Monqav. July Id. 1947 - - Classified Advertising - - Classifieds- 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 50c Birth Notices 80c. Card ol Tuanka, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements, n. HIXF WAN PED HELP WANTED First class cook and one short order cook and baker for Three Sisters Cafe. Good mhflM, steady )ob for right parties Set- Jim Moran Three Sisters Cafe or phone 1 Green 889 a! 6 p.m. 1 167 1 WANTED WANTED -4 or 5-ruom house, ay August t. Apply Box 257 Daily News. 1 163) WANTED - Used length Box 1337 2x4; any it'f) SHU Us Your .Scrap Metals. Top Prices Paid -Active Trading Company LL!. 935 East Cordova St., Vancouver, B.C. tf) WANTED- Landlord with 4 or 5-rooui hoiu.t tn rent Pliuue Red 292. 166 1 FOR KENT FOR RENT I io'm rurnished suite 221 5th Ate. E 1166' FOR RENT Housekeeping room at Vernon Anuiinients. House for sale at Seai Cove Blue 815 (tf) FOR RENT Oik large light housekeeping roi.m and one sleeping room. A'.ply 8()1 Borden Street. 163i ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARJ$40 each double. $45 single. Home away from home Tabh meals. Mrs Lawley. 622 Fraser Street, (tf) LOST AND i i'i D FOUND On Monday, bunch of keys on ring on 6th Ave. West, past Dunsmuir St. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) FOUND- Glasses in leather pouch Owner may have same by calling at Dally News office and paying for this ad. tfi METAL WORK DONT Walt for Woiter Now is the time to hive that eaves-trough fixed ami furnace installed Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd , Black 884 (tf) no 1 ICE III ( ..1 in 1 IIK OEOROE EDWARD CHARLTON Deceased NOTICE Is hereby given that all persons bavins claims against tbc estate of Oeorge Edward Charlton. Deceased, late of Telkwa. British Columbia, who died on the 5th day of April. 1943. arc hereby required on or before the '27th day of September 1947 to deliver or send by prepaid letter full particulars of their claims duh verified to the undersigned at Box uao. erlniv Rupert. B.C. as soli citors ior uamDert H Kenney. the Executor of the said estate AND TAKE NOTICE that after the Inst mentioned date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amunn the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which be ahall then have had notice DATED this 10th day of July 1947 BROWN A: HARVEY Solicitors for the Esecutor Box 85 rlnce Rupert. B.C. (1721 IN THE 8UVKXMX COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THK MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MAODA .IACOBBEN OTHERWISE KNOWN A.S MAGDALENE HENHIETTK .IACOBHBN DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour Judfi ) Fulton, made the 27th day of June. 1947. I was appointed admlnstrator of the estate of Magda Jacousen otherwise known as Maedali'iie Henriette Jacobsen deceased. lafe of Bella Coola. B.C All parties having claims against the s:0l est:tti' ;tr.' hereby reuuired to furnish same prooerly verified to me on or before the 1st dav of -October. 1947 after which claims filed mav he paid without reference to any clnlms of which I then had no ''nowledge AND all parties Indebted to the said estate re required to pav the amount of their Indebtedness to me fort hwlth DATED this 5th dav of July A D 1947 OORDON FRASER FORBES Official Administrator. Prince Rupert B.C (172) IN THF RrtPBJEME COURT OF Burn's'- ( ninMBiA IN PROBATE IN THF MATTtrrf OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" ANn IN THF MATTFP OP THF ESTATE OF HARRIS l.FVIN DECEABED-TFSTATE TAKE NOTICE that bv order of His Honour Judge w O Fulton, martf Ifce 26th dav