.r.f CltT Carrier. rw- jprtiicc Hupcrt Dafln rectus DO. Monday, December 29, 1947 i?d .T1? f..'.ly n'PP oerotea to the upuulioing of Prince Rupert .iS"1? comprising northern nd central British CoJumbta. (Authonzea u second Class MsU. Post Ottlce Department. Ottawa) ph. d i pHb"..lie1 ever7 arternoon except Sunaay by n ESlS .N.e8 LW - 3 -Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia HUNTER. Managing jEdltor. J. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS - AUDIT BOTEAU OP CIRCULATION? CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Bl Mall. IVr Kfj-mth r v ' ' ' - w, vi tear, rv.vu. Good Government First THE.'NUMERICAL STANDING of each party in I the Coalition Cabinet remains unchanged though it took two weeks for the leaders to concur on what seemed a foregone conclusion. The supporters of Coalition fervently will hope that sincerity of purpose for the good government of the province will prevail over the tendency ,to use the popularity of Coalition to build up' the strength of each party. If this practice is not discontinued then the present "Coalition is nothing but a sham with only the outward semblance of unity but inwardly a' deep mistrust. Coalition without sincerity will be an armed truce or a mock alliance similar to that of the Russians and Americans. The real test of thisjsincerity will be in the forthcoming by-elections in Cariboo and Saanich in both of which a Coalition candidate should win if sun-ported by both Liberals and Conservatives WORTHY OF SUPPORT INURING THE NEXT WEEK or more, Prince U Iiupert j)eoj)le will be asked by the Rotary Club to contribute food and clothing for the citizens of. the English city of Poole. In order to bring the drive to a successful termination, local Rotarians with cars will make house-to-house canvasses and they are hoping for an open-handed welcome throughout the city. Although originated by the Rotarv Club, the campaign is being carried on in conjunction with the Mayors Fund which raised more than $200 to send food to Poole. This week's canvass, the Rotarians hope will bring in substantial additions in the way of food and clothing. The Rotary Club's international committee under chairmanship of P. H. Linzey, hopes to con- ?Wi?1"fW-eaiJy in the NeW Year and t0 raak February Januai' or in the first days of Distribution of the shipment in Poole will be under direction of the Rotary Club of that citv and one of its objectives is to make certain Uiat the articles go to persons who have not received other overseas contributions. The people of Prince Rupert have been notablv generous in their response to legitimate appeals in the past. This is campaign worthy of even-one's support, so when the Rotary canvasser calls, give . generously to aid in the valiant recovery of a people to whom peace -brought problems almost a great as the war. A WINTER HAVEN piilNCE RUPERT may have more than its share t f rain, but the rain is far more acceptable than " the ayalanche of snow that has blanketed the east coast of the United States, causing death and threatening the health and welfare of millions t Where in this Dominion of ours are Canadians ISf weath-er as miM as we are this FiniS?1? lnS b?alted pf its mild winterR. t has less Gianni rainfall than Prince Rupert, bMt'thr climate is no milder in winter. Vic oria inhLT?"1? have become a win-to tht hu.ndrefr who return in early spring C I , T-S ,n lder districts of the Province Kf ' Vs a Wlnter haven-especially for those teJfJS, to."' the l0"ser skiru are 0K- but qifESHAM, Buckinghamshire. E,'"The lwo c,luhe8 hers are ''"combining" this winter to save fuel. HARROW, Middlesex. Eng. -Sarah Balls, 78, and Benjamin Rogers, 74, .who both love a game of dominoes, recently were nmried. TO AID HEART PATIENTS STOCKHOLM Swedish physicians from all parts of the country assembled here for a medical congress in which heart diseases were the main topic of discussion. Initiator of the congress, Prof. Gustaf Nylin, suggested a "heart service" be established to heln neonlo wit'. weak hearts. i WEEKLY SERMON THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS By REV. BASIL S. PROCKTER Do you remember Portia fellow creatures, but the White singing: I church's way of ordaining sea- "On the first day of Christmas 0ns for human contrition my true love sent to me: A uartridse In a near tree " all the way through to: "On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: Twelve lords a-leaplng, Eleven ladies dancing, Ten pipers piping. Nine drummers drumming, Eight maids a-milklng, Seven swans a-swlmming, Six geese a-laylng. Five gold rings. Four colly birds. Three French hens, Two turUe doves, and A partridge In a pear tree." above the Bad News of the ! World. . ! It is true that we must not shut our lives away from our Warning NO OTHER THING YOU CAN .POSSIBLY DO WILL K V E K PROVE SO COSTLY . . AS TO ALLOW Your Regular CUSTOMERS to Forget You THE DAILY NEWS "Ynur Own Newspaper" Good Will Gifhjnjrifin Members of the RoUry Cub. assWed by the Boy Scout, w.l. make a canvass of the city during the week DECEMBER 23 lo JANUARY 3. Please have your parrels of clthlnff,r g,Wery h,m., ready. " PREFER A CZTlTJmZ " AN ENVELOPE ' VOUR . .. . NAME AN0 IT WILL BE ACKHOWLEDOED. Prince Rupert's gifts to the needy of Poole, England (303) and sympathy and other season" for human Joy and rejoicing seems to me more fitted to our hum in in nnntilao PRINCE RUPRRT 1 ! YEARS AGO i December 29, 1912 Those interested in the Port Edward townslte were applying i to tne Dominion government for its approval of the undertaking that was proposed to be carried out