) 1 1 ii Ji f h i ' i' Hi 4 12rfnrc Hujicrt Dafli? rsctus Wednesday. November 5, 1947 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OP RESERVE NOTICE U hereby given that the Reserve established lor the use of the Department of National Derence. Canada, notice of which was published In the British Columbia Gazette of August 13th. 1942. coverln'4 lots 16 to 30 Inclusive. Block 8 of Let 3G9. Range S, Coast District. Plan 1)72. Terrace. B.C.. Is cancelled. GEO. P. MELROSE. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of ' Lands and Forests, Victoria, B.C., October. 17th, 1947. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE is hereby given that the Reserve established for the use of the Department of National Defence, Canada, notice of which was published in the British Columbia Gazette of November 30th, 1944, covering the North half of the South half and the South half of the North half of Lot 1431, Ranee 9. Coast District. situated In the vicinity of Terrace. Is cancelled. GEO. P. MELROSE. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands and Forests, Victoria. B.C.. October 17th. 1947. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF TfiE ESTATE OF HARRY CR1PPS. DECEASED INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order f t HI Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, I.ocal Judge of the Supreme Court of(" British Columbia, I was on the 24th day of October. A.D. 1947, ap pointed Administrator of the Estate of Harry Crlpps. late of Prince Rupert. British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said estate are re-1 but it them with me properly verified on or before the 30th day of November. .1947, falling which distributions ' will be made having regard only to "such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prinze Rupert. B.C., this the 24th day of October, A.D. 1947. Gordon Fraser Forbes, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. IN THE SCPREML. COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS SVENSEN, DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that bv Order of His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton nvtde the -22nd day of October. A.D. 1947, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Svensen. ' 'All parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 14th day of Dec ember. A.D. 1947. after which claims filed may be paid .without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. And all parties indebted to the -Estate are required to pay the .amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED this 22nd day of October. A.D.J947. GORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. I3.C . (2C3) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTKR OF TIPS ESTATE OF LEO ROLMAN. DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of ills Honor. Judge W O. Fulton, Local "Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 22nd day of October. A.D. 1947. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Leo Holman. late of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, who died on or about ithe 24th day of August. 1947. at the City of Prince Rupert. British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the sold estate are,, required to pay the amount oi tneir indebtedness to me , forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me pro-! perly verified on or before the 30th 1 day of November. 1947. falling which I distribution will be made having re- i gard only to such claims of which I j shall have been notified. ! DATED at Prince Rupert B.C.. this ! a aay oi uctooer. A.D. 1947. GORDON FRASER FORRBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C (263) "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" i . (Section 20) j Notice of Application for n Club J l.lreme NOTICE Is hereby given that on' the 28th day of November next, the undersigned REX BOWLING CLUB LIMITED Intends to apply to the' Liquor Control Board for a Club Licence ln respect of premises situ-' ate at No. 221 Third Avenue West.' Prince Rupert, British Columbia.' (First Floor), upon lands described! as Lots 45 and 46. Block 34, Section 1. 