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Renews Her Attack Liberals MANSLAUGHTER CASE IS HEARD Trial of Kitimaat Native Promises to be Short Session Stanley Cecil Shaw, Kitimaat Indian charged with manslaugh-i ter, declared in Assize Court Thursday that he could-not re-j member the period of the night August 25 when he Is alleged to have- pushed Steve Albert Rachlnsky into Ocean Falls har-i bor. causing him to drown. The short, full-blooded native j took tho witness stand in his own defence at the conclusion of prosecution testimony in what apparently was to be the short-1 est trial of the current fall As-1 size Court session. His case began at 2 o'clock and testimony was concluded at i o'clock after tne case had been interrupted to allow the , Jury of a previous case to bring 1 In its verdict. PROVINCI .IBRAR1 181 Juna 21-43 Favor Speculation Rife As To N ew Party Leader VANCOUVER (CP)-Conceding public unpopularity of Bill 39, the executive of the provincial Liberal Association yesterday unanimously passed a resolution asking for its amendment early next session to make it more consistent with "recognized liberal, democratic and equitable principles" and to - "provide for much more practi STRIKE END IS EXPECTED Meantime Vancouver' Meat Supply Is 90 Terrent Cut Off VANCOUVER O' Fred Dow-director ling, Canadian of the Meat Packers' Association of America, believes that the meattw0 old llne partles are sparrlng PacKeri aut ";"ior position" he said. Proceecings snouia noi iaKe up In a clear manner, Bhaw told , the court of the events on the'mo than, four davs once they , afternoon of the day in which j he is alleged to have pushed Rachlnsky from a float as the a latter stood aside to let him pass on a narrow mooring float at Ocean Falls. After drinking liquor aboard in two boats in the afternoon and spending part of the evening ic a beer parlor, he "blacked out" and could not remember any- IUiIije until he awoke the next morning, nanucuueu m wiv Ocean Falls till, he declared. Shaw was the only defencf witness called by Defence Counsel Roderick MacLeod after Crown Counsel J. T. Harvey had produced six witnesses, two of whom testified that they had seen Shaw push Rachlnsky Into the water. According to evidence by William Walter Card, Steve Hewko, Gordon Wright and Robert L. Post. they, accompanied by Rachlnsky, had emerged as a group from a beer parlor after 10 o'clock on the evening of August 25. Near a place caueo the "Greenhouse" they had been accosted by Shaw, who also had been: In the beer parlor, and who accused them of stealing his wallet.- OFFKilT.I) TO FIGHT HIS COMPANIONS Evidence indicated that Shaw had taken off his shirt and of fered to fight the whole group "one by one." He declined an In viatlon to go to the police sta tlon to find out if any of the group had stolen his wallet Steve Hewko testified that Daniel Peppln, Shaw's com panion, had told Shaw S:at his wallet was in his shirt pocket. Hewko said he saw it there. Later, the group went down oa a wharf known as the "Jap' float to go aboard a boat when they saw Shaw coming along thft wharf. They separated to allow Shaw to pass. William Walter Card testified that he observed Shaw push Rachlnsky on the chest. Rachlnsky fell tfrom the narrow float into the water. Card (Continued on Page Six) HUDSON'S BAY VESSEL LOST EDMONTON, B Bleak Arctic seas today still held the secret of the fate of the little Hudson Bay Co. schooner Kostlc and tho crew of four which disappeared In a fierce gale 16 days ago. ine same blow wrecked an other company vessel and sent a third to port. The Northwest Air Comman3 headquarters dispatched a Can so amphibious aircraft from Nor man Wells. 100ft miles northwesi lpert 48 and I reported If It fcaa sighted the ! missing vessel or crew. u lwu wec'"- niu" tt"u"i arf, sta'?d- Meantime the development of vote favoring striking ;.i the Gainer's, Alberta Meat and Flet-ensr parking plants in Vancouver and an independent plant Edmonton threatens to cut off ninety percet of Vancouver's meat supply. Swift's, Burns and Canada Packers' plants have been on strike for two weeks in the wages and hours disputed t JEWSHIPS FOR HAIFA Refugees Heading for Palestine in Two Vessels JERUSALEM, W A broadcast purporting to emanate from one I of two ships headed for Palestine with several thousand Illegal Jewish immigrants, said