B D B B B ' B U B B B B O n H a a B B U c n u B n ii H a n u u a B n N n u B n B H a a a u a H n u a a a IB Tuesday, August 5, 1947 What is said to be the largest tyee salmon caught at Campbell River; Vancouver Island, was taken there recently by R. E. Slocum of Oakland, California He landed a seventy-pound fish Slocum, who used a number 36 thread line, can now wear a diamond button. The salmon did not give in until the struggle had gone on for fifty minutes The salmon was three and a half pounds heavier than one caught by Mrs. Grace Randall In 1941. H.M.S. Kenya, which will visit Prince Rupert this month, will be calling at most of the larger ports in the United States, Canada, Alaska and Mexico. Tnc West India squadron, of which the Kenya forms part, will split up for the three month's cruise. At San Francisco, the Kenya will be joined by the sloop Sparrow. "A month after the Japanese surrender. President Truman proclaimed a policy of setting aside, pertain areas of the high seas bs--fishery conservation zcoiesTThTs is a tremendous step forwjrd-ln; fishery protection." From- address by J. A. Krug, U.S.'Secretary of Interior, in the Canadian Fisherman. A . Pasadena business man, Bearl Sprott, is on his way up the coast on what he calls his vacation. He will leisurely cruise SHIPS AND WATERFRONT the B.C. coast and Alaska. He is travelling on his 142-foot yacht the "Breezin' Through," converted from a Canadian war time patrol boat. The vessel has an estimated value of $200,000. His outfit includes radar, a sail boat, a rowboat, two motor boats and an amphibian plane. Naval Vessel... (Continued from Page One) stops at Butedale and Swanson's Bay. Yesterday the plane was taken over to Seal Cove to check it1 radio equipment. Plane and ship cleared for Ketchikan Monday afternoon. At Juneau, Joe Crosson of Al aska flying fame will take ove controls of the "Seabee" and the Sprotts will spend two weeks exploring Alaska and the Yukor by air. Fairbanks Nome Point Barrow, Whitehorse and Dawsor. will be among their points oi call. A further two weeks wil' be taken up by water travel. The "Breezin Thru" was or iginally built in New York by Langhley for Lila Post in 1926. During the war she was acquired by the Canadian government and saw service with the Cana dian Navy on this coast. The ship is 142 feet long and is powered by twin diesels whose combined 600 h.p. drive her along at a cruising speed of 12 to 14 lA'i . Aside from the master stateroom and crews' quarters there ire two . guest rooms aft and ;hree forward. Mx. Sprott bought the yacht it Vancouver in 1946 and had her redesigned to his specifi-.ations at the Burrard Shipyards. The lifting tackle for placing the plane on the deck or n the water is operated by an' electric hoist. The equipment is tested for 5 tons so that passen gers may remain in the aircraft When it is bein? lnwprprt nr raised. The "Seabee' has a re versible rudder and can go back and forth in the water like a boat. Mr. Sprott, whose home town M4w Here are beautiful NYLONS mm of course they're bu .- i 'ory re kninra in live ' proportions to " cive 'J f....l I. .M.t 1 l i r T, u"iuinu": iiioi ami urtun ai AUi points ... top, call, antic, anj inIrp ... not just Irnffh alone! Tbfre'a a atmling in tbe "Fit-AU" Family just right for You ... to give you smooth, t Icck cooi fort. 1 e, the patented pucker under the foot stretche out when the stocking iion... guaranteed to give a tmatthrr fit over the ankle, under tbe heel, at the Lack . . . lichen hold seam straight. 1. STYLON DEBS . . . for the short, small woman, slender legs and thighs. Sies 2. STYLON MIDS ... for average height with average size legs. For short women with larger legs ... for tall women with slender legs. 8-ll. 3. STYLON LONCS ... for the really tall woman, or average height with sturdy legs. 9JJ.11. 4. "FIT-ALL-TOP MIDS ... for the average size woman who wants extra stretch above the knee. 8 J-U. 5. "FIT-ALL-TOl"' LONGS . . . take care of the tall woman with large thighs. 