'! 4 J ' I It. r n i. r IP I ft IS " V.V 1 -, I I I I i A jEprfnrf niiurrf.pnfiD'BrUis Monday. December 20, 1947 Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c. per, word. per Insertion, minimum charge. 60c. Birth .Notice, " 80c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and fcngagement Announcements: $2. .FOR SALE FOR SALE 5 room house, ,full basement, on two lots. Phone Blue 336. (3 1 FOR SALE Half share In Bert's Transfer. Call at office or phone Green 977, evenings. (302) ,FOR SALE-rOollchan grease. Good Quality. .Order Now. B.C. Furniture Co. FOR SALE British India Rugs, New, Beautiful Colors, Limited Quantity. Reasonably Priced. Come In and look them over. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. FOR SALE New and Used Furniture, Hardware and Office Fixtures, New Skillets 80c, Cups and Saucers 25c, Soup Plates 25c, Aluminum Double Boilers $1.95, Electric Double Hot-plates .$7. New Camp Stoves, Scatter Rugs $175, Used Chesterfield Bed $30. Fancy Occasional Chai rs $12.50, Slightly Used Radios, .Electric and Battery Sets from $21. All kinds of other useful articles. Come and look them over. B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf). FOR SALE 1942 Dodge Sedan, New paint job and general overhaul. Phone or apply 112 Taxi. (tf) FOR SALE Excellent family home at 338 5th Ave. East. Full basement, furnace, fireplace. Immediate .occupancy and A .fair price. .Collart & McCaf-fery Ltd. 3 FOR SALE 1939 Oldsmobile new engine last spring. Quick sale. Phone Blue 317. (304), MACHINERY fOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, .B.C. (tf) METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and ' repairs. .SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) LOST AND vOUND LOST $35 on Fraser Street. Reward. Phone Red 142. (302) LOST Partly knitted green and yellow sock between -,7th Aye-West and the Salvation Army. Hridertlease return to Daily News. (302) LOST Gold', nugget chain with owner's name on medal. Finder please return to 806 Fraser St. Reward. (1), LOST Gold locket, December .26, ,pn .McBride or 7th ,East. ,Fprwter. .PrJ.we Rupert, p.c. Phone Green 257 or leave at'" jDally News. (304) FOUND Two keys cm string byr . wratnaus raoto snop. uwn-,er may have same by, calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) FOUNDOn McBride St., keys In brown leather case. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for .this, advertisement. (tf) ijvxn iKWiisntv .ct Re: Certificate, of Title No. 25304-1 to the North Half of the South-East Quarter and the South Half of the North-East Quarter of Lot .One Thousand Seven .Hundred and Sixty-five (1765), Queen Charlotte District, said to contain One Hundred and Sixty (160) acres, more or less. YHEREA8 satisfactory proof of Ions Of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Cesar Vcrhey-ilen has been filed' In this Office, notice is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of ,one month from the date of the first' publication hereof, Issue a, Provisional. Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. , DATED at the, Lund, Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B C. ' this 25th day of November, 1847, A.D. Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrar of Titles. (302) I.AM) IIEOISTKY ACT ,n: CtrtWcate ,of Title ,No. J3082-I to the North-WeBt Quarter of Lot One Thousand Seven Hundred nd itxylve (1765), Queen Charlotte .District, said ,to. ppntaln One Hundred and Sixty (100) acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued in the name of Cesar Verhey- deu lhaa Jaeen' filed In UjU office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, Bt the expiration of one month from the date of the1 first publication hereof, Issue a Provisional Certificate of T)tle in' lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objec tion be made to me m writing. DATED at .the Land Registry. Office, Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 35th day of November, a.u. Andrew Thompson, 1 .Deputy .Registrar ut .Titles. (803) .FOR SENT FOR RENT Warm, comfortable room; reasonable. Apply 806 Fraser St. (305) FOR RENT One 3-room apartment, unfurnished or partly furnished. With private bath. Red 441. (tf) 1 FOR RENT Housekeeping room furnished. 2C9-5th west. $15.00. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone .Gjeen 917. (tf) FOR RENT 3 room house partly furnished. 1008 6tfi Ave, East. $20.00. Prince Rupert Realty ,Co. Phone Green 917. (tf) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOAD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals, Mrs. Lawjey, 622 Eraser Street. (tf) PERSONAL WIDOW, middle-aged, would like to correspond with respectable middle-aged man. Box 298 Dally News. (303) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a permanent release from drinking. It is a confidetlal service rendered without cost, by others who have found freedom from alcohol. Box 276 Dally News (tf) A SANDED FLOOK makes a new room! Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient Job with modern Equipment. Greer and BrW-i den have the latest in floor sanders and guarantee the best service. .Phone Red 561. (tf) WANTED WANTED Job as cook, general. Have references. Box 1029 Postal B. (303) HELP WANTED Woman to c'pok and keep house for small camp. Alsp one qualified teamster and one all-round mill man. Phone Red 719 between 6 and 8 p.m. . (303) WORK WANTED j MIDDLE-aged Woman Will Jook after children pveniriM Phono - Green 588. (tf) I WANTED TO RENT Furnished housekeeping room, central, for elderly lady. Phone Blue .505. . (tf) TIMIIKK SALE X 1.11 II Sealed tenders'wlll be received by the Minister of Forests at Victoria. B.C.. not later than 11 a.m. on the 26th day of January. J848. lor the purchase of Licence X 43444. to cut 2.628.000 f.b.m. of Spruce. Cedar, and Hemlock, on an area situated on the West side of Louise Island. Cum-thewa Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. iFore5ter victoria. b,c. or District Ben Sampson Will Winter In South Ben Sampson, who recently disposed to the business of 'little's News Agency, ,2nd Avenue, to Noel Jones, cth Street, will sail on the Prince Rupert Th.urs- day night en .route to Califor- 11 nia, in u where nnro a o sister clctot hue has Via her home VrtviA near Los Angeles. Mr. Sampson, who was .last there a few years ago, plans on returning to Prince Rupert before the heat of a Southern California summer becomes