tjniscences anc Reflections ; prince C :iar!e V .IS- v He ; n-d . al- ;f ('(1, .uses II? i , . ' . un-in iv. -,t, . . the I iin- ' ,1 lie vs- :; :ora- IARETTE APERS K - 1 '- LLLLB . mm m ml Mcleod j aaBnnmifKtof I BE Jewellers J T -1 Ave. G'-"rn 324 I rar its " U1CKS SER HOUSE Q' lot, r imfortable Bkone Black 823 few predictions. He said there would come a day when, not In carloads, tout by the train would roll away from Prince Rupert. Those who heard him doubted It but chose to remain silent In fhe spring of 1912. the Titanic, last word in ocean liners was due with distlntrushed company aboard" to jail for New York. Mr. Hays had gone to .Ens land planning to return home on the vessel that surpassed In site, power, beauty and general equipment ana ratings anything ever attempted ibefore In the long history of the Whit! Star. He had, according to what was heard at the time, been contemplating a service out of r. i Prime Rupert, lor completion j r ! of 'the railway was now little more Uum a year or so away. On a morning in (April there was hewd in Prince Rupert a brief story people always at first call lmposssiible. The mighty Titanic had sunk, and Mr. Hays, with hundreds f others, had gone down with her. The tragic truth I It was exactly that. A few hours before midnight, out on the starlit Atlantic, there ad been -warmth, luxury, laughter, behind the torlgtat portholes. An iceberg cut, then sliced alon? the black hu'1. Speed 'laekened. The great steamship. risin-fallmg on the deep swell, bnian to settle, not rapidly but with a merciless deliberation. Some were destined to die before daybreak and Hays was among them. It was fated that one who could so ill be spared, one whose capacity as an execu- ! tftre and builder had an inter-, national significance and meaning, one whose life meant so murh to thousands of others, had lived his last day. Two years later, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, it's final ;i k' safely driven home, reach-t cl the terminus at Prince Runs it. The time was early summei .i:'d the hour about mid-day. I-Sumi ght sparkled across th? j harbor. Officials of varying de-! erer s of consequence shook j !;;u:d.s with smiling citizens, i About everybody was there, ex- t the man whose indomitable w ill and guiding hand had serv ed so well. The four lot3 on Third Avenue opposite the post office recently turned over by the government to the War Assets ' Corporation for eventual sale once served as sites for buildings in a small way. The ground was well above grade. The residence of the late V. W. Smith stood there. It was a two-fitcjey frame structure and convenient. In those cheer ful days, no one could tell what might occur from one half hour to another and one morning It came the Smith family's turn. Bang went the blast, up went the rocks, and one of the weightiest passed through the roof, landing on the parlor floor not more than a Jew feet from the piano. No one was Injured, but everybody admitted there had been a good old fashioned scire, for there was reason enough. "Oh." remarked V. W. S., with W) Make-Up Kit MV J Jri? Powders, rouges lipsticks, creams aw tJlhf lotlons ana otner articles sary In your make-up kit to give Pontes Drugs We Pioneer Druggists Description chemists Daily Delivery Service BLONDIE THIS AND THAT WSirS Wk mii Sot Ice, Infc fitting phllosphy, "it could have been a lot worse." There was another, and smaller home on mat piece of ground. It was a one-man establishment, occupied by J. E. Melvin, a watchmaker, whose sole companion" was a parrot who dwelt In a cage In the (front room and who pretended to be able to talk The tenant was well along In years, welcomed any chance visitors. Finally, he was not seen or heard of for days. His little home was investigated. He had passed away in hk sleep, a burnt out match in his hand. Arthur Ellis, public executioner was in Prince Rupert twice a good many years ago. It was when he was on his way bank heme after a professional engagement in Yukon. Mr. Ellis spent a day or to In New Westminster this week. The day he slipped quietly through Prince Rupert was slushy and chill. The steamer was In port but briefly and. If Mr. Ellis sauntered up town, few indeed knew it. The plainly dressed a.uiet UtMe man lingered by the deck rail. New and thenhe would make a small snowball and Idly tore It overboard. There was nothing about Ellis that would single him out I from the crowd. He was just or dinary. That sums It up. Ell's' predecessor in office. Radcllffe. was different in ap pearance. He had a friendly way with him, if encouraged. In