of June, a.D 1947. letters Probete of th- Last Will and Testament of Harris Levin, deceased, who die on the 29th dav of Mav. A n 1947 were granted to Dominic Ello the Ftecutnr ALL nartles havlne claims airalnst he said estate are hereby reoulred to furnish s-"ie pronerlv verified to me on or boforo the 91st dav of Aliens! AP 1947 after which claims filed mav ie paid without reference to niv Hni-ris of which I then had no t'oowledge AND all nartles lnrtbUKl to the sal'l estato ar r""'lr'l to ,,v the moont nf th"lr indebtedness to me prth..llH rATFD this 7th dav of July AD 1847 noviNK- IH JO Hxecutor. rn WMila Rav. ftHltof for H'xo'Mitor, Prince Rupert BC (ITS 1 POk SALt FOR SAL E Fowl and young roosters, dressed. 28c and 34c. Lea Poultry Farm. Kitwanga. B.C 1 164 1 FOR SAL E Folding cot bed; icebox Excellent condition Red 183 1 165 1 FOR SALE-Shnigles window.-; and frames, doors and frames base board, finishing material. Gyproc. electric ceiling fixtures and bowk. 8-10-12"' brick, linoleum Phone brick, battleship linoleum Phone 860 Spies Si Meckling '167 FOR SALE - 7 roomed house. Best residential district Furnace garden. 4 bedruoms Price S4.3WJ.00 InimediaU- occupancy. Phone 57, G. P. Tinlier Si Co. Ltd. itfi FOR SALE '42 Dodge Sedan. Can be seen at Arrow Cabs. 1 tf 1 FOR SALE-English Pram and Go-cart Al cond'tion. Applv 544 9th West d4' FOR SALE 1 Springfield rifle 30-40 Krag $75.00 Al condition Double-barrel shotgun. $15.00. Phuiit 404 01 Green 100 (163 1 FOR SALE 200 window sash 40 inches square. 12 light $1 .51) each. I"x4" flat grain flooring $35.00 per M Dimension lumber all siises $48.00 per M. V plywood odd sizes 5c per sq. it. Doors -single and double with frames. Apply Civic Centre olficr ' phone 231 1 after 2 p.m daily MODERN 5-room house, close in. $3200 cash price. On 6th Ave. East, a fine 6 -room home, brigh. and hi good condition, on 3 excellent lots. Cash price $3500. 7-room house in best condition on four landscaped lots, furnace, basement, greenhouse; near Seal Cove. Only $4000 For these and investment properties, inquire at Collart and McCaffery Ltd il66. FOR SALE DesiiaUle resort site on Lake Lakelse Frances Poe. 147 Linden Avenue. Wilmette.j Illinois. 1 178 1 : HOUSEHOLD & Office Furniture. Hardware Si Logging Supplies New Wire Cable Fishing Tackle complete $3.75. Pocket. Compasses $1. Hotplates $3.50. 8catter Rug.s $1.25. Wood Coal Ranges small size $30. Used Anvils Office Chairs. Desks. 3-piece Chesterfield Sets $40 Baby Carriages from $5, Pails 50c. Electric and Battery Radios. All kinds of other useful articles ar reasonable prices. BC FURNITURE CO. Black 324. i tf TRUCK FOR SALE SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to July 31st. 1947 for 'he purchase of International 142 truck. Model K 4. whee! 10". 4-speed transmission. : tires 850-20. rear dual wheels, 1 spare tire, with RCAF 4 cot-ambulance body, uaerj as school bus from November 1946 to June, 1947 Truck ha.-; never carried a heavy load and is in good running ord?r. Mileage: 14851 miles. Inspection and delivery of truck at Smtth-ers. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders will be for an all cah offer Smitheis. July 9th. KK7 A Muheim, Secr.-Hreasurer, School District No. 54 Smlthers. B.C. U74 MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by Natlqnal Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, Bc (tfi TIMtWJt KALI. ,4l d ki. offered for sale at I . nui-Lion. at 11 o'clock In the MWnowi oi Monday the isth of aa. tember. 