Classified Advertising - - LADIES' BOWLING a. 5c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 80c. Birth Notlc-n ' 1 . .. L. 1 " "tf'c.rd? - of Than. Death Notice.. Funeral Notices, MaVrlaBe0"' I C A (1 1 IC nCCl II Tf and Engagement Announcements: $2. FOR SALE . . - 'i nit ii ii aiill&aiii ' "r SAW . k ..-- .lies ninn nrr nr. Sr including 2 propellora. On POCK- - .. 1 f. L -,i we mane mem on-""-!. . .i . ptaflba film. tank!, muuieis. a., !L eavetrough. Thorn Shet ttUl Ltd. 253 East First Av-J,uf phone Black 834. itf) .MAT IT. .IMPW ttUU UOVU Ui- - ; eat nntir fllflhf4 etc Zu P'cl;c DC" "" ' medal $45- Cups and Saucers 23c Soup Plates 25c. New tjnpalnted Furniture goad duality New and Used Hardware. 8 ft steel tapes 75c, Latest style Squares from $2.23, Le?el3 $1.50, Used Kitchen CtialrJ $1 Men'3 Sults ana TopcoaU, good quality, 1 Ladles' Fur Coat size 14, Coney, price $15 New and Used Heat-en. New Mattresses to clear J15. Come and look them oyer. B.C furniture Co. Black 324:. '."iTitf Vrv rpnxnnabte K nnuit --.. - rice, nice comiunaDie nume, ..3. r.cater. defroster, and -frecrc W. A. Graig, Ter- IH Clft tr , (275) i T1H3 attractive home in ... aud small radio rer 11th Street by 2 Bridge (273 Fulton Strpet 7 rooms. U basement fnrnnrp. Hpns- ? Armstrone Aeencles, - ..t gi. cvciiiiiLis rriuiie rceu ' r Iminedlatp rlplivprv nnp ciLiiiifrm Kpr I. r ii r K Aig nnn".tOf Vii-rtVno Itnmnp C:n be seen at Superior Auto ' Body Service, or Phone Grwn 217 (27(1) OllO flMlA. I i i.ucrca van, one sicei ' hydraulic dump truck, i deluding sand pit. Good opportunity for young man. Jlte Box 1095, Station "B" Prince Rupert, or Phone Green 527 ( 270) tmiSAOS, $4.83 Manufacturers' clearance first W'ty for double' and single 6e-JS In beautiful two-toned ,. -wuiiutu ii noi saiis- Sent C.O.D. plus postage '"Canada. Handicraft Distrl-Jon. 254 Sherbrooke St. W, Moiltreal 18. Que J SALE .1937 Ford Sedan In condition. Phono Black - cifli p n...i - . . i 1 (2751 Weap. 810 Borden Street. (275) WPer the following list of machinery for sale sub- oht prlor sale' Prlces can be 'ned and machinery seen 'Bennett & White Construe "TO Cnmn.. . :, " unmea, est CM "h Avenue, Vancouver, B.C Wftn 301 Koehrlng Shovel tarnentsllne Cackhoe at fe160 CUl Sullivan Com- o;yr2onEASllne powered-m mp IIobart Electric 1 gasollne Powered. onlv Chin v U Emc0 Muckl"8 S 60 ton Manley Hydraulic KIKT1I NOTICE LANDON Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Landon In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Saturday morning, November 23, a acn, Oordon, 7 lbs. 11 oz. CAM) OF THANKS Mrs. Oeoree Hill and Family desire to express their heartfelt appreciation for many tokens of sympathy, acts of kindness and beautiful floral tributes extended in their recent bereavement In the loss of a loving husband and father. Special thanks to the Masonic Lodge, Dr. R. o. Large and the staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. WAN'riCD WANTED-,100 furnaces to repair. Them Sheet Metal Ltd. 253 Eott First Avenue, Phone Black 884. (tf) WOKS WANTED MIDDLEraged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Green 588. iim wlwflew large sunny hitch- WORK WANTED By - " en, FOR RENT FOR RENT 4 room house. Phone Oreen 698. (276) Sc:';nTwo 4 rooms, fire-: room. Gentlemifn wanted. 