E: la--:- ti ff Arr f1 1 c, ; -..aiy designed Aynsley China, wedding gift to At n-Ul.l. n.n m . 1 .3 E. : -n irom ine ""n rouery wanuiaciurers .. re-rentiy arrived in Canada, are shown being It-- (' i::30ei wan 01 luruiHU. NETTLING TOURISTS n v. We Asked' on writes as anuver News- ..a? our inter nt us a clip m ?h .Columbian 01 it is a ,let-ju.it returned :r.3U'.nr this: I : from a trip to t In Vancou-: the largest to the small-urf closed all innouncements this column 1 )r a full 3t a word. " :i iet will do . a a chance . au ticket to 0. help the : w rd, Get one (289) v CaCicSral Bazaar, .1 tj , ;y Home League ut tard twrty at the 27. 8 P,M. I r vmVLc Centre Nov. a liome Cooking; 1 Lutheran Recrea-CD-5 30. Nov. 29. ; Church. ..... : Bazaar, Decem- Otccmber 5. . .. Bazaar. Dec. 11. LIQUOR ACT" -6) : : ton tor a Club '::! .von that on nber next, the L IWUNO CLUB apply to the ; i fur 11 Club pn.mtscs Avimue West. .h Columbia., unda described x 34, Section 1. ! land Regis-Province of .rtultle each .1. to keep on :ibln quantity .1 consumption entitling the , ir from a ven-at.., tho liquor mumbers and :n on the Club -:a with the "flAvprnmnt the regulations. P U.3 dny of October, ' E3W-' J CLUB LIMITED. ' day Wednesday. How can a country that needs to sell Its goods in order to keep Its trade balance expect to. do business? We arrived at 8 p.m. in Prince Rupert and dozens of tourists newspaper hurried out In the rain to buy. Not one shop was open. Farther north, in Alaska, the tourists found all the shops open until midnight. Even the museum kept open until 11 p.m. In Can ada, restrictions on Sunday sale of gasoline and Sunday amuse ments hold the country up to well-deserved ridicule and irritate natives and visitors alike. By six o'clock In the evening late arrivals find every liquor store closed and if thirsty they have no recourse except to the bootleggers. As a crowning pieceof stupidity It Is now Impossible to get a shave or haircut on a MANY ENJOY NORWAY DANCE Mrs. Erlckson was In charge of the door. FINAL RITES FOR JAMES KIERNAN Final rites for the late James Keirnan, who died last week were held Thursday afternoon at Grenvllle Court Chapel with Rev. J. Carroll officiatlg. Inter ment took place at Falrvlew Cemetery. Advertise in the Daily News'. Smarten up that old cloth coat with a New Fur Collar r'ou v dl find them at Fowlie and Ituttle, your friendly fur store. Y7 if .. dollars $ips Red Fnv rlUrc s x.95 Silver F r sni.95 LLf WTti.., eana practical Christmas Uiu suggestion ?0t;CASIN SLIPPERS for the whole lam'Iy. Prices from $1.95 to $1.25 1Ur coals, all styles and varieties, all prices. i 1 Local News It Cash for old gold. Bulger's. J. S. Black is saillnz tomorrow afternoon o the Camosu for a trip to Vancouver, Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night 8:30 (273) Al Black left on last evening's train for a week's, business trip to Smlthers and intermediate iterlor points. 32 TAXI has Increased Its FLEET. Phone 32 anytime for Fast, Reliable taxi service, (273) Don Brown is sailine on the Camosun Sunday afternoon pn a trip to Vancouver. Customer Patronize tha3 who advertise. Let Dally News ad columns help your Bus! ness (tf) J, H. Schriaberg is sailing to morrow afternoon on the Camosun for a business trip to Vancouver. O Clearance of evening gowns, ten and fourteen dollars. Star's Style Wear. (273) Lieut. Stapleton, officer com a onnd rrowd en loved dancine a mission at Prince Rupert last to music by Mrs. J. S. Black's summer. His recent missions in orchestra at the Sons of Nor- the interior have lasted a week way dance -held in the Oddfel- at each f the three Places h lows' Hall last night. The dance visited. was under direction of a com-' Tne Deep gea nsheimeiVs Imittee consisting of Relnhold Unlon u1u hold ,u regular meet. Hunaeiae ana Mrs. w. r.ncKaun. ln2 Sundav November 23rd. 2:30 p.m. Members should attend this meeting, it Is Important. (It) Miss Dorothv Rilev is sailine this evening on the Catala on her return to CaliEornla aftei, snendine some time at Terrace. She is the daughter' of the late ; R, W. Riley, Terrace druggist, ! who died recently. oVen TRY Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 Try a Dally News Classified Ad Prince Hupctt Dallg Betas ems Saturday, November 22, 1947 DAD A surprise on Xmas Day would be a photo of yourself for the family. Phone Van Meer Studio 426 for the gift that lives. (It) Duncan Wing of Prince George, president of the Prince Rupert Roofing Co., left this morning by car to return to Prince George after spending a few days in the city on business. Wesley G. Clark, regional representative of the provincial la bor department, left by last night's train to return to Prince George after spending several days in the city this week on official business. 