147. in the office of the District Forester Marine BullduiK Vancouver the licence X42418 U cut 7.420.000 of standing and felled Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock on an areu situated on the North shore of Cumshewa Inlet Qutu-ii Charlotte IslhiiOs Laud District One year will be allowed for removal of timber Punned anyone unable to attend the auction in person may subrilt tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treatvd a& one bid " Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests, Victoria. B.C. or the District FurMtar ml Prince ujrt B C. MOOSE TAKE FIRST WIN OFF SAVOY Jubilation reigned in the hearts of the Moase brethren Sunday afternoon when their persistent baseball squad achieve'! wiiat had become "their vei 'taible season's ambition -to hand a sub-itantia! defeat to the h'.h-ilvin? Savov ttan- The deed was done properiy with a 6-5 score. Occasionally in the troubled history of baseball, a tam ?ets nipped by the sitting bug and while the euidemic is raging even-thin;; that leaves the hand of the oppos'inr pitcher get.' clouied across tbe field Moose were in that mocd Sunday. The Lod?e brothers marked up 15 hits in nine inninu-'. two of which were doubles and one triple Victor Dell improved the ninth innin" with a triple that rolled almost to the fastball net at the extremity nf centre field and was brought in whei Rose-dale got on base on an rrcr by Savoy's Hartwip. The Moosr victory was the'.r first over Savoy this season, and constituted Savoy's second tefeat of the season. They fell before FOR SALL' FOR SALE-3 room float house and shed. mile ea.-t of Port Edward. Apply 1B02 Btehtb East. Man Rupert. B.C. 1 168 ) FOR SALE 36 ft. trolling boat 8 ft. 3 in. broad. 4 ft .lepth. 14 h.p. Guaranty engine. Applv 221 5th Ave. East. 1 168' AGENTS WANTED EXCEPTIONAL earninn possibilities selling, 3 items, Saftee Auto Towbar. attainable to bumper.-, without tools Also Crankcase Ventilator and Saftee Fish hook disgorger Attractive sales proposition. Victory Manufacturing Co.. Cornwall. Ontario. VVatu Si NiuKvrsuii by ij score of 2-0 on June 8. Moose got 13 hit. eff Savo? pitcher Alex Bill in the first seven inning.",, copping two more off Jack LindasQT 'ho went on the mopund in the eighth. Savov got 12 hits off Mboae pitcher Jack Resedale in nine innings. Moose had their biivgest innins in the sixth when thev brought in three runs off tour hits. Dah!. McNeice and Dell each store'' eff singles, while Rosedale was left on first whn the side was retired. Best hitting of the day was aone bv Moose centre fielder Vern M.iore and Fo-ter if Savov who clouted four hits in five t:mes at bat. Cliff Dah! marked up three hits. in four times at bat. Tidiest play of the game was a Lindsay to Arney double play in the fourth in which Lindsay .tight out Dull, then hurled miehtilv to Arney at third base to tag Dahl running from sec- J ond. MOOSE McN. ii 3b lumbar lb Moure cf AJS 5 4 5 McKinnon .ss 5 Dahl c ftfcSfWce 8 WOY Arney 3b rf Dell If Linney 2b Rosedale p 4 5 5 3 5 41 AB 5 Foster cf 5 Pavlikis If 5 Lindsay rf. p 5 Postuk c 4 Hartwig ss 5 Forman lb 5 Sharpe 2b 4 Bill p 3 41 R ' 1 1 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 9 R 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 li 0 0 4 0 o 3 3 0 2 16 H l 4 I 1 I 0 1 0 0 1 12 James Davidson, of Sydney Australia, arrived in the city at the week-end to sDend three months visiting his brother and -vstc-in-law. Mr. and Mrs W Davidson 1129 Eleventh Avenue East. Fastball Schedule Men's Schedule July 14 Gordon and Anderson vs. Navy. Julv 16 Co-op vs. High School. Navy vs. General Motors. July 18 C.N.R.A. vs. Gordon I and Anderson. July 21 Co-op