221 ?! erently decorated;, 5th Ave. East. msi x::-n ku :nen. aiiuaiea on :n supc-b view lots. Low price If quirk sale See Armstrong 3rd Avs Evenings Phone Red ::i (275) k :.Ai.t wruin n in rnai kil- (275) i.'ii. i u it ninr. M' riiw ji. 2 ' ' - inmnc crin ran in FOR RENT One comfortable room, reasonable. Apply 805 Frater Street. (275) FOR REHT-Storage or work shop space, downtown. Phone Black 618. (273) FOR RENT Plano3. Phone 678. (tf) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more MLTAL WOKR PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, C29 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) SCHOOLS AND COLLF.nrS CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINA-tlons. Prepare NOW for Winter examinations. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School. 301 End-erton Bide., Winnipeg, Man. TENDERS IENDERS will be received by the Massett Co-operative Association for purchase of the following trucks at Massett, B.C.; closing date Nov. 15, 1947. FARGO, 3 tons, 190" W.B., stake-body, 1947 Model, used two months, condition as new. Equipped with 2 speed rear axle, reinforced frame, platform 7' 10"xI7' 6". Platform may be purchased with truck or separately. FARGO, 2Y2 ton, stake-body, 1942 Model, completely overhauled, 1st class condition, good tires. Equipped with reinforced frame, two speed rear axle, platform 6" 6"xl6' with truck only. Submit tenders to the Mas-set Co-operative Association, co Prince. Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Assn., P.O. Box 204, Prince Rupert,. B.C. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Additional information may be had from either of the above named. 1) (LLHUUC ILjUU J Clean Sweep Victories This Week by Variety, Sweet Sixteen, Miller Bay and Bankers Four clean sweep victories featured this week's play in the Bankers over Comets. In other games of the week. Scuby's won over Moose, Annettes .KOOM AND BOARD 111 111 economically use the modern e. smith 139 154 and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) A. McLean 187 Handicap 855 Totals . 041 ?OOM AND BOARD 40 each double; $45 single. Heme away from home. Tablf meals. Mr. Lawley, 622 Fras-r Street. fW) PERSONAL P. Morrison 1M lif8 133 L Keayen 134 137 176 E. Houston" 114 71 90 p. Hlnton s 79 164 71 M. Calderonl .' 132 151 146 Handicap 112 142 142 Totals 764 813 737 mIlLer bay B. Peterson 229216 236 M. Smith 44 81 163 P. Roberts 145 162 119 Marg; Smith 129 84 81 ,oi k. Rtd 150' 159 172 189 85 85 857 912 Nelson 137 B. Gomez 130 143 187 ?; E. Bond 158 135 177 J. Dickens 114 116 100 E. Rothwell 183 102 173 E. Dickens 97 54 112 Handicap 63 63 63 Totals 743 613 812 SWEET SIXTEEN E. Duncan 176 104 155 F. McKlnnon 180 133 150 H. Wright 118 139 111 J. Nowak .... 153 136 104 D. Nelson 129 512 110 Handicap 81 81 81 Totals 807 805 771 ORANOE E. Anderson 144 159 93 E. Johanson 141 132 145 A. Wide 114 92 145 P. Gardner 107 107 124 E. Barber 35 93 46 Handicap 114 114 114 ! Totals 653 697 660 ANNETTES I Montgomery 210 160 208 PhUllpson 193 91 116 McMeekln 147 133 184 175 'P. Dickens 169 194 205 Handicap 12 12 12 Totals 870 744 900 , BLOWERS Dress making alterations, 25 years experience. Phone Black C87. (275) ALCOHOLICU ANONYMOUS Offers a positive and permanent release from drlnklilg. It Is a personal and confidential service rendered without cost or inconvenience by other alcoholics who have found freedom from alcohol. Prince Rupert, Box 270, Dally News, (tf) A SANDED FLOOK makes a new room I Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, ef ficlent job with modern equipment. Greer and Brld-den have the latest In floor sanders and guarantee the best service. Phone Red 581. (tf) "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" j (Section 28) Notice of Application for