,W ; wit 4 JSrfncc i3mm Daily sums Tuesday, September 30, 1947 - - Classified Advertising - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notice 60c; Cards ot Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 2. WANTED WANTED TO BUY tween 31 and 33 Pioneer 'Rooms. HELP WANTED FOR RtrfVT Boat Apply (229) HELP WANTED Dining room Waitress for Civic Centre Dining Room. Apply in person, Civic Centre. (230) WANTED Names are being received at the Daily News -office of boys or girls desiring delivery routes. (tf) SALESMEN WANTED ARE You a Specialty Salesman? If so, make nine dollars cash in nine minutes demonstrating Sales-Maker. Apply Box 273, ;DaUy News. (231), WANTED Reliable man as Dealer in Prince Rupert country. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business .where Rawleigh products have been sold for years. Big fits. Products furnished on .credit. Write Rawleigh 's Dept. WG-16C-Jrl53, Winnipeg, Canada, (tf) -FCR RfjiNi- Front 2 roomed apartment. 221 5th Ave. East. Phone Red 807. (231) FOR RENT 3 room furnished suite., Call 330 8th Ave. East. ' (231) FOR RENT 3 room furnlsheu suite. 1028 2nd. Ave. Phone ' Blue 270. (230) FQR iRENT Single room, men preferred. Apply 224 5th W. (230) FOR RENT-Comfortable room. 427 ,5th Ave. E. Phone Blue 967. (234) FOR RENT Housekeeping room, unfurnished; clean and warm! ' Apply .1142 Park Ave. Phohe Green 224. (229) FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room with kitchen conveniences. Apply 221 5th Ave. E. (234) FQR RENT-.Ccmfortable room. 427 5th Ave. E. Phone Blue 907. (237) FOR RENT One room furnished cabin. Seal Cove. Phone Blue- 825. (225) FOR RENT 4 room furnished apartment, with furniture for sale. Phone Green 815. (229) FOR RE N T T Houselceepin? rooms, furnished, at 209 Fifth Ave. West. Apply P. H. Linzey, Prince Aupert Realty Co. (232) ROOM AND flOARD ROOM AND BOARD $40 each double; $15 single. Home away from home. Table meals. Mrs. .Lawley. 622 Fraser Street, (tf) TENDERS TENDERS ..will be received by the undersigned tro to noon Friday, October 10, for fft? purchase of Lots 1 and 2, Blijcfc 21 ,A. flection 1, City of Prince Rupert. The highest, or any .Underbill not necessarily be accepted. H. d. Thain, CHv Wert- (UT ' METAL WORK WHY put up. with a smoky fur- , nace or leaking eavestrough. 'Call Black .884. New installations. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thom Sheet Metal Ltd. (tf) PLUMBING - Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, t anks, eaves-troughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 .Sixth West, Phone 543. (tf) LOST AND-FOUND ' LOST Child's red scooter, 6th Ave. East near Hospital. Phone Green 785. (230) FOUND Ring near the Sunrise Grocery, Owner apply at the DaQy News and pay for the ad. (tf) Classified Advertising Pays! FOR SALE I FOR SALE Large supply of dry scrap wood, random lengths, $6 per cord. 3 cord lots $16.00. Call Blue 810, Bert's Transfer. 3rd Ave. (235) FOR SALE 3-piece wine bed chesterfield. Pair of binoculars. 1052 Ambrose Avenue. (229) FOR SALE-3xl2 Cedar planks $20; 2x3, 2x6, 3x10, DD Fir and Flooring. Phone Green 693. $M; New Rifles; New Unpamt-ed Chests and Bookcases; New and Used Desks from $7.5'0; New Mattresses $1450; Everything reduced to the lowest possible prices. See B.C. FUR NITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE One used. 1942. yard Koering Shovel, First class shape, $16,000, f.o.b., Vancouver. Other shovels available. Apply Clarence Dixon, Arrow Bus Lines Ltd., Phone 459, Box 1398. FOR SALE Bakery and Confectionery. Due to my health and other matters beyond my control, I offer to sell my Bakery. Good local and outside trade. Real snap. This will not last long once seen and price asked. Box 159 Terrace, B.C. (236) FOR SALE In Terrace, 3-room home on H4 acre property. Apply Terrace Hotel. (230) FOR SALE Furnished honP Apply 517 7th W. Owner leaving town. (234 FOR SALE W. W. Greener, 32" barrel 10-gauge shotgun. 474 Taxi Stand, see L..Keller. (tf) FOR SALE Single bed with mattress, in good condition. Phone Green 588. (tf) PROPERTIES here are still low-check these: 4 rocm house and bath, garage, 2 lots all fenced The first $2250 takes it. 8 rocm house seml-furnishcd; new foundations, fireplace. owner leaving must sell $3,000. Best Bet 6 room house with view; 3 improved lots on Ambrose; new" wiring and plumbing; basement; $4,500 terms or $4,200 cash. 3 room house in good residential area $1,000. For ingestion of these, see Armstrong Agencies (Ph: 342). (234) Two Weeks fit Special JiarEains Ring Bolt Trusses 50 and 05 ft in length 0jfer 2100,000 Gallon Wood Stave Water Tanks offer 2-24x76' Loxstave buildings (with plumbing) offer 124x70 Loxstave Warehouse sPcc5al S350JM 1500 Gallon X,H. Steel Pressure Tank $125.00 2x6 Cedar Siding, per M. $35.00 2x6 Tung and Groved Flooring, Per M $4o.co 1X5 i ir Flooring, per M. $45.00 Timbers, 4x6, 6x6. 8x8, 2x2,1 per M $25 00 2x4, 2-6, S4S, per M $40.00 2x8, 2xl0 2x12, S4S per M $45.00 All kinds of Finishing Lum- ber Half Price Electric and Plumlblng Supplies,, greatly reduced In price. Group 4 Spies & Meckllng Phone 866 (229) MAuniNrnr TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National .Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. BC (tf) FOR SALE APPROXIMATELY ,40 RESTAURANT RANGES ONE-OVEN TWO-OVEN, THREE-OVEN AND FOUR-OVEN. ALSO ' RAKERS' OVENS. ALL WAR ASSETS SURPLUS. Inquire at Prince Rupert Plumbing ,& Heating Box 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. ami 7th St. Phone 108 (233) IMPRESSED BY NEW PRIMATE F. E. Anfield .Oleports to Anglicans on Saskatoon Meeting1 Stressing the fact that what goes on In the highest councils of the church is a concern for every parish and every church member in his home, F. E. An-fie(d presented to an after- service gathering in St. An- drew's Cathedral Sunday night I a vivid and inspiring picture of the meetings of representatives of the whole Anglican Church in Canada at Saskatoon c-arlv this month. The Saskatoon meetings were to nave oeen purely of a (234) 1 10utlne nature but. the death of i A fn - Tai. T ....... rr FOR SALE New and L-sed Fur- ,fl,t Mnf . niture Hardware and Office Furniture. Used Single Beds complete $20; Musical Instruments, Kitchen Sets from $12.50; Electric Range. Mc- Clary's $15; Slightly used Men's resentaUves had the resDonsi bility oJ functioning, as on elec toral college to choose a new' It isn't the size of the dog in Primate. i the fisht. but the si nf .bp TVtttU I ... , 1 t r, . . Raincoats and Topcoats; New I AnX. 1 mUllon Annans, Wrchbisncp Coal Coal and and Whoh Wood r Ranges from fm ueorge Frederick Kingston. Mr Anfield is convinced, is a man oT deep humility and first and fore most a man of God. Compara lively youthful at 58 and ner haps not yet arrived his tun j aeveppment as a leader and j father in God, yet great things -A ""y ue .expected rrom him in this high office both from his past record and from the fae? that he still has time and the capacity to grow. He asked for the prayers of all the people ol (237) ! the church, Mr. Anfield said. He was chosen by all the people of the ehurch through their elected representatives. It remained for the people of the church everywhere In Canada to pray and to wori, ledihv'this under the guidance of the Holy spirit. ' A largepart of the congregation and several Anglicans from out of town gathered in the hall for the fellowship hour. Refreshments were provided hv thr ladies cf the Women's AnvHi. ary. Smiles and Chuckles Let's Have Knottier "How tflyme ties," observed Mrs. Spinney at the end of the cocktail hour. Sure Cure A woman lay very 111. Having brought up a clever orphan girl, the sick woman called sthe orphan to her and said: "I shall soon leave my little children motherless. .They know you and love you and after I am gone I want you and my husband to marry." The young woman, bursting Into tears, said: "We were Jusf talking about that." The woman recovered. .' The man elected tp guide the J fight in the dog. tha counts!" Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Packer are, spending a coupje of weeJu at Terrace in the residence of C.' ai. Adam, theatre operator there, who Is at present on a businesi trip .to Vancouver. DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLitRQINO We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S rhoto Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert. B.C. If your building, house or fur niture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and fur-j niture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers now! H.G.HELGERSQN LIMITED 216 Sixth Ptreet JSow Availably! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL NOTICE The Daily News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising Is payable in advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Dally News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified Moweu. Th"e Way itlllappened There was a young girl from Iran Who had trouble iy finding a man; . It was funny you sec, Until she jpotted me . . . Then .Iran and Iran and Iran. The Iteal Tiling A touring actor hasjriayed the part of Lincoln so many times that he has assumed the habits of the great president, even going so far as to adopt character- .Istlc garb. Recently, dressed in the cane and tall ihat of LJnsoln's day. he nodded gravely to another repertory actor. Waiting until the Llncoln-minded Thespian was out ol earshot, the other murmured: "That fellow will never 'be satis-fled untilhe is assassinated." Steamship Sailings For Yanconyei Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 pjn. Tuesday ss Coqultlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday--ss rrince Rupert, 12:15 pjn. Friday ss Catala, 5:30 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 10:15. pjn. From Vancouver Sunday-ss Coquitlam, 4 p.31 Monday ss Princess Adelaide pjn. Wednesday s Prince Rupert. 11:00 ajn. Friday ss Camosun, 4 pjn. Friday ss Cataia, 5 pjn. For Alaska-Friday ss Camosun, a.m. Wednesday ss Prinae Rupert, a.m. From Alaska Thursday ss Prince Rupert, p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 8 pjn. W. M. Watts is leaving tomorrow on one of his periodical business trips to Smithers, LOCAL BUILDER MAY GET JOB AT BURNS LAKE Construction of a new provincial government office build ing at Burns Lake, at an esti mated cost cf about $50,000 maV be undertaken by R. C. Mutch, Prince Rupert contractor, who ha lust comnleted contrasts nr Countries are well cultivated, Smithers and Telkiwa. . not as they are fertile, .but as ! they are free. Montesquieu. Mr. Mutch's bid for $47,000 was the only one received for the new structure but this figure may have to be revised to take care of Increased material costs since he tender was presented. Negotiations on the adjustment are underway at present. Final work pn a large garage for W. J. "Wlsg" O'Neill Is be-in completed by Mr. Mutch who has been working there since June. He also completed a school near Telkwa during the summer. BLACKHEADS co quickly fcr a alnpl mttttoJ ttiat dlx tvivM mem. iwo ounces 01 pvroiino powdr fron your dmgtlit, applr with a hot, wtt cloth nUj otr tb blackhtatit aad yu will adr wbr ti7 kT k. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace FOR l'ROMIT SERVICE efface Sen Your GENERAL MOTORS Chevrolet ,tulck Vottt Oldsmobile rntico Radios Willard Batteries DEAL r i.. Machine Work . 1 Terrace Machine Shop it. "Vfc Phil's Cafe Lnkelsc A;niic BREAKFAS ainlj BANQUETS Serve: .u,.,,, memao Q--:iaot, 1 'roprictor. 1'hil Tetratlt LITTLE, HAUGLAHD & Rough and Dressed Lumber Lumber JIanufaclurers TEHUACE Agents For International IUrvtslw r. Firestone Tire & Robber Ci U " - , ewe young- ; : iflm j fM Mh:mi ' R.,...ju.s.p j i a cK)r, i iyy ( IF YOU EflNS HEt? v r SUf?E,VOLl " I ( Siy IN THE O S HBS AS HOTASA. . ' ' . & THOSE FLOWE!?S.SHH3 ) ( MIGHT AS WELL J COCMEt? rL,rA FII?EiCI?ACKEI? ti rl GOINS TO SUSPECT 7 HAVE A GAME ' f Os C 1 : "" 3 ( COM Qsi- N ' i I CAN'T, BOYS, N I I I , u v t 31 , . " IV -S U M 'c .t IffT t IT WONT HURT WroJ I , 5 .WITH YL M MAMA PHONED Pf?OM I Tl ( 1 COULO'VE GOTTEN ) reWlW&-Z l5 I ' rV ' CRS. VAN B(?UisniTHAT j AWAY WTHJUST lT' ? she wouto ee ; little A vWrwe eli-'Ja1' I