too oppressive. The winter season Is more agreeable, Mr. Sampson says, for It Is then the rainfall comes, extending over the period between mid-September' and spring. There is practically no rain for most of the summer. The nights, however, are cool and comfortable. .LET IlL'imY DO IT .ST. ,A.LBAN'S, .Hertfordshire, England Requested to publish "household hints," the St. Albap's parish magazine said It was Incompetent to hint but asked'. "Why wash up If your husband can . do It?" i COTTAGE CHEESE I New, Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Daily , ALL-WEATHER SERVICE UICES FRASER HOUSE ,Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASEK STREET Phone Black, 823 Mivnn "B".Bnwi c I'llALi v uv-iilj mm 1 4 t I V- Al IPM I II LtAbUt itHtUULt January 4-rC'ougars Multiple. XXX, B..C Packers vs. C.Y.O . Islanders ys. Miss or ,)Ilts. Ideal Detergents . Brovynwppds January 11 C.Y.O. vs. Ideal Determents. Triple XXX vs. Miss or Hits; DC. Packers vs. Brownwoods. Cjvj gars v. Islanders. , January IB Miss or Jilts vs. D C Packers. Islanders vs. Brownwoods, s. Cougars vs. ideal Detergents, Trlpl . -w n v r January 25 Islanders vs. C.Y.O.. i Cougars vs. B.C. .Packers. Triple XXX ; i a Tlrnwnuiruvla Mica nt t 1 1 0 V TV. trreents. February 1 Cougars vs. Brown woods. Islanders vs. Ideal Detergents. Miss or' Hits ys. C Y.O.. Triple XXX is B.C. .Packers. February Ji Trlpje XXX ys. IsN anders! Miss 'or HJts ys. Cougars.. Ideal Detergents vs. "B.C. Packers. ' C.Y.p. vs. Brownwoods .February 1,5 Miss or .Hits vs. Brownwoods. Jdeal Detergents ys. Triple" XXX. C.Y.O. vs. "Cougars. Islanders vs. B.C. Packers. February 22 B.C. Packers vs. C.Y. O.. Islanders, vs" Miss or. Hits Brownwoods" vs. Ideal Detergent, Cougars vs. Triple XXX February 29 Triple XXX vs. MUs or Hits. B.C. Packers' vs'" Brownwoods. Cougars vs. Islanders. C.YX)., vs. ijeal Detergents March 7-t-Brownwoods vs. .Islanders. Cougars vs. Ideal Detergents, Triple XXX ys C.YjD.. B C. .Packers vs. Miss or Hits Marcl) 11 Ccugars vs. DC. backers, Brownwoods vs. Trlpje XXX," Weal Detergents vs. Miss or Hits. Islanders ' vs. C.Y.O. - March 21 Islanders vs. Ideal , Detergents. Miss or Hits vs. C.Y.O.. B.C. Packers vs Triple XXX. Brownwpods vs. Cougars. March 28 Cougars vs. Miss ,or Hits, Ideal Detergents vs. B.C. Pack ers. C.Y.O. vs. Brownwoods.- Triple "' j XXX vs. Islanders. .April 4 laeal Detergents vs. Triple) XXX. C.Y.O. vs. Cougars. Islanders) vs. B.C. Packers, Miss or Hits' vs. ' Brownwoods . , I End of the Second Third ' April 11 Cougars vs. Triple XXX, B.C. Packers vs. C.Y.O.. Islanders vs. Miss or Hits. Ideal Detergents vs. Brownwoods gars vs. Inlanders. April 18 C.Y.O. vs. Ideal Determents. Triple XXX vs. Miss or Hits. B.C. Packers vs. Brownwoods. Cou- Aprll 25 Miss or Hits vs. B.C. Pack ers. Islanders v. Brownwoods. Cul gars vk. ildeal Detergents. Triple XXX vs C.Y.O. May 2 Islanders vs. C.Y.O.. Coil-! gars vs B.C. .Packers; Triple XXX vs. Brownwoods. Miss or Kits vs. Detergents. . , May 9 Cougars vs. Brownwoods. Ilslanders vs. Ideal Detergents, Miss or Hits vs. ,C.Y,X.. Triple .XXX vs. B C.' Packers May 16 Triple XXX vs. Islanders. Miss or Hits vs.. Cougars, Ideal Detergents vs. B.C. Packers, C.Y.O.' vs. Brownwoods. Milay 