9Ml. AND I i THIS IS THE f AMOUS KAY SCt "m-All HUl"l Al RUPERT PEOPLES STORE a Steamer mL Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS VVESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight t(AU Times Pacific Standard) .For reservation call or write 'City or Depot Ticket Offices. : PRINCE RUF ERT lEBBSBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB For Your Eating Pleasure Broadway Cafe (Formerly Boston Cafe) THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND AFTERNOON TEAS r. Chinese Dishes Chow Mein Chop Suey "TAKE - OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME Hours: 7 A.M. to 1:30 AJvl. PHONE 200 aS It- 1 "D'you notice the traction that new tire had when I put on the brakes?" tnots, or top speed of 16 knots. is Pasadena, California, Is sometimes referred to as the "Hotel King" because of his former connections with hotels and lodges that cater to the motor traveller. During the war he specialized in feeding war work ers from the cafeteria system developed what became known as the fast-feed method. At one time Ms chain of eating places were feeding over 200 000 peoDle a day. As Mr. Sprott says he was feeding more people than anyone else in the world except the American government. At present Uiere are no guests board the "Seabee" but a party of the owner's friends will Join the ship in Alaska. Aside from Mr. ana Mrs. Sprott, Captain Thomas King, Pilot Davies and secretary Mary-Lou Russell, the "Seabee" carries a crew of five including both Americans and Canadians The Sprotts expect to be back in Prince Rupert in about four weeks' time and hope to be able to fly up, to Stewart and into the Interior as far east as Prince George. Mammoth Auction Sale WAR ASSETS SURPLUS GOODS On Thursday, Aug:. 7, at 2:30 p.ra at the Auction Rooms, situated in the old Evening- Empire Building-. Under Instructions of the Owner, 1 will sell by Auction the following; 100 Kitchen Chairs. 15 Chest of Drawers. 30 Folding; Tables, 31x72. 20 Large Wastepaper Baskets. 10 Garbage Cans. 10 Benches. 1C Filing Cabinets. 4 Office Desks. 4 Book Shelves. 10 Benches. 10 Clothes Racks. 8 Stools. 3 Confidential Chests (metal). 1 Cook's Table. 6 Occasional Chairs. 6 Small Office Cabinets. 8 Ironing Boards. , 6 Wardrobes and Cupboards. 20 Mirrors. 1 Cabinet Gramaphone. 1 Floor Polisher. 3 Trilight Lamps. 40 Serving Trays. 1 Buffet. 8 Ash Stands. 1 Cuspidor. 6 Blackboards. C Paper Towel Dispensers. 2 Measuring Cans. 3 Army Trunks ' 10 Tub Footbaths. C Arm Chairs. ' 1 Chesterfield. 3 Leather Chairs. 6 Office Tables (oak). 8 Card Tables. 6 Folding Chairs. 3 5 2 3 Medicine Cabinets. Shop-made Bins. Serving Wagons. Kitchen Ranges with wick oil Sunbeam Shavemaster Electric Razor, and miscellaneous articles too numerous to mention. Must Be Sold Terms: Cash, GEORGE J. DAWES THE AUCTIONEER Phones: "us., Green 810 Res. Red 127 AKRON GETS TOTEM POLE AKRON A. totem pole in Ohio is something to regard with won der, to talk about, and to study. In the city of Akron, one has been received from Juneau. It is a gift, in connection with certain Rotary activities. Wrote Myron Scott, an official: 'We were more than pleasant ly surprised to find such a vivid, Sec. 1 Four Collness (mixed). ' 2 Three Baby Royals. 3 Three Poms (mixed). 4 Three Cactus, mixed or 1 variety. , 5 Three Hybrid, mixed or one variety. colorful and massive pole. Wc are now preparing a metal Inscription plate which will contain the history of the pole. The totem will be dedicated on August 16 as a permanent display In front of the main entrance of the world famous Derby Downs." BEAD CURRENCY The first English colony at Jamestown, Va., used beads for currency. Prince Rupert Horticultural Society Agricultural Display and Flower Show CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL AUGUST 16 TO 23 FOR AMATEUR GARDENERS NO ENTRY FEE CASH PRIZES FLOWER SHOW TWO NIGHTS Thursday and Friday, August 21 and 22 PRIZE LIST Class 1 ROSES Sec. 1 One Red. Sec. 4 One Polyantha. 2 One Pink. 5 One White. 3 One Yellow. 6 One Any Color. Best Rose In show (any variety). First Prize $3, donation by H. M. Eddy. Second Triie $2 Cash. Class 2 ANNUALS Sec. 1-Four Calendula Sec 4Qne to stocks (any variety). . , tl 5-Slx Nasturtiums 2- Six Marigolds. 3 Six Nasturtiums (double), (single). 6 Any other annual. First rrize $2 Cash. Second Prize 150 Seeds, donated by James Brand & Co. Class 3 DAHLIAS 6 One Decorative, any variety. Sec. 7 Three Peony, mixed or one variety, 8 One Show Dahlia, m!xed or one variety.' 