yesterday that they were surrounded by a cluster of British vessels preparing to attack." The broadcaster asserted that he was speaking from tn "Ouela" (Redemption), name given by the Jews to the refugee ship Northland which passed through the Dardanelles Sunday. She was accompanied by the Paducah, renamed the "Medina Yehudit" (Jewish State). The two ships are carrying about 3500 Jews who embarked at a Bulgarian port. OOOCrtJOOOOODOyOOKJOCHjaOOCOOOOKlOCaa0OOaHHKFAi) :: TODAY'S STOCKS.:: Courtesy S. D. -Johnston Co, Ltd. Vancouver Bralorne H-50 B.R. Con - 05 V2 B.U.X lO'-b Cariboo. Quartz 2.25 Dentonia Wi Hedley Mascot 1,05 . Mlnto 0214 Pioneer 3.75 Premier Border 04?i Privateer 38 Reno 11 Salmon Gold ' 25 1 i Sheep Creek 102 Taylor Bridge 50 Taku River '2 Vananda 24 Congress Hedley Amalgamated.. .03 Spud Valley Ml Central Zeballos .., 01V4 Silbak Premier 67 Oils A.P. Con. . 12 Calmont 35 C. & E. 2.45 Foothills 2.40 3.90 Home Toronto Athona .mi .31 Aumaque ' Beattie -8? Bevcout .72 .16 Bob jo Buffalo Canadian ,18Vi Modification cal, speedy and efficient method of administration." The resolution also asked for Immediate appointment of a public relations board as provided for in . the Act. Members of the executive expressed varying views regarding continuation of the coalition j with Former Premier T. D. Pat-tullo opposing it. "Coalition Is ; ppttlntr tn the nnint where the Senator J. W. DeB. Farris came out publicy for coalltitm later at a meeting of the Liberal Women's Association, declaring that "we must stand together, close our ranks and make sure that Socialists and Socialism shall never dominate In British Columbia." I Meanwhile speculation is rife over a successor to Premier John Hart as party leader, A number of dejegates, who withheld use of their names, said Dr. Norman A. M. MaCKenzle, president of the University of British Columbia, might be offered the lead ership. They said he had hot been approached but they be lieved he was willing to be draft ed. They said It would effect a compromise between rival claims of Hon. Gordon Wismer. Byron Johnson and Hon. E. T. Kenney. The MacKenzie possibility was , ,th the ... ..r am not In politics." There Is also speculation as to the future of Premier John Hart who announced his early retirement. On one hand, It is stated he will assume the presi dency of a financial concern. On the other, it is predicted he will be appointed to the Senate. Local Tides Saturday, October 4, 1947 High 3:39 18.8 feet 15:34 20.7 feet Low 9:25 6.7 feet 22:14 4.0 feet Consol. Smelters 85.00 Conwest 85 Donalda 1.02 Eldona 1.07 Elder 80 Giant Yellowknlfe 6.10 God's Lake 1.10 Hardrock 35 Harricana 11 Heva 31 Kosco 30 Jacknlte- 07Vi Joliet Quebec 45 Lake Rowan 15 Lapaska 24 Little Long Lac 1.74 Lynx 10i Madsen Red Lake 3.55 McKenzie Red Lake .... .58 McLeod Cockshutt 1.75 Moneta 43 Negus 2.10 Noranda 43.00 Louvicourt 1.67 . Pickle Crow 2.50 Regcourt I8V2 San Antonio 4.25 Senator Rouyn 59 Sherrlt Gordon 2.93 Steep Rock 2.38 Sturgeon River .23 Kamlac 12 Bright Red Lake 05 Reglna .02 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWHPAPER . TAVI mm a Phone 7 8b nnP AJtJL rl.nrl I Empress u-". . Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL XXXVI. No. 232. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS of UNFAIR TO DAVEY JONES An unwelcome arrival In Davey Jones' locker is this ship, loaded with lethal gas. taken from the Germans at the end ofhe war, as it slides down to the bottom of the North Sea. Several such poison-laden ships were towed far out to sea by Allied craft and sunk where they can do no harm. World Series SENSATIONAL GAME FINISH GIVES BROOKLYN EVENING VICTORY 'Bill' Bevens Had First "Dream Game" of History In His Grasp Until Final Moment 1 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 R II E New York 1 0 0 0 Urooklyn . 