Thursday, September 4, 1947 - - Classified Advertising - - CluilflMli: 2e per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 60c Birth Notice 0c; Curd ot Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notice. Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. FOR RfaKT FOR RENT One-room furnished cabin near Seal Cove Cold Storage. Phone Blue 825. (200) CABIN FOR RENT Nice clean and warm. Furnished. 1142 Park Avenue. Phone Gresn 224. (209) FOR RENT Two roomed semi-fumished suite. Call after 4. 1235 Park Avenue. (21l) FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping suite, suitable for . couple. Phone Blue 638. FOR RENT Two-roomed front suite. 221 Fifth Avenue East. (207) ROOM for Rent and board if desired. 812 Second Avenue West Phone Red 976. (207) niXP WANTED WOMAN Wanted for housework three afternoons a week. Phone Green 395. (200) WANTED Woman to cook for private establishment. Time, off In afternoons. Evenings free. Live in or out. State salary. Phone Black 500. (tf) WANTED Elderly woman to look after small child. Phone Red 276, evenings. (207) WANTED Names are being received at the Daily News office of boys or girls desiring delivery routes. (tf) HELP WANTED Ward Maids for Prince Rupert General Hospital. Apply Matron. ( tf ) WANTED Woman .to cook for private establishment. Time off in afternoons. Evenings free. Live in or out. State salary. Phone Black 500. (207) SWAP WANTED TO TRADE Muskrat fur coat, like new, size 18, for piano. Phone Bhie 276. ROOM AM) BOARD ROOM AND BOARD $40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Tabic meals. Mrs Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf) PERSONAL THERE'S an excellent chance that we have the remedy for your ASTHMA or HAY FEVER. It may not help YOU but then again the average of re-liefs is very high, and you too , might find yourself breathing normally again. A letter to LIFE LINE PRODUCTS, 9-817 Granville Street will bring you a reply that you can think over. (207) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES COMMERCIAL Classes at St. Joseph's Academy open Sept. 2. Day class $15 per month, typing night class $7.50. Phone Black 500. (209) TENDERS TENDERS will (be received by the undersigned up to 5 pjn. September 15, 1947, for the purchase of Lot 44, Block 34, Section 1, City of Prince Rupert. The highest ps any tender will not necessarily be accepted, H. D. Thain, city clerk. (tf) METAL WORK DONT Walt for Winter. Now is the time to have that eaves-trough fixed and furnace Installed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd., Black 884. (tf) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, t sinks, eaves-troughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West, Phone 543. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST Ladles wrist watch with leather strap, Phone Red 216 , (209) LOST Black- wallet near the Theatre on Sunday niaht Keep the money and return the wallet to the Dally News. (207) FOUND On First Ave. a bunch of keys in brown leather case. The owner can have same by paying for this add at the Daly News. (tf) LOST between Rupert and ' Terrace, one drop-cloth 12x16, Saturday night. Please leave at Bob Parker's or Spencer's Garage, Terrace, B.C. Reward. LOST Two fishing rods, one bamboo, one steel, on highway. Reward. Phone Red 183. (208) 'ou saw It iH Toe irewsi FOR SALE FOR SALE 6 room house on 8th Ave. near McBride, $3,500 terms with $1,900 down. For information call Collart Si McCaf-fery. (tf) FOR SALE Grade 9 books in good condition. Phone BiacK 320. FOR SALE Household furniture, bedroom suite, dinette suite, baby's play pen, crib, dishes, lamps, pots and pans, other articles. 1516 Sixth Avenue East. (208) FOR SALE 2x4, 2x6, shlplap flooring and dimensions. Phone Green 698. (tf) FOR SALE 30.30 Savage Rifle and 2 boxes snells. Phone Red 912. (211) NEW and Used Household and Office Furniture and Hardware. New unpalnted 4-draw-er chests, Bookcases and Medicine Chests $2.75; Scatter Rugs $125; Mattresses, Electric Double Hot Plates S7; Desks, Small size Stoves for wood and coal. Compasses from $1. Used Kitchen Tables $4; Bicycles; Mirrors 50c; Single Beds complete $20; Office Chairs. Other useful articles at reduced prices. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. FOR SALE Springfield rifle 30-40 Krag, as new. Phone Green 106. (208) FOR SALB-Barb wire troll) $4.00; 4" fir edge-grain flooring 65.00 M; 16x48, 16x32 Don-naoonna lath $40.00 M; 1 good cook stove $20.00; Window screens 75c each; 4" and 6" sewer pipe not taken out per toot 20c; 6x6 and 8x8 2x6-4' long $25.00 M; 15 electric reflectors and guards 18" with Mogul sockets. Spies and Meckling, Wantage Road Group 4, Phone 866. (208) FOR SALE 42 foot pleasure boat in good condition. Could be converted into halibut boat. Owner leaving town. Apply Prince Rupert Yacht Club. (211) FOR SALE Mohair chesterfield $40; 5 dining room chairs $10: leather upholstered armchairs $15 pair. 1235 Eighth Avenue East. Call after 6 pjm. (211 FOR SALE High School books, good as new. Phone Black 998. (208) FOR SALE 3936 Ford Sedaa. Apply 1501 Eighth Ave. East or Phone Black 608. (203) FOR SALE Bedroom suite, complete. Coal or wood Heater. Phone Blue 913. (208) FOR SALE 1947 Kaiser Special 4-door sedan on display at 1045 2nd. Ave. West. (207) FOR SALE 2 ton O.M.C. Truck, 1942 model, like new. 4 now tires, 3 spares, wheel chains. 2 25-foot chains and binders, new span rear axle, heater, defroster, 2 cheese blocks, equipment with box and hitch for trailer. All for $1600 cash. J. Smaka, Copper River, B.C. (208? FOR SALE Paint machine. $175. Inboard motor $75. One Dodge Sedan $1350. Apply J. H. Malr or Johnson, 171 Third Avenue East. Phone Black 156. (tf) FOR SALE Attractive 6 year old white .cedar siding bungalow, 5 rooms and one in basement. Through hall, oak floors, fireplace, cabinet kitchen, pembroke 'ibath and shower, furnace, laundry tubs In basement. Garden and lawn. Phone Black 252. (212J FOR SALE Three roomed house. Apply 233 9th Ave. East. (212) FOR SALE All enamel oil burning range, 4 piece walnut bedroom suite, 3 piece ches terfield set, rugs, miscellaneous articles. 625 West 6h. 7:30 to It) p.m. ' (208) FOR SALE Kitchen Range with slent.glow oil burner complete with copper coil. $60.00. Phone Blue 154. 1209) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac tured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B. C. (tf) DUG-OUT DIRT According to Alex Bill, Savoy manager, Tuesday night's play off game was played under pro test. In the eight Inning Savoy thought it was getting too dark to play and asked Umpire Ber-uschl to call the game. Beruschl could still see daylight so the game went on. The game, scheduled for 6:45, was 30 minutes late getting,un-I der way. Most of the delay was due to the absence of several Moose players. In order to get the game under way Savoy agreed to let Bill Lambie play first base for Moose until Sparks reached the park and to permit the use of Schroeder in left field. If Tuesday night's playing by Schroeder can be taken as typical it looks as though the hardball teams have been passing up a bet. HLs fielding was 100 per cent, making two fly catches. In 4 times to bat he contacted the. ball 4 times for 2 hits and scored the tying run. Lindsay, pitching in the final inning, got 2 strike-outs, walked 2, allowed a hit and had 1 run scored against him before the game was called. Big hitters of the game were McNiece and Schroeder with 2 apiece. Although Rosedale'was nurs ing, a sore arm, result of Sun day's nine-inning game,' he made a smart show, yielding only 5 hits to the Savoy sluggers. He faded 3 men, walked 1; got 6 assists, 1 put-out and bingled a hit for himself in the fifth. Sharpe. pitchine smooth ball for Savoy, came through with 6 strike-outs, permitted 6 hits, walked one man. eot 3 assists and had one run scored against him. He duplicated Rosedale's act by clouting out a single. Moose had to errors tallied against them, Savoy five. Classified Advertising Pays! int. rorRT or hri- I1MI rOHMBIA IN PROBATE IV THE MATTKR or THE "AIIMIN ITRATIO ACT" AMI l HIE MATTER Of THE ESTATE ill I'L j I.R , CI RKAN, DECEASEII, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Hl Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, Local JUdRe oi the supreme Court of Brl tlsh Columbia, I was on the 25th day of August, A.D. 1947, appointed Administrator of the Estate of Peter Curran, late of Telegraph Creek, Bri tish Columbia, who died on or about the 20th daf of December. 