9 Three Charm, mixed or one variety. Any of the above dahlias may be entered with or without buds. First Prize $2. Second Trlze $1.50 Best dahlia in show, any variety, prize donated by Buckerfields', seeds, shrubs or bulbs, to the value of $2.50. Class 4 SWEET TEAS Sec. 112 Spikes, any color. First Trize $2.50 merchandise, donated by Brown Bros. Second Prize $2 merchandise, donated by David Spencer Ltd. Class 5 GLADIOLUS Sec. 1 One Stalfc, any color. First Prize One Dozen Gladiolus Corns of the variety "Elegant Lady," donated by Ferncliffe Bulb Gardens. Second Prize $2 Cash Class 6 BIENNIALS AND i'ERENNIALS Sec. 1 Six Pansies. Sec. 5 One Lily, any 2 Six Violas. variety. 3 Astilde fSpirea) 6 Three Phlox, mixed any color. or any variety. 4 Sweet William. 7 Any other Biennial or Perennial. First Prize $2 Cash. Second Trize $1.50 Casli Class 7 HOUSE PLANTS Sec 1 Geranium. Sec. 5 Fuschla. 2 Calceolaria. 6 Cactus or Succulent. 3 Begonia. 7 Any other foliage 4 Coleus. , plant. 8 Any other flowering plant. First Prize S3 Cash. Second Prize $2 Cash Class 8 MISCELLANEOUS Sec. 1 Best Display of Sec. 3 Most unusual dis- CTowers. piay (f0Wers. berries, 2 Bouquet of Flowers fruit), lor table. 4 Corsage Bouquet. First Prize for each section $2. Second Prize $1.50. Class 9 CHILDREN'S SECTION Sec. 1 Best Collection of Sec. 2 Best Collection of Oarden Flowers. Wild Flowers. First Prize for each section $1.50. Second Prize $1. Class 10 VEGETABLES Number, or manner of display optional. Sec. 1 Oarden Peas. Sec. 6 Chard. 2 Carrots. 7-Cabbage. 3 Beets. 8 Lettuce. . 4 Potatoes. 0 Beans, any variety. 5 Onions. First Prize $2.50 In seeds, donated by Crossland Bros. Second Prize $2 Cash. Class 11 BEST COLLECTION OF VEGETABLES First Prize $5. Second Prize $3. Third Prize $2. Class 12 HOME GARDEN CONTEST (Judging on Points) Sec. 1 General Plan of Sec. 4 Form, color, sub- garden 20 points. stance and abun- 2 Quality and up-keep dance of bloom, of lawn and walks foliage and stem 20 points. 20 points. 3- Contlnuity and 5 Cultivation of soil Color Blending 20 and freedom from Points. weeds 20 points, Prizes to be announced later. EXHIBITORS, PLEASE NOTE: Care in arrangement of blooms, harmonious blending, etc., will be considered. Crowding of blooms in a container constitutes a fault. Other faults are stale flowers, mal-formed blooms, spotting and streaky coloring, pontainers must be clean, with labels washed off bottles, or entries will be refused. The Society takes no responsibility for the exhibits. ENTRIES FROM 8 TO 12 P.M., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20 2 A.M. TO 12 NOON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21 Entries from outside districts, including native villages, will be welcome. CLIP THIS LIST FOR REFERENCE TODAY 1VE ALWAYS IN TICHNICOIO philip D0RN CATHERINE WILLIAM Mcleod carter A REPUBLIC PICTURE DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 15d . 124 4th Ave. Easi PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all Us branches. ZOO 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL. CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kind Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burnerf PHONES: Oreen 48S Red 894 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Green 391 PAINTING AND PAPERIIANGING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heatlntr Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Train Schedule (Pacific Standard Time) For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. A "TWEET1E ft H MAT TO).r; M EVE. M a. -ill. .Iim, comfort ij J Ihe It-inure Iiour. or af, M,r '""tli.fc'lpfe lull pnin Iraihrr. Hriar I!c judCW,! Price $3.95 Business and FrofcssionA PRINCE ROE BOTTLE COLLI' and MFSSFSC P1IOX3E0 Agent for Par'" Bed GEORGE LK3 Public Ar-rjnU?ii Income Tax Rtfa! Besner Bl::k 11 BERT'S TRAE1 AND MESSEw Lumber Coal Freight - EC8 1 Phone BlciO Night CalW Prlnct Rajrf nntwrr. miPERlM A R. LOCH Wedding Bouquet; Ji Desinns Wfl Kill m k" I urnnrPATE Prompt attention to rai Box 010, rnousM-i- JONES NEWS! Eastern and WeiW-l Magazlaa SUDSCRIPTIOM5 Sixth Street JOHN CARPENTEBj CABINET PHONE RED" r t' nnrk Work- r-AT.r. BLUE l M. SAUNDE1 aoNCBli'l SIDEWALKS - Bj Your house and 11 Insured wniiejj Wells (PH Cartage, Labelimr- BLIES0 UfeAtUC -FHMraH LVM SAILS ro IIATCn COVERS SKATE EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL Phone BLUE 120 1G0 East Third Ave. (Nev