Beer Llcfnr NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that on the 38th day of November, next, j the undersigned Intends to apply ! to the Liquor Control Board for a I licence In respect of premises being 1 part of a building known as Karls- court Hotel, suuaie on iuuou" nue. at Massett, Queer! Charlotte Island:!, British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots One Ttfo (2) and Three (3), Block Five (S), Subdivision of District. Lot 6evn (7), Plan 948, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Eror lnce of British Columbia, fbr the sale of beer by the glass or by the bottle for consumption on the premsles or elsewhere. , DATED this 27th day of October. 1047 HERALD ORAT Applicant (!V7S) WANTED AT ONCE! .... T- Fully qualified and experienced Joiners. Limited accommodation will be available, for suitable applicants. Apply by Air Mail, stating age and experience. Married or single. to - YARROWS LIMITED lST AND rmivM SHIP BUILDERS AND ENGINEERS ... VICTORIA, B.C. ' Jlllfl n - 128, (233) B. McBeth 132 151 128 109 W CWC YOUNG- R.,;l.r,J U. i. PaWnl Orte.. Between the Baskets Local Hoop Talk High School and Gyros raise have Forman back In the line m. vmcent '. . 155 254 234 the curtain in tonight's basket-1 up, which should strengthen srr.. 792 " 'eague eames- Both teams t ttn cmitffita Will CP 111 hfTP fiffntlnBr anil fro. ' -v."" o"w.w , --o a j T nlnni n 11 . iuico ouwung jLeague variety emiiter isi 137 105 ing to register their first win SiXnT S 1 cL.tch V.7.7. !S Intermediate tussle be-bixteen over n Orange Ladies, Mil- a. postuk 86 134 146 tween Bo-ivle-Hl and Merchants ler uay over Lucky Strikes and-,"en J?5 "i z?? should be the name of the eve- Touis . . .......... 743 812 777 ning. The Rainmakers are out to 94 E. Knutson 180 113 100 P. Memlea 142 135 206 123 L. Erlckson 172 169 197 " 98 R. MacCallum 202' 208 267 93 Handicap 59 55 55 117 Totals 808 774 999 169 WEST VIEW Handicap 146 146 146 D. DIbb 101 90 84 Totals ' 650 687 740 V. MacDonald 101 170 104 BAKKERS A, Parker 92 201 130 B. Uslck 132 249 140 B. Savllle 140 174 219 I. Poote 71 165 116 S. Hftrtwlg 221 156 147 125 235 Handicap 135 135 12S I'M COINS TO ' V phone woooLey ) ABOUT THAV v' NEW FNCF J BETWEEN! OtlR YARD? them considerably. 80 the winners of tonight's games should be: Brownwoods over Co-op. Merchants over Bo-Me-Hl. High School over Gyro. ROSA LEES uieji niiniiiig ancji iuu saw 11 in tne uaiiy ncwsi .. . . I lust as miirn as th snlpsmpn nrp I nPnin,. Dn r... .. . wary raiUK 184 123 1B3 ' ... " . . " " . ' w.w M,l.o,uUoaU:nUici wic e. Morse 196 208 137 ' as neuner nave oeen deieatea Tollers, Manson's over Cosmos, a Ram.y , i isoj , IncVod The Senior t tenders, in envelopes Watts and Nlrkprsnn nvpr Pnn st. f' "ei'ey 135 178 144 nurvrsrrihori "T.nH.r. ur,u ' , . ' 7" , Ramsay 123 122 137 urownwooas ana uo-op win De a ;". l h, :;:71 tC2 "Sm erS and WestVleW over Savov Ilandlean fl fl O a O .1 MC0 f.iecIA T'V. ..... ...... ...111 P.Iant.' wU1. be. received by the under- Swlngers by two to one scores. n ,n opniAn fAi T , . .. n . . . 780 782 i 1947, Tor the purchase and removal High Single nn'lnn 01 a 8,80 corrugated galvanized SCOrer for the week n mum .t mi Sror i 01 was j Thornton of Scuby's wlthja . rjj ;::::::: , ,o wj, Hand,cap so Tou'ATtTIIuX: 295 while high average Of 220 , f1' w'de "2 ?2 TotaU 673 8J5 7M.way Company-a coal and lumber was by Rose McCallum, her three game total being 677. Individual scoring was as MOOSE B. McEwen 130 152 139 11. Astoria 83 138 126 D. Hilton 134 167 174 S. Christopher ....... 