..... tcr p""1 Eyolfson Albert Eyolfson I1CU " cook Corps, See Rupert, one of canadlaa Sea are making a trip -i., tihP auspices of t.s sending .AVtflL III lEbkbku .1.1. tiMn to memoir -,. nnme in touch una uni- isthe flr iSr- (C3 S'adacona" 'Halifax N.S.. juiv 31. 1947. Punprt. I "O 1 very interesting a tiring trip, wmic iLa train HI Jdouct tci Park Lodge tflWf'' h. time seeing uie thorn are pieniy i left for the east at afternoon and i e same car all the treal Tnere i m. fficers of '-he party. Atkte and one party The men In :;efl u place tor us e nigln and then ! out T-l' VUllip of the Sea Cadet e vt cpeni most of . . . .ui Hit) no ti'HI'f IAI vi- jk Montreal That iioi dinner in our e Montreal Athletic and frcm there we wglon Auxiliary ian Fan nno. Army Home Leaguo centre Nov. "ecemoer 5. Ulir llnnn,. . . r HIIVUITAI VL 1111,11 I I U I ililU R SIIOES- EJU flElR I II) , nouse or f ur- - wirouKh fire. UP UK A Mnn 'Mini .p :ment of your -U4B mat nrespnt ' material anrt It I " y. nt7 "durance "serj now. Pi fPn, . 8 SlKtK . Local News Items... Baseball tonight Savoy vs.i Watts & Nlckerson. (It) C.C.F. Clulb meeting tonight, 8 pan. Speaker, II. G. Archibald, iM,P. All members requested to attend. (It) C.C.F. Broadcast, Wed., 6:3!) p.m., II. O. Archibald, MP., Conclusion of Ottawa High lights." (183) Mrs. Robert Davidson arrived in the city Monday night on the Princess Adelaide from Vancouver to Join her husband who Is chief engineer on the govern ment snag boat Esslngton.. Attention Oddfellows and Re bekahs Banquet Jn Commodore Cafe, August 5, at 6:30 p.m. In honor of the Grand Master (182) Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Coulter ar rived aboard the Coquitlam to day on their way from Premier to Vancouver, leaving Premier following Mr. Coulter's resignation as manager of the Silbak-Premler mine following recent company reorganization. Tickets for Associated Boards banquet, August 8, at Civic Centre, available from W. F. Stone. Please make reservations early. Tickets for dance also available In limited quantities. (185) Rev. John Llnney left by air yesterday afternoon for Queen Charlotte City to Join Mrs. Llnney with -whom he will return on the Cassiar at the end of the to the 'ram which ! week. Mrs. Llnney has been u to Halifax. By j visiting at Queen Charlotte City ' i. ii. her were twenty I or me past munin. the par present. , Kindling wood free while it arrive in Halifax hasu. Apply Central Hotel. (182) a jtat:.:nea at H.M. were taken through . L .1 1L11.. II LiiCiT bisque1 fo us, the 1 ::r.-:s I had is cay a few words, w::? taken for, .r? u C:i there Is , ve arr ' get cur no t M'u nii nn ano te vnu what r.uo :ver Albert w Eyolfson, 'A s rv Tnr 'Ui'v :k and 'fl M n.. K , J ...... , ..in. nuwt UM lUIUIUIl ctiareed lor a full 3m i word. Norway meeting, Aug. 7 Bazaar Oct l and 2. pi rwf 10 Orphanage Tea and 3, ale Nov 6. the Moos nnntml ' 14 ana u Moose Vote Lorraine Youngman. for a charming, talented Port Queen. Junior Chamber of Commerce. ,tf) Chamber of Commerce Con vention Ball, Fri. August 8, Civic Centre. mrs) Ted Capstlck of Prince Rupert, with the International Fisheries Commission, has recently beer, in Juneau, a guest at the Gastln-eau Hotel. Plan to be In town for Car nival Week, August 16-23. Civic Centre Carnival, Prince Rupert's Event of the Year (tf) Miss Marjorle Brain of Van- derhoof arrived in the city on Saturday nightfs tjrain from Vanderhoof to pay a visit with her grandmother, Mrs. K. L Monteith, and with Mrs. A. W. Macdonald, ELghth Avenue East Remember! Port Day, Prince Rupert's marine holiday, August 21. (tf) J. A. Hanna, who is superintending work of concreting the portal of tunnel of the well known Northern Pyrites mining property on the Ecstall River, was in town yesterday. There are seven men engaged in the work on the property, said Mr. Hanna. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Simmons I of Oxshott, Surrey, England, after an extended visit at Georgetown with Mrs. S. A. Sun-bury, are leaving Thursday night cn the Prince Rupert, for Vancouver enroute back to England, flying the Atlantic from New York. Accompanying them to Vancouver will be their son, Victor Simmons, who came here as a refugee child from Britain during the war and Is remaining here. So pleased with Canada were Mr. and Mrs. Simmons that they may decide to emigrate here later. Mrrfelmmons is a municipal councillor in n'.s heme town and, while here, took nn Infprpst In lnc.nl municlnal matters by visiting the City Hall Advertise in The Dally News! jand power ccmpany offices, iMIII " jliilil in I i i Dining "corner: jjt Local Dealers