23 Miss or Hits vs. Brownwoods, Ideal Detergents vs. Triple XXX. C.Y.p. vs. Cougars, Islanders vs. "B.C. Packers. May 3D B.C. Packers vs. C.Y.O.. Islanders vi.' Miss or Hits, Brown woods vs. Ideal Detergents, Cougars vs. Tlrple XXX. June a Triple XX vs. Miss, or Hits, B.C. Packers vs. Brownwoods, Cou-1 'gars vs. Islanders, C.Y.O. vs. Ideal1 .Detergents I June 13 BBrownwoods vs Isllsnd-! Cougars vs. Ildeal Detergents, ITrtnl VYY r V f n n Tattror ' vs. Miss or Hits i June 20 Cougars vs. B C. Packers. ; Brownwoods vs. Triple XXX, Ideal ' Detergents vs. .Miss. or Hits, .Islanders VS. C.YXJ. I June' 27 Islanders vs. .Ideal Deter-1 gents, Miss or Hits 'vs. C.Y.O , B C Packers' vs. Trlpple XXX, Brown woods vs. C.Y.p juiy .4 cougars vs. .suss or nits. Ideal .Detergents Vs. B.C. packers. C.Y.O. vs. Brownwoods. Triple "XXX vs. Islanders. July 11 Ideal .Detergents vs. .Triple XXXX. C.Y.O. vs. Cougars, .islanders vs. B.C. .Packers. .Miss or. Hits vs. .Brownwoods. FILM ON .FOOD .PROBLEMS, LONDON p A documentary film on international fbpd: prob lems called .-'jThe World Is Rich" Lwill soon be, sent to .Canada. It was made in .IB, months ata cost ' of $52,000 and has wp,n ;hlgii praise from the ;Unlted Nations ood and Agriculture 'Conference. "BASE PRACTICE" In 1678 Henry Sayvllle com- .plained that.too,mapy men were prinking . r tea-"a base .Indian practice." ti ONDIE apps near$ .SCORE "V...r., RECORD .... TORONTO. .U Ihe odds are wlth.Syl Apps for the,rest of the hockey season heUl roll up a first-time .record. fpr a 'Leafs ptoyjpr. fle's wjthln. 13 goals of j the 200-mark. . If. Apps. makes ,lt. i through Its third yejir qt ex-he won't be the nrst.in the ffa-: .e.PwUc CoasUIockey tlonal Hockey Uajue-Schrlner.!1 JJ- , t sen. jacKson ana unarue .uonacner,- - leur ,oops , the hotkey preceded him but he'l be the tv . ' lnnuin , hP t tat to reach the 200-goal spot'ld; J Jkl VL,' .-' I Apps Isn't .over-confident of his chance but feels the target Is within reach, barring accidents. "From the standpoint of ' straight arithmetic, It's pos- 3: r'lTriJVer!" this season There Thsre are still w tschedi going at. the present, rate or eyen less I'll make .it. iHQCKEY.ORES NaionalLeague SATURDAY . Chicago 1. 'Montreal p. Boston 1, Tprp.h.tp 2. SUNDAY Detroit 3, Boston 0. Toronto 1, New Yprk 1. BASKETHALL LEAGUE l STANDINGS .Senior ' Team G. W. L. Pet. Co-op 9 7 2 .778 Savoy 10 5 5 .500 Brownwoods 9 2 7 ,222 Intermediate ; Bo Me HI 6 6 0 1.000 Merchants 7 5 2 .714 Fashion 8 2 6 .250 Morgans -7 1 6 .143, Ijilies' f Peoples 5 5 0 l.OpO HI "School A 1 3 .250, Sweet 10 5 ,1 4 .200; Juniors ,65 Taxi 8 8 0 1. 000, Stones 7 6 1 .857 HI School -615 .167, Gyro 7 0 7 .000- Happy New Year TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS IN (PRIfJCE RUPERT IN THE CANNERIES- AT THE NUlEROUS HUDSON'S BAY CO. ESTABLISHMENTS--AND IN THE VARIOUS OTHER CENTRE T.HRO-UOHOUT CENTItAL AND NORTHERN .BRITISH COLUMBIA. Grant & Newton KLKCTIUCAL 713 2nd Ave. West -P.O.. Box 1399 It'ilppks Like Ve'll Have j It Could He Another cllor! SMART HOCKEY TODAY ASSURES BIG FUTU RE FOR By JIM McCURDY Canadian .Press Staff Writer VANCOUVER F -Half-way thinffs. r?: tlonal ;Hpqkey League players to give big-time