- . 1 British Project . nine i 1 I ' (WWU 1,3 E re"-f by .ill - 1 V , i - Rotur , a .;ic ji-4rib:: trip !(:, ar.o kev. f.nT -: Tl'a ' : z: C6:.. ilif fi club's ut the .a-.- In the ri r? v ef- to send Club during back by tesU at (233 .;fge light turnished sleeping (234) r.ing con-:'. money, iame by for this News 1 L.... r inn Liaii a. uu w ling better than l sun LJk2 a iin i rmom OHM H. m. s Bulger Ltd. ti.':l A';:r.ue -t i "ft U n 1 A MB Mb nl M II IU II I. II Ttr ' , a n,i. n iJit, Monti n t IK.. Tl ,. .1 1.1.. W f'i K. ....... . 11 ' "-'"ii inanging '"I mil ncluiivtly by KnL.rjmi ol "Tender r' T tM4 hh HAKMAPV LIMITED '-.. oi, rhone 19 lp"0LSTEUIT. MTl'RE REPAIIl5 ! Auto Cushion, LPah?1SvUry Material, """able Nowi lOVlM'c RlMnrr, r. M,i SHOP gf AVENUE "ext to CFPm BLUE 818 BAZAAR WAS SUCCESSFUL Annual Affair by Catholic Women Kaffle Winners The annual two-day bazaar, sponsored toy the Catholic Women's League, was held at thS school hall on Wednesday and Thursday. . It was a most successful affair and attracted" a gratifying crowd on both days. The general convener was Mrs. Walt Lahtl. Mrs. L. M. Shannon had charge of the tea room, as-sistecToy Mrs. J. Forman, Mrs. I Basso, Mrs. Culos, Mrs. Steve (joruu.l. I n.,m. -nj w .ovlVMei. ei.dance ofi , ' .... t 't ,t x-uuimg icit were jvna. j, o. uu- lls, Mrs. W. Lahtl, Mrs. It. E: Moore, Mrs. L. Blaln, Mrs. Mc Laren and Mrs. C. P. Balagno. Servlng"were Misses. Mary Zu Finder i gas, GalT Shannon, Pat Stuart, Daily I Stella Chuprdn, Olive Van Coot cn and Frances Moore. Cashiers for the tea room were Mrs. J. McNulty and Mrs. M Cameron. In charge of tickets were Mrs, J. Yalloway and Mrs. T. Fletcher, Booth operators were: Novelty booth Airs. Bert Qlas sey. White Elephants Mrs. Mc- Caffery and Mrs. J. McNulty. Raffles-Mrs. Bert Young, Mrs Syd Turcotte, Mrs. S. Ward and Mrs. J. Bruce. Fish Pond (Mrs. L. Amadio, Mrs. A. "Smith, Mrs. Schaeffer. Hot Dog stanc Cvtrs. r. Pierce, with Mrs. Ted Smith and M. Doiron assisting. Sewing Mrs. Telscth, Mrs. Garon and Mrs. Leo Doiron. Home Cooking Mrs. C. R. Brett, Mrs. Cloutler, Mrs. St. Amour, Mrs. Sprinkle and Mrs. P. Lyons. . WinnTTs of the raffles were as follows: Crand Kaffle First. Ray Lahti, Prince George '$50) No. 2435. Second, Mrs. A. J. Curzon (luncheon cloth) No. 2783. Third, Mr. Jim McDougall (travelling bag) No. 1728. Fourth, Mrs. M. Holkestad (ra dlo. No. 2C65. Fifth. "Pool" Standard Oil Co. (ton of coal i No. 1017. Doll's Wardrobe and Clothes Dick Foster, No. 2754. Banquet Cloth, donated by Mrs. McLaren, won by Mrs. Sco-vdl'of Sherman. Blanket, donated by Gordon & Anderson, won by Mrs. Philip-son. ThTteTTer Cake, donated and made by Mrs. J. J. Glllls, won by MLss Martha Goudy. Box 6T Apples, donated by De Jong's, won by Mrs. Casey. Box of Apples, donated by Sun rise Grocery, won by Polly Astoria."" T'' Box of Apples, donated by S. E. Thompson, won by Mrs. S. Turcotte. Box of Groceries. Mrs. Vlegl. Towels, donated by Mrs. C. Doiron, Mrs. Boissenault. Writing Case, donated by Mrs. Daly, Mrs. G. M. Daly. Cutwork Centrepiece, donated by Mrs. Turcotte, Mrs. H. CutwoTU' Centrepiece, dorutecT by Mrs, B. Glassey, Mrs. J. Bruce. Purse, donated by Fashion Footwear, Mrs. S. Turcotte. Doll, Paul Balik. Cushion, donated by Mrs. J. Bruce. J. Sheddon. Sani-boy, Mrs. A. Teed. Baby Woolies, Mrs. Telseth. Socks, Pat Russell. AIR PASSENGERS Thursday From Vancouver Mrs. C. Llp sin. P.RosanK. v Friday For Vancouver E. Llpsin, C, Mehaffery and Miss Mehaffery J. Evans, J. S. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Seymour. Mr. Woods and A. J. House. For Port Haray T. Ambar and For Sandsplt K. Vognlld an(S O. T. Holland. From Vancouver' (Wednesday) F. J. Walker. A. Hookln, H Eyers. C. W. Mlchlel. H. O. Nel son, B. W. Mlnard, H D. John soil, D. Fielding, H. Shaw. From Sandsplt (Wednesday) O. T. Holland and K. Vognlld. For Vancouver (Thursday) Mr. Korens. W. P. Ootch, M, Hansen, J. H. Black, E. A. Wil llamson, You Wong and W. II Yardley. I . C. O. Rfmmcr will leave tonight on the Catala for Vancouver where.he will visit for a time be foregoing on to the Okanagan Valley to visit several of the cUles Including Kelowna and Vernon. Advertise in tire Dally News Hotel. . . : arrivals Prince Rupert C. K. Snell, Vancouver; Mrs, D. P. Kramer, McBrlde; Walter Noble, Ketchikan; T. Rossland, Cumshewa; W. J. Mussenden, Vancouver; Barbara Waddell, Fairbanks; George WolouskT, Salnus, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. O. Quesnel, Williams Lake; R. C. Weismlller, Victoria; C. R. Dui- ferin, Alfred House, Casslar; Miss E. Crowther, Ketchikan; Mabel Bug.?, Smlthers; Annie Lapadat, Smlthers; S. .. D. . JoBn- Mr. and Mrs. II. Reld, Port Es- slngton; W. F. Bowerman, Vic toria, Igor Gorln, Hollywood, F. Kram'er, New York; H. Eyens, Vancouver; W. F. Hickmore. Smithers; I. Coote, Hollyburn, B. C.; T. Whltmore, Vancouver; Mr. arid Mrs. J. Nelson, Vancou ver; F. Rice, Vancouver; Miss M. Orr, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. W. Botsford, Vancouver; J. W. Whlteoak, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. B. J. van Rhyn and family, Carlisle Cannery. Mrs. A. W. Llpsin returned by air yesterday from a 10-day business trip to Vancouver. Announcements Cambrai I.O.D.E. Thanksgiving Dance, Civic Centre, Oct. 13. Orange Tea, Oct. 16. Band Concert, Civic Centre, Friday, October 22. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 30. Lutheran Ladles' Aid Bazaar, Saturday Nov. 1. Baptist Sale, Nov. 6. Canadian Legion Atxiliary Sale, Nov. 10. Women of the Moose annual Bazaar, Nov. 12 and 13, Moose Temple. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, Nov. 19. 20 Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov, St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaar, November 22. Salvation Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov 28th. United Church Bazaar, Decem ber 4. Orange Sale, December 5. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec 11 Tl Crt'if M.i'fcrw A.1.WIH Fnr'f-, Infl. Vs i i Local News Items Meeting Job's Daughters, Fri day Oct. 3 at 8 pin. Initiation, Silver March and Social . (232) C. W. Mlchlel of Terrace left by air this afternoon on a busi ness trip to Vancouver. T. Stockdale, storekeeper at Atlln Fisheries camp on North Island during the salmon sea son, left last night on thePrlncc Rupert for Vancouver. Dining out Sunday? Visit the Civic Centre Dining Room . o J son, Edmonton; E. Falrgrlene, " DINNER In an atmosphere that is cheerful and bright. , (tf JUST ARRIVED Fresh killed Roasting Chickens from the Bulkley Valley. Leave your or der early. FAIR WAY FOOD MARKET, Phone 434 (It) Norman Nelson of Nelson Bros. Lta., arrived by air Wednesday from' Vancouver and sailed on his return last night on the Prince Rupert. The whereabuts of Ross local taxi driver who Is since last Friday reported miss ing, remains a mystery. Ac cording to the police and reports of friends of the missing man. no new, developments have been uncovered. O IMPORTANT ANNOUNCE MENT: By request, the time of the Fur Fashion Show .by Fowlie & Ruttle has been changed to the evening of the same day, 8:15 p.m. Thursday October 9. Keep this time and date clear. (3-6-8) Miss K. Terry, who has been with the Canadian National Telegraphs for some time, left last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. She was accom panied by her brother. J. Terry; who stopped over In the city or a few days on his way from Al aska to Seattle. Mrs. W. H. Fisher and Infant, who have been visiting for the past two months at the home of Mrs. Fisher's father and mother-in-law, Judge and Mrs, W. E. Fisher, left last night on the Prince Rupert fpr Vancouver enroute to their home in Nanalmo. "It's a dollar ten for the .trip exclusive of any little FOR gratuity you wish to bestow on me. ANNOUNCEMENT STEPHEN ERICKSON Piano Technician Formerly of Vancouver, B.C., is now a resident of Prince Rupert, B.C. TUNINGS - REPAIRS ESTIMATES Phone BLACK 195 14 years with J. W. Kelly Piano Co., Vancouver 10 years with Steinway and Sons For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Tort Edward, B.C. cnor suey onow 7:00 im. to 11:00 pjn. MEIN Herbert Morgan sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to Vancouver. R. G. Hopkins, manager of the Bank of Commerce, left for Van couver last night on the Prince Rupert. C. E. Salter, Skeena River cannery manager sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. The city ambulance answered 17 calls during the month of September. Three of these calls Involved one trip to Terrace and two trips to Port Edward. John Bulger. Sr., left last night on the Prince Rupert for a brief business trip to Vancouver. Henri Castlllou, K.C., Vancou ver barrister who has been in the city as defence counsel for Edison Brian Briscoe in his case beard at the Fall Assizes, returned to Vancouver last night on the Prince Rupert. J. S. Wilson, principal of Borden Street School, left by air today for Vancouver where he will attend an exnuuve meeting of the British Columbia Teachers' Federation before returning to Prince Rupert on Monday. Miss Mildred Orr, asslsVint in spector of home economics for the province, arrived on the Prince Rupert Wednesday afternoon and paid an official visit 3 Booth Memorial High School yesterday. Mrs. W! It Priest and Miss Pauline Proche will leave tonight on the Catala for Vancou ver enroule lo Victoria where they will spend six weeks holidaying. Rev. Father Bessette, who has been visiting in Smlthers with his sister who is 111, will leave on the Catala tonight for Vancouver enroute to. Sechelt where he is stationed. Mrs. 3. B. Gibson returned last night from Kltwanga. While visiting In Kltwanga she accom-panled Bishop Gibson on a trip to Kltwahcool. Jack Evans of the Booth Mem orial High School staff took the plane south today for Vancou ver where he will attand the wedding of his sister. Mr. Evans will Uy back Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Cooten, who returned Wednesday on the Prince Rupert following a month's vacation, left here September 1 by train for Edmonton where they spent some time visiting before proceeding to Vancouver and Vic toria. They visited several communities during a short tour of Vancouver Island and then returned to Vancouver where they took a bus trip to the Ogan-agan Valley where stops were made at Vernon, Kelowna, and Penticton. While in the valiey Mr .and Mrs. Van Cooten met a number of former residents who are now located In the southern interior. In the course of the trip a short stop was made at Kamoops before the bus returned the travellers to Vancouver. The Quality Tea A V A n AH dAliAIIA ORANGE PEKOE A SMART SUIT IS AN ASSET TO EVERY LADY'S WARDROBE. For walking, for working, for leisure or for stepping out to tea you will be envied, and at ease in one of our style-plus suits. When you are selecting: a SUIT, a COAT or a DRESS from our specialized and extensive stock . . . take advantage of Our Personalized BUDGET TLAN. Terms (o Suit Every Budget. No Interest No Carrying Charges. SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us 'for your needs In all types of printing worfc. Everything in high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DI6B PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES- HEEL THEM ATTEND THEIR THEIR SOLES Box 774 Second Avenue THIRD AVENUE LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Iptlnce ttujfcri Dailg JQeffis? Friday, October 3, 1947 this week we'd suggest you see the new M1GO arrivals . . . shirts that are the last word in well-dressed comfort, new collar styles include the Casualaire and the Cricket, materials are plain chambrays and striped broadcloths. $4.00 and $4.75 UJl, M J. J. I H H JB a m M I SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert 8 Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 61 SHINGOLEEN Shingoleen beautifies and protects old and new shingles, and years of testing and constant usage have established its worth and sure capacity to beautify your home . . . Shingoleen Is made on a two-oil base in many attractive colors and is entirely free from creosote. Sold by THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PHONE 101 .BILL SUUBY'Jb MJKSi From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked $12.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose ... $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 255 Third Ave. GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 BETTER FURS COST LESS TODAY At BILL SCUBY'S MUSKRAT COATS 265.00 BLACK SEAL COATS 149.50 LYNX COATS 139.50 The fine quality of our furs and the price at which we sell them makes BUI Scuby's the place to buy your furs. 322 3rd Ave. . Black 416 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Homt 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.G; Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 AM. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS .at 9& 1 I r