there. A T-..l-l 1 t I Thtc fnit """"His, wno recently. Enr'toutlIc' S"? "JiT Vr Sta"dp0inI eTctBordensir'1 wmwhiiuj ia uci, liuju uie religious standpoint it is just be ginning. The twelve days of Christmas. which are from December 25 to January 5, inclusive, seem to The first season of the Alaska Whaling Co. closed with the capture of 315 whale, netting the company an enormous ' profit. have been a time for more thanj j. j. Einenstadt of the Acme - w.Uu3a m irars ol unoroKen clothing Co. left recently for an happy religious ob.rvance and tended visit to St. Paul and .a,..!., juh. ui we oia aays, eastern cities when the life of all people from I the highest to the lowest was The Marlne and Stationary rooted deeply in the soil, these dajs w-ere free from all agricul- moker ,Mt nlftht-tural duties, except the tending I 01 me animals. Perhaps we ate feeling must be in Christmas Is Christmas is over. our way back to somethine like that with this growing emDhasis 011 general holidays of three or four The old custom Is to leave up j ' me decorations until Twelfth1 Jfight. You will be aware that Jjhakespeare has a play called Twelfth Night, it has nothing to do with Christmas but it is a, Jot of fun, associated with all the more secular side of the , Christmas enjoyment and, doubtless, written originally as ; grand climax to an Elizabeth-' an Christmas season. ! The world was less complicat- td then and perhaps both joy and sorrow were more real. We , did not have newsmen and news ', broadcasters giving us a digest of all the hate and bad temper, end tragedy of the whole world ' in the.mlddle of the Dartv. Then I was the Good News of God heard I (December 29, ly:J City Council at apecial meeting deoklid to st alde a $51. 000 surplus from the electric de If.'"' partment c"1 for or e.xtemlon w of elec- days" duraUon. But if we are to have a happy time, surely 11""; the w W B spirit Oal'ZZn , 10 whl u here, here, not that wowing by the electrical depart- I M 11 X fiK - Af'V.'Wr'f S till K if . wn "ROYAL COURT OP THE ROSES" H-re are fie . ,nti. , chosen fiom among 3.100 oocu. ol Pa.sadnia. C:ilU . . .oIIi-kc as Uie royal court 01 the ross Six oi them will be princesses and one wUl be selected quen ol the annual tournament of rotes. rugnuKhteci by trie Naw Ymra Day parade. an unusually good time at the Moose amoker In the Mttropole Hall. Included in the bow wok boxing bout by fighters from K. Smith's Colt'- Club The bouts were between K. o. Warrior and Spider Kelly; Battler Sims ami Tiger Bculte.- and Kid Fras?r and B?ar Cat Frlaell. JUST i .ikk ,Mi;t.if.fc.s TAUTON. Somerset. En. 9 Calf-love s like m;alfs "thv get over it acd do not have it a'saln" aald Rev. jm.T Maud?- koxdv. testyfyint at te t-la! ,f BhhoD E. M Bunoe wsji nint . a VOUth ahn mlkii on speaker at the weSkty luncheon Ins tablets when hlj court -hip meeting of the Rotary Club, his ended. topic being "Social Authority." j Dr. Manning of the University! BROMLEY. Kent. Eng O--of Saskatchewan contributed vo- Bus driver Georne Batterhan ral numbers to the prosrram. has to obey" his wife, conduc- tor on the same bus. durr An enthusiastic crowd enjoy-d working hours. MARIE BALAGNO-LUNDQUIST IN RECITAL Civic Centre . Monday, December 29 Sponsored by the PRINCE RUPERT GYRO CLUB Ormes Drugs 302' A Ronaissance of. . . OPEN 3 A.M. TO 2 AAI EL EG A NCI: . . . Ls what you will have once you slip into this lovely furred coat. You will be delighted with the swirl upon swirl of luxurious fur that forms the collar. When you lay plans for that NEW COAT, DRESS or SUIT, visit Sweet Sixteen and use our convenient lll'DOirr I'UNVXn Interest No Carrying Charges. TRY Rex Cafe FOR TASTY Chop Sucy Chow 3Icin CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY' SECOND AVENUE, OFPOSITE- PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL iTlHOm ON !tMNHAL Mineral DrottucU acoount for W percent of Bolivian axsorta. Jlovlnf, I'atklne ( ratine, Sliippint and (Irnrral Cartaje ami Storage Fnr Complete. Reliable and Rfflrient Servlci-. call Lindeay's Cartage & Storage Cor 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 I'hones CO and G Margaret fMeod Optometrist 1 A' MAKSONS Jewellers 512 Third Ave Phone Greet) M4 for From Thli Date VAK ASSins CUM. till lie: LIIAIP Satked SIZ.O-O prr ton .MINE HUN Use $u.oo prr ton No rebate lor quantity HYDE TRANSFER I'IKINE 580 INCOME TAX Rcturni Prepared See If. B. .MOKTIMKK 321 2nd Ave Near CFPRi WE DOCTOR SHOES HEEL THK.M ATTEND TO THEIR DYKING SAVE tumi SOLES MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Serond Ave Thcl'opnlar PRINCE RUPERT Sails For VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:13 lM. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Information call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT, Il.C. V V I y V r . 5 Just Arrived Another Shipment of POPULAR Connor Washer IN THREE MODELS Now on Display Rupert Radio & Eler PI ION K fill Ct t 7 '4 'a I.' c thank you for yotir patronage during the past year and extend to you a very Happy New Year u IE The Holiday Gailk are on . . . . . . Step into every party in handsome silver and gold cv slippers beautifully designed high heqlsJ See our new colled party favorites today. SHOES I PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. B I I'HONHS TmI - 032 I COAi; hlJAIIHCR - HUJIJHM. SITF V WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing NEWR01 HOTEl A Home Away Frd 50 Rooms. Hot ani WE HAVE AN INTI.RESTINC. STOCK I Ol I IB Water " nniwfr PIIPERtl Fireworks! I 4VA'V' jj FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY CEI.EIIRATION Tn r i