experience tp the)r respective squads. .League backers proudly point to .the Amexlcan Amateprllock- & -Asallon .record pf the (UUM 1" H.J v - - ' --7 f ticks. New Westminster iRpyals tnra thp ctpln n u'Pftk .uro Sat hadhe'f.Ust Up nanicd cities. urday. ,a .wek,after,Canucks brpkep the j-year-old record of Baltimore .prlojes of the Eastern Amateur League. kII0,Tvqil.vvi:iPNSIJl'iJ'nCE ,ltNsqiiTlu;ji)v.fL(;TipN I .The southern .dlvlsjop .now H ship .races In league history i and one pf the "dpormaU' ,?rpm l'ast.yc"arJls leadfng the r,arnble. Bap jFjanclsco s n a m,r o c k s -hold a one-p9lnt .edge over Fresno Falcons. who In Urni ' ' hold a ,sjrigjetpn Jead over the f cham'plon Lps Angeles Mon-) rchs. San Diego and Oakland bring up "the rear but the last- r place Qaks are only 10 points out pf top spot. j However, In the northern dlvl-'slon 31 points separate top-sppt ! Seattle jlronmen And the cellar- j duelling Portland Eagcs. last year's champions. The hlggest ' . part of the gap. 16 points, is be-, ; tween Jronrpcn and se cond-; i place Tacpnia Rockets, who last j Reason wer.e mired deeply n th( cellar. KlSiltEKI.Y ,IN .LEAD IN .WESTERN INT. I,E.GIX , witching ' sights ,frbm the P.CJt L to the Western Inter- CONT.R A GTO US Itlark 829 (304 to .Illast ! j COAST national League, thriving little four.team lpop operating in. the Ko'oteiiays of British Columbia and inciudjns Spgkape. Wash.. sees the famous Kimbcrley py-namlters leading the parade. The 'Spartans from Spokane hold down second spot, Trail Sirjoke Raters are In third slot, while Nelson's Aiapic,LHs nu' down the cellar position A ne,w league Is the Pacific CoasLSenlor "B" League, which Incorporates most pf List year'j Jurjior plajj-ers on the coast and niany a senior who fprmerly played' In .faster company. The league operates lp .Vancouver, 'few WestmTnsier A"d Nanalmo. but pnfoFtunately' plays 'In the shadow" of 'P.CH'.L. teams In - TRQUBLESOME AT TIME3 The thyroid la a vascular duqtei glapd nlng pn the iarynx. FOOT Satisfaction 4 . . THAT IS WHAT "YvOtT (JKT VHKN wk sBity;K yor. S.KK ()LrU .STItHY SMART SHOKSFOU MKN&GHILDKKN. Fashion Footwear STONK HUILDINfi By Chic Youpp WW qi ' llPif TIJll ,iHI!i XvAm SNC3RINS UKE V STILL IN A ' tvi THAT? GO 04 )0 jfr $ THIS JsSsJfRP' MX f ft&U ARE S.U.IE OP THE jlqLQIIiliUNQ.iSiVlARTEiiT SI) TAILORED IN THE CUSTOM MASSE 1 axxx.....xxxiS(i.xx.x.xx.xixj,xi,J)jJ ma BOWL SET Bo U thst jou fn iw tot mtJr. UUnt tfwl sen in. Drtifned tot hsnJ or electric Uln. '.Nesl toother to n rui.UjrJ. !.. A tiittLtf t- i mi r w fnnounclnK our new HOUMLS TOWING AD?W FASTER - 8AFER - LESS EXPES.1 With UiU new equipment we can do the is '.- 'I charges to a minimum. RUPERT MOTORS 111 'ComDlete Automotive Repau S:" 0 ,I)at .Phone 566 1 5 I Reason's QreeiBi jr - - V Gurvich & Son CONTRACTORS TRUCKS FOR HIRE PhoAn 32 or RPH 511 Sixth. tttt'ct'c ic'c'ct,wc'Ct,',',,'',',c''t ''c,j f TRY . . . SUMMIT ICE CREAI FOR YOUR PAR It U C.oml, WtESH MAUI' anil Hclici VALENTIN PAIR" ,1'jionr C.17 Happy Ne w ) ( TO ALL Phones 116 and 117 and 58 A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WII 'f!' i,r.-' !' mi m SPECIAl AI OFFER Regular $! Now only! This offer iJ only until Jan. 3,1, m ALBERT & McCAFFERY Lffl