In Congoleum Gordon & Anderson Ltd. THIRD AVENUE A. MacKcnzie Furniture Ltd. "I'm sorry we Just can't interfere with our appointments except in an emergency case." Entertainment and Instruction B.C. Products Show, Civic Centre, Wednesday, 8 p.m. (It) O An outstanding Event B. C. Products Shew, Civic Centre, Wednesday, 8 pm. (It) REMOVES PREJUDICES MONTREAL. O) Indian boys share with Canadian boys a common love of camping and outdoor life, but in India camping is doing something that is not needed in Canada; it is helping to remove communal and caste differences among young people, according to Bhag'un-athan Rajalah, young Indin YJ.I. C.A. worker, who visited BLACKHEADS .t,.vt K . .imnla method that dift- tOlTtl tllm. U two BlPtn -.--..- I Dowdcr from your droit. PPlT K lot, wet cloth gtnOr over the blckhd tod jon will wonder when they bm com. Make it easy for yourselfl Eat rlghl in the kitchen in front of a cool "herb garden" window. Use a between meals ; ; ; And then -most Mining table" that drops down out of the way bright Gold Seal Congoleum rugl down sparkling a important of all - put with the swish of a damp cloth. And durablel clean It, smooth surface is easy to paint and baked enamel is actually equal Why, its wear-layer of heat-toughened oppied by hand. But - when you buy your h thickness fo 8 coat, of best floor paint Gold Seal. Without it - remember I - it isn't Congoleum rug - look for the familiar Congoleum. You'll be surprised how much quality you can buy for so little money. Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs . . . product of Congoleum Canada Limited, Montreal. Your dealer may be temporarily out of Congoleum becauie luppllei are .till very ihort. Pleoie try him again ai he recelvei limited .hlpmenti from time to time. KXRUG K) f I "AunnACiiocAtMTOi j s V nut noun tun ft I We handle Concoleum rroducts . . . GORDON'S HARDWARE McUHIDE STREET Congoleums of every description when storks are available. FUNERAL NOTICE ERICKSSON In the city, or. Thursday, July 31, Gustaf Adolph Ericksson, Age 46 years. Rev. Fred Antrobus will con duct services at the Grenville Court Chapel at 4 p.m., Wed nesday, Aug. 6. Interment will follow in Fairvlew Ceme tery. B. C. Undertakers In charge of arrangements. NEW KIN LEADING QUEEN RACE Kinsmen Candidate Barbara Wilson moved Into the lead in the Port Queen race Monday, climbing above Gyro Candidate Betty Pullen by a narrow 1,000- vote margin. Junior Chamber and Sons of Norway candidates remain unchanged from their last week's standings. Here are the latest Queen contest figures: Barbara Wilson (Kin) 16,000. Betty Pullen (Gyro) 15,000. Lorraine Youngman (Junior Chamber) 11,000. Ruth Jerstad (Sons of Norway) 8,000. HARDY TIPPLER Bentonlte, a plastic clay-Uke mineral used in oil refineries; will absorb seven times its volumes of water. BUMPER FISH CATCH BERWICK, NS -Marking the largest single salmon catch reported on the Fundy shore this season, William "Bill" Pine of Donald's Brook, caught 16 in his weir during one tide. The same tide also brought In a bumper catch of mackerel. COSMOPOLITAN CROSSROADS Since Biblical times, the Middle East has been the crossroads of the strategy and commerce of the world, as well as an import ant centre for the diffusion of learning. ENGLISH CHINA Cups and Saucers $1.00 to $15.00 FOR THE LATEST IN JEWELRY MANSON'S "YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELER" Half Price . . . While They Last Gordon & Anderson rilONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service 1 !LinHFHBHH r Jxmmmrm j wanpapers It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS Iprince Hupect DaUn jQetuui Tuesday, August 5, 1947 B C PRODUCTS WEEK i 12 i If B.C. ) IPRODUCTSj "DRY BAK" water-repellent work clothing, made in Vancouver. We have a very complete stock of "DRY BAK" shirts and "DRY BAK" pants in all sizes. DAYS . . . Yes, only 10 more days to shop for these exceptional values we are offering in . . . COATS DRESSES SUITS BLOUSES AND ACCESSORIES USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES The Vacuum Cleaner You Have Waited For! IT'S THE EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER You are Invited to make a personal Inspection of these wonderful new ..EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS. Visit McRae Bros, and arrange for a demonstration in your home. Remember, you buy the best when you buy EUREKA Dry Lumber Wc have just received a substantial shipment of KILN-DRIED Finishing Lumber Get Yours While It Lasts PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LIMITED PHONES 651 AND 652 Coal Lumber Hardware Paints