1 -M??-23' Prmca Rupert Land Registration District. In the Province of unusn uoiumbla, to entitle each member of the said Club to keep on the premises a reasonable quantity of liquor for personal consumption on the premises, and entitling the Club to purchase liquor from a vendor and to sell by the glass the liquor so purchased to Its members and guests for consumption on the Club premises In accordance with the provisions of the "Government Liquor Act" and the regulations promulgated thereunder. DATED this 27th day of October. 1947. REX BOWLING CLUB LIMITED. (278) " "OOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" (Section 28) Notice of Application (,,r Itotr Licence NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 28th day of November, next, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for & licence in respect of premises being pan oi a ouuaing Known as Karls-court Hotel, situate on Colllson Avenue, at Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3), Block Five (9), Subdivision of District Lot Seven (7), Plan 946. Prince Rupert Land Registration. District, ln. the Province of British Columbia, for the sale of beer by the gloss or by the bottle for consumption on the premsles or elsewhere. DATED this 27th day of October, 1047. HERALD GRAY Applicant, (278) I BASKETBALL JSk Sill savoys Win Over Co-op j Senior Tussle Was Well Contested Other Gaines Are Also Close Junior League Gyros 8 Stone 25 Ladies League Sweet Sixteen 11 Peoples Store 15 Intermediate League Merchants 38 Morgans 3fl Senior League Co-op 41 Savoy 48 Savoys continued winning in the Senior Basketball League last night by defeating the Co-cp hoopsters by a score of 48 to 41. It was a fair brand of basketball for the first canto. Score then was 13 to 12 but from there to the finish it was a releree's field d". Conadlna. Bill and Montgomery dished out 55 per- The ?r.c was rough and in seme spots it was a bit ragged was the first time that tne f"nermen had to-all, indebtedness to me forthwith and ! played persons having claims against gether this season and they the said Estate are required to file sho.,M imnrnvp c thpv- on al,m The IntermeGrate fixture between Merchants and Morgans was one of ths best games of even.rg. The Merchants If your bulldlne, nouse or fur. nitue were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of youx possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your insurance advisers nowl H.G.HELGERSON LIMITED 218 Sixth Ptreet UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! ASK ABOUT CREDIT TERMS Out-oI-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 had to go ,all out to squeeze a 38 to 30 win over the Clothiers. At the finish of the first half It seemed nke' a walk-over tor-Sid Woodslde's squad, but, during the rest period. Doc Mont gomery zave his ball tossers a two points. Both teams are a fairly well balance so the fans should he seeing some good games each time they get on the floor together, The Ladles League started last evening with People's Store-defeating Sweet Sixteen 15-11. 1 The eame -was somewhat loo- slded ln the first canto. The score at the quarter was 7-0 favour of the People's Store, but from there till the finish the game got faster and the issue was In doubt until the last few minutes. Jordan and N. Young-man starred for the Sixteens while N. Bill and Betty Hamilton grabbed most of the points for the People's Store. Gyros and Stone's made their debut in the Junior League last evening the clubmen Inst to n heavier aggregation by a score Minora Blades aive (say 12, 3- Hon 9, r. Menzies LOW-COST SHAVING Minora outlasts ond "outshavei ordinary double-edge blades. For honest-to-goodnesj economy, try the quality blade in