... i prices nee con- is .zic fur- M UULU I V 111 I V i ii ill i n Tim 10 l n urn . i -. - Tgraph but the warm smile on his face .Mn,4o it a rnrrmlimpnt indeed. r-Chndfitons In H611ahd? Mrs. I i Harkema answered mat 3n worth ijlon effectively and it was plain iast week i that-'rhe was speaking for the 'he Bani: ; ordinary people of her native K;:ox gold Frleslaiid. : The gold ! Ko meat, no eggs, no shoes, i: seven no clothes." she said simply. The bul-1 The Harkemas decided to set-c-menfc fori tie at Houston because friends eversci Mr. and Mrs. Hrluter live there. : United The train to their new home, Mr. Tar may Harkema said with a smile of -T' a bll-; anticipation, leaves Prince Ru pert at 8 o'clock tonight. Beautv Is Shot '' Ketchikan, ca in Ketchikan, 1 treatment, went Seaule It Is -.ii was shot FATHER weauiiM nrevailetl vi,i iiioriiin!r. "BUI, W1UUS r'Muin arop- Kimberley. 14 at aM (b at Prince over the coast at Cnmnv rAr lh .i , .Atu iam ana over Iho nnriii .uajf ana nave SDrparl cln.l,. i v. CiUl -iiiciiiiir mil in southern coast this -o aie expeciea forecast points during uueen i: inr- OrtVi n . vuasi -Uloudv - onuwers durlni? oecomlne nverrncst innc ...... . . . wesienv izni cisewnere, light ThnrcHo,, -""B southerly 11 I (til. uie change in ,WS tonleht unH n jo v. run Hnrriv 1 ana 47. Pr nop Ul ni and Thurs- an7 "hS Creek, Gouzenko Threatened MONTREAL -'--The Montreal Herald, In a column by Its Ottawa correspondent Harold Dingman, said today that '"t least one attempt has been made on ,the life of Igor Gouzenko, ex-Russian cipher clerk who exposed the Communists In Canada as a fifth column." The story added: "Royal Canadian Mounted Police will not .back up this statement publicly because the Russian em- i bassy at Ottawa Is Involved." I "Because of the Incident, Gou-izenko's hiding place has been changed,'' the story stated. Salmon Selling Restrictions Off VANCOUVER The chief supervisor of fisheries for British Columbia, A. J. Whltmore, recently announced that the export of salmon is now permis-sable in all varieties, In any form and to any destination. All previous restrictions are removed because the canned salmon nack is sufficient to meet the demands of the domestic market. VETERANS ARE RE-ENLISTING Ottawa In the sprint ot 1947, thousands or army vet-j erans or World War II received i ... .1 I i ! 11. nl M , r. ' panpnieis soliciting wic enlistment in the army, m response, there have been more than 11,000 replies. to date, or this number, more than hair were found suitable (or servtee In the post-war active force. A total or 2,900 or those accepted, were qualified tradesmen. Voting on New Basis To Settle VANCOUVER (CD-Possibility of an early end to the 17-day-old transit strike loomed todav as .street railwaymen, follow-: ing a day-long meeting yesterday, between the mayor, of Vancouver New Westminster and Victoria and company and union officials in an effort to reach a basis of settlement The union membership Is expected to vote on a new offe: ; Saturday and. If accepted, the trams may resume operations Monday. No official announcement for the basis of the compromise formula has been made, but It U understood that It offers the men a 10 -cent hourly Increase and a 40-hour week immediately sufficient trained men are available to handle the additional required shifts. The 2,800 railwaymen asked a 20-cent pay boost and an immediate 40-hour week. Burns Lake Liquor Store Is Going Up BURNS LAKE The work or constructing the new government liquor store is being carried along on a cost plus basis. It will be of frame and stucco, i eighty by thirty 'feet. Thccon-1 tract Is in the hands of the B.B.C. Construction Co. JERUSALEM HAS MORE VIOLENCE Trouble Flares Up Again In Palestine Police Sergeant Slain JERUSALEM fi An unexplained explosion near a motion picture theatre in mid-town Jerusalem set off a fifteen-minute general alarm yester day. Police said there were no casualties or damages. On Monday assassins had killed a Jewish police sergeant and that night a Jewish civilian was slain and three British con stables wounded in a flare-up of violence. Drunkenness Is Alleged POWELL RIVER, 0 Charges or heavy drinking by one oiricer and crew member of the Ill-fated Gulf Stream a few hours i r If rllenstpr nil OctO- fore a conorer's Jury here Tuesday. Testimony or James Luke Qulney. elderly Vancouver flor ist, highlighted tne inquests second day into the loss of rive CANADA SHOULD PURCHASE MORE LONDON P -Minister of Trade and Commerce J. A. MacKinnon of Canada, here on his way back to the Dominion after completing a 23,000-mile goodwill trip covering twelve countries including South Africa and i-nmno s.iid vesterday: "Never - . j before have I been so impress j,,, tho npprf nf Canada to buy more from the countries which buy so much from us, especially those of the British .commonwealth..' Mr. MacKinnon said: T think there Is a spirit of conHdence IU the United Kingdom that appeared to be lacking when I was last here In 1945." NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWHPAPKR Park Fleet Is Sold Out Canada Realizes 577.000,000 From" Disposal' of Its Wartime Merchant Vessels OTTAWA at Canada has sold for over .$77,000,000, the entire crown-owned merchant fleet which was operated for the government during the war by Park Steamship Co., the War Assets Corporation announced Monday. Of the original fleet or 176 vessels, four were lost through enemy action and two were grounded and abandoned as wrecks. The remaining 170 were sold Hip i.imest nurchaser Being Western Canada Steamships Ltd. of Vancouver with twenty. uciuit: i v iin-w . o ft pprtnm ctltalii ,uiwt area in ... wie v..w - - ber 11 on Dinner Rock, elBht River district. And this has now miles from here, were made be OIL RESERVES BEING LIFTED VICTORIA-The last oil re-spi-vp in British Columbia has been cancelled. During the war and until the spring of 1947 ail of the province was held in re sprvc bv the provincial govern ment but, with the passage of the new Petroleum and Natural Gas Act. the general reserve was cancelled, with the exception of run also been cancelled. It Includes Commotion Creek where drilling was performed some time ago, but without success. Firemen Put Out Blaze Despite Truck Breakdown Despite the fact that the fire truck broke down, city firemen last night managed to put out a blaze after they had to leave the vehicle immobile and run a block to the scene of a chimney fire. Tru; truck broke down while the fire crew were on t.hplr wnv to answer a call to the residence of G. Franklin, 1352 Overlook Street, where a chimney fire had started. They extinguished It before It did any more than scorch the adjoining walls. The fire truck remained on the street overnight and was taken to a garage this morning where It was learned that the rear-end gears were broken. The truck will be out of operation for two or three days while re pairs are being obtained, nT?av HOPE FOR MISSING PLANE DWINDLING- Hopes that nine persons aboard an R.C.A.F. Diane missing for over two weeks on a flight from Calgary to Penticton are dwindling. Crew of the missing plane-Includes, from left: F.O. G. Lebel, D. Babcock and Ross Curtis, not on plane, J. N. Sabourln. W. H. Molyneaux, B. E. Bowman, A. Hoist, not aboard; F.O. A. Robertson, G. Hudson, not aboard; F.O. B. Cook. non-stop into the airport at Sprinigar, capital of Kashmir, but there were not enough yet to launch an offensive .against an oncoming force of Moslem tribesmen threatening the city from the west. Troop-carrying aircraft arc landing almost on each other's tails while tribesmen arc believed to be encircling the airport in the effort to cut it off from the rest of the city. MACAHT1IUR, PRESIDENT BALTIMORE A story in the Baltimore Sun said yesterday that General Douglas MacArthur was planning a "triumphal return to the United States" next spring to '"capture the Republican nomination" for president in 1918. It said: "Private advices from Tokyo received today stated flatly that General MacArthur would be a candidate for the Republican nomination for President." MacArthur himself would say nothing at Tokyo. HOSPITAL PROBLEMS High Building Costs, Beds Scarce, Shortage of Nurses WINNIPEG The growing shortaee of hospital beds was to be one or the major Issues of consideration at the biennial meeting or. the Canadian Hospital Council In Winnipeg. Delegates were hero from coast to coast. npcuise nf hltrh construction costs, the best laid program of! expansion has bogged down. The alarming shortage of . nurses was also thoroughly dis-, cussed. Many hospitals have lately closed down because of this. The hospitals could have met their own needs, but they could not supply nurses for all ol the other fields into which nurses have gone. Without some reorganization, and financial assistance can this situation be eased it was felt. MIKOLAJZCK TO UNITED STATES Sees Little Chance of Liberation of Poland From Soviet Grip LONDON 0 Stanislaw Mlko-lajczyk, Polish Opposition leader, who fled here from his Communist-dominated homeland, said today he was going to the United States, soon "to see SNOW BLANKETS SKEENA ROAD mtmi . itnimmiiimi :jjkBluc TAXI Z :T- 235 ,,cj nfflOHTMJWICSf 4 4. V, ;t rublMIicd at Canada's jHost Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest."; ' tJtfett ' ' VOL. X::XVI, No. 259. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS transit n k. I Took His or Strik in v.oast vjties near rv i i v i mmm u i Family of Seven On 11 "i - - '!.,nihi:.'s nonulation-starved central in- UIU""" 11 . .. .. in I'liiill i -. i . . I . . . . . i . x : i . i . 1( rien oy onu hiuiuy ijuiwi lauuiy iu-1 nf Houston cif Mr. :ind Mrs. . . ' : .. . : . : ..i rhnir fivo phi (Men who hint Ud v Mftcrnoon on the last lap ot a two-weel; j-orti '.hp Netherlands. Kiiori on tngnsn dui long on I optimism, Mr. Harkema and his rvi r In buxom wlfc Plan to lin ne 1 1 1 1 I III Dutch community at Houston where, Mr. Harkema indicated f by sign language, he will work I fiT in the woods. V.Vfc Tlic seven cheerful immi grants stepped off the Canadian Pacific Air Lines plane here Tuesday afternoon after a neck of CCOO-mlle journey by boat, : Cana- plane and bus which started at :: tumped Antwerp. They have been on 42.C dur- this continent exactly five days, mber the Five children, ranging in age . ;trr for- from eight to one tagged at their vernment parents heels while they lnvestl- a the gated Prince Rupert today. Parlia - There was Thomas, 8. Hlnke, 7, a girl, Wiebe. 4, a boy. Ietje, 2, a girl, and Wiebrichte, 1, a boy. The family left Antwerp by boat on October 22, landing at New York on November 1. They flew from New York to Seattle, then -took a bus to Vancouver where they caught yesterday's plane to Prince Rupert. Mr. Harkema. who is 37, said that he was a laborer in Holland. His reaction to Canada? 'Most beautiful!" That was the limit of his English vocabulary, friends." He said, however, that he had not decided to joll the International peasant party organization in Washington. Mlkolajczyk predicted that Poland "will come more and more under Communist control and more pressure will be put on the people following the coming of the Comintern." I "If," he said "there could bC ' a free, unfettered election, I am I i quite sure the Communist bloc would not get five percent or tne votes." An overnight storm brought the first snow to the SKeena River Highway, piling it eight inches deep near Kwlnltsa and more than six Inches on the summit between Prince Rupert and Tyee, C. L. M. Glggey, Ter- if e g i race sawmill operator, report J CI A led A-M BATTLE OF KASHMIR D KLII I Reinforce ments were today pouring Local Tides Thursday, November 6, 1947 High 8;02 17.5 reet 19:55 17.7 feet Low 1:19 5.7 feet 13:57 10.1 feet SNOW ON PRAIRIES WINNIPEG. The. prairies looked today at snow-whitened fields and read forecasts of more snow and near-freezing temperatures and, now that the rigorous western winter appeared at hand, gave thanks for an unusually mild and open autumn. DOCTOR CONVICTED V I CT O R I A Dr. James P. Vye, 67, Victoria physician, was Tuesday convicted of illegally supplying morphine sulphate to Constable J. C. Downey, R.C.M.P., by an Assize Court jury which recommended leniency. He was remanded to the end of the Assize for sentence. The police, constable testified that Vye supplied him witli narcotics after he had posed as a drug addict. CARDINAL IS WORSE ROME Condition of Cardinal McGuigan, Archbishop of Toronto, is reported to be worse. Cardinal McGuigan, reported to be suffering from influenza, received an audi ence with Pope Pius October 24. He is staying at a convent of Canadian nuns and is receiving no visitors. COLD TO EUROPE WASHINGTON Proposal to I ship some United Stales gold hoard to Europe in connection with the Marshall recovery plan is receiving serious consideration from top administration officials and, if finally approved by the White House, will probably be presented to Congress at a special session called for November 17. ANOTHER LABOR SETBACK L ON'DO N Scottish voters handed Britain's ruling Labor party another jolting setback in the municipal elections yesterday. .With about 95 percent of results tabulated, Labor dropped a net of 65 seats, losing control of five councils and barely hanging on to industrial Glasgow. ! NEW INDIAN SET-UP OTTAWA Resources , Minister J. A. Glen has announced the creation of two new divisions of education and welfare within the Indian Affairs branch of his department. D. M. MacKay, Indian commissioner for British Columbia, is named superintendent of welfare. this morning after arriving from the interior town. M. GiKgey left Terrace at 5:30 this morning, arriving here thrpp nnrt-a-half hours later Hfter-ljrealcinff trail through -sof t snow that slowed him occasion ally but caused no other trouble According to a truck driver with whom he talked In Terrace last night, ther was no snow, on the road Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Giggey came to the city to meet his wife who arrived on the Prince Rupert after a trip to eastern Canada. He planned to return to Terrace this 4 CONSIDERING PALESTINE Canada Is Playing Tart Of Mediator In Special Committee of United Nations LAKE SUCCESS (CP) Canada took the role of conciliator yesterday in an eHort to compromise United States-Russian dirrerences over implementation of the proposed partition or Palestine into sovereign Jewish land Arab nations. At the sug gestion or the Canadian delegation, a special working committee consisting or representatives or United States, Russia Into session to take up immedi ate consideration of the Ameri can and Russian plans for Palestine in an efrort to reconcile dirrerences. The meetings were In private. L. B. Pearson, representing Canada, had warned that delay in errectlvely dealing with the situation in Palestine could only result In chaos there. ORGANIZING AIR SERVICE Special Army Company Being formed for Search, Rescue and Emergency Purposes OTTAWA, IB Canada is to have'a Special Air Service Company (SACS) or volunteer troops especially trained for air search and rescue work and as a ver satile force for any special ser vice such as national catastro phe. Army headquarters says the company Is now being formed of volunteers from three in fantry battalions of an Active Force brigade group and is scheduled ' to begin training in mid-November at Rivers, Man joint air school. John Winant, Former Ambassador to Great Britain, Dead CONCORD, New Hampshire, 0) John O. Winant, former ambassador to Oreat Britain from 1941 to 1946, committed suicide Monday night by shooting himself in the head, Dr. Clarence Butterfleld, medical referee, reported. Winant was fifty-eight years ot age. Wlnants private secretary said that Winant had not been In good health since the summer but he" continued work on his memoirs, completing the second volume yesterday. Another secretary to Winant, who was thrice governor of New Hampshire, said he had been suffering "mental and physical fatigue" and a maid said he "seemed In low spirits." CLYDE SHIP YARDS BUSY Unprecedented Boom( Being Felt Many Types of Vessels GLASGOW Times may be strenuous and perplexing in Great Britain but there is a boom in the ship building indus try. The yards are said to have contracts rivalling In scope, pro jected and actual work In all the other yards of the world combined. The Cunard Com pany construction will mean, even In the first stage, an ex.- pendlture of $32,000,000. In addition to new lleets or ocean going passenger vessesl, many specialized orders, such as tankers, whalers and refrigerator i craf Vandlarger.Uoatlng; docks, some with large power plants, are being received. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 8. O Johnston On. Iv. Vancouver Bra lorn e Bit. Con Caliboo Quartz Dentonia Grull Wlhksne Hedley Mascot :. Mlnto Pend Oreille Pioneer .... Premier Border - Privateer Reeves McDonald Reno Salmon Gold Sheep Creek Taylor Bridge Vananda ....... Congress , Hedley Amalgamated Sllbak Premier Oils Calmont ....... C. & E. .4 Home ( Toronto.., Athona Aumaque Beattle Bevcourt .... Bob jo Buffalo Canadian ........ Consol. Smelters Conwest Donalda Eldona Elder Giant Yellowkiilfe God's Lake ............ - Hardrock .... Harrlcana Heva - Hosco .. Jacknire . Joliet Quebec Lake Rowan Lapaska 1 Little Long Lac Lynx .... Madsen Red Lake McKenzle Red Lake ... McLeod Cockshutt ..... Moneta Pickle Crow - Louvicourt Noranda Negus .... Regcourt San Antonio .- Senator Rouyn Sherrit Gordon Steep Rock Sturgeon River 11.00 .05 2.87 .182 .06 1.03 .oaV'2 2.10 3.80 .04; .35 1.10 .13 1.01 .50 "2 , .04 . .03 . .70 . .38 . 2.50 . 4.20 .14 .31 .81 .63 .15 .17 90.00 . 1.75 1.25 US .82 6.15 1.06 .37 .11 53 .60" . .07 .48 .16 23Vi 1.70 .10 3.50 .60 1.68 .50 2.60 . 1.60 46.00 2.10 .17 4.60 .65 3.05 2.34 32