i I 1 VD QUIETLY ON jo Smithers. witness to the r a dp nuiet ccremonv solemn GEORGE McWHINNEY 1'AINTING AND I vVI'KR HANGING P.O. Box 1420 (7 r east pnone .Black 489 SUPERIOR DECORATORS AINTING PAPERHANGING P.'r.e Blue 952 or Black 245 Hitchens Bill Thornton (D18) DR. P.J. CHENEY DENTIST 1 ANNOUNCIS fill OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 ARMSTRONG AGENCIES REAL ESTATE BROKERS INSURANCE ADVISERS Inone 342 P.O. Box 927 N Kllboru W Peterson HERTS TRANSFER AND MESSENGER jmber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls-Green 977 Prince Rupert HELEN'S HEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture ln all Its branches. 4th Street Phone 655 prince rupert Bottle collector and MESSENGER PHONE GREEN 955 P-gent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd. I0NES NEWS STAND Eastern aiul Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Ixih Street Red 808 )10AT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNINQ REPAIRS fine Workmanship Estlnwtea COW BAY BOAT WORKS f P Crawley Green 391 : GEORGE L. RORIE ubllc AccouMunt. Auditor, etc. icome Tax Returns Compiled. Bner Block Phone 387 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 II. J. LUND ffcKINLEY & ST. CLAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING PHONE RED 240 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers J'honp 174 P.O. Box 274 Mr. and Mrs. ButrW "uicnart . J . : are Bustnzss and Professional ' Orandvlew Hotel ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 412 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER " t i T : uev u. a. wiison at '"b on tonights train for; -uted Church at 4 o'clock """""r". wnere Mr. Butchart i ...as Eve, Miss Aleta Jean W"er f the Bulkley ""tel. it Winnipeg became the' i George Ernest Butchart Advertise in ini Dally News MILK PRICE ADVANCED! lc Per Quart, January 1, 1948 , of a cent to the producer to cover higher cost of mill-feed. , of a cent to the Daihy (0 offset increased operating cost, i '.rlbuted as given below TicKirr price milk 5 quarts $1.00. 10 pint $.i0 Single juaru 20c. Single pint uc TABLE CREAM JuaU,2Ue. j'iflU 3Cr. J'ints 18c Whipping Cream and Chocolate Milk unchanged. Only usual amount of Milk Tickets will be sold VALENTIN DAIRY .303, Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners. PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 PHINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants FOR LIFE INSURANCE see our rales first. ROSS RICHARDSON 636 Taylor Street Residence Phone Red 246 Confederation Life Association STEPHEN ERICKSON . Piano Technician TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 195 411 West 7lh Ave. If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully insured while I do the work. Baggage - Freight - Expresi Phone Blue 269 - 322 Sixth St. Night .Calls Green 882 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. EMC SPEERS, Mri 1361 Overlook Specializing in Marine and Oeneral Sheet Metal Work - Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks - Stacks - Furnaces Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 Serrlne the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. n.ri l.abtlllnr. Weighing HI.UE 932 0UWBU0PTiaLCOU 'Mi on Keepfnr Footwear Smart and Serviceable MONTREAL with footwear prices continuing to rise along with the cost-nf.iM GOLD SMUGGLING i TAKES NOSEDIVE Dollar Parity, War's End Spell Idleness For I'olice KIRKLAND LAKE, Or.t. fi-With gold production in most oi Canada's iblg mines down and :.auv., 01 u ontario-is loading business MODERATE PRICES poor. Prompt attention to mail orders.! The odd ounce el contraband Box 510 Phone 777 300 3rd Ave. I Gold occasionally finds its way trade centres for "high grade' ore, but moiUof the blg-tlme smugglers have" been robbed of their incentive. Police say that profitable markets were cut off when the last of Canada's ser vlcemen came home At one time a conslderabli amount of gold .was finding its way out of Canada. Police cite the case of a ycung ferry com mand pilot who bought gold fpi $25 an ounce ln Canada and then flew it to Africa where In one month he made a profit of $80,000. Stories of the tricks miners played to smuggle gold out of the mines secreting gold be tween their toes. In their teeth and hair, ln thermos bottles and even In bottles with speclally-bullf secret compartments arc recorded ln the gold squad's files. But now scientific precautions, fallen -off demand for gold and the vigilance of the gold squad have put an efiective damper on this once lucrative racket. Annouucenients S.O.N. Christmas Tree. Oddfellows' Hall. Dec. 30, 2 to 5. Refreshments and entertainment. Booth P.T.A. Jan. 21. Bosun Inn, 909 First Avenue West, Black 959. Fine food, ta-males, chill, barbeque fried chicken. Caterers large or small parties. Open all night. Orders to take out. (2) ITCH CHECKED in a J ' V -or Money Back For quicle rrlipf from Itching rau4 by K-nrnai iithlrir'iiout, Kkhifd, piniplrsanOoilnriii liin, nuMlitlon.. h pur. r..,i!iriR, medH-alpd. Iiullil D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. Kt.iHrl(t mnl itaintrss. SNitlin, rnn''rts and iuickly rarnn 'npneitclilnii. Ilim'tiiilrr. Ak voir iruugisl today fur D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. JSnw Avaihiblv! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Local News. It couver. "vi. "J caicn every speck of dust 1 cneques by mall. on 11s sou surface. It should be cleaned ruins suede more .than friction If you have a smootn leather I novelties, iiKe calf or kid, begin you: cleaning by washing off dirt with mild soap and water. Unless umoved before polish is UPDHWI. the flirt, will nnlu Vm I A fire " In a " garbage .6" thute Jn auer everv wearing I.. workwl dwpar into the leather j days ln the city-Kor patent leather use mild Inspector B. F. Woods-John- Jso-, aJ .water, or milk, or aj80" of the provincial police sall- spsaial patent leather cream j ed Thursday night on the Prinje Stains on reptile shoes ,can be Rupert on an inspection trip to removed with ether. Then, a I Ocean Falls, coating of transparent wax and I Dr J' Dunn' of MaSitt' re" little ? a grease will quickly bring a snine turned home on the Caatlar Most 'important of all, if youJ Saturday after companying his want "Sht"- Mrs- E- McCorrlaon to your bo$s to remain youthful and form-fitting, always put them away in shoe-trees. If sling pumps present a problem, solve It. by stuffing the toes with ordinary newspaper. the city on an emergency flight Wednesday. The Yuletlde season a year .ago was more like winer than It. 1 fnHnv ThrmiffViniit .Tdnuflru by their Infant child When your little one catches cold- I mothers do to relieve miseries of children's colds: Simply rub warming Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back at bedtime. Results are 0 good because VapoRub's special relief-bringing action starts right away and keeps on working for hours during the night while the child sleeps.Ot ten by morning most misery of the cold is relieved. Remember, Mother . . . when your children catch cold . . . be sure you get time-tested Vicks VapoRub. SINGER Immediate delivery of new treadle and electric sewing machines in Prince Rupert and district. i I SINGER Scwinjr Machine Co. I Phone 864 Prince Rupert STORMY WEATHER 1 Ili-re! I'm" 'umfortalilr. ii;t lit mien rooTWC.Mt 4 GEORGE HILL V4 X lN' I.TII. vj IVOttfW "517 (ill 3rd Ave? 1 ' J there were spells of weather! when ear tabs and heavy gloves; would not have been entirely unwelcome. ! Mr. and Mrs. EH Bridden, of Massett. who are visiting in the city, made the round trip to Massett on the Casslar at the; week-end. Their son and daush-! the government declaring parity , ter-ln-law. Mr and Mrs. Bernis between the United States ar.d BrWden returned (rom Massett I Canadian uonar. me gom squad specially trained branch of the Provincial Police In northern on the same boat. Mrs. H. R. Thorstelnson, wife-)-of Constable Thorstelnson who was recently posted to the city, detachment of the provincial; police from Burnaby. arrived ln to Montreal or Widsor, known he city Sunday afternoon on .the Catala. She was accompanied ems Piano Recital, Marie Balag-i Mrs. B. Cowglll sailed on the no-LundquIst, tonight, 8:30, Prince Rupert Thursday night Civic Centre. (It) on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Andrew Andrew Index, the woman of today Is ' McCuney, formerly Make your reservations NOW studying how to groom shoes for yvlth 016 Government Agent's for dinner on New Year's Day longer wear. office here, Jeft -Thursday night at civic Centre Dining Room. Here ine nce Rupert lor van- Phone ,31. (303) are a few n, m , proper care of your shoe I Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Would the person or persons thp Prinrp nnnprt FUhr.rmPn' Suede, which is the flesh sir! who stole the cash box Jrom the ' of the hide turned outwards, is j pf Hce of 99 Taxi, return the ' irip to Massat and Port Cle- (302) irapnts on the Casslar at the I week-end. either .with a small wire brush! ye6ner brought out The Legion of the Moose will or a porous rubber Dad Brush ithe clty flre dePartment at 4:30 hold their Annual New .Year's in the direction of the nan. ! to V. r l' aamae Eve .dance at the Moose Temple Never C " e 'aze' put rubbers over suede j Ubless you protect your shoes; CNR. Carmen's New Year with heelless socks, as nothingHEve Dance, I.O,D,E. Hall. Dane-. ing 9:30 till ?? Refreshments, (304) Dec. 31. Come and meet your friends there. Dancing starts 10 p.m. (304) Miss Evelyn Sussey of Vancouver, who spent the Christ- J. A. lndiay, .Indian Ajent mas noaays nete w.tn ner Massttt, sailed on the Cantor , ent' Mr- and Mr-;- William Bus-HatnrH.nv tn retnm tho 1.. . Mt today by ajr for the land town after spending a few south. Miss Mary Dalzeii of the Co-operative staff, arrived ln the city Sunday on the Casslar from the North Island town and will spend a few days in the city before going south on a holiday trip. CLOSED FOR INVENTORY Monday, December 29 Rupert Peoples Store Rupert Men's and Boy's Store Tuesday and Wednesday, December 30 and 31 Wallace's Department Store (twm) NO SHORTAGE OF i TURKEY IN CITY .. Prince Rupert had a healthy 'appetite -for, turkey during Christmas week and it was satisfied ln full measure. A few birds were even left over and ln hundreds of homes there was enough of the birds for turkey hash. In other words, turkey held the spotlight. MANY ENJOY MOOSE PARTY Prince Rupert Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, was host Saturday night to a large gathering of members and friends who enjoyed a program of card playing and dancing. Whist, under direction of B. J. Bacon, began at 80, and the prize winners for the ladies were Yvonne Smith and Mrs. B. J. Bacon, .with George McWhlnney and Bert Hansen .tallying high scores Lr the men. Dancing to musjc provided by Steven's orchestra began at 10:30. During intermission, re- g freshments were served and j v prizes distributed to the winners at cards. ' g Robert Cruikshank, who spent. Christmas with his parents, Mr I and Mrs. William Cruikshank, , sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert to return to Kam-loops, where he is on the staff i of the Royal 'Bank of Canada. Rev. and Mrs. A. Taylor-Dun-1 lap, Presbyterian minister of Seattle, were round-trip passengers on the Catala on her weekly sailing to Stewart. j i mm mm mm i 8 UUHIB V SWEET MELLOW J52lfcs 'Royal City" Corn, WjHtHi i alxMiiiiling in flavor, ITSStm f f W jj fits in so rrnlily with HfQkdll&l lunch anil ilinner sislJfcSMW ? menu.. Be .ure jou, 1 .8 , market nnskci in- g i oiiiiir" mis iiii"j m -t iiruiiw. - - m Hi To make a iii v lovely lady even Lovelier! 8 0 EXCEPTIONAL SELEC- y r TinM nv niMTV Wpar V 1 FOR YOU AND YOUR I I ill i I FRIENDf? j; J o IMJIDAIi SETS j I m i nnvfiivn PA 1 AM AS ! VII IJ4.J' A" VI II VH V I i i in niMiivi mtiMIC II HH I II W 1 'II " PLAID JACKETS FOR SPORTSWEAR New Shipment of WONDER BRA INCLUDING BLACK- IN ALL SIZES ANNETTE mansell UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING I I li J lilWHl ourwish I ri'FiSW, the Happiness i tm'w" jt McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. nMfii 3 prfnrc Runrrf Daflp Hctos , Monday, December 29, J&47 Oy GOOD .FORTUNE 4 Modernize Your Bathroom! 3.J.i.i.5..5.Xa,,.X,J.a3.S.A5,.,.5,J.J.S.,S,S.i,i,J,XX.J.X..,J,,i,Ji.l 0 Our Bathroom Fixtures of modern de sign are constructed of finest materi als. Estimates given .without obligation Prince Rupert Plumbing and Heating ( Second Ave and Seventh Street PHONE 103 J BEST WISHES FOR A Happy New Year THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. . PHONE 10 1 255 Third Ave. if r gJp " I We wish you, our friends -f and customers j A HAPPY NEW YEAR 'cTXic!tieytei'',e'cx'ce"e,'it"i Wt PUT NtW LIFE IN OLD FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS New Upholstery Materials Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered J30 Second Avenue (Next to CFPR) BLUE 81J ASK ABOUT I f J I U ' C Prompt Attention CREDIT TERMS L V V 111 J to Outside Orders Greer & Bridden Builders and Contractors We have a good selection of 'I i 'I i I. Sl3. J.5. 5l, J.J,;. 3. J.ll53Ji,5. .,, Si S, Si S.5iJ. ,., JiJ,'J On ij FURNITURE . made jn our shop, such .as - 5 CABINETS HOOK CASES TABLES MAGAZINE RACKS DRYING RACKS : ROCKING HORSES DOLL CRADLES ;! in three sizes I; Your last chance to purchase these locally-made furnishings and toys "Ijf it is made of wood, we can build It to order" j I FREE DELIVERY PHONE BLUE 610 RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take LisUngs of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY . RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Bos 518 Phome Green 7n I 1 n J