FURTHER I0RATES IMin ConiTniiis to firowlli t:c- l is T-iin was pit week 1 'iii, fatt. : cx;-eme heat. fi:r.'.iei deterioration hr )t according ta - - rno" of the A1- .-ulfure of the IK, j:na, Railways. jti;"; -'jp- sre stanfl-5 tit leant an aver-of whear should be tr.. t.' in - r .ie eastern ' :: in fair a nrarly le wrstern Kuim-i SERVICE . . See Your a - b THE GRAINFIELDS IN GERMANY These Gcr-5n F ankfort. one of them with a child in a baby L ft, ,1,1 4U Vin 1 1.. I 1 flu, '.'I. J u i iuiu iicju uui Jiao auuiiuy ut'cn leaped ji'id: for some particles of grain that might have In-: oi? reaping With food -very scarce, the German h-: ::o up the cry that "nothing must perish." In She : their daily 6mall food-ration a bit. very poor and estimates'of yield range frcan zero to 10 bushels per acre. Conditions are variable Jn Alberta but ar srood only north and wwt of BOnnor.-on ami tu the Peace River area. :Iarvestin should be fairly general by the end of next week in all area, Haying Is about completed wrVh a Rood crop in most areas. Weather in the Oleanasan Val- I ley has been warm and dry dur ing the week; Peaches and bart-lett pears are movinz IreWy. the apricots are practically finished, and reached their estimated quotas. Injured Fisherman Dies In Hospital Thomas Svenson. injured fisherman brovrht from Oceanic Cnnnery cav'v Wednesday morn-imr. died that nisht In the Gen- are ' eral Hospital. Bill " mrai interior Terrace ce neatre on Tuesdays and W:dnedays JUMMllt'e ILL 4 Il-IIl. ntriivt u a,i n K IS FAMILY" . ... ...vvih, VtlUlUC i i . r Minrer iipipn f i- Walker and "r.v V A VII tt'l'livi'diAV 12 and 13 I k ... .... ----- ij uoi VjUli well, will Osborne ann Orchestra CABINS Skeena Undue Tourist Camp (One Mile East of Town) Box 13 l; Terrace, B.C.; TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (IL Smith) P.O. Box 187 Terrace Your ivay to I he la he? SIX OUR TWO FLOORS LADIES' WKAR. YAK I J GOODS MEN'S WEAR GROCERIES THE SKEENA MERCANTILE TERRACE GENERAL MOTORS DEALER iac Uulck Cher. Trucks Oldsmobile G.M.C. Trucks Machine Work A Specialty K u . I Ml ft. A mm m mrm, m mm mm m mm mm -k mmm mmm mr TERRACE B.C. TTIF HAIIfnlAUn 5? IHDD ITh 1 1 1 n ,1 I.imilwtr Tnniiffinrrrc! S1 Lumh T E R R A fi E Logs, Poles and Piling Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Phllco Radios Wlllard Batteries Canning Corner 1 Tomatoes are one of the esul-e.'it foods to can successfully, either whole or as Juice and' their bright color ancrresh fla- vor add interest to many hot, dishes during winter monvns, Xn I addition, canned tomatoes make a nice vegetable served cold or! ' hot. tiplced or plain and tomato , Juice rates high both in payability and as .a source or vitamin c The following dlreclions for i 'i.r.ri'nT tomatoes and Juice arc et'ommeuded by home econom? .sts: Cold Pack Tonjaroes I Choose firm, ripe tomatoes, ' Set aside the irregular or broke ; ones to make juice. Blanch torn? atoes 15 to CO seconds to loosen .skins. Remove stem and peel. Pack in clean, hot sealers or in plain tin cans, added I teaspoon ..alt per quart sealer or 28-ounce tin can. Cover with hot tomato Juke made w cookinz. J In a covered pan for z minutes, the irregular, broken or very la.?e tcmatofs (which have had gtr-, e-,c removed and been cut in olwesl Dressing tnrough a Mr ? or purter. ; L;aTe i Inch headipace in glass sealers and V inch in tin earn. Adjust rubber rings and. l'ds. Process . in bcr.rng water bath 26 minutes for pints and. 20-ounce tins and 23 minutes ror qi"H and 23-ounte r:n cans. Because of their acuity, tomatoes may be processed In an flven which has an automatic Vp?.t control. Process nlnts and 70 ov.tk tin cans a; 275 uerees P. for 35 minutes and nuar's and 28-ounce tin cans for 45 minutes. Tomato Juice Wash tomatoes, remove core. but do not peel, cut tomatoes in pieces. Brins to boil and boil in covered pan 5 nannies. Press tttrough sieve or pureer. Bring Jttlce to boiling