9 BOSUN INN, 909 1st. Ave. West, announce the opening Saturday, November 22. Specializing in Mexican dishes. (275) Union steamer Catala. Capt. Ernestj Sheppard, back on the run ater a week's absence, Is due In port at 5 o'clock this afternoon from the south and will sail later in the evening on her return to Vancouver and Mr. ' and Mrs. James Mbwatt mandlng Royal Canadian Corps and sons who nave been spend- ui oignais nere, is sailing to-MniT ih(, nst spvpn months in morrow afternoon on the Camosun for a trip to Vancouver. JSrlTAs Is lue way to sell that furniture you no longer need a Classified Ad In the Dally News. Mrs. A. C. Kenney of Glendale, California, who has been In the city for the last couple of weeks during the final Illness of her father, the late George Hill, Is sailing Sunday on the Camosun for Vancouver en route home. Perby Berg is leaving on the Camosun Sunday afternoon on a business trip to Vancouver. Father Nell McLean, O.M.I., of Lethbrldge, who has been preaching missions at Fort St. I John, McBride and Terrace dur ing the last three weeks, is expected to arrive In the city on tonight's train from Terrace and will leave on Sunday for Vancouver aboard the Camosun. Father McLean was in charve of ..D f.. - . . the city, will leave on the Co-qultlam next Tuesday afternoon for Vancouver. Hotel... arrivals Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. R. Merley, city; F. F. Brown, Victoria; Mrs. I Proctor, city; J. E. Ormhein, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. Cooper, Terrace; G. L. Green-wild, Prince George; Miss A. Lips, Terrace; Mrs. E. Hamilton, Terrace. High frequency sound wave3 are used to determine the 'elasticity of nylon. BRITAIN FACES NEW CUTS IN RATION The humble potato makes news as Sir Stafford Cripps, Britain's economic minister of affairs and chancellor of the exchequer, announced that Britons must face new cuts In rations and homes. Volunteer helpers are welcomed on farms where the potato crop, depleted by summer drought, is being lifted. Helping with the potato .narvest at Somerset, England, are Betty Smith of Bromley, Kent (left), a London dressmaker, and Julia Lord of Uxbridge, England, a counter clerk, who are on a profitable holiday. The KINSMEN CLUB of PRINCE RUPERT PRESENTS ' A CONCERT and Amateur Mite $60.00 IN PRIZES Civic Centre 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 28 CONTESTANT APPLICATION Name .. Address Phone Type of Entertainment Age Group (Mall to Box 436 or leave at Civic Centre) 6 to 18 Years I i'J klbUk iBBB ,1 ft ft ft wsir,. ... w u - h 1 rouicWe"r t ran a Mn Aann 1 u ii n mi t it ti vv sk. ni I 1 1 EHI MaW TILL CHRISTMAS S i BCBSMr"V f BULOVAS g 5 Wm. H. Francks J OPTOMETRIST OF VANCOUVER TO VISIT PRINCE RUPERT ' Announcement is made that WILLIAM II. FRANCKS, optometrist, will visit this city November 24 to December 2. Mr. Francks is president of thp Columbia Optical Co., 605 Dunsmulr Street, Vancouver, and enjoys a wide, and successful practice in Vancouver. He will bring with him to Prince Rupert a complete Ophthalmic Diognostlc unit and will examine eyes and prescribe' lenses if they arc needed. Mr. Francks will be at Hotel Trince Rupert. Appointment can be made at Hold. Phone 436. Rex Cafe FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow .Mem 5 A.M. TO 2 A.M. CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL ft S TiV?' . S 5. MSp Many Others to M WP' 1 , i Choose From f DRESSER SETS 1 1 I rLAI WtAK t I , A I' A J9 The Early Shopper Is I j&ju$- Never Disappointed g t I tPM ALL WORK DONE ON TllE J jjhtflS' PREMISES . I FOR THE LATEST IN JEWELRY . . . V H V y y y v y 1. . y 1 w MANSCKS JEWELLERS "YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELER" Sun Life ot Canada TOM McKEOWN lencc: Phone Blue 246 No. 6 Smith Block am i A A ft ft ft ft 'ei:!eicic!cr(tsctc!f'evicicte!csc'tccs:!e,ts!e!(!ette!ctci for... comfortable leisure- hours SMOKING JACKETS Wool flannels in plain shades $10.50 to $13.50 DRESSING GOWNS Silks, pure wool, flannels, wool and rayons $9.95 to $22.00 mm ii 1 1 it 1 r if :ma r v ,t 'i ih A. MacKerme Furniture Ladies... LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Suggestions LANE CEDAR CHESTS Tennessee cedar throughout with exterior of burl walnut The Ideal Gift. Got to be seen to be appreciated, rhone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert Follow the new fashion trend and select your CHRISTMAS DRESS now from our-new shipment of superbly styled dresses trimmed with t sparkling sequins and I beads. We now have a larger selection of HOODED RAINCOATS and smartly styled COATS trimmed with fur Make our BUDGET PLAN your convenience for Christmas shopping and remember . . . NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES fefP Announcing the opening of our new CARPENTER SHOP with the very latest iri j WOODWORKING MACHINERY, We will build your kitchen cupboards right in the shop ready for installation. Also Floor Sanding with the very 1 A 1 1 latest macnine. For appointment call Gunnar Selvig Phone Blue 610 P.O. Box 651 it's made of wood, we can doit i t i I . - X $ 1r Nl