the low-price field. Fits your double-edge razor. h n ml CHRISTMAS SPECIAL One Photo and Twelve Christmas Cards for Price and Appointment call at Chandler & Cowgill J 4th Street, Prince Rupert non 7, D. Arney 0. Total 41. Savoy T. Arney 10, H. Morgan 12, Alexander 0, S. Dominate 5, Murray 0, R. Holkestad 18, M. Hougan 1, McClymont 2. Total 48. Intermediate Merchants Hebb 13, Hougan 6, R. Currie 4, Owens 2, Moore 2, S. Scherk 1, S. Youngman 7. Sunberg 3, Mercer. Total 38. Morgan's S. Carlson 7, Jones 5, A. Lien 8, B. Watson 0, E. Eids-vlk 0, B. Hill 7, Rothwell 0, B. Scharff 9, S. Prince 0. Total 36. La die's Sweet Sixteen E. Jordan 4, I. Klldal 1, Simondsen 0, L. Young-man 0, J. Husoy 0, A. Dumas 0, N. Youngman 6, Currie 0, Mcintosh 0, M. Windle 0, L. Husoy 0. Total 11. people's Store N. Bill 5, Hamilton 6, H, .Morton 0, Thornton 2, H. Balagno 0, Smith 0, D. McLeod 2. Junior Gyro Marshall 0, Hills 0,j Young 0, Slater 0, McFarlane 0, Toderas 0. Total 8. Stones Canson 0, McChesney 7, Johnson 2, Welch 0, Sharron 4, Holt 0, Lasslere 12, Farrlng-ton 0. Total 25. James A. Ham, who until re cently was local branch office accountant for War Assets Corporation, has joined the staff of Central Mortagage and Housing Corporation. NUTRITIOUS BEAN Soybean flour is a low-cost source of fat, calcium phosphate Iron and protein. WORLD'S ICE BOX There Is enough ice in Antarctica today to cover the entire earth with a layer 120 feet thick. BT.ONDIE SHORT SPORT! Entry of a Canadian hockey Mike Buckna, Ciech coach and Trail Smoke Eater player in the "30s, alone was cautious he rhonohr. hi rlnh urnnlrl Iruto hr of 8-25. The Clothiers grabbed I wtbm three oala to tn. t two point lead in the first 'class Canadian senior club." At' quarter and were never headed. , Zurich hon rwr n,.Hi. r sonels, The fishermen lost four ( Half time score was 9-0 and full ; Midland Ont secretary-mana-players via tne penalty route time score was 25-8. It was a:ger of the Canadian Amateur and the innkeepers lost one. Jfsst game from start to finish. ; Hockey Association, declared the s scon as these younir lads get CA.HA. would not accept the accustomed to large floor ther j Olympic definition of an ama-shouH nut up a better brand iteur and that his Association or iball. Hartwig was the sniper for the clubmen with a total of 6 points for his evenlnss wwk would not nominate a club for the January 30-February 8 Olympics the Czechs and Swedes La?slere and McChesntv were were sad the big guns for the tie anH shirt merchants. They got 12 and 7 points repsectively. Individual sewing: Senior Co-op A. McPhee 5, J. Lind- But Canadas rever- mm 25c PER DOZ. PAID for EMPTIES I'lease have them ready when the driver calls. Thin advertlspment Is not published or dLsplayed by the Liquor Control Board or o wit uovwnment of British Columbia. )KH0 Insult to Injury. 1 . 1-,;., 7 "M . . sal of Us decision, announced ! team would be 'much stronger" In mid-October, should have j for the Olympics. Practice -start- i cheered them. j ed Norember 1 and when the j games open it is a certainty The Czech team is Imbued this country will have a' well-wlth a will-to-win spirit prob- trained and superbly-confident ably unmatched in any other club. The Swedes, second to pep talk with the result that team ln tne 1948 Wlnter Olym- j hockey-playing country in the Czechoslovakia- in the Prague '.he suit sellers overcame a 2311 Plcs ln a11 probability has been world. They take on all comers tournament, openly Jeered at half time score to lose bv oaly welcomed with hand-rubbing uieir ians nuncn on we united states entry, an in- glee by some European clubs be'lches around open-air rinks experienced and weak club, and especially eriniiw r,i,oi., Czechoslovakia . . J ln 15 t0 20-belov-?.ero weather wondered out loud why Canada and( toe champs can rlng up a fnter TheBwedJah Sweden. These are the "Big 40-o score the freezing support- Hockey Federation weeks ago Shots'" of