115 146 130 D Taylor 132 191 141 J J. Mrnzles 196 Handicap 122 Totals 772 MANSON'S E. Manson 135 A. Sparks 81 M. McLeod 87 B. Cowglll 132 Handicap . , 123 Totals COSMOS IZz S . rirrce .' man. will rnn.lrfp, ,.IM.. wstmk. ina mm lin P. . . 1 wnnn rrinfa wnnntr m r 55 ?" . W"? & NICKERSON- .... :;J Farther ,,o0n m 781 8C2 J. Shenton 191 E. Moxley 119 A. Wrathall 128 130 114 V. Wrathall 163 200 97 Handicap . . 48 665 45 Totals 882 835 770 162 116 COASTERS 123 .123 M. Scharll 190 706 766 023 B. Knutson 198 M. Lewis 185 Toikit M- Petersen 74 101 136 O. Tubb 166 7 4 J 82S SCTinTB i A. Holkestad 103 140 98 F. Ollmour 152 -T- ' ' , B. McChesnev 156 131 122 Handicap 108 young d. woods :::::::::::: ill m t "?th " " TTOtBto " Block 79 84 TO and to et. Very gooa - " r"'. Handicap 123 123 123 savot swingers- hath OaUl aim v J' OUarlon 128 178 293 Phonp RPrl 79fl ofto S Ti.H. nan TfiT ena A Kollott 117 warden. In 1st class condition. iewly redecorated, shingled! . . V U -.1 i .. n Vnn Mu, 1 1A 11D 1 R 1 AVMWiO WJ3 ,w w isd calnted. Apply by phone WANTED Heavv lumhpr fnr ( (tf) I Handicap 68 68 68 Totals 662 915 067 . . . n.n l(fl 1.A. ... .. V1H PTV 1 ' , i - j. rwnsipanssen in (i Aver.ue Green 290. (275) ,lu p. cembeiu 218 -t to v. Phnno DUaI, OKI A ranciuon a gooa tires, (278) , COMETS N. Doughert; D. MacKenz! 143 173 .P.lch?'r ...103 104 78 63 89 88 in? IB4 Ulnet from Dr. J. M. Black. Asuo- i J, elate Mining Engineer. Department 146 ina of Mlnea- Prince Rupert, B. C. it5 y( Removal of building must be com- 48 48 pletcd by 3,st- mi- 180 139 82 87 141 249. 100 119 119 125 108 108 730 819 94 ..v 4i,5ficoif an j wriiuri nub necessarily accepted. PURCHASING COMMISSION, Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B.C. Nov. 547. (15.22.25) FOR SALE Large supply of dry scrap wood, random lengths, $6 per cord, 3 cord lots $16. BLUE 810 Bert's Transfer 303 Third Ave. prfitrr Rlijjm Daflrj jartoj Saturday, November 22, 1947 East to West OGdEWS Rolls Best Kir tAY TOi totl-BtllOHTM)t"'T4 M0II "PIPE SMOKERS! ASK FOR OGOEN'S CUT PLUG." Why gel Cauqlit? WINTERIZE NOW! Recharge Battery, Tune Motor, Check Cooling System and Instal Antifreeze, Repair or Replace Those Worn Skid Chains, Change to Winter Grade Lubrication. DO IT NOW AND AVOID TIIE.RUSH RUPERT MOTORS LTD. BEFORE YOU STAfT vnti'vp ! THINK A H ( NICE WHITE ) V- r PF et M rl PICKET 133 7? V TALKING. D&AV CViiT- LET ME SPEAK J V ? - TO HIS WIFE 7 ABOUT k-rSsrtfr A MOMENT J 58 3 jfiS (THAT CONVERSATION (iEV"SUKEX) i HELLO, VjET5 GO IN VOUC ') Vl f W1L LAST FOREVER ESVES"X 0 GVVOOO) A ?TOOM ANOTALWrS - &k'Jv S. - I'LL. GO NEXT S IvES.VES XT r ABOUT THE STjJIJI ta"- ' t OOOF? AND TACVC ) yXX jfO, , $X FENCE T- frTiZl f I THINK A LOW XA I (. FINE-THEN WE' ) I I cvMLj OKAY, BOYS, ( TELL BLONDlE NOT TO ) I WIRE FENCE T2sJ I 7 COULC? PUT S XlWE'RE THROUGH -) HANG UP I'LL GO WOULD BE J"' ROSE BUSHES ) 'JJ YOU CAN HAVE C RIGHT OVER THERE ) " ' "X rnBHeTLoTRBT S WE DECIDED rrW I 1 HOW HIGH WOULD) s mMA i IB now where Com wire, butJ rfj I vou suggest ? y herbert i Klff BP;,' V ( THE PATTERN CALLS ) r " " I j 1 JTBRAGWOOD JUST WENT J v , ( LU FOR THREE YARDS T I'LL DUCK OVER TO YOUR HOUSE,) sn!T GO I OF MATERIAL- y ' ( AROUND THE ) HERB.AROUNO tSC ' WttBACK ) CJs..-.Su BACK OVER 11 'J THE FRONT VffiitAJL (tohishouse r- ii fcTrP to' r&it HERBERT CAME THROUGH ) JLr ' 1 II ) I'VE LOST " I ' A MEiTOO VM Ijl ( THIS ROOM AND . (tPt U ( INTEREST x ( WE'LL LET IT J S OUT THE y L THIS IS c & V IM 'THE NEW ) v 7 GO ANOTHER j r ' JW! fc 1