point. Pour into containers leaving Mi-Inch of headrace In glass sealers and 'Vinch in Dlaln tin cans. Add 1 ptirooon salt per quart or 28t ounce tin can. Adjust rubber rift and trs. Proces in boilr i"? wnter hath for 15 minutes for pints, quarts, 20 and 28- ptirre iri cans, or n an oven with automatic heat control, for 20 minutes. C. IL Sawle proorletor of the Ominecn Herald, New Hazelton, who has been In the city as a dP1PBttte to Associated Boards i cf Trade at Central British Col umbia, will leave this evening returning to h's home. Waitress: Hawaii, gentlemen, you must be Hungary. 4 First Customer: Yes, Slam. And we can't Rumania here long, either. Venice lunch ready? Waitress: "I'll Russia a table. What'll you Havre? Second Customer: Anything at all, but can't Jamaica little speed' 5 m it hers CAMPERS Supplies delivered twice weekry to Lnke Kathlyn. GOODACRES' SMITHERS, B.C. (202) Announcement (Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers. quick: meals for unexpected guests during vacation time Whether company, drops in unexpectedly, or invited guests are staying for a wee or so, one thing that covers the hostess with glory and gives her a wonr derful sense of satisfaction is to visit comfortably with, them all afternoon, then have a meal on the taible in the proverbial forty winks. Even tbouph weather is summery It is advisable to have at least one hot dish, at' each meal so it does require some careful planning to. prepare dinner, in. 10 minutes or so. Such menus, may. very, well be planned around cold meat and a dessert made in the morning when It . Is cool. Then hot soup and a crisp, .salad with a tangy dressing rounds out a meal that appeals, to slimmer appetites. A cheese dish such as a Strata or a Pnffit may be the main : course. If' prepared in the cool ) lot the morning it may be stored in a coot mace unui au.uuut before meal time then popppd'into a moderate oven to cookslowly while mother sits calmly vlslt-!m with her enests. Then with vegetables auickly cooked and fresh fruit for dessert another feast Is nut on the table with minimum effort. The recloe ror Rlo?na Cuos with Hot Potato Salad, riven below, is. a hot main course which fits into this picture. The salad:mny be prepared in advance and heated at the tast moment while the bologna cups are being preparec. The home economists of the Consumer. Section. Dominion Department , of Agriculture, suggest the following recipes: Bologna Cups With Hot, Potato Salad 2 cuios diced, cooked potato 2 sweet pickles, chopped. 1 hard cooked egg, chopped 1 tablespoon chopped onion 2 tablespoons vinegar Salad dressing to moisten Salt and pepoer 6 slices large bologna Comlblne everything Jut bol. ogna. Heat in top of double boiler. Do not remove casing from bologna, which should be cut a little thicker than usual. Heai in a little hot fat in frying pan until edges curl up to rorm a-. cup. Fill with hot potato salad, garnish with parsley. Creamed veggetables may replace hot potato salad. Jellied. Veal in Green Peppers 2 to 2Vz lbs. veal shank 2 quarts water 1 teaspoon salt t teaspoon celery seed or few sprigs celery leaves 1 small onion sliced 1 small. carrot cut In half Place veal, water, salt, celery seed, onion and carrot In kettle. Cover, and simmer until meat falls from bones, about IV2 to 2 hours. Dice meat there should be about two cups. Strain stock and holl.In an open kettle 10 to 15 minutes, or until flavor is concentrated. De Luxe Wall Tint An Improved, Sanitary Kalsomine SOLD IN MANY PLEASING TINTS. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR HOME BRIGHT, CHEERY AND INVITING WITH DELUXE WALL TINTS. 