fact, he liked to chat If he ever happened' to be lh the town you called home, an easy place, to find him would be a bar. Like many another, he enjoyed a drink. Radrliffe was inclined to be dark, with florid complexion. In the matter of hats, he seemed soon. i ". . . For a milder and decidedly cooler smoke it's Cosies! Because every bit of material is put there to give you just what you want from the right combination of the world's best cigarette tobaccos." Adult Lake Trout Being Transferred WINNIPEG Under the supervision of the Game and Fisheries Branch of the Manitoba government, 350 Adult Lake trout hav? been transplanted from a.'lakfc north of the Pas to Crow Duck Lake In the northern portion ot the Whlteshell Game Preserve of Manitoba. It Is another of the game fish stocking experiments that have been carried out for some time .by the provincial government. The trout, in large square tins of fresh water, arrived in Winnipeg from the north over Canadian National lines and were immediately transferred to Lac Du Bonnet where they were flown to their new heme. They were large-sizd lake trout weighing about . , A, 1 J - 1 .' a to have a preference for the sailor's cap, with, glazed peak. Years ago, executions tool: place, not at the provincial penitentiary, but in the city or tow'n wjaere the, Wallas jieldtaad conviction returned. The sljh: of ft .scaffold was something that shook the composure and nerves of plenty of good people who could not help seeing it unless they remained at home until after the P. E. had performed his duty and gone his way. Edmund Llpsin left by air to day for Vancouver to take up his second year studies at the University of British Columbia after spending a holiday here. Advertise In the Daily News H AiirrfT iiiaim i LUNUDI VUKLU SERIES GAME Over Three Hours Taken Up As Brooklyn Takes Third Game From New York EBBETS FIELD, W Brooklyn Dodgers opened up with an early lead on the New York Yankees and just lasUd through the longest nine-inning game in the World Series history to earn a 9 to 8 edge yesterday for their fim victory in the third game of the 1947 subway series. It was a three hour and five minute struggle that consumed five Yankee pitchers and three Dodger chuckers. Thus the Brooklyn club opened Its home half of tha series successfully after two defeats in xankee Stadium. Line-ups: New York Stlrnweiys 2b, Hen- Jrlch rf, LIndell If, DiMaggio cf, McQuinn lb, W. Johnson Zb, Riz-zuto ss, Lollar c, Newsome p. Brooklyn ?Vankey 2ri Robinson lb, Reiser cf. Walker rf, Hermanski If, Reese ss, Jorgen-sen 3b, Hatten p. Umpires Rommell (AL) plate: Goetz (NL) Jlrst base; Mc-Gowan (AL) second( base; Pln-elll (NL) third base; Magerkurth (NL) left field line; Boyer (ALV right field line. First Inning No runs, two hits, no errors, none leTT. Second Inning Six runs, seven hits, no errors, two left. Yanks scoreless. Hermanski came home for the first score of game when Edwards lashed line drive for double. Edwards came home on Reese's single, Rees and Hatten scored on Stanky's double. Ras- chl replaced Newsome. Furlllo, pinchrhitting for Reiser, smashed double off scoreboard, scoring Stenke and Robinson. Brooklyn 6 New York C. Third Inning' Three runs, four hits, no errors, three left. LIndell shot single to centre. Lollar and Clark came single. Dodigers made score 7 to 2, end of third when Hermanski came In on Jorgensen double Fourth Inning Four runs, four hits, one er ror, four left. Count soared to 9 to 4 for Dodgers at end of fourth. .Lollar doubled, scoring John son, and came in on single by Stirnwelss. Chandler, right hand pitcher, lock over in fourth for Yanks. Stanky scored on Walk er's single and Furlllo crossed the plate on Hermanskl's single. Fifth Inning vTwo runs, two hits, no errors, 1 one left. Dodgers, scoreless, re quired on three plays. Yanks scor ed two, making score 9-6. DiMaggio smashed 350 foot homer into left field stands scor. lng LIndell. Sixth Inning One run, three hits, no errors, five left. Dodgers scoreless. LETTERBOX HAS THE WORM TURNED? Editor, l)aily News: It is doubtful if baseball fans can recall a more discouraging team than that which befel the Brooklyn Dodgers in the third game of the 194.1 World Series. As in the present series they were opposed by the New York Yankees, who, as was the case this year. 