of nrmCdmZL ) P. II. LINZEY ne man POWER CHAIN SAW Sold Ercfitsirrfy in this Area hyt G. II. STANBKIOGE EQUIPMENT CO. Prince Itupert, I5.C. 4 t CONTACT II IE AIIOVE DEALER OK MAIL THIS COUPON jj P.M. Products J'""" "!' me fun particular, ofco.it "c ' """"" (1917) Ltd. (Dept. 1911) J mrwmwBani 214 4th Street Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! 1 V ( NO ODOR NO OILS DRYS IIS ONE HOUR WASHABLE One gallon spread makes one arid one half gallons. $4.95 $1.40 Quart " PHONE 651-652 PhtPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Distributors of nlldclcn 'Time-Tested" Paints I I I !'; km m