1946. at urassy creek, British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to fUe them with me properly verified on or before the 30th day of September, 1947, fall lng which distribution wUl be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C. this 26th day of August, A.D. 1947. ROBERT F. JOHNSTON, OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR TELEGRAPH CREEK, B. C (211) SHORT SPORT A nattily dressed team of Chinese footballers has arrived in England to do their stuff In matches against amateur teams with the blessing of Aw Haw, Chinese millionaire who mado his fortune with "Tiger Balm," the natnt medlln rnrp-filT Tiger head ba'dges ih their lapels signify their connection with the man who financed ttielr trip on an "expense-no-object" basis. Originally it was planned to bring them here in a four-motored plane, but the arrangement fell through and a $6,000 deposit was lost. Players are decked out in yellow shorts, yellow and black hooped skirts and black socks, Rations Include six 200-pound bags of rice and nu-'merous tins of "Tiger Balm" which. It is claimed, safeguards them against pulled muscles and other minor injuries when rubbed on the legs. The team plays according to Football Association rules and their weekly games in China where therp are no professional clubs are often watched by crowds of 40,-000 to 50,000. The team has already toured Malaya, the Philippines and Australia. One-armed golfers competed recently for the one-armed championship at Royal Mid-Surrey Club In Richmond. They made it look easy. The two-day tournament was won by R. O. Hughes of Chester, anall-round, sportsman and motorcycle racing enthusiast before he lost his left arm in .the First World War, with a net of 70, off 20 handicap, for the 18 holes. Many net scores in the 70's were returned! J. F. Wright, chairman of the Norwich City football club, is a trifle annoyed that the Football Association continues its August starting of soccer. "It's ridiculous," he says. "Eight months of football are enough for fan and player alike. Cricket does not get a fair crack of the whip." Some people might think is a "clean" game, but the minutes Qf the English Football Association disciplinary committee don't bear it out. In a three-month period, at the end of last season, the committee ruled on dl cases brought be fore them by the referees. The refs' reports included "ungentle-manly" conduct on the field" and "ungentlemanly remarks" made to him by players. These merited fines of $420 but In cases p? "violent conduct" where a couple of players slugged 't out, the F. A. slapped on suspensions. Train Schedule (Pacific Standard Time) For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 pjn. From the East- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m.' An Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure7 LIKE A SKILLED PHYSICIAN, OUR SERVICE SPECIALISTS CAN EXAMINE YOUR CAR FOR SYMPTOMS OF ILLNESS . . , AND RECOMMEND TREATMENT TO PREVENT MECHANICAL BREAKDOWNS. Our service manager, GUS STROMDAHL, has had many years of experience, and will be pleased to advise you about the condition of your car. Bob Parker Limited "THE. HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" Ford-Monarch Dealers Prince Rupert, B.C. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We specialize in rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service for all makes of cars and trucks. Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 566 Prince Rupert, B.C. RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green 075 Baseball Scores , American League New York 11-9, Boston 2-6. Washington 0. Philadelphia 3. Chicago 8-5, Cleveland 3-6. National League St. Louis 11, Chicago 1. Cincinnati 13, Pittsburgh 6. JOE ears As i m - in arum September 4, 1922 For the fourth time Sons of Canada defeated Elks In a Senior Lacrosse League fixture. The score was tied 6-6 at the end of the regulation time but the Sons got the extra goal in overtime. Goals for Elks were scored by Taylor, J. Mitchell and Easson. The scorers for th Sons of Canada were H. Menzles, Fray and Blyth. There were no penalties. George Tite rcfer-eed and Ben Crossett and George Johnstone were goal judges, with Harry Love timekeeper. Teams: Sons of Canada D. Bro'wn, A. Saint, H. Prlngle, C. Blyth, U. U. LaCasse, H. Menzles, W. Gray and Eric Mackintosh. Elks H. Llpsett, George Shaw. Fred Gllhuly, A. A. Eas son. S. W. Taylor, S. Jacobs, J. Mitchell and Wrigglesworth. Flying News Room Is Touring Alaska SEATTLE What is called a "flying news room" representing the New York Herald Tribune, is making a serial tour of Alaska. There are three mem bers of the staff aboard. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) BING WINS BUT LOSES Ottawa Caddie Gets Four Suits of Clothes From Moyje Star JASPER PARK LODGE Bruce McPhal, Ottawa, is in swell shape for clothing for the coming winter and it all hinges around Birug Crosby. Blng was mighty happy during an early round to score a olrdie three on the tough par four eighteenth and told his caddie that he would buy him a suit of clothes as a present. "Every time I get a birdie on the eighteenth It's a new suit for you Bruce," he said. Blng little fearing the consequences. The crooner soon turned In another and the caddie smiled happily. - Last Sunday in practice round with Dr. Blgelow, Victoria; Davie He'rron, Pittsburg and Bill Brink-worth, Jasper greenkeeper, the crooner put his second into the trap at the eighteenth. He blasted the ball right into the cup for a birdie to save a couple of bucks but lost another suit of clothes. Yesterday In his match with Matt Berry, Vancouver, he laid his second shot stiff in front of a large gallery and sank the putt for a 69. "It's swell to break 70 on this course -but that's four suits of clothes for the kid since we started," smiled the great Bing. Wong Sing, charged under Sectdon 16- of the Fire Marshall's Act, was fined $10 yesterday In police court and given 48 hours to comply with the regulations k A If TWIN-DUAL SKIN-LEVEL IV I PA C KA RI ELECTRIC YlkWl lSlIAVEli with leather travelling: case REMINGTON DUAL White Electric SHAVER $24.50 $19.95 For one week only, we will allow $2.00 on SP F I I A I 'our "' razor anr make, straight or I LvlHL safety razor, regardless of condition or value toward the purchase of one of these popular guaranteed models RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC PHONE 614 313 3rd Ave. W. mcKS FRASERHOUSE Modem, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 I f . V- I ; 1SOW I I FREE HOME I nil II nci icdv ML ill "tM'ww ir ! OF I I BOTTLED I I BEER I I C.O.D. I nn ivnrvl Bllll 654 I Irlwne: 25c per dozen paid for empties I Please have them ready for driver I when ho AoVivorv I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia. THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 881 P.O. Box 1219 , (PRINCE RUPERT l.h : SHAVING COMBINA? nC A I I i Vl I I I I M W II f A SI ERV4S r Tech Razor and todayul i -de.fitexactly.anN moving comfort You jay. J o.forGillettedoublttds3 l lenient Reopening for Season - look j feel l use Gillet BLUE BLATtrl Wi.hthef(p"fe(j8ei,VJJ REX BOWLING ALLEYS Third Avenue and Sixth Street is such healhful fun; such clean sport! Play Compkll n i ' I'lionci Kcscrvitw five rixs- TEN FINS REPAIR AND RECONDITP YOUR HOME THIS PHONE 32 CALL in r-r-TN r rMMfNm BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterate Phone RED S61 "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert JOHN GURVICH has has retu returned to the CONTRACTING No Job Too Large - No Job Twi EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND It -l.f Ilncinil Cafe) THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE SIXTSP For Your Eating Pleasure . ' BroadwaJ Cafe Ghinesc Dishes Chow Md" , f i n I TAKE - OUT" Orcuii'" Hours: 7 A.M. to 1:30 A.M.