'EASY TO MIX EASY TO APPLY 5-lb. pkg., 75 cents THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. ROYAL CAFE REOPENS Completely Renovated and Under New Management WE SPECIALIZE IN SEA FOODS SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN. DISHES Take-out Orders Given Special) Attention j. COMER and ASSEMINA PAVL1KIS Proprietors 2 tablespoons gelatine. Vi cup cold water 2 cups veal stock 2 tablespoons chopped sweet red pepper or pimlento 2 cups chopped veal 6 medium green peppers Soak gelatine in eoja water. Add hot veal stock, $pt aside to cool. When it begins to stiffen add chopped red pepper or plml ento and veal." Wash and re move seeds from peppers. Fill with meat mixture- Chill until firm. Cut in s lices crosswise. Serve on lettuce. Six servings. Serve the following meat loaf j.f you need quantity as well as quality. Meat JiOaf 2 lbs. beef, ground 1 lb. pork, ground 1 lb. veal, ground 8 slices bread 1 to Vz cups milk .or warm water 2 medium sized onions, minced 2 tablespoons salt Vz teaspoon pepper 4 esrgs 2 cups chili sauce- foptlonal) Mix meats' thoroughly with bread softened in the warm milk or water. Add seasonings and beaten eggs. Pack into two 5x4x3 inch leaf pans and cover with chill sauce. Bake In moderately hot oven (375 degrees FJ about 60 minutes or until done. Serves 10 to 12. After a doctor, called to a house to attend a coflnement, had been upstairs a few minutes, he came down and asked the husband: "Have you got a corkscrew?" He was given one and went upstairs. A few minutes elapsed ... he came down and' ' asked "Got a screwdriver?" He was giveij one and went up- i stairs. A few minutes and he came down again and asked for a chisel and mallet. "Good gracious, doctor," the ! worried husband asked, "is It a boy or a girl?" "Don't know yet," replied the doctor. "Can't get my medicine case open. him 3ttj3jlr, - v Tliey beg for it .... DR. BALLARD'S Canned Puppy Food The VTonJer Puppy Food B-12 WAWAVW Timely Recipe Nectar Variety launch 3 cups chilled peach whole fruit nectar 1 tablespoon lemon or lime Juice 1 cup chilled ginger a:e Small thin slices unpeeled orange Combine all Ingredients and stir to blend. Serve an orange slice in each glass. Serves 4 to 3. Advertise In the Dally News Stop HAY FEVER Hay Fever needn't plague you with iti sneezing and wheezing, ita blowing and gasping, its sore, streaming, itching irritation of eye and eara. Jam do what thou, sands have done to get fast. safe, relief take Tempi on'sRAZ-MAlL You'll sleep Letter, ywk letter, leel better. 50c. $1 at druggiii verywhere. K-1J NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable In advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner In the Daily News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified J Electric Sewing Machines For Rent 1) Reasonable Rates t Phone 864 Prince Rupert J Singer Sewing Machine Co. Three Sailines Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 pm. Coqultlam. Fridays, 5 pin. Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 8 pm. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS August 8 and 22' September 6 and 19 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS August 10 and 24 September 8 and 21 Midnight. , FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert. Agent Third Ave. Phone 5C8 Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AM. TO C A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday -5 p.m. tq S p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDINU MATERIALS Prince. Rupert Daflp iftctos Friday, August 8, 1947- The Quality Tea , ffi A HAM AH mm m mm n ifnlifillll ORANGE PEKOE - rj '1 . -v. i s.y i 1 Clearance of Discontinued Wallpapers Half Price ... While They Last ! Gordon & Anderson For That Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. qUOP SUE! CHOW ME1N 7:00 am. to 11:00 pa. USED GOODS WE BUY AND SELL ENTERPRISE MARKET Phone :M:t for the baby . . . ABIES 141 Third Avenue West WEAR of all kinds. You are under no obligation when looking over our display at FAMOUS RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS s ( Produced and Processed by ; CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCK . .. , BRITISH. rupert Company Limited .Columbia