0 0 0 0 EBBETS FIELD, Brooklyn (CP) After pitching eight and two-third innings of no-hit ball, thereby breaking Red Ruffing's World Series record of seven and ;two-thirds -hitless innings in 1942, Hoyd Beyens, 6-frSOt four-inch righthander from Salem, Oregon, swallowed the bitter pill of losincr the fame' of achieveing the only no-hit no- run ball game in Series his- tory today when pinch hitter Cookie Lavagetto came up in j the ninth inning with two men down :to make the only Brooklyn hit of the day and give the Dodgers a 3 to 2 victory to square up the series at two games apiece. Bevens also made another World Series record that of walking ten batters in a single " game. It was one of World Series tensest and most dramatic games. The Yanks had been leading two to one until La-cagetto slugged the pinch double Into the right field wall which brought the victory to the Dod gers in the thrill-soaked game. Until this Bevens had the no-hit game in his grasp. It would have been the first dream game in Series history. Line-ups: New York Stlrnwelss 2b, Hen- rlck rf, Berra c, Dlmagglo cf, McQuinn lb, Johnson -3b, Riz- zuto ss, Bevens p, Linden If. Brooklyn Stankey 2b, Reese ss, Robinson lb, Walker rf, Her-manskl If, Edwards c, Jorgen-sen 3b, Taylor p, Furlllo cf. Umpires Geotz (NL), plate; McGowan (AL), first base; Pin-clli (NL), second base; Rommel (AL), third base; Boyer (AL), left field foul line; Magerkurth (NL), right field foul line. First Inning One run, two hits, one error, four left. Taylor was relieved by Hal Gregg who took the mound with foof"es loaded after Stlrnwelss, forced home when Dlmagglo walked with ,UU the sacks nnUa full. full A A ' lightning double-play hit by Johnson to, Reese to Stanky to Roblnspn retired the side. Dodgers scoreless. Yanks lead 1-0. Second Inning No runs, one hit, no errors, two left, both teams scoreless in inning of tight fielding and close pitching. Third Innings No runs, no hits, one error, two left. Both teams tightened up In contrast to yesterday's game which saw a total of seventeen runs. Outstanding play was Llndell's sensational tumbling fTTTTTTTl a 'tTTT?T?T?T??TVTT I TTWSTAR on United States Bill 39!2aysUnchs,ameallr 0 0 0 02 8 1 0 0 0 23 1 catch of Robinson's foul fly in extreme left field corner. Fourth Inning One run, two hits, no errors, one left. Johnson smashed triple into deepest centre field corner, coming home when Llndell doubled. Dodgers scoreless. Score 2-0 for Yanks. Fifth Inning One run, no hits, one error, one left. Yanks scoreless. Jorgensen scored on fielder's choice, making score for Yankj 2-1. Sixth Inni'g No runs, no hits, no errors, two left. Both" teams bore down for a scoreless Inning. Lndcll, for Yanks, and Walker, for Dodgers, were only men to reach base3 both on walks. Seventh Inning No runs, no hits, no errors, one loft. Eighth Inning No runs, no hits, no errors, one left. Another scoreless Inning whlcS saw Bevens set a new series record by pitching eight complete hitless innings for Yanks. Previous record held by Red Ruffing who pitched seven and two-third innings without hit in the opener against the Cardinals in 1942. Ninth Inning Bevens allowed two bases on balls and two Dodgers had been fielded out when Lavagetto cauo through "with a double which sent the Brooklyn fans wild with joy as the tying and winnings runs crossed the plate. Batteries were: New York Beyens and Berra. Iirooklyn-CJregg (1), Behr- man (8), Casey (9), and Edwards. CHOLERA IS INCREASING CAIRO 09 Egypt's cholera death toll mounteJ to over 200 todav as the ministry of health listed' 58 new fatalities from the dread disease. The ministry said that 114 new case3 and 87 suspecting cases wer? reported yesterday. Clocks are seldom given as a wedding present In China, where" they are considered bad omens. iesponsioie ror oreek Balkan Differences LAKE SUCCESS (CP) Russia resumed her attacks on the United States today with the charge by Dmitir Manuilisky, foreign minister for the Soviet Ukraine, that the American government was trying to throw a smoke screen to cover "intervention" in Greece. He said that the United States and Britain Bulletins TORIES SEE ELECTION BRIGHTON, Sussex, Eng. Leaders of Britain's Conservative party declared today that any split crisis-beset Labor government would force a national election by next March. An election might even come sooner, they predicted, if there was a recurrence of anything like last winter's fuel crisis when homes were unhealed and millions were thrown out of work by shortage of coal and power. ADANACS WIN KEW WESTMLNSTER Vancouver Adanacs defeated Mi-mico Mountaineers 17 to 11 in the first game here last night of the best of five series for the Mann Cup and the Dominion lacrosse championship. STRIKE IN PALESTINE JERUSALEM General strike of.. Palestine Arabs began at dawn today In protest against the proposed partition of the Holy Hand. It