vs. General, Motors. July 23 High School vs. Navy; ! Co-op vs. CjV.R.A. July 25- High School vs. Gor-1 don and Anderson. Julv 28 Navy vs. General1 Motors. Ladies' LMfM Julv 15- -Gordon and Ander-OH vs. High School. July 11 Khatada Club vs. High School. July 22 Moose vs. Gordon and Anderson. July 24--Gordon and Anderson vs Khatada Club. July 29 High School vs. July 31 K Ii a t a d a Club vs Moose. August 5 Gordon and Anderson vs. Higli School. August 7 Gordon and Anderson n. Khatada Club. BASEBALL SCHEDULE July 15 Moose vs. Watts Si Nickerson I Postponed from July ). Team last mentioned is to be the Home team Postponed game:, will be played Tuesday evenings. AJJ games listed are !or Sundays and Thursdays. i EARLY NEWS i IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this in mind Items of social and personal interest are always welcome t v-- - SERVING CANAOUlS,:f C"I"L J Baseball Scores SUNDAY National St Louis 2-3. Philadelphia 4-2 Cinclnatti 1. Brooklyn 9 Chicago 7-5. Boston fc-8 Pittsburgh 6-1. New York 3-3. American Boston 0-2. Cleveland 8-6 Washington 4-2, St. Louis 2-3 Philadelphia 2-6. Deteoit 4-7 New York 10-6. Chicago 3-4. SATURDAY American Washington 5. Chicago 6 New Mi 12-8. St. Lo'iis 2-5 Boston 2 Detroit 0 Philadelphia 4-4 Cleveland 2-5 Vitiolial Pittsburgh 2. Philadelphia 4 Cincinatti 0. Boston 4 St Louis 4-11. New York 0-3 Chicago 2-5. Brooklyn 7-6. GLACIER AGE LINK Remains of the undent glacier age can still be found In Glacier National Park. Montana NEW ROYAL HOTEl A Borne Away Pram Home Rates 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cuid water PRINCB RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Boi 1M If your building, house or furniture were lost through Ore, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up --fifty percent? Consult your insurance advisers now! H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Street HHROUGH CHEMISTftT 1 " 1 i J&iutdfaj: oYI docs 1 o SZ0fi- i,help!!!? J wk Sur may not realize it hut flk 1'"'" 1 lianll ;i joli that tltM-Kii't fll depend in nm- deiree on chetuirttrr. I' oflfii rv ides the rm inuU-rial avsaaalai latlalS' aal afc. MmWmAmmmmmmmmmmmmmm " im-7- CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED) I For taste HATCH COVERS .-if SAILS i F try MILLBAM S T 8 A I O H I CUT v i n u i n i e V. I O A RM RUPERT MOTORS Q Chrysler Part and Servii, We specUtiize in rebuilding Marine and Industrial Engii., CompleU Automotive Hapm AV o 1 m air ob rt , , . . j . Call on us ior your urtK 3i.jt ejNijiNEEREL PARTS and ACCESSORIES Out-uf-tow: given special attention J Corner Second and Park Avenue. PllONt 5Wi Prince Rupert B.C sk atk rod EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL 1 Phone BLl'E 12(1 160 East Third Ave. (Next to LING THE TAILOR it We are taking cleaning and preaatnf mad team presstn while yoo wait. PHONE 641 - 220 Sixth Street JOHN BULGI OPT rMPTT.lJtl WILL BK OIT ll ( ITY Kfl SPECIAL BATHROBES Outstanding Value J Maroon, Brown and Navy Blut Small, Medium and Large Reg. $15.00 THIS WEEK $ 10.5(1 Acme Cloth 633 3rd Ave. W. STORE PfMM For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward. B.C. CHUF M t v CHOM Mill 7:00 am to 11:00 pjn SHINGOLEEN SliiiiKoleeii beautifies and preserves new ami old and (jives a la-stiii protection acainst ever-rb weather conditions ve have It in one kwa lirf-f cans and several different colon. ASK FOR A COLOR CASS THOMPSON HARDWARE C0.B1 255 Third Avenue 1 I'l FAMOUS RUPERT BRA! FISH PRODUCTS .1 i w ..,1 111' iuuuccci unci rnM'i'SM-u v CANADIAN FISH & COLD JI0 PRINCE m Rupert ('oinpany LimiU'd I 1 111 1