'fcad won- the first two! games. The Dodgers had the! game cinched in the ninth when pitcher Hugh Casey, who had two men down, put the third strike on the batter but the catcher, while stopping the ball, did not catch same and made no effort to picSc it up and first-it, taking it for granted that the game was over as it didn't appear as though the batter was going to run. However, the coach or somebody, noticing the situation, got the batter started for first and, In the mix-up and excitement, the Dodger's catcher just couldn't seem to put his hand on the ball until it .was too late. The runner was saie. With the Yankee's big artillery, including Joe DiMaggio, coming up the laughter that followed was not only disheartening to fthe Dodgers, when, history re cords lost the game, tout to any Henrich .smashed double off Spankys. glove, scoring Brown. Side retired with bases loaded. Seventh Inning One run, two hits, no errors, one left. Yankees climbed o within one run of tying game when fierra, pinch hitting for Lollar, smashed home run over right field scoreboard. Casey replaced Branca for Dodgers. Eighth Inning No runs, two hits, no errors, two left. Ninth Inning Dodgers held slim margin one run lead by keeping Yanks score less to win game 9-8. Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight (All Times Pacific Standard) For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offlees. PRINCE RUFERT By Chic Young li li' 7 ffMTl ru-make it vmmv Fvl settle it Yi TH "I M " MB EASIER? FOR YOU"-) FOR YOU-- T" -JJiiUiiL PAGWOOO. Cffl DOVOU WANT S ,.LL FRy HARD ) lCB ' v-m-. iS .,,. ui7m,,n'MiiJuipiiiiiiiMii I ;, 1 1 11 irapuypi IHtik T "TTTTirn 1 1 . fj vmy- mU--J4lL-uwu vi' rjc ilillllliJtf on, otAR-- ) fsf1 y- i." . ( AND I HAViN'T ( pottt WORRY, MAMA.) THERE'S ALWAYS J- t J AREN'T 1 SIXTY CENTS, L ANY C-IANG2 I KNOW WHERE X tl A LTflf E " h' . 1 ( PADDIES VJLA- L r .&) AROUND ' . '. l r rr'HT ' ! ' liMM t ILLIJILI TTTT7IT' I V 'Wnmar when a wife H I 'ijic i dont remember III tri- viw ooESttT the v--y-NS v 1 BORROWS HER HUSBANDS " V ANYTHING IN OUR J I WEDDING CEREMONY fl WHO USEP MY MANICURE J MANICURE SCISSORS, SHEfe ( WEPDINIG CEREMONY I UIS COVER ALL THESE "tva SCISSORS AND PIDNT t--v- SUPPOSED TO PUT tABOUT PUTTING 1 THINGS ? rLdM ' RETURH I THEM 9 (MAMA rVlTHEM BACK WHERE tfBACK MANICURE TvJT" JPmI gro i tso lrfntc Uupert Daflp jctos Friday. October 3. 1947 sport loving fan. It so upset the morale of the Dodger's team that they had no fight left when the Yankees went on to make it four stroke of fate to confront a ball , straight the next day. They still had more than enough of that bad luck in the second game or the present series, with the Yankees getting the breaks as usual. But yesterday it was different. With the Yankees eettirre as many hits as the Dodgers, Including two homers ,one by a plnch-hltter, a World Series re cord, the Dodgers withstood the best the Yankees had to offer. Junction Second and Third Avenues Despite the latter's several, attempted onslaughts, the Dodgers held the fort, breaking the backbone of the Yankee's last endeavour when thy doubled up on DiMagglo's effort in the ninth. Could it be dat de woloi has toined for dem Bums? , J. MUXRONEY. Paul Rosang left by air today for Pert Hardy eriroute to Alert Bay where he will commence fishing for herring. Mrs. Rosang and children will leave on next Tuesday's beat to Join Mr. next REPAIR JOB done, 3 drive in and have one of our experts give you a detailed ESTIMATE. We are Fully Equipped for Automobile Repairs Dealers in Studcbaker Commercial and Hudson Cars Tires and Tubes Repaired Grease Servicing SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY SERVICE Si Green 21 ' RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We specialize in rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service. tor all makes of cars and trucks. Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 566 Prince Rupert, B.C. RUPERT MARINE REALTY I (J. CLAUSEN & SON) If C A UUV UWUIIgil BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OU CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 518 Phone Green 1)75 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing In Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Weldin? Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 8S4 P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT 303 Cabs I would like to take this opportunity to announce to my many friends and patrons that I have left 123 Taxi and will be opcrat-inff 303 Cabs from the 3 Sisters Cafe, lour continued patronage will be sincerely appreciated. FRED JENSEN 303 CABS KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, TLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING -FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors; TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS i i- f f Y ii if: