1 in 8 a m H a H a B... d B B a a a D a a m n a a a a a a- a a a" a a I B a a a a a B a M a a .1 n a 3 a ViUuc Rupert Daffy jScUj Thursday, November .20, 1947 PINK. nUNDLE WEDS (Continued, rrom Page 4) power his nervous speech defect. Behind him, calm, steady, was hgr grandmother. Queen Mary, to whom regal precedence, duty arid devotion to a proud dynasty v.ere all-Important. ;"The 3ambino," as Qu' n Mary called Elizabeth, would have a good life. There would be cracking good family parties, outdoor trips, riding and friendly companionship. From; the first, the King and Queen were determined to have 1 fjeir. daughter's life as free from clammy traditionalism as possible. She had to be a natural child, And, the result, at 21, was a sturdy, vibrant young woman with a lot of her father's serious her '-ral'o war. broad and unaffected when It HVher face. LOVED, LONDON' And it lit her face often in early life. Perhaps the atmosphere of Ihe Bruton Street home of her maternal grandparents, the Earl and Countess of Strath-more, where she was born, had a lot to 'o with it. Later, she and her parents Si STORE Dresses Coats Blouses - Skirts HUNDREDS OF GARMENTS RUPERT PEOPLES STORE SALE COMPLETE WINTER . STOCK NOW HERE! AT IBS Ifl mu laees OF COURSE RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just.EasT of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 518 Phone Green 1)75 S! a i B flBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBnSBBBKQHBBBBBBBBBBBM IBBBBBBBBBBBBflBEBBBaBBBBEBEBBBBOaaBBB iSnow Suits 'TOR EVERY AGE fvbldln I Si J aBBBflBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBB JOHN H. .BULGER ' OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES HEEL THEM ATTEND THEIR THEIR soles-box 774 Second Avenue end Queen Mary ordered an urban excursion. Forbidden to have an automobile of her own, Elfzabeth chalked up a personal triumph during the war by driving a military car through rush-hour traffic, twice around Piccadilly Circus. That marked her graduation from the Auxiliary Territorial School where she had been a member since her 18th birthday. KNEW THE PEEOI'LE a t a I n I 1 RUPERT MARINE REALTY I -' (J. CLAUSEN & SON) ( WejTake Listings of . . . S BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT j r; try As Js the case today, she knew moved to 145 Piccadilly, a bigger ; London's teeming peoples, the home with black doors and a'ricn and the poor. On VE-Day, large garden, where one could i945j snc anci Margaret stood play and wave and chortle at trie th their parents on Buckfng sightseers who insisted on peering through the iron railing. Then, there were long trips to ham Palace balcony, waving to the adulating crowds below. This time, however, the tum- the country GUmis in the Scot- ut and rejoicing were too much. 5 birth, but lacking a title in peer age and rated a commoner by law. Princess Elizabeth then seemed to blossom. Early in 1947 she and Mar- Advertise in the Dally Newsl YOU TOO CAN BE INDEPENDENT Have a Business of Your Own Become a succeuful operator in the profitable profession of hairdreuing and beauty culture. Our new enlarged ichooli offer a thorough training under qualified teachers. Write or call for free literature to MOLER SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSDNG 303 W. Htingi St. (Dept. 1) 1 Vancouver B.C. B i UK9BB-BBBBBBBBBBBBBB " i5' B a H Announcing a f , CHOCOLATE y H I j, 1LAVOUED m B DAIRY fl B fPm DRINK 111 pf Containing V I 10 not less than I j m 1 butterf at V S M ; CHILDREN CHILDREN I I m MX klKE IT V YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE "MEALS 11 AM. TO 8 P.M. Order from your Wagon, Grocer or Dairy at popular prices. VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Francois Lake News Mr. and Mrs. Abe Peters entertained the Nicholson mill workers at their home on Thursday evening to celebrate sawing the last .boom of logs for the season. After games and music, delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Peters. Mrs. Keefe called a meeting at her home on Friday afternoon to arrange for the school concert and dance. Local people are looking forward to natural colored films which Geoff Woodall will show 'here at the hall on November tish Highlands, where younger Wnne the city went wild, she j 28. These were all taken 'in this sister Margaret was born in 1930. , slipped away Into the throng t district by Woodall himself. It But smosy Lonaon aiwajs re-fcet ner fjrst street's-eye view oflWM be the first time that the mained a place of adventure ner tired but happy King and mien, but not at all lacking in from the day "Grandpa" first QUeen. herunother's sense of humor. sent a coach to take her driving: peace had again come to her Although slow in appearing, through Kensington Gardens j ifiand, and with it new demands, " 1 j tedious tasks and soljer respon- B "Princess" by rights of royal new electric lighting plant will be used for running motion pictures. and two brothers are staying with him, also his -sister, Mrs. Chappelle and her three sons. The Pratt family has moved into the Tyson Radley farm. There are six grown-up sons and one daughter, also a daughter Bjsaret Rose accompanied the in-law and a little son. They King and Queen to South Africa. It was her flrst visit outside the British Isles and her first intimate contact with that Commonwealth whose destiny she would dedicate herself to at legal maturity. PLEDGE OF FAITH At Capetown she observed her 21st birthday with this pledge of faith to her Empire: "There is a motto which has been borne by many of my ancestorsa noble motto 'I serve.' Those words were an lnspira- H i tion to many bygone heirs to the a j throne when they made their 2 ; knightly dedication as they came I to manhood.' "I cannot do quite as they did, but through the inventions of science I can do what was not possible for any' of thenr. I can make my solemn act of dedication with a whole Empire listen -tn." "I declare ... all my life . . , shall bo devoted to your service end the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong, but I shall not have, ths strengtn to carry outthis resolu- i Won alone, unless you Join in It with mj . . .God help me to mak-j igood my vow, and God bless all ; ol you who ara willing to share I it." came from Montana. The church service on Sunday morning was well attended. P Will PI HMiWi r r.Tavxv. 1 In Drip and R.gular Grinds In an All-Purpot Grind Snow fell on Sunday afternoon and the temperature dropped. Those who went to tlie lumbermen's ball in Burns Lake on Saturday night report having had a good time. Mr. Nash, who is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Millar, held Sunday Sehool at the hall on Sunday afternoon. More than twenty attended and enjoyed the meeting. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY1 Q. How can I clean gold-leaf signs? A. If the letters of signs are laid with pure gold-leaf, and have become covered with soot or dirt, they can be cleaned by George Lund's ,slster, Peggy, m0istening a sponge with al cohol and rubbing lightly. Or, spirits of turpentine is effective. Q. How can I remove dis-colorations from aluminum ware? weak solution of vinegar and water, about one tablespoon of vinegar to a quart of water. FREE TRANSPORT FOR SOLDIERS OTTAWA You're In the army and you're stationed half way around the world. Should your wife or member of Immediate family become dangerously 111 and it Is believed your presence will contribute toward recovery, then the army will bring you home and fast If It Is at all possible. A new order handed down provides for free trans portatlon. B.C. AT wkddim; Two British Columbia couple3 were in Westminster Abbey for the Royal Wedding Agent-Qen-eral and Mrs. W. A. MacAdam and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. For ECZEMA -Skin Troubles Make up your mind today that you are going to give your akin a real chance to get well. Go to Orme Drugs or any good drug store and get an original bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil it lasts many days because it highly concentrated. The very first application will Rive you relief the Itching of Ectema U quickly stopped eruptions dry up rold'and scale " ln vrry ew day"- The A Fill the Ule vessel VC5i,el with a a C013iiiame Is true of Itching Toes and Feet. Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, skin troubles. Remember that Moone's Emerald Oil Is a clean, powerful, penetrat- bring to a boll,. and let boll five Antiseptic on that docs not .jmiiuiio. piete satisfaction or money back. 1 y W I sac w K-ufSk i III! SI In Maxwell Houe jna, frl mors than juit "good" codee. You get the World" I Leading Brand of cofTee ! Yon get more flavor lecaue Ma-well House, rontaitu rhoice Latin-American coffees . . . the LeL obtainable. These richer, more flavorful coffees are Mended by experts to give you finer flavor. And Radiant Roasting develops every extra atom of goodness to give you fuller flavor. -PACKED 2 WAYS: Try a Classirled AU in Tiie News BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY BOSTON) Chinese Dishes a Specialty Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties 608 THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephone 200 Margaret Mcleod Optometrist - AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave. Phone Green 324 for 1 "III 111 1 BLONDIE COOCS. CAN'T VOL) No wonder more people buy MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE -; than any other brand IT'S "GOOD TO THE LAST DROP" of coffee in the world... at any price! MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE ET VOUB PAPA'S ALARM r"l ru-Lf A i tTTi tr r-Aa J jO H WONT CLIP MS ) I , WHEN He comes i TEARING OUT tvtWY MOkNING x v 9 inline X A Product ef Cn.ral Foods Right On Schedule! I LL SET IT TWO HOURS AHAD THAT WILL MAKE HIM MISS THE l MAILMAN v-1 . i You Can't Win! Lit I m fijir I'M SORRV, MAMA?) -B5 C LITTLE RED W?;- i kA-i- i j-. i - sr?r NOW, JUST SIT THERE AND LOOK AT THE pictures in my new FASHION MAGAZINE" THAT WILL KEEP VOU OUT OF TROUBLE m fat IliMlwb Shows at 7 p.m, and 0:05 p.m. 11 mean . D I 513 Third Ave. West cm UltST "WW HIT I '-OWE MICKEY IEWK ROONEY'STONE Mi! at Matinee 5 Launching ot the CNSS Frince Ctotttl in the tJ FU1. and SAT, As far as I'm concerned it means a tobacco; can smtkeall day long. That my friend is the real test!! : . . Can you smoke your brand all day long and come up for more? If not, then try lICOUAC! For a cool, easy packing, smooth burning, fragrant smoke, there is nothing better I'keiue h ihtpkkoj tbt Hurley Crop, grouti in unny southern Ontario. GET SOME TO. DAY! BCOl The Pick of Pipo Tobaccos SEE YOUR FAVORITE IN C-3 L L S AT THE I VARIETY STORE Our attrarttv olor j ful dolls are a natural with younstf.s This season you will see the finest seiertionin dolls on displav dolls with sleeping eyes, movable arms and legs, real hair and smartiv dressed, nt. nrices to suit any i purse Phonr ned W By Che You 1 ''iajEZL-----n Wf&m