paralyzed all Arab sections touay and sent hundreds of thousands pouring Into mosques for prayer. Streets were crowded with Arab pedestrians since ail Arab buses stayed in their garages and pickets ranged around bus stops to prevent Arabs from riding on Jewish buses. MINISTER, C.N. CHIEF ON COAST VANCOUVER Hon. Lionel Chevrler K.C., M.P., minister of transport, R. & Vaughan, chairman and president of the Canadian National (Railways and Steamships, and N. B. Walton, executive vice-president of those companies, arrived In Vancouver yesterday to spend six days on the Pacific Coast. Mr. Chevrler is accompanied by his wife and on Monday next Mrs. Chevrier will christen the new Canadian National coast steamship "Prince George," be-' lng built at Yarrows yard in Esquimau. The officers of the British Columbia district of the Canadian National Railways held a reception at Hotel Vancouver yesterday afternoon at which In dustrial and other leaders In Bri tish Columbia activity will meet Messrs. Chevrier, Vaughan and Walton. Arriving with the CKM. presidential party were Walter S. Thompson, director of public relations, Montreal; J. L. Charles, chief engineer, western region, Winnipeg, and Bernard Allen, general suprlntendent, B. C. dis trict. The C.N.R. president will make a complete Inspection of the company's railway and shipping facilities on the Pacific .Coast and at Victoria on Monday he will be the guest with Mr. Chevrler of the mayor and city council at a civic luncheon. STOCKHOLM O) Resumption of Swedish fish exports to Germany is expected in the near future. Before the war, approximately 80 per cent of Sweden's fish exports, or an annual quantity of 35,000 tons, went to Germany. were primarily responsible for Balkan troubles and not Greece's northern neighbors. ACQUITTED OF MANSLAUGHTER Stanley Cecil Shaw, Kitimaat Indian, was acquitted at 2:45 this afternoon of a charge of manslaughter in connection with the death of Steve Albert Rach lnsky after the jury had deliber ated for more IKan two hours. He was termed a "very lucky man" by Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson, Assize Court Judge. Edison Brian Briscoe, found guilty Thursday of retaining a stolen boat, was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary by. Mr. Justice Wilson. The sentencing of Briscoe con cluded the Assize Court hear ings at Prince Rupert. BRISCOE TO'-BE SENTENCEDTODAY Following Conviction On Charge of Being In' Possession of Stolen Boat Today was set by Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson as sentencing day for Edison Brian Briscoe, Vancouver fisherman who was found guilty Thursday afternoon on a charge of being in possession of a stolen boat by an Assize Court Jury that reached a ver dict after three hours of deliberation. ' Briscoe was found guilty of retaining as stolen goods the 34-foot gllfaet boat "Rio II," which carried the name "Guess Who" when seized by the police at Rivers Inlet last July. Defence Counsel Henry Cas- tillou attempted to prove to the court that the "Guess Who" had been bought toy Briscoe at Victoria last October 30, abom six weeks before the "Rio II" had disappeared from a mooring wharf at Vancouver. Evidence revealed that, when the name "Guess Who" had been scraped from the bow of the vessel, the name "Rio II" was revealed painted beneath. The vessel was identified ' by James William Barnet and Mat Nybo as one which they had purchased at Steveston earlier in 1946. The jury left the court room to consider the evidence at 12:45 returning with a finding of "guilty 'shortly after 4 o'clock. The Jury of a succeeding manslaughter case had to vacate the Jury box In order to ai.'ow the theft Jury to bring In its verdict. Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson announced that he would withhold sentence until today. He told defence counsel that In passing sentence he would con sider the background of Briscoe whom Mr. Costillou described as "a useful and intelligent member of society." Briscoe age 29 is a former Prince George man. Mrs. Willa M. Ray was appointed by Castlllou to sit for the defence during the sentencing. Mr. Castlllou left on the- Prince Rupert last niht to return to Vancouver. TWO BILLION BOLTS Lightning flashes over TflS earth continuously, striking on the average of 50 times a second or 2,000,000,000 times a year. ! 1.1 I, I 4