enHnental hockey ers go home deliriously happy sent invitations to 60 of the and they're anxious to play the The rise to a man when their country's best players to try out Dominion. This attitude was evi- tam scores a goal whether it's for the Olympics and they will dent at the .Prague champion-' the first or twenty-first of the have plenty of pre-games corn-ships and the International Ice game and there is ominous sil- petition. Hockey Federation Congress last ence when one Is scored against February and also at the I.LH. them. It's worth your life to ANONYMOUS AUTHOR F. meeting at Zurich, Switzer-, cheer at this crucial moment. ; prancis Scott Key was not land, In September. idenUfled as the author ol the The Czechs .cleaned up the! Czech delegates, interviewed Star Spangled Banner" until Prague titles Canada didn't , at the Zurich Congress, said the several months after It anriear- sena a team ana tney ooastea openly they would give the Dominion a good battle if, ever afforded a chance. Many sneered that Canada was "afraid" to BBS IM lAoMis MABISC0 SHREDDED WHEAT Aleci a younp man on way . . . up! Sclliiip take driving enrrpy ami Aire liait! He cat. liiimrli, uliolc pome, Iicfty-hu-ky Nahiiro Shreilileil lirat fr Lreakfat. ItV kIioIc wheat in it nioft natural form . . . liriininin? with vital food fadorn yon ni--il ecry day. Kat - hiM-uit of Aahioro Shreddnl W heat for everyday enerpy. Tasty NahUro Shredded Wheat provide whole whc;at pooilneos the natural way. Start eating ISalmco Shredded Wheat regularly! Botd by Th CANADIAN SHREDDED VVHEAT COMPANY, LTD. NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA .iclas C39 j a. ma nain n flS. , ) FnUNfc 654 ! nourishmo M & figL I.MJJJ II UM N t t r mi McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. (E. C, Wallace, Manager) "Your Friendly Drug Store" Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 71) 2 (MAMA,) CSEE,Vrf,UGHT XcAREPtZrW ?. ( PAPA . -1mstachpM -J Jw2fi! r ( POP?) 1 f02?, YSyP S UBitoff) 1 I iilllll!lSllwur:Trr' I sarpnes, wm pmiimu . m, . vVv 1111 "I !'f )"AM- PEANUT BUTTER iT'LlT A WVER i1 t By Chic Yovnv RUPERT MARlNfJ We Take Urtlng. of . N Sx 1 BOATS FOR SAI F n J Box 548 " TRY RUPERT MARINE Rf a, , TOlt QUICK SALES of 3kt (Just East ofUnsrm .".V.V. V.V. V.'...." . . 1 "aierrrony union Steamships U wish to announce thti, NEW FAST DIRECT SERVI, Between Prince Rupert and Vant, NOW EFFECTIVE (Southbound) Ly. Prince Rupert Sundays 2 U Mr. ancouver Tuesdays 7 a (Northbound) Lv. Vancouver Wednesdays 9 Arr. Prince Rupert Fridays 9 !P D Also extended smite to Alaska u fan. (Read Down) 2 p.m. Friday 9:30 p.m. Friday 11:45 pjn. Friday 10 a.m. Saturday 11 ajn. Saturday 2:30 p.m. Saturday PRINO RUPERT Lv. Pr R :ncrt An t-jj'l Arr. Kft.:..t, j ; Arr. H'f-t- lfl LV. Pei.-.b"- Arr Wv L.j, FAMOUS RUPERT BRA FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & C Company Limited cca RUPERT MOW Chrysler Parts and Seirict I We spc a reb-Jillni Marine .,: - t ;riJ Es . Comnlct!- Ac:ssi-w Bept"! tnr all rr.iMi Cf Can ind tJtl ,w Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGIXEEREJ PARTS and ACCESSORIES out- .:M33 orden given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenue PHONE 5C6 Pri B MOTOKISTS Here is a service thatjf been waiting for . . TIRE VULCANIZING We have just installed Prince Kupertt f Jt,t" J machine and offer you a prompt and emn iriny service. . rf OUT ALF STEINERT. who -Jf : partment, vrtll De piea.M-u bl(Ej tire pw'c 1 u- ,hniit a!n ot v:ur ....nf.toirn of"! Prompt attention given io - - Bob Parker UrtW P.O. llox 38 "THE HUMt rx. noTrKTlLY SEBVTCB To Avoid Iflcoii that oufl recommend Wc strongly as V I fill iw.ir enn bins us soon least order well in advanrt as , of suppj unquestionably, a shortage tCr the com- it Is going io ,.4 rrfl-MI FOOTHILLS IZW PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO- LI (,lI,mlKr-l,-M "J I It " I ia t